Wind: yesterday W 0-26 knots, today W 11-38 knots Sea State: both days calm in am and up to 1 m chop in pm Visibility: yesterday 15 NM, today 0-15 NM Sky: yesterday clear, today fog from 7:00-8:00 then clear Temperature: yesterday 7-9 °C, today 7-10 °C Atmospheric CO2: 417.85 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
The youngest elephant seal pup came back ashore, on the east side of the island. She is easy to identify from the scar below her right eye. She spent the evening and night on the southeast side of the house, where she spent several weeks in February and March once she weaned from her mother. Today she had moved around to haul out on the boat ramp and swim in the sheltered water by the jetty.
A new sub adult male elephant seal has joined the other elephant seals. He is a bit smaller than the other sub adult male that joined the last week.
Yesterday there were two visitors, Guy and Corey, in the college boat Second Nature. There were no other boats in the ecological reserve.
The youngest elephant seal pup spent yesterday evening and night by the south east side of the house.
A view to the south
Newly arrived sub adult male elephant seal
Pup practicing swimming in the jetty bay
Canada geese in flight
The fog signal sounded for an hour this morning, before the sky cleared. It hasn’t sounded for almost two months. The fog signal is (3) 60 s, which means three blasts sound and repeat every minute. The more detailed version is blast 2 s; sil. 3 s; blast 2 s; sil. 3 s; blast 2 s; sil. 48 s.
Wind: yesterday variable 1-21 knots, today W 2-31 knots Sea State: both days rippled Visibility: both days 10-15 NM Sky: both days partly cloudy then clearing in the mid morning Temperature: yesterday 4-10 °C, today 5-6 °C Atmospheric CO2: 415.81 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
Yesterday morning, a new elephant seal arrived on the island. He has green tags on each tail flipper, D018 and D019. The green tags signify it was tagged at Año Nuevo Reserve, similar to the female juvenile seal here right now. Due to the website being down for a few days, I didn’t realize at the time the seal was the same one here for the last two weeks of December. The seal was also seen here for two weeks in April 2019. I reported the sighting to Dr. Patrick Robinson, the Director of Año Nuevo Reserve, near San Francisco in California. He reported back that the seal was born at the beginning of 2017, meaning he is now a three year old sub adult. Based on the photos I sent Dr. Robinson and included in the gallery below, he determined the seal is in great body condition but fur/skin is in poor condition.
In the past few days, the sea lions have been taking over the jetty, something they haven’t done in critical mass since the beginning of the winter. This afternoon, I finished setting up and testing the electric fence on the jetty to deter sea lions from congregating and damaging the railings and boat cleats. When I need to use the jetty to test the seawater or for boats, the sea lions need to be cleared off. No matter how slowly I approach the them, they only have one speed of getting off the jetty, which is stampede. It will take some time each day to maintain the fence from sea lions bumping it, as well as wind and waves.
Only one boat was seen in the ecological reserve, a Coast Guard rigid hull inflatable went through Middle Channel yesterday afternoon and stopped to take photos of sea lions on the rocks.
Sunrise from the top of the tower
Morning mountain view
The newly arrived sub adult male elephant seal
He has a green tag on each tail flipper D018 and D019
The beginnings of the electric fence to protect the jetty from sea lions