Wind: yesterday variable 2-28 knots, today W 7-38 knots
Sea State: yesterday calm, today rippled in morning and up to 1 m chop in evening
Visibility: both days 15 NM
Sky: both days clear
Temperature: yesterday 7-13 °C, today 8-11 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 415.81 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
Today is my last full day on the island before the shift changeover. Tomorrow morning, Mara and Kai will arrive to take over as Ecoguardians. They were here last year from May to September.
I spent the past two days finishing up some tasks around the island and cleaning. I also took time to walk around the island and get a look at all of the incredible species, land and shoreline that make up this ecological reserve.
There were no boats in the ecological reserve.
See the photos below for some views from around the island.
The combination of clear water and low tide make it easy to see lots of colourful seaweeds, surfgrass, urchins and other intertidal species. Two swallows were fluttering around the island yesterday. This one landed on the a cable on the winch long enough for me to take a photo. At first I thought it was barn swallows, but then with the help of a field guide realized it’s a violet-green swallow. The sun peering over the horizon at 6:20 this morning. The lighthouse just after sunrise this morning. The moon, in its third quarter, can be seen to the south. A thayer’s gull with a Canada goose egg in its beak. Can you spot the juvenile elephant seal in the middle of the photo, amongst the group of california sea lions? A beautiful sunset on the edge, where the land meets the sea meets the sky.