Sunny, with patches of fog in the afternoon
Wind: Light northeasterly in the morning and afternoon, calm in evening and switching to 8 knots W at night
Air Temperature: Low 6°C, High 10°C
Ocean Temperature: 8.9°C
There were a lot of visitors today from a leadership program being put on by the Roy Group for twenty-four students visiting from Texas Christian University. The two groups of twelve students made their way around the island to discover the four archetypes of mythical leadership: magician, sovereign, lover and warrior.
Fog in the mid afternoon made it tricky to navigate the boat to and from Pedder Bay in the afternoon. I benefited from the waypoints that Courtney programmed into the plotter on the boat.
Chunk is still camped out on the grass by the helicopter pad.
There was a dive boat with five divers to the west of South Islands this morning.
- Sunrise
- The Jack Matthews from Pearson College sails by Race Rocks.
- A yellow flower blooms near the base of the lighthouse
- Two black turnstones near the wood pile
- Moving the boat along the wharf towards the trailer
- Travis, a visitor to Race Rocks, finds a good nesting site