- Visibility 15+ NM
- Sky clear
- Wind 5-10 knots SW
- Sea State: calm
Marine Traffic/Visitors:
- 2 jet skis yesterday evening, 1 kayak this morning, 1 eco-tourism vessel yesterday
- Greg today with supplies (thanks Greg!)
- 1 boat inside the reserve fishing this morning- Greg stopped to remind them that they were within the boundary on his way
- Many pleasure crafts just outside of the reserve boundary
- Consistent eagle presence as the seagulls continue to return, and food is plentiful in the water
- The geese seem to be getting pushed out of their territory by the seagulls. The seagulls have continued to steal goose eggs when they get an opportunity, thus there are only 2 remaining nests with eggs. The geese have started to spend more time on the water, and often leave during the day.
- The pineapple weed has been growing at an impressive rate! Most of the grassier areas on the island are covered by the fluffy foliage.
- A beautiful blue day (view from jetty towards esquimalt)
- Plastic found in one of the seagull nests being constructed
- The elephant seals leave these pieces of molted fur and keratin all over the island.
- Bits of broken glass mistaken for food and brought to the island by seagulls.
- “Thrift”- Armeria maritima
- The weather station which sends wind and rainwater data to UVIC researchers
- Geese enjoying the pineapple weed
- The whole gang heading out for a good soak!