Wind: W 1-26 knots
Sea State: calm in morning, rippled in afternoon
Visibility: 10-15 NM
Sky: clear
Temperature: 13-16 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 411.60 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
Many eco tourism boats passed through the ecological reserve, observing the sea lions and harbour seals.
Here are some sights from around the island today:
- A young gull carrying a single feather.
- A sea kayaker out for a morning paddle from Pedder Bay.
- Gull chicks
- A california sea lion branded U958 has been seen here previously on April 20, 2017.
- The entangled califonia sea lion spotted a couple days ago is still in the ecological reserve. Here, it is seen through the scope, hauled out on the South Islands.