- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Wind: 10-15 NE
- Sky: clear
- Water: rippled
- The first of three storms is expected to arrive tonight, bringing rain and wind.
- A rather calm day though, with exquisite views of Mt. Baker!
- The elephant seals were in a playful mood today.
- Reset the electric fence.
- Stacked firewood.
- Ran the new sea water pump into the cistern with Kyle’s help.
- Looked at probably a dozen different systems and areas of concern with Kyle.
- As ready as possible for the storm.
- Second Nature brought the Advancement Team out today.
- The Ogden Point Dive boat was in Middle Channel.
- A few fishing boats and eco-tours passed by.
- Dive boat
- A’ Team
- Kyle and the Advancement Team.
- The A’ Team is in charge of raising funds for Pearson College and Race Rocks.