- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 15 knots West most of the day, 30-40 in the evening.
- Sky: clear
- Water: 2′ chop
- This morning there was a new large male elephant seal on Great Race.
- He is far larger than any of the other ones here.
- Then in the evening Chunk arrived on the Western part of the island, equalling the new male in size.
- Chunk was last reported as being on Great Race on March 4th of this year.
- Chuckles was last sighted on Great Race on February 29th of this year.
- I don’t think the other one is Chuckles, as I remember Chuckles being smaller.
- 15 in total on Great Race.
- Lots of entertaining e-seal sparring and interactions, much to the delight of the students.
- e-seal sparring 1
- e-seal sparring 2
- e-seal sparring 3
- e-seal sparring 4
- e-seal sparring 5
- e-seal sparring 6
- e-seal sparring 7
- e-seal sparring 8
- e-seal sparring 9
- New male!
- New male!
- Can we identify him?
- Ali and seals
- Size comparison
- Chunk!
- His back (pun)
- Definitely Chunk!
- In the morning, the 4 of us finished uncovering the brick feature under the flywheel.
- We also cleaned the algae off of the flywheel and cleaned the solar panels.
- In the afternoon we scraped paint chips off the white railings near the derrick.
- Did the old water sampling method, as the YSI wasn’t turning on.
- Lots of eco-tours today.
- Most of them appeared to go too close to the sea lions.
- Several sailboats out on the water; beautiful!
- Sail, boat!
- Never seen this one before.
- Too close?
- Approximately 10 DND blasts today at the more easterly detonation station on Bentinck.
- This included blasts at 9:30, 9:40, 10:00, 12:48, 12:49, & 12:51.
- The initial blast scared several sea lions into the water.
- By my personalized scale, the first five were medium blasts, the final five were huge.
- For those of you wondering, my scale goes something like this: small, medium, big, huge, massive.