- Sky blue, partly cloudy
- Visibility 13+ miles
- Wind 10-20 knots SW
- Water calm
- Not much boat traffic these past few days. It has been quite foggy and windy (40+ knots of wind)
- Today Greg is bringing some water for the main tank. He is also bringing a volunteer from the college who will stay overnight.
- Tomorrow morning we will have a group tour the island
- Yesterday Alex Fletcher came to take measurements from the batteries that supply the entire island. We have been having some problems with the technology but the batteries are looking good and healthy.
- Our Canadian flag is still down, as the flag pole was too heavy for us to lower alone. We will try to enlist the help of Greg and the volunteer today and get things back in order!
- The sea lions are starting to haul out onto Great Race Rock more and more. We will need to put up the electric fence soon to prevent them from coming right up to our backdoor as their local population increases. We are waiting for the elephant seals to leave, as the fence would prevent them from moving freely onto the jetty.
- There are now two younger elephant seals who arrived a couple of days ago. One of them went back to a favourite spot of one of this years spring pups, so we wonder if it is the same one.
- Waves on a windy day
- Some yummy fresh produce from Alex’s farm. Thanks Alex!