Time is Flying!

My time here is absolutely flying by!

My dad came to join me this afternoon and I could not be more excited about it. He is the one who taught me how to fish and boat when I was little and would spend hours taking me to the aquarium or to look for whales, so I can’t think of a better place on earth to hang out with him!

He’s now had the full tour and is prepped to help me fix the fence and start wrangling sea lions tomorrow! The humpbacks have put on a great welcome show for him as I’m sure they will continue to do.

The weather has been great the past few days, a little windier this afternoon but still doesn’t feel like October thats for sure!

The fence needed its usual repairs today, and the batteries have been topped up. Thankfully the atmospheric river didn’t do too much damage around here but it did give the solar panels a good clean.

The rain didn’t add much water to the cistern and the sea lions are still keeping the water near the jetty nice and gross but I’m hoping next week we can try filling it up again!


  • Sky: Blue sky and sunny
  • Wind: Low of 3 knots, high of 13 knots, with gusts up to 21 knots
  • Sea: Whitecaps in the afternoon
  • Temperature: Low  5•C, High  13•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **