- The 8am weather report.
- Visibility: 10 miles, 15+ later on
- Wind: 10-15 knots North, continuous 25-30 knots W noon onwards
- Sky: overcast
- Water: 1′ chop
- Last night the foghorn sounded off between 23:00 and midnight.
- This morning there was a pleasant rainbow over the reserve.
- At around 13:45 a Turkey Vulture appeared over Great Race.
- It flew around the island for about 15 minutes, engaging in many aerial battles with the seagulls.
- Apparently their appearance in the reserve at this time of year is uncommon.
- There remained the same 3 elephant seals on Great Race today.
- In the late afternoon a harbour seal was planked on a rock near the jetty.
- 3 eco-tours came by in the afternoon.