- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 10-15 knots SW, later 5-10 West
- Sky: clear
- Water: 1′ chop
- A new female elephant seal appeared this afternoon.
- The weaner moved about 3 feet all day, snoozing on top of the cistern.
- Watched some geese engage in battle.
- Some nice flowers.
- Weaner
- New female
- Grape hyacinth and daffodils
- Goose fight
- Bald Eagle pair
- Black Oystercatchers
- Month end report data collection.
- Stacked some firewood.
- Did some goose work.
- Kyle came out in Second Nature with some visitors from the local First Nations Reserve.
- While presumably checking out the harbour seals, they came across a boat with some of their friends in it.
- Second Nature
- Friendly wave
- The chief from Cheanuh, his wife, and their two children came out with Kyle and Guy.