- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 10-15 knots West
- In the evening, 20-26 knots West
- Sky: mostly clear
- Water: calm
- Sun
- rise
- Five elephant seals on Great Race today.
- I spied a sea otter swimming through the South Channel!
- Saw a couple of Short-billed Dowitchers, along with another mystery bird.
- Alas, I had not the camera on me to document this bird; it may have been a Western Sandpiper though!
- Also saw a swallow for the first time!
- Sea otter
- Pigeon guillemots and Harlequin ducks
- Cleaned the solar panels.
- Ran the desalinator.
- Kyle dropped off two of my friends in Second Nature.
- Several eco-tours came by.
- The Coho
- Ian and Stephen came over for a one night visit.
- They are friends with yours truly, Riley Strother.