- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Wind: 12-17 knots E
- Water: 1’ chop
- Sky: clear
- Beautiful day. Mt. Baker was clearly visible.
- When I got up in the morning, I discovered that the weaner elephant seal was dead. His head had been crushed in during the night by several bites. Chunk had blood stains around his mouth, while both the females had blood stains along their bodies. All 4 living elephant seals were across the path from the dead weaner.
- Chuckles was with the mum and pup on Middle Rock, who still appear to be doing well.
- In the afternoon Chunk went over to the dead weaner and rolled him over onto his back.
- Saw a sea lion with the number “2” branded onto its back. The remainder of the sea lion was underneath a pile of the great beasts, so I could not see the full branding number.
- There appeared to be half as many cormorants today as there were yesterday, but a similar amount of seagulls.
- Cleared logs off the ramp once.
- Cleaned bird droppings off the solar panels.
- Reorganized the dry firewood and started storing the new firewood prepared by Alex.
- Vacuumed up hundreds of fruit flies in the basement near the composting toilet.
- One pleasure craft containing 4 people who were recreational fishing appeared to be just inside the boundary of the rock fish conservation area.
- Two eco-tour boats came by this afternoon. The first one seemed to go too close to the islands, at one point a mere stones throw away from the dock. The second one also looked rather close at times.
- Two navy ships were out and about near William Head. HMCS Whitehorse (705) and HMCS Ottawa (341).
- February 9, 2016