Weather and Sea Conditions
Winds: 5 – 15 knots, west-southwest
Sky: Clear
Visibility: Good 15 nm
Barometer: 101.5 falling Wednesday evening
Forecast: Wind increasing to westerly 5 to 15 near noon Thursday and to westerly 15 to 25 Thursday afternoon. Strong wind warning in effect.
Vessels in Ecological Reserve
Whale watching vessels: Fifteen observed working in Ecological Reserve (ER)
No other commercial operators, noted in Reserve today.
Sport fishing vessels: Five noted in Reserve today. None observed fishing in ER. One sport boat speeding through ER. One open run-about with a windshield was seen chasing a Humpback Whale and hopscotching with it in order to position itself in front of whale’s path.
Animal Census
Steller Sea Lion 429
California Sea Lion 402
Harbour Seal 133
Northern Elephant Seal 6 (3 of those on Great Race)
Sea Otter 1 (seen during week)
River Otter 0, (no evidence seen either)
Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whale 6 (just outside ER)
Dall’s Porpoise 3 (seen during week just outside ER)
Harbour Porpoise 2 (seen during week just outside ER)
Humpback Whale 1 (3 during count week adjacent to ER)
Canada Goose 24
Cackling Goose 1
Harlequin Duck 0
Double-crested Cormorant 4
Pelagic Cormorant 11
Brandt’s Cormorant 39
Bald Eagle1 (seen during week)
Black Oystercatcher 22
Black Turnstone 17
Surfbirds 9
Ruddy Turnstone 1 (seen during week)
Sanderling 2
Western Sandpiper 5
Kildeer 3
Glaucous-winged Gull 1274
California Gull 83
Herring Gull 1
Heerman’s Gull 5
Gull spp. 328
Savannah Sparrow 23
Made fresh water using solar power to energize de-salinator.
Visitors None
Maintenance and Operations
Weather station back on-line after three months off. Fence maintenance, good for a few hours ; – )
- Cackling Goose flocking with larger Canadian ‘cousins’.
- Savannah Sparrows ubiquitous right now.
- Mix of Glaucous-winged Gulls and California Gulls.
- Brandt’s Cormorants at top and Heerman’s Gulls bottom left with Glaucous-winged Gulls in the middle.
- Juvenile Glaucous-winged Gulls dominating this feeding flock just off of South Islands. MV Coho in view.
- Hop-scotching to get ahead of whale during dive.
- This speed boat living up to its name. Speeding and a little too close to the Humpback Whale
- This whale-watching vessel sets a high standard and travels carefully and slowly through the Ecological Reserve, keeping its distance from the marine mammals. Some sports boats could learn from this operator.