On February 14 , 2002, we did a live webcast for Keith Mitchell of ALI ( Apple learning Interchange) in his presentation at QuickTime Live in Hollywood California. This was the first time we tried out the new webcasting software “LiveChannel” from our new partners Channel Storm.

(L to R back) Garry,Damien, Nigel (L to R front) Kiprop, Ian(visitor), Monica, Olend, Chris . Thanks to Angus Matthews for the photos– Monica claims full responsibility for the commentary on this page!! Also see this write-up which appeared in the Pearson College Newsletter
The Race Rocks group setting up before the big day! Monica and Nigel peer intently into the eye of one of the cameras and Garry tests out the underwater cam before the dive, looking a bit like Roger Rabbit in the process.
- Monica and Kiprop give two big thumbs up.
- On the bottom of the picture, you can see the divers about to go under with the underwater cam. In the bottom right corner, you can see the camera cable, which is attached to one of the computers.
- Garry and Kiprop study the computer screens displaying the live webcast.
- Uh-oh…that’s what we look like when our live webcast dies on us!
- The diving Nigel, looking after the underwater cam.
- Kiprop has the LiveChannel webcaster on the G4 and the G3 does the monitoring of the webcast.
- Yes! Valentine’s Day on the island, and the webcams are working…long-distance relationships, anyone?
- A general picture of the day — the tower, the boat, the dive flag…what more could you want?
- Waving goodbye to the camera as we pack up to leave.
- Damien, looking quite serious and official after his dive.
- This is the kind of picture you want to send home to your parents…Kiprop smiling after a successful webcast.
- Oh, Race Rocks …the gorgeous island!
- Note from John Ford “that’s T14, a relatively distinctive male thanks to old scars at the base of the fin on the leading edge. These scars are from a VHF tracking transmitter that was attached to his fin during a temporary capture in 1976.
- We spotted an Orca on our way back to Pearson College from Race Rocks. An exciting end to an exciting day.