Wednesday’s Animal Census

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to count the animals in the reserve! I find when I do this each week that I get competitive with myself and always want to spot more species than the week prior. Today was a win because I think it’s the most variety I’ve seen in one day so far!


California sea lions: 24
Elephant seals: 3 (females)
Harbour seals: 96
Sea otter: 1 (Ollie)
Steller sea lion: 7
Not quite in the reserve, but honourable mentions: 1 killer whale and 3 humpbacks


Bald eagle (adult): 3
Bald eagle (juvenile): 3
Barn swallows: 3
Canadian geese: 10
Cormorants: 102
Gulls: 369
Harlequin ducks: 8
Oyster catchers: 8
Pigeon guillemots: 64
Ravens: 2
Whimbrel: 1 

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **