- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 10-15 knots West, later 5 knots South, then 5-10 West
- Sky: clear and sunny!
- Water: rippled
- Census day!
- Shortly before 15:30 as I was counting shorebirds, I heard a loud noise to my right. Glancing over, I was thrilled to see a whale surfacing in the South Channel. I managed to get some photos as it resurfaced farther south-west.
- California Sea Lions: 79
- Harbour Seals: 69
- Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 33
- Elephant Seals: 3, all on Great Race, 2 young males, 1 weaner
- Whale: 1 (I think it was an Orca)
- Seagulls unspecified: 269
- Pigeon Guillemots: 45
- Cormorants unspecified: 30
- Double Crested Cormorants: 9
- Surfbirds: 37
- Harlequin Ducks: 27 (15 males and 12 females)
- Canada Geese: 24
- Black Turnstones: 20
- Bald Eagles: 20 (4 adults, 16 immature)
- Black Oystercatchers: 6
- Rock Sandpipers: 4
- Crows: 3
- A few eco-tours passed by today.
- Second Nature came out with food supplies for me.
- A large navy sailboat passed by north of the reserve.
- Kyle and Jeff came out in Second Nature.
- One helicopter flew just south of the reserve in the morning.