Ecological Notes:
- The Elephant Seal that left the grassy area 2 days ago, is now in the little bay at the east side of the main island. Spending a lot of time diving. Really tough to spot!
- The other seven Elephant Seals (including the 2 “pups”) still mostly lounging in the sun, but most took at least one dip in the water by the pier.
- Greater White-fronted Goose returned, and spending time with the Canada Geese.
Facility Work:
- More Painting, minor parts repairs
- Distilled water jug spigot
- Doesn’t have to look good, as long as it works!
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- 2 Private boats, stayed centered in the channel, sealions took note, but not overly disturbed
Weather Events:
- Light westerly winds, building over the day to 25 – 30 knots by evening. Threatened fog in the morning from the west, but burnt off by the time it got close. Cloudy with sunny breaks throughout the day.
** All photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: