- Visibility 15+ NM
- Sky clear, a few clouds on the horizon
- Wind 15-20 knots W
- Sea state: white caps, chop up to .5 m
- 1 pleasure craft passed through yesterday, and they were very careful not to bother the animals. It’s always heartwarming to see parents sharing an appreciation and respect for wildlife with their children :)
- It has been very windy so the animal activity has been minimal. There are two newly arrived adolescent male elephant seals beginning their molt.
- View of jetty from window on lighthouse staircase
- “Button” which must have been part of an old battery plate. Found near lighthouse.
- Photo diagram to show the positioning of this part
- Blooming calendulas
- Original counterweight used to turn the light before it was automated.
- One now filled weight shaft opening
- The invasive thistles are returning- we will need to pull them out soon