Temperature rise

temperature rise today is reflected in the return of the seagulls and 150 cormorants +60 starlings, 25 black Turnstons, 15 black oyster catchers, 16 crows, 21 bald eagles [10 mature

5 sealions hauled out on North  rock.  120  sealions  on West race. 22 on great race .

143/32  second nature  was out with BCTEL  learning Channel promo visit. Angus, Garry, and Chris with them.

BCTEL takes a trip with Pearson College to Race Rocks

rrbctelOn January 13, 1998, BCTEL** (Discovery Learning) representatives took a trip to Race Rocks Ecological Reserve with Pearson College faculty member Garry Fletcher and some of his students. They had invited them to see first hand many of the Pearson College marine science educational projects that are highlighted on the College’s web page. BCTEL (Discovery Learning) provides the College with internet support, making this unique marine science project globally accessible. Following the Race Rocks visit, BCTEL presented the students with a $5,000 cash gift for the College’s annual fund.

**now Telus


The image that you have available must be either a .Tiff or a .Pict . You may download the full screen version of this image, pool5.jpg and then convert it to one of those formats using graphics converter or Photoshop or any suitable image handling program.The image of the tide pool shown here has a 1 meter ruler in it . An object of known length must be present in the picture in order to do measurements.

1. Open NIH image using the small black microscope icon. (If you do not have NIH Image installed on your computer you may download it here. download NIH Image ( available in Mac or PC )

2. Open the image “pool5.pict” that you have made by downloading the “pool5.jpg”.

3. From the TOOLS pop-up menu in NIH Image, select the SELECT LINES tool ( the dotted line fifth from the top of the right hand column).

4. Click and drag the select lines tool over the one meter image in the picture.

5. Click on the top Menu bar item ANALYZE, then move down to SET SCALE

6. In the SET SCALE box, set the units to centimeters. Set the KNOWN DISTANCE to 100., press “OK

7. Select the region to measure using the freehand selection tool, ( fourth down on the Tools bar– heart shaped dotted line.)

8. Outline the area to be measured by tracing the perimeter of it with this tool.

9. CLICK on ANALYZE– OPTIONS – in the tool bar.

10 .Click in the boxes for Perimeter and Area. ( Other options may be tried after this basic step has been mastered.)

11. Click on ANALYZEMEASURE –ANALYZE–SHOW RESULTS . Now you should see the calculated area and perimeter in the results box.

Further information on page 6 of the “NIH Image” direction manual


at 1405 Spring Tide tour boat came through the reserve. There are a large group of gulls,  and cormorants, as well as a flock of 60+ European starlings around the reserve today. The 16 oyster catchers are still in the East Bay area. Three elephant seals are hauled out on the South Shore by the engine room for some part of each day.