Orca visit

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

WEATHER: Max 10.1ºC — Min 8.1ºC — Reset 8.9ºC Rain 14.6mm
Total Rain fall 108.1mm for the month of October 2001- Mean high temp. 11.5ºC — Mean low temp. 8.1ºC
MARINE LIFE: A blustery start to the day again but the weather did not seem to bother the mature Bald Eagle that arrived shortly after 9:00 and stayed for over two hours.We noticed the second visitor at 12:50 just west of Gr. Race,a lone transient bull Orca. He ‘cruised’ along the shore of North Rocks and Gr. Race and then into the kelp bed on the east side of Gr. Race.The Harbour seals were very agitated,crowded together close to shore, bobbing up and down to watch for the whale. Interestingly several groups of sea lions(steller&california) followed along about 200′ behind the Orca. Watched through the telescope one group of 10-12 sea lions follow the Orca about a mile east when we lost sight of them.



Early Eagle Appearance

Tuesday, October 30, 2001
Good evening
WEATHER: Max. 9.0ºC — Min. 6.7ºC — Reset 8.9ºC — Rain 3.6 mm
Although the wind got up to 20-22 knots late morning, by 14:00 the cool northerly eased off to a dull rainy afternoon.
MARINE LIFE: There are fewer than 100 Sea Lions hauled out but we have over 500 gulls,Glaucous-winged,Western and a few Herring gulls. We counted 190 Cormorants,mostly on North Rocks.The immature Bald Eagle that spent most of the day on the high point of the rocks just SE of Gr. Race Saturday and again Sunday has not been back – maybe the immature gull it caught and ate was enough gull for a while, their preferred food is fish. We do not usually see many Eagles out here this time of the year as they congregate at the rivers like Goldstream which are full of salmon returning to spawn.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:03 PM

No blasting today– sealions return

 Good morning
Sky overcast — Vis 15 — Wind west 9 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:40 AM

After a quiet weekend (no blasting at D.N.D.) only 85 Sea Lions have returned to their usual haul-out areas.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 10:49 AM

The poor quality video from camera#1 and especially #3 is because of the sheets of rain driven by the 45-50knt. winds we are enjoying at this time! The visibility is very poor but looks like all but 8 or 9 sea lions have moved into the water, the aprox. 300 gulls are all huddled together in small groups facing into the westerly.13 Black Oyster Catchers are together in a small depression on the east side of Gr. Race in the shelter of the house.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 3:48 PM

Driving Rain

Monday, October 22, 2001
Good evening
Max 10.5ºC — Min. 8.0ºC — Reset 8.9ºC — Rain 13.6 mm. As you see it was not a good day for fishing.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:33 PM
The poor quality video from camera#1 and especially #3 is because of the sheets of rain driven by the 45-50knt. winds we are enjoying at this time! The visibility is very poor but looks like all but 8 or 9 sea lions have moved into the water, the aprox. 300 gulls are all huddled together in small groups facing into the westerly.13 Black Oyster Catchers are together in a small depression on the east side of Gr. Race in the shelter of the house.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 3:48 PM

DND blasting

Good morning
Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind south west 10 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:12 AM
Friday, October 19, 2001
Good evening
Max 10.5ºC — Min 8.8ºC — Reset 9.9ºC Rain 2.4 mm — Sky cloudy until 11:45 than part cloudy
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:20 P
If you were watching camera #1 or #3 in the last few minutes you may wonder why the Sea Lions all rushed into the water,well the D.N.D. are preforming explosive exercises. Yesterday morning we counted 580 sea lions hauled out on the various islets but after three ‘blast ‘series fewer than 50 sea lions remained hauled out, by 2 p.m. when the blasting had ended for the day we counted only 9 sea lions hauled out on the rocks. This morning fewer than 100 sea lions had returned to the haul out areas. The first blast today at aprox. 10:28 alerted the animals and the second blast about 2 minutes later scared all but 23 into the water. Since the two blasts 10:51 and 10:53 only 17 animals are stilled hauled out!
posted by Carol or Mike S at 11:03 AM

racerocks.com Education and Research in Real Time

This article by Garry Fletcher with contributions by Pearson College students Damien Guihen and Jean-Olivier Dalphond was published in the Fall, 2001 issue of the journal Education Canada . It appears in the edition on Education and Technology. Vol. 41, No 3 . It is reproduced here with permission of the editor, Paula Dunning.


Journal Subscriptions: publications (use the at sign)cea-ace.ca

Education Canada is published quarterly by the CEA
Copyright Canadian Education Association 2001, ISSN 0013-1253

Education Canada
317 Adelaide Street W. Suite 3000 Toronto
Ontario. M5V 1P9

visit the website of Education Canada at: http://www.cea-ace.ca

Weather notes

Wednesday, October 10, 2001
Good evening
Max. 11.0ºC — Min. 8.1ºC — reset 10.5ºC rain fall for the day 9.2mm
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:06 PM
in the last 20 minutes the weather has deteriorated – winds are west 30 gusting 40 knots with 4′ seas
posted by Carol or Mike S at 3:08 PM
Good morning
Sky overcast — Vis. 12 miles — light rain — Wind north east 11 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:10 AM

The Race Rocks Activity Group at Race Rocks with Paul Kennedy of CBC Ideas

Written by the students of the Race Rocks Activity:

Paul Kennedy, the host of the CBC evening program “Ideas” OCT 6, 2001: Paul Kennedy of the CBC Radio program “IDEAS” went with us to Race Rocks on the afternoon of October 6. He was interested in observing one of our live webcasts from underwater. He is in the process of preparing a series on Canada’s Oceans in December of 2001, and has been intrigued with the potentials for distance education that is afforded by the technology we have developed here for racerocks.com.This series is being rebroadcast in February and March 2002. Race Rocks Segment : CBC radio Feb 22 9:00 P.M.