Earthquake of 1872 at Race Rocks


The 1872 North Cascades Earthquake British Columbia Reporting Localities
ACCOUNTS EVALUATED : Race Rocks, B.C.Data Source Date Code RemarksDaily British Colonist December 19, 1872 A
*Olympia Transcript January 4, 1873

A. Period Account: Primary source for evaluation of intensity or
felt report.
B. Period Account: Insufficient data to evaluate intensity.

C. Period Account: Item appearing as dispatch, summary or brief des-
cription or duplicate data with more complete
data available in other sources.
D. Later descriptive account identified with period sources.

E. Later descriptive account not confirmed in period documentary sources.

*Designates duplicate data not included in compilation.

Race Rocks, B. C.

Daily British Colonist
December 19, 1872
Victoria, B.C.
p. 3, col. 1
Another Earthquake Last evening, about 20 minutes to 6 o’clock, another shock of an earthquake was felt in this city. It lasted about 10 seconds and was not nearly so heavy as the shock Saturday night. Mother Earth is evidently preparing for a grand effort on the Coast. The Old Lady has been quiet in this neighborhood since 1868; and she should certainly be allowed a little frolic at the “gay and festive” season of the year.
same page, same column
The Earthquake at Race Rocks--Mr. Argyle, the Light keeper reports that the tower and lantern at Race Rocks were severely shaken by the earthquake on Saturday night last. Things rattled away at a lively rate for some seconds, but no damage was done.

Clavactinia sp. Photomicrography of Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss

Classification: Biota Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorAnimalia (Kingdom) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorCnidaria (Phylum) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorHydrozoa (Class) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorHydroidolina (Subclass) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorAnthoathecata (Order) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorFilifera (Suborder) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorHydractiniidae (Family) > Checked: verified by a taxonomic editorClavactinia (Genus) sp. (species not identified)

These images were scanned from 35 mm.slides taken by photomicrography of samples collected on permit at Race Rocks by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss* with the assistance of students and faculty of Lester B. Pearson College. Scanning and preparation for html was done by Garry Fletcher.

Copyrighted 1999–All Images on this page are the property of: Dr. Anita Brinckmann- Voss They can not be used or modified without her written permission.

see this link for other hydroids:

* All hydroid species shown on this website have been reported in :Brinckmann-Voss, A. 1996.- Seasonality of hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks, off Vancouver Island, Canada. Scientia Marina 60 (1):89-97.

Hydroid photomicrography by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss

Find the individual file on these species photographed by Dr.Brinckmann- Voss in the Race Rocks taxonomyo

See this link for all the hydroid entries:

These images were scanned from 35 mm.slides taken by photomicrography of samples collected on permit at Race Rocks by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss* with the assistance of students and faculty of Lester B. Pearson College. Scanning and preparation for html was done by Garry Fletcher.

Copyrighted 1999–All Images on this page are the property of:
Dr. Anita Brinckmann- Voss They can not be used or modified without her written permission.

* All hydroid species shown on this website have been reported in

:Brinckmann-Voss, A. 1996.- Seasonality of hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria)

from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks,

off Vancouver Island, Canada. Scientia Marina

60 (1):89-97.

Return to the file on Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss

Mycale toparoki: yellow sponge–The Race Rocks taxonomy

In the work of Dr. Gitai Yahel on filter feeders at Race Rocks, this was one of the species of sponge he submitted for further identification.


In the area where the tidal current turbine is to be placed, this species is abundant.


taxonomy work by Prof. H.M. Reiswig,


Microscopic drawings of the spicules

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Porifera
Class Demospongia
Order Poeciloscierida
Family Mycalidae
Genus Mycale
Species toparoki Koltun, 1958
Common Name: yellow sponge?
This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by students, volunteers, faculty, staff and researchers of Lester Pearson College
Date: 2005 Dr.Gitai Yahel

Link to other sponge specimens from Race Rocks

Return to the Race Rocks Taxonomy