breakfast eagle

Sunny, light NE wind. Calm seas

An eagle spent the morning on top of the derrick. We saw it fly  away once out towards the West and pester the seagulls, then landed back on the derrick. It left a few minutes later, flying towards the West.

Breakfast eagle

Breakfast eagle

Tour boats: 4
Off station from 1400 to 1500 hrs to pick up scaffolding

Another lovely sunset this evening. Always fun to check out the ships heading past.


Sunset panoramic from the tower

Norwegian cargo ship 'Goya'. Bound for Balboa, running at 14 kts. AIS shiptracker is great.

Norwegian cargo ship ‘Goya’. Bound for Balboa, running at 14 kts. AIS shiptracker is great.



-tidied crane shed
-set up slings for boat cradle

Cackling Goose

Light NE wind, sunny, calm

A single Cackling Goose arrived today. It has been hanging out with the Canada geese.


Tour boats: 7

-washed solar panels
-ran desalinator
-worked on the electric fence
-started improving the boat
-started tidying the boat house