Seawater Data, August 2016

Station Race Rocks Lightstation
Month: August Year: 2016
Observer Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
I had to enter the values in myself (there was no spreadsheet on the computer) so I am hopeful that I was able to read all of Guy et Christine’s vague handwritten numbers.
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1  21:00 30.3 12.4
2  20:00 30.7 12.0
3  19:00 30.1 12.2
4  19:30 30.5 12.6
5  17:39 31.2 12.1
6  18:15 31.1 12.0
7  18:20 30.9 11.9
8  19:10 31.2 12.0
9  19:45 30.7 12.7
10  20:00 30.9 12.4
11  20:10 30.6 12.8
12  21:20 30.3 13.3
13  20:00 29.6 13.1
14  20:45 29.2 13.3
15  21:00 30.1 13.0
16  20:30 30.1 12.9
17  19:30 30.3 12.7
18  18:50 30.5 13.3
19  18:30 30.7 13.3
20  17:30 11.8 12.4 10,802 1.0230 31.5 12.5
21  17:30 31.6 12.1
22  19:00 31.4 12.3
23  18:30 31.2 12.4
24  19:20 31.2 12.4
25  20:05 31.2 12.6
26  20:15 30.9 12.5
27  20:40 30.7 12.4
28  20:15 30.9 12.3
29  17:10 31.1 12.4
30  17:00 31.1 12.3
31  15:05 31.6 11.9
Submitted monthly to: Inst. Ocean Science, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

Visitors : 1st year students came for the first time


On this beginning of the week we had a calm weather,light wind and clear days with a pretty good visibility.most of the time. Air and water temperature are going down to 15 degrees on Thursday and the barometric pressure is moving down a little ,now around 101.5 .We got some very welcome rain.


Rain cleaned the rocks a little and the marigold came back nicely. It’s still a smelling place but a better one.We count now 23 dead birds and the last found ones from territorial fights.


This is the highlight of the week.The students came from all around the world . What a pleasure for us to introduce them to this magical world…and guess what: happened the non expected :When a group of them was here, some Orcas, 3 of them came around and inside the passage. They jumped like never before  and even the whale watchers vessels had to stay outside (they did) . Our students  were the only one present for a true show. Just amazing! We managed to get some pictures but they were already far from the rock.DSC_0252DSC_0259DSC_0268DSC_0280DSC_0287


Wood all organized for Winter. Water sampling house deeply cleaned and new carpet put in. Bathroom window locker changed.Electrical line repaired.


Many whale watchers around even before the sunset and the night.Plane over 2 times.