Humpback Whales Feeding off Race Rocks

There has been 2 humpbacks hanging around the Becher Bay – Race Passage for the last couple of weeks. They have always been a little bit distant from the Lighthouse, but on December 30th 2020 they came right up to the SW corner of the lighthouse and did some feeding right at the current line. There’s lots of turbulence, so it could be some bubblenetting or lungefeeding. Really cool to see them use the crazy currents around Race Rocks to get a meal in.

Elephant Seal Pup Growth

The first Elephant Seal pup of the 2021 birthing season came on December 22 2020, and began it’s 23 days of nursing the day after (it took him awhile to figure out how to nurse). Elephant seal pups only have a couple of weeks to get big enough and healthy enough to survive alone after their moms wean them and abandon them on Race Rocks; which means their life is essentially just to feed, nap, and snuggle with their moms. It’s hard to show how impressive it is to see how fast they put on weight, with the pup doubling in size over the first few days. Here’s a video of the growth of ‘Cheermeister’ over his first 12 days of life.


Recent Changes and Updates on this website

A year ago , we lost the services of storage on a Telus service without any warning. As a result all files, photos and documents, which had URLs starting with were not accessible, but fortunately I had a backup, so now I have been  gradually getting caught up in transferring several hundred items to this wordpress site which now carries the archives.

Some of the more significant files which have been updated are as follows:

  1. The Race Rocks Species list and Image Gallery- species photographed at Race Rocks
  2. Weather and Physical factors at Race Rocks– all the abiotic factors pages have been redone– example: tidal currents: and wind
  3. Media Coverage of Race Rocks stories
  4. Archive of Events at Race Rocks 
  5. .The History of the Development of the millenium  Project
  6. The Situation with MPA status for Race Rocks
  7. Archives of the Tidal Energy project
  8. The Contributions of Pam Birley of Leicestershire England
  9. Current and Archived Video
  10. Archival records 1859-1906
  11. A translate dropdown menu has been added to the top of most pages and it should always be embedded at the top of the log posts if one logs in from the URL
  12. Two archival files from the 1980s and 1990s  have been added recently; The Salmon Enhancement Activity and CoastWatch program activity
  13. Transects for Environmental Monitoring at Race Rocks