A new male Elephant Seal


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 10-15 knts NW
  • Sky: Partly cloudy
  • Water: Ripply


  • Quite a few ecotour boats today, especially ones I haven’t seen around the island before
  • I noticed a helicopter in the distance, in the direction of Port Angeles, which I think might be a Coast Guard helicopter. It seemed to be circling a certain area for about 15 mins. Didn’t see any other vessels around.


  • The desalination pump doesn’t seem to be drawing water anymore. I initially thought the tide was too low for the pump to draw the brine, but even at high tide it doesn’t seem to be drawing any water. I’ve contacted Guy about it and he will be looking into it tomorrow.

Marine Mammals

  • There were 3 female and 2 male Elephant Seals on the island today. The second male was a new arrival and it caused a fight between the two males. Neither was seriously injured during the fight – it lasted a few minuted before both returned to the water.