AGENDA for the First Meeting of the Race Rocks Advisory Board
Wednesday, 01 December ’99 1100h – 1500h Boardroom
Coast Guard Base Victoria 25 Huron St. Victoria, B.C.
Cheryl Borris Friends Eco Reserves ecoreserves(use the “at” symbol) 250-356-6921 (W) Erin Bradley Dive community info(use the “at” symbol) 250-380-9119 (W) Howard Breen Georgia Strait Alliance hbreen(use the “at” symbol) 250-7753-3459 (W) 250-247-7467 (R) Garry Fletcher Pearson College gfletcher(use the “at” symbol) 250-391-2411 (W) Kelly Francis Fisheries&Oceans francisk(use the “at” symbol) 250-756-7095 (W) Gordon Hanson First Nations projects ghanson(use the “at” symbol) 250-629-9923 (W) Dan Kukat Sports Fish Advisory springtide(use the “at” symbol) 250-386-6016 (W) Lt. Cdr. Bill Laing Dept. National Defence marpacn33_2(use the “at” symbol) 250-363-5041 (W) Angus Matthews Pearson College amatthews(use the “at” symbol) 250-391-2411 (W) Jim Morris B.C. Parks Jim.Morris(use the “at” symbol) 250-391-2304 (W) Marc Pakenham Fisheries&Oceans pakenhamm(use the “at” symbol) 250-213-8762 (Cell) Dr.John Pringle Fisheries&Oceans pringlej(use the “at” symbol) 250-363-6335 (W) Tom Sampson Coast Salish Sea sampsont(use the “at” symbol) 250-652-3889 (R) Jennie Sparkes Parks Canada Jennie_Sparkes(use the “at” symbol) 250-363-8559 (W) Keith Symington C.Parks&Wilderness Soc. marine(use the “at” symbol)] 604-685-7445 (W) Dr. Anita Voss Science anitab-voss(use the “at” symbol) 250-642-3520 (R) Scott Wallace Science scottw(use the “at” symbol) 250-758-2390 (W) Kevin Walker Whale Watchers Assoc. kbwalker(use the “at” symbol) 250-598-4556 (W) Please note addition: Keith Symington – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Marc Pakenham Oceans Community Advisor – South Coast Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Pacific 25 Huron St. Victoria, B.C. V8V 4V9 (250) 480-2794 (250) 480-2793 fax (250) 213-8762 cell. pakenhamm(use the “at” symbol)
1. Introduction of Board Members
2. Draft terms of reference
3. Frequency of meetings & schedule for information/consultation sessions
4. Format and process for information/consultations
5. Managing the information/feedback
6. Making recommendations….consensus or strong majority?
7. Other business
Participants: Doug Biffard — BC Parks
Absent: Dr. John Pringle – Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Scott Wallace, Dr. Anita Voss
Dan Kukat — SFAB
Observers:Sean MacConnachie – Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- The meeting began with a discussion of the agenda and roundtable introductions, with a brief description from each board member about their participation in the board.
- Marc Pakenham gave a slide presentation describing the roles and objectives of the Oceans Act and MPA’s, and more specifically the Race Rocks pilot MPA.
- This slide presentation will make up the bulk of the information for the stakeholder and public consultations.
- Tom Sampson inquired as to how the Race Rocks pilot MPA would fit into the Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative. Marc Pakenham responded that the marine environment is currently zoned and regulated. The pilot MPA could make up another layer of zoning within the ecosystem.
- Angus Matthews asked if Tom Sampson could give the group a perspective on First Nations’ values and background on Race Rocks and ecosystem based management as a whole.
- Tom Sampson responded by describing that the whole ocean is a MPA, and not just Race Rocks. He suggested that we practice “what we know” regarding management of future MPA’s and that many ocean areas need protection. We need to provide opportunities for FN’s to recommend locations, importance of areas. FN’s support MPA’s where there is no conflict with existing agreements between FN’s and government or the treaty process — FN’s are not prepared to renegotiate treaty issues.
- He described First Nations annual calendar of the 13 moons and how all things are linked. By knowing how the changes in the seasons and the atmosphere affect the land and the water, First Nations were able to manage the resources on both the terrestrial and marine environment for thousands of years. He described the importance of the difference types of food that were collected around the area to the diets of First Nations and their medicinal properties.
- Tom Sampson expressed a desire to acquaint board members with “FN thinking about natural cycles” and offered to organise a “13 Moons” workshop preferably at Pearson College.
- Tom Sampson to arrange for a workshop on the First Nations’ Thirteen Moon calendar for the RRAB.
- Tom Sampson suggested using First Nations language in any documentation produced on Race Rocks would greatly facilitate the acceptance and understanding of a management plan for the area by local First Nations.
- Howard Breen asked if a traditional use study was part of the pre-designation work. Marc Pakenham responded that it was not part of the formal protocol, but informal discussions on this topic have taken place. Angus Matthews indicated that the College is working on developing a First Nations education package that will eventually lead to a curriculum package that can be used by First Nations and non-natives.
- Gordon Hanson pointed out that the draft Race Rocks Ecological Reserve management plan suggests pursuing opportunities for a traditional use study and recommended that a traditional FN use of RR study be commissioned by the RRAB.
- Howard Breen indicated that NGO’s strongly support action on designation of MPA’s and raised the issue of resourcing for the MPA process — GSA will intervene in upcoming Ministerial meetings to press for resource commitments for the Race Rocks MPA process.
- Kelly Francis responded that the management plan process would include identification of resource requirements and funding options.
- Jim Morris agreed on the need to focus on the management plan and indicated that the Province currently has no “dollar” resources for the process.
- Doug Bifford added that he would identify dollars through his provincial budgeting process.
- Howard Breen wants issues moved forward soon and indicated that his constituency will be pushing for some serious indication of commitment to the MPA process.
- Jim Morris asked that the group review the draft management plan included in the background information package provided to the advisory board prior to the next meeting. He noted that Parks BC as manager of the Ecological Reserve, has made changes to regulations through public input and have documentation of agreement by many stakeholders.
- Doug Bifford stated that there has been no discussion within Parks BC with respect to possibly relinquishing RR as an Ecological Reserve in favour of an MPA and therefore will continue to manage RR as an ER unless the public wants change.
- Kelly Francis responded that the ER/ MPA designation is complementary but dual designation does require clarification.
- Angus Matthews noted that the existing draft management plan recommends going to MPA status.
- Round table discussion as to the importance of a Terms of Reference (TOR) for the RRAB.
- Howard Breen inquired about a ‘protocol agreement’ between the Province and Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the Race Rocks MPA initiative and stressed the need to have FN issues expressed in the TOR — NGO’s (GSA) have been developing a protocol agreement for co-management with FN’s.
- Gordon Hanson stressed the importance of recognising First Nations as members of a government “Triad” i.e. as a level of government (not a stakeholder) in the MPA process
- Gord Hanson to develop a chart outlining organisation of the RRAB
- Howard Breen asked if the Terms of Reference would be site specific.
- Jenny Sparkes would like the “what, how and who” RRAB will report to be included in the TOR.
- Garry Fletcher cautioned against setting milestone dates, but the TOR should reflect the day-to-day management concerns that are happening regardless of the various action plans that are underway. The RRAB should avoid adding levels of bureaucracy to the system.
- Doug Bifford indicated that the draft management plan might be a good template for the TOR.
- Jim Morris gave an overview of the development of the draft management plan. He indicated that the original round of consultation showed that the predominant concerns of the public centred on issues in the water column. However the process was flawed because it was incomplete – the new round of MPA consultations will hopefully be able to address this and he encouraged advisory board members to disseminate information to their constituents.
- Angus Matthews suggested that matters of jurisdiction and protocol between the two levels of government be addressed immediately. Also some clarity is needed as to how the regulations from the Ecological Reserve Act will mesh with the Oceans Act. He suggested that “inventing a new way for governments to work together” is fundamental to the success of the RRAB. Membership on Advisory Board should be mandatory for all government reps, voluntary for NGO’s.
- Jenny Sparkes suggested that identifying barriers to implementation is fundamental to the consensus process and stressed the need to focus on common goals vs. individual issues. She suggested that, to prevent confusion, the TOR define the meaning of consensus for this group.
- Jenny Sparkes suggested a small sub-committee to develop draft TOR.
- Marc Pakenham, Jim Morris, Howard Breen, Angus Matthews, Jenny Sparkes and Gord Hanson to develop draft TOR and distribute.
- Marc Pakenham indicated that he would like to see this process move forward to designation by March 2000. As a result Marc and Jim will endeavour to pursue bi-lateral discussion with various groups over the next two months to determine stakeholders interests and issues.
- Garry Fletcher described the MPA process as a ‘continuum’ and cautioned not to pick dates for designation.
- Marc Pakenham suggested that it is important that the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and the Minister of Parks BC be comfortable with designation of RR by fiscal year end.
- Angus Matthews concurred with the aggressive schedule and suggested that at least one meeting of the RRAB should be held at Race Rocks.
- Doug Bifford advised against this as it may contravene the principles of the Ecological Reserve. Angus Matthews pointed out that the buildings on RR are not included in the ER boundaries and that ongoing staffing of RR is unlikely due to funding constraints.
- Marc Pakenham suggested three meetings before January 31, 2000; large meeting at the end of consultation process at the end of January to frame up recommendations. Meanwhile Marc and Jim will continue with bilateral consultations.
- Howard Breen asked if there was consensus among the RRAB to pursue this schedule. Consensus was met.
- Angus Matthews suggested that although consensus will probably not be reached between various stakeholder groups, the RRAB should reach consensus on all recommendations that it puts forth.
- Jenny Sparkes advised that during meetings or consultation that focus should be on interests and how their interests are being met as opposed to issues and how they are being dealt with.
- Marc Pakenham noted Whale Watchers experiences in recent meetings — accepted ‘ownership’ of process, buy-in to concept of MPA, visit to RR an important feature of acceptance- developing site specific whale watching guidelines for RR and will return information to Advisory Board during development process.
- Please see attached consultation list.
- All notes or minutes from all bi-lateral discussions will be distributed the RRAB within 48 hours of the meeting via e-mail.
- Bill Laing gave an update on DND staff’s activities in the area and standard operating procedures for demolition of ordinance.
- Bill Laing to arrange for a meeting with DND staff to discuss the pilot MPA process at Race Rocks before Christmas.
- Garry Fletcher gave an update on the project.
- The next meeting of the RRAB is scheduled for 1100h — 1500h, January 5, 2000 at Lester B. Pearson College in Victoria. (lunch will be provided)
Meeting adjourned – 1530.
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