Animal Census Oct 8

Sunday October  8 Allen & ilka Olsen, Eco Guardians 6 –13 Oct 2023
Warm, sunny, calm seas ~ 18C
Walked fence line; repaired as needed.
From tower:
1009 Sealion
3 Harbour seal

2606 Gull
3430 Cormorant
2 Surfbird
6 Savahna sparrow

Brisk NE wind; 1m swells; cloud/shower; sunny afternoon
Hundreds of cormorants stream by north-facing window before sunup to their daily rock perches.
Hundreds of gulls in feeding frenzy/many immature/~15 immature carcasses observed; 1 sick individual.
Began with walking fence line; a few lines down/another sealion breach/herded back across line.
Blubber Boy still asleep in compound; bestirred with yoga pose then went to derrick crane; not able to breach electri fence so returned to sleeping spot near keeper’s house.
Three trips up tower to again count animals. Allen cleaned solar panels/ residence; windows; filled gas tank.
Sealions intermingle though there are pockets of species-specific. Found 5 branded; will contact scientist:
All mature male California—XI, 303, 9116, 4X6, U92, green flipper tag
Ecotour vessels. Numerous humpback sightings/impossible to count.
1227 Sealion intermingled Steller/California All seem to be male though Cedric reported a single female
2 Elephant seal 3 in total for week
3 Harbour seal
670 Gull
712 Cormorant
15 Oystercatcher
4 Black turnstone
6 Surfbird
10 Canada goose
3 Harlequin duck 8 earlier in week
1 Varied thrush 12 Oct 0930

Animal Census Sat Oct 7

Sat 7 October  Allen & ilka Olsen, Eco Guardians 6 –13 Oct 2023
Warm, sunny, calm seas ~19
Another full day of ecotours beginning at 0715 plus recreational boaters, cruise ships, freighters. Sealions observed at
jetty in feeding frenzy at max flood—fabulous action. Tower count and on walkabout:
1 Harbour seal
Hundreds of sealions, gulls to be counted —to be counted for census.
7 Humpback whale
660 Cormorant — mostly Brant; some Double crested
4 Oystercatcher
8 Savahna sparrow
1 Black turnstone
3 Canda goose
Warm, sunny, calm seas ~19
Another full day of ecotours beginning at 0715 plus recreational boaters, cruise ships, freighters. Sealions observed at
jetty in feeding frenzy at max flood—fabulous action. Tower count and on walkabout:
1 Harbour seal
Hundreds of sealions, gulls to be counted —to be counted for census.
7 Humpback whale
660 Cormorant — mostly Brant; some Double crested
4 Oystercatcher
8 Savanah sparrow
1 Black turnstone
3 Canda goose

Animal Census Oct 6

Fri 6 October  by Allen and ilka Olsen, Eco Guardians 6 –13 Oct 2023
Warm, sunny, calm seas. ~18C
Thank you to Greg and Cedric for this second opportunity to serve as eco guardians. Arrived at jetty to numerous
sealions not wanting to leave; much trepidation until Cedric showed us how to deal with them before he reviewed procedures and duties. Water tank filled from tank on Second Nature. Much ecotour activity due to sunny, warm Thanksgiving weather; cruise ships. Much whale spouting from humpbacks.

California sealion

Count from tower:
270 Cormorants — mostly Brant
11 Black Turnstone
1 Surfbird
8 Harlequin duck
520 sealions (counted by Mark, outgoing guardian, on Great Race + islets)

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Proposed as a KBA – Key biodiversity area

In June 2023 Ian Adams presented for the Annual General Meeting of Friends of Ecological Reserves on the Key Biodiversity Areas program in Canada.  This presentation is available here:

The website of KBA Canada is here:

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve is on the list of proposed KBAs in British Columbia along with several other Ecological Reserves in the province .

See the pdf: KBASummary_GeneralReview_XwaYeNRaceRocks_2023-06-19 KBASummary_GeneralReview_XwaYeNRaceRocks_2023-06-19

Below is a copy of that document.:
XwaYeN (Race Rocks) KBA, British Columbia

Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)

Instructions for Reviewers
1. Read through the “Summary of Proposed KBA” section.
2. Answer the survey questions in the Online Review App.
3. For additional information, see:
 What are KBAs and how are they assessed?
 Instructions for reviewers

Summary of Proposed KBA
Please note that this summary was generated automatically, and as a result there may be species scientific names that are not italicized.
KBA Name: XwaYeN (Race Rocks)

Location (province or territory [mid-point lat/long]): British Columbia [48.297 /-123.53]
KBA Scope: National

Proposal Development Lead: Ian Adams
5. Trigger Biodiversity Element(s):
● Species: Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
6. Site Status Summary:
XwaYeN (Race Rocks)
is a candidate National
KBA for the following KBA criteria:
● National D1a [criterion met by 1 taxon] – Site predictably holds an aggregation representing ≥1% of the national population size of a taxon,
over a season, and during one or more key stages of its life cycle (Mirounga angustirostris).
● National D1b [criterion met by 1 taxon] – Site predictably holds a number of mature individuals that ranks the site among the largest 10
aggregations known for the taxon in the country (Mirounga angustirostris).
7. Site Description:
The XwaYeN (Race Rocks) KBA overlaps with Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, which was created to protect intertidal and subtidal communities
that are extremely rich as a result of strong tidal currents. Energy and nutrient inputs attributable to the nearly continuous currents are large,
and light penetration in these shallow, clear waters is excellent. These factors result in a high production of algae and invertebrates, while the
varied topography promotes ecological diversity. Consequently, the marine communities here are unusually luxuriant and rich. XwaYeN is in the
Coastal Douglas-fir Moist Maritime biogeoclimatic zone (BC Parks 2022), though none of the islands are forested.

1 Meets criterion D1b because it is one of 10 largest aggregations in Canada for this taxon.

2 Composition of 10 Reproductive Units (RUs): Elephant seals are polygynous so 10 RUs is 10 adults females and 1 adult male. . Source of RU
data: IUCN 2016; Fletcher 2016; Race Rocks Ecoguardians 2022.

3 Derivation of site estimate: Other. Explanation of site estimate(s): Five Elephant seal pups were born at the site in 2021 (Race Rock
Ecoguardians 2022; BCCDC 2022). Race Rock Ecoguardian observation data collated for 1 Jan 2014 through 20 Jan 2016 found almost continual
presence of Northern Elephant Seal at Race Rocks. Counts range from 1 to 34 individuals, including all age classes: adults, sub-adults and pups.
A best estimate of 5 individuals is an approximate average during this time. Source(s) of site estimate(s): Race Rock Ecoguardians 2022;
Fletcher 2016; BCCDC 2022.

4 Explanation of national estimate(s): Five Elephant seal pups were born at the site in 2021 (Race Rock Ecoguardians 2022; BCCDC 2022). Race
Rock Ecoguardian observation data collated for 1 Jan 2014 through 20 Jan 2016 found almost continual presence of Northern Elephant Seal at Race Rocks. Counts range from 1 to 34 individuals, including all age classes: adults, sub-adults and pups. A best estimate of 5 individuals is an approximate average during this time. Source(s) of national estimate(s): BCCDC 2022; Race Rock Ecoguardians 2022; Fletcher 2016.

*The threat status displayed is the one that qualifies the species as a criterion A1 trigger under KBA rules, if applicable. Other statuses may exist.

9. Assessment Details – KBA Trigger Ecosystems: None
10. Delineation Rationale:
The ecological reserve boundary was followed due to the presence of rich intertidal and subtidal invertebrates that are not well documented as potential KBA eligible species. This also facilitates management options for the KBA.

11. Technical Review:

Name Affiliation Email
Garry Fletcher Lester B. Pearson College (retired); Director with Friends of Ecological Reserves Society garryf use the @ sign

Strahan Tucker Fisheries and Oceans Canada Strahan.Tuckeruse the @ sign

12. Additional Site Information:
Rationale for site nomination XwaYeN (Race Rocks) KBA is the only Northern Elephant Seal rookery in Canada. As such, it meets criteria as a national D1a and D1b KBA.

Additional biodiversity at the site A unique hydroid, Rhysia fletcheri, was described as a new species from this site (Brinckmann- Voss et al. 1993), but its abundance and range extent are unclear. Several bird species stop over at the rocks during migration,Including Red Knot (Calidris canutus roselaarim, COSEWIC. Threatened). There are nesting colonies for seabirds including Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba), Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) and Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens). Brandt's Cormorants (Urile penicillatus) occur at the site but do not nest there.
Both Steller (Eumetopias jubatus, COSEWIC Special Concern) and California (Zalophus
californianus) sea lions use Race Rocks as a winter haul-out. Quillback rockfish (Sebastes
maliger, COSEWIC Threatened) are present and partially protected by a Rockfish Conservation Area (FAOC 2021, see Site Management). Plants including Sea Thrift (Armeria maritima) and Tracy’s Romanzoffia (Romanzoffia tracyi) are present. Rare lichens are present such as Orange Sea Lichen (Flavoplaca marina – previously called Caloplaca marina) and a Grey Lichen (Myriolecis straminea – previously called Lecanora straminea). Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides) can be found in large numbers and will likely be added as a contributing species in the future.
A full list of species observed at the site is available at

Customary jurisdiction at site

Traditional territories of the Sc’ianew First Nation, Esquimalt First Nation, and T’Sou-ke First
Nation. Á,LEṈENEȻ ȽTE (W̱SÁNEĆ); Te’mexw Treaty Association; Douglas Treaty may include
Race Rocks.


The site is a BC Parks Ecological Reserve which is staffed and managed by Lester B. Pearson UWC (United World College). The site is part of a Rockfish Conservation Area, established by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to protect inshore rockfish;from all mortality associated with recreational and commercial fisheries; (FAOC 2021). Race Rocks is in Rockfish Conservation Area 19 (FAOC 2015). The KBA is within the Juan de Fuca Strait Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area (EBSA) identified by Fisheries and Oceans Canada as well as Critical Habitat for Southern Resident Killer Whale (Orcinus orca).

Ongoing conservation actions Formal education; Invasive/problematic species control; Resource & habitat protection;

Site/area management; Site/area protection; Training Ongoing threats Human intrusions ; disturbance; Pollution Conservation actions needed

Awareness ; communications; Compliance and enforcement; Formal education;
Invasive/problematic species control; Policies and regulations; Resource & habitat protection;
Site/area management; Site/area protection

13. References:
B.C. Conservation Data Centre. 2022. BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer. B.C. Minist. of Environ. Victoria, B.C. Available: (accessed Mar 6, 2022).
BC Parks. 2022. Race Rocks detailed ecological reserve description. Available: (accessed Mar 6, 2022).
Brinckmann-Voss A, Lickey DM, Mills CE. 1993. Rhysia fletcheri (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Rhysiidae), a new species of colonial hydroid from
Vancouver Island (British Columbia, Canada) and the San Juan Archipelago (Washington, U.S.A.). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 71: 401-406.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (FAOC). 2015. Rockfish conservation areas – Areas 19 and 20. Website:
gp/maps-cartes/rca-acs/areas-secteurs/1920-eng.html [accessed August 23, 2022]
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (FAOC). 2021. Rockfish conservation areas. Website:
acs/index-eng.html#permit [accessed August 23, 2022]
Fletcher G. 2016. Marine Mammals Hauled out on Race Rocks Jan 2014-Feb 2016. online graph image available:
mammals-hauled-out-on-race-rocks-2014-2015/ (accessed August 12, 2022)
Race Rocks Ecoguardians. 2022. Race Rocks species list and image gallery. Available:
plants/taxonomy-image-gallery/ (accessed Mar 6, 2022).


The full pdf of this report is contained in this pdf:
BC EAO Condition 39 Exisitng Shoreline Conditions Report – May 2023 – for engagement

The purpose of this posting is to reference the part of the report referring to Metchosin’s coastline including Race Rocks and to provide comment on it.


From page 4 of the REPORT:
1 Introduction
As defined by the amendment to Trans Mountain’s BC Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) issued by the Province of British Columbia (the Province) on February 24, 2022, Trans Mountain must prepare an Existing Shorelines Condition Report and submit to the Province within 18 months (August 2023) as Condition No. 39.

Polaris Applied Sciences was retained to prepare a report containing shoreline baseline data for shoreline areas closest to spill scenario locations modeled along the marine shipping route and submitted in the Project application. The Province listed the specific scenario locations for the purpose of this study (Figure 1) as:

  • English Bay (Location B)
  • Roberts Bank (Location C)
  • Strait of Georgia (Location D)
  • Arachne Reef (Location E)
  • Strait of Juan de Fuca (south of Race Rocks) (Location G); and
  • Buoy J (Location H)


Page 25
Strait of Juan de Fuca (south of Race Rocks) (Location G);
Figure 18 shows the Location G – Race Rocks site with the available existing spatial data. Shoreline data are from the Shorezone mapping effort available from the BC Data Catalogue, which show the shore type consisting of rock cliff. Shore-zone Bioband data indicate the presence of barnacles, dark brown kelps, fucus, bull kelp, red algae, surf grass, and Verrucaria. Other data sources indicate offshore kelp beds and multiple seal and sealion haulouts. The Race Rocks Ecological Reserve (RRER) website ( provides more details on ecological resources documented and studied at the site, but not in a spatial format for mapping.

COMMENTS :  The exceptionally high Biodiversity of the area and high level of protection since 1980 as a Provincial Ecological Reserve  are not reflected at all in the map presented. If one were to look at the Race Rocks Taxonomy presented at there may be a better appreciation of the natural capital of this area

  1. Rock Cliff  Beach designation is inaccurate.. there is a pebble beach and Intertidal areas with tidepools on much of the shorelines of the 9 islandfsd in the Archipelago.  Also several surge channels are located around the main island. 
  2. Bird Colonies :
    –no mentions is made of four species of nesting seabirds.
    –no mention is made of the fact this is a winter roosting area for thousands of seabirds.
    — no mention of the fact that the archipelago of islands are an important migratory stopover for marine and terrestrial migratory birds.
  3. Marine Mammals:
    –no mention is made of the fact this is the most northerly haul-out and pupping colony  for Elephant seals — no mention of the fact that California and Northern sealions haul  out in numbers over 1000 in the fall of the year. 
    —no mention  that the haul-out locations for harbour seals are also pupping colonies. 
    — no mention of the ocurrence of river otters and sea otters on and within the islands.
    – no mention of the fact that it is an important feeding area for Biggs killer whales.
    –no mention of the fact that the surrounding waters have had a rapid increase in the past few years of Humpback whales 
  4. Invertebrates: 
    –The extremely high biodiversity of invertebrate species both inter-tidally and sub-tidally is not mentioned. 
    –Several rare species of invertebrates are found here and are not acknowledged
  5. Fish :
    –This is a rockfish protection area and all species of BC Rockfish are represented.– a high diversity of other fish are also represented here,  with even sitings of Sturgeon occurring.
  6. Marine Algae :
    –There is a much higher  species diversity of Marine Algae found in the ecological reserve than is n surrounding areas. 
    — the indication of kelp beds on the map presented here is totally inaccurate and insufficient.  Given the decline of kelp beds in our coastal water , this is highly relevant. 
  7. Indigenous and Historical Significance: 
    — the presence of archaeological sites and the significance of the historic structures cannot be minimized . All are sprayed with seawater and therefore subject to immersion in pollutants during intense winds  which occur regularly. 


Page 26



The reference at the Race Rocks website  from which analyzes the Wind speed from observations of the hourly data provided by Environment Canada show a completely different picture .

 Some facts from the Environment Canada data:
1. In July of 2022  there were 11 days when the wind speed every hour was 28 km/hr or greater. and 69.5% of the hours in the month, clean up equipment could not be deployed due to high velocity wind conditions.
2. In March of 2023, the wind speed was 28 km/hr or greater  37% of the time.
3. In Februarry of 2023 , the wind speed was 28 km/hr or greater 43 % of the time
4. In January of 2023 , the wind speed was 28 km/hr or greater 36% of the time 


Page 27









The reality of current speed  is that there is a very small window of time during the day that the waters around Race Rocks are not over three knots. In the graph below only in the few hours a day not covered by the white arrows could any boom placement be established. WHen looked at from this perspective, added onto the small windows of time when the wind speed is under 28 km per hour could spilled oil containment even be possible. 




From page 28 of the Polaris report

Field surveys were not conducted at Race Rocks due to the long lead time in acquiring a “research” permit from BC Parks to access the Ecological Reserve. Information detailed below comes from reviewing the existing data available, Google Earth, the RRER website, and a First Nations representative.
The shoreline at Race Rocks, specifically Great Race Rock, appears to be mostly bedrock cliff, ramp, and platform, possibly with some small pocket pebble/cobble beaches. Bedrock cliffs and ramps are observable in Figure 21 which show some example photographs from the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve website. The backshore appears to be mostly bedrock with some vegetation.
An active lighthouse along with several other buildings are present. Pearson College UWC conducts research and teaches classes at the site. Whale and sightseeing boats frequent the waters around Great Race Rock and are visible from photographs on the Race Rocks website and on Google Earth.
As mentioned before, Race Rocks is a BC Parks Ecological Reserve which are “areas selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features and phenomena. Scientific research and educational purposes are the principal uses of ecological reserves”7. A wide variety of ecological resources are documented, tracked, and studied at the site. This documentation includes a weekly animal census, annual bird counts, and an entire list of species ever documented with photos/videos since 2000 ( Additional research conducted at the site can also be found on the RRER website. The extensive use of the site as a haulout location by pinnipeds is documented on the website and visible on Google Earth.
This area has historically been used by First Nations for harvesting food, as documented on the Race Rocks website, and a First Nations representative indicated that fishing is common in the waters around the site. Burial mounds/cairns have been researched and documented on Great Race Rock.
A helicopter pad is located near the lighthouse.
Based on the available data, and without visiting Race Rocks, the Shorezone mapping appears to be relatively accurate. The detailed observation of the flora and fauna on the Race Rocks website and other research conducted by Pearson College provides the most thorough documentation of the ecological resources present compared to any of the other sites visited.



So much of what we are expected to do in response to the Trans Mountain EAO requests has been done before. 
I am pointing out some information from work that Mike Fenger and myself did on the Board of Friends of Ecological Reserves the past for the NEB hearings . 
1. In this document, although it  lists species of several of the marine ecological reserves,  Race Rocks is included with examples 
page 48 -page 54 : Marine mammals
see page 52  
page 55-page 61 Birds 
page 63-67  fish (including forage fish on our beaches
page 67- page 71 .. Invertebrates
page 72- page  74  .. macroalgae
page 75-  terrestrial plants in upper foreshore areas
From this link ….
there is a lot of information of the biological resources along the Strait of Juan De Fuca also in section
3.5 SARA-Listed Species in Two Ecological Reserves and in appendix page 139
Garry Fletcher.. Metchosin Environmental Advisory Select Committee 


Ecoguardians Allen and Ilka Olsen experience ecoguardian stay at Race Rocks

Monday June 19:  Arrived 3.30 pm
TUESDAY June 20  Orientation of animals, systems and tasks. Counted, cleaned, performed tasks.

Wednesday June 21 Animal Census See previous post.

Thursday to SATURDAY, Days running together.

Continue to do animal counts.
Gulls seem to be diminishing (368 Sat); no chicks, yet. Lots of nests with mostly 3 eggs. Oyster catcher (single chick last seen Thur).

Only one swallow; assume one is on nest.

Thrilling to see orca: four on Thurs; single male performing


Saturday June 24; brought out the ecotours.

Two huge flocks of guillemot totalling 70.

Brandts cormorants always in same spot (7).

Seals 138; hard to determine number of e-seals—4 + large
female in front yard named Blubber Maid. At low tide she goes down the boat ramp then returns to continue moult.

Much boat traffic (sun/calm): Ecotours avg 12; Tugs/barges; freighters avg 20; pleasure boats-fishing/power/sail; Cruise
ships avg 2; military; helicopters 4 during exercises; Clipper; Coho.
Fog Thursday and Friday: fog horn began 3.30 am ‘til 8.30. Friday midnight ‘til 2.15 pm. Saturday clear.

Allen cleaning solar panels daily. Checked water in batteries. Washed keeper house windows. Ilka cleaned indoors;
counting all day and from tower x 3.
Gale force winds to 60k came in Fri afternoon until late Sat morning. Greg managed to visit late afternoon.
SUNDAY June 25 Last full day; changeover scheduled for Mon. Again, woke to foghorn –4 am to 4pm c only an hour’s reprieve.
Poor visibility most of day but counted 111 guillemots. Saw three OCs with two rejecting the third. The couple seems to be nesting. Have not seen the chicks from earlier in the week. Gulls which seem fewer still performing cloacal kissing,, building nests—still no chicks. From tower looking into clear water watched mother seal with baby on back or alongside. Impressive swimmer and quite the frolicker.
High wind and waves all day; still 10 or so ecotour vessels came out. All attempting to see Blubber Maid, our e-seal; she continues her daily trek at low tide down the boat ramp from the front yard. Lies with snout in water for a while before returning to yard. Will probably be leaving soon as moult seems complete. Saw a sealion near the jetty and heard barking from 1-2 others.
MONDAY June 26  7.30 sunny c 50k wind after wild evening and night of 60+k. Did a final gull count from tower…559—seems all gulls and more have returned. 100+ more flew in as I was leaving. Blubber Maid in one of her favourite dayspots—cross roads of walkways. Expecting Greg with changeover guardian plus two visiting ecologists for a couple of
hours only.
Cleaned house. Loved our fascinating 8-day stint.

Animal Census

The following was submitted  by ECO-GUARDIANS Allen & ilka Olsen

MAMMALS—Seals 182 (including 1 mounting elephant at house; 4 others on south rock)
BIRDS—Guillemot, pigeon 70
Cormorant, Brandt 11
Oyster Catcher, black 7 (includes 3 chicks)
Eagle, bald 3 (1 immature)
Gull 421 (I dead/seems to have hit student house window)
Swallow, Barn 2
Harlequin 4
Turnstones 2
INSECTS—Flies (countless)


FACILITY WORK—Regular tasks including cleaning.
TRAFFIC—Coast Guard 1; Us Coast Guard 1; US Research; Cruise Ship 6; Mega Yacht 1; Fishing 1;
Freighter 19; Whale/Wildlife 20; Tug 3

NOTES: Busy day. Started counting from tower at 0630. One DND detonation. Second Nature (Cedric came with supplies).


From Land toSea , Who protects Race Rocks.. BCIT documentary

A documentary by BCIT students Abby Francis and Richard Davis / April 11, 2023

This documentary is provided by the BCIT News:

In April 2023 BCIT students Abby Francis and Richard Davis visited  Race Rocks and  interviewed Ecoguardian Derek Sterling and Race Rocks ER Warden Garry Fletcher about the Ecological reserve.   This documentary is published in the BCIT News

Race Rocks Lightstation – Weather Conditions – Environment Canada- and Problems for Oil-spill cleanup

Environment Canada has weather sensors installed at the top of the lighthouse at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. When windspeed was noted for every hour of the year, the reality of how ineffective Oil spill Cleanup would be becomes evident.

Hourly weather conditions summary for the past 24 hours. This includes conditions, temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed/direction, air pressure, visibility, and wind chill/humidex (when applicable)



The archive of past data for every hour per day of each month go to this Environment Canada website link and enter the year month and date to access the data.



From this archive analysis can be made of wind speed conditions in the Eastern Entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We are concerned that although the claim is made that Canada has World Class oils spill  response capabilities , the reality is that for a large portion of time cleanup by booms and skimmers is not possible because the equipment cannot be deployed at wind speeds above 28 km/hr.

Some facts from the Environment Canada data:
1. In July of 2022  there were 11 days when the wind speed every hour was 28 km/hr or greater. and 69.5% of the hours in the month, clean up equipment could not be deployed due to high velocity wind conditions. 
2. In March of 2023, the wind speed was 28 km/hr or greater  37% of the time.
3. In Februarry of 2023 , the wind speed was 28 km/hr or greater 43 % of the time 
4. In January of 2023 , the wind speed was 28 km/hr or greater 36% of the time

5. In the first week of April 2023 the wind speed was 28km/hr or greater 51% of the time

In the graph above, the  white arrows in the current table of Race Passage in the
Eastern entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca represent the times of the day on on April 5 when current speed was above the speed of 3 nauts, the speed at which equipment deployed for containing oil spills on water fails. This means only
brief windows when the tide is changing would oil spill retainment be possible.

Archives of Victoria Newspaper Articles on Race Rocks

The  British Colonist Newspaper Archives 1859-1906

Since the last time I looked at the digitized versions of the early newspaper of Victoria, further work has been done by the University of Victoria Archives in digitizing and more of the early Victoria Newspaper references to Race Rocks have been found.  Here are some that I have come across to date..

1858/08/12 .. (page2 left column)Lighthouse Commissioners: HMS Plumper, Capt. Richards left Esquimalt Wednesday morning to select a site for a lighthouse on Race Rocks…

1934/12/30  Historic Race Rocks Lighthouse (recounts construction of lighthouse as well as story of Davies and tragedy)

1970/04/26  Californians Come for Good Life. (California Sea Lions)

1070/06/07 In Stiff Wind off Race Rocks Yacht Mishap Kills Four

1970/08/09 Unusual Homecoming ..   ( Race Rocks Construction, light-keeper George Davies )

1971/09/26 Dreaded Race Rocks :

1977/02/20  Race Rocks Treasure. ( Thomas Argyle)

1977/10/02 Zone of Silence

178/04/23 Sea Lions Transients of the Coast. ( Stellers sea lions)