A fine day out at RR today. Winds of between 5-12 kts in varying easterly directions. The barometer dropped from 102.4 this morning to 101.9. Winds increasing tonight to up to 20kts, with midnight fog, forecast to dissipate by Saturday morning.
Boat activity
- Six tour boats (3 of which spotted the Orcas that were hanging around the reserve this morning)
- Two pleasure fishing vessels. One moved a little too quickly out of the reserve. We encourage all vessels to travel at a maximum of 7kts within the reserve (we don’t want butchered Sea Lions :)
Ecological happenings
- 3 Orca’s spotted well within the reserve this morning at 10am.
- Two bald eagles at North Rocks
- We continue to trouble shoot the water system in the student house. The pump is now installed, but there is a mysterious leak. Stay tuned……
- Two friends of the eco-guardians are visiting the island today (Carole and Flo). One is a renewable energy consultant and will be checking out the island’s system for improvements. Like all visitors they are awestruck by the island’s energy and beauty.
- Orca!
- Elephant Seal
- Broken wing seagull
- Brand