racerocks.com Project Update, Feb 6 2000

We have made very significant advances towards our goal of initiating Phase 1 on March 11, 2000. This is especially true in the week of January 31, 2000 thanks to an extraordinary effort from our lead partners at Telus and LGS.

LGS Project Manager Aengus McIntosh has proven himself to be a stern task master and gifted conductor as he coordinates the various aspects of the project. We have ordered the radio equipment needed to beam the heavy bandwidth of streaming video from Race Rocks to Pearson College and our entry point into “mainland” fiber and the internet. With advice from the specialists at Telus we have selected Tsunami Radio, 5.8 GHz spread spectrum 4Mb equipment to deliver the signal from Race Rocks. This equipment has been ordered from Glentel in Edmonton. Web specialist Scott Nicholl at LGS is working with Garry Fletcher and his students from Pearson College to develop the new racerocks.com web page for the March 11 launch. Scott has sourced our first camera, a SiteZap from Reardon Technology which is on the way to us from California. Aengus McIntosh continues to track our activities to make sure we apply foresight in our design, maximize the value of our purchases and work together to meet the complex and interconnected deadlines.

At Telus, effective support from Ian Scott, has mobilized a dedicated group of specialists in various Telus departments. Telus provided the solution to our biggest challenge when they agreed to provide the tower required to mount the radio antenna at the Pearson College end of our radio link. This was a turning point for the whole project and we are all very grateful to Telus. Staff in their Advanced Communication division are working on the issues around delivering the streaming video out of Pearson College and onto the Internet through the Telus server farm. Tim will have more details on this in the near future.

With a red balloon tethered high above the College’s observatory it is obvious something is happening. Garry Fletcher and a group of students in the know are aware of the work being done by Tom Bates of Telus to find the site for a radio link to the Pearson College campus. Less obvious are the preliminary web activities and documenting of the project that Garry’s students are working on. As the educational leader | and Director of the project, Garry is researching the various needs and options of the project design. We are very grateful to Tom Sampson for his advice on First Nation’s aspects of the educational program. Throughout this time the public consultations onthe establishment of the Race Rocks Marine Protected Area are also proceeding. Garry and several students are very much involved in this process as well. Garry also finds time to teach as well!

We welcome more supporters to the project. Ken Dunham, a Pearson College graduate and the principal of Symmetrical Systems Consulting is a born again partner in the project. It was Ken Dunham and Garry Fletcher that first developed the idea of a virtual Race Rocks web site in 1996 (when the costs were prohibitive). Ken is donating his network design expertise to design and build the local area network on Great Race Island and across the campus of Pearson College to Telus fiber. It is amazing how much today’s design looks like Ken’s 1996 radical version! Vancouver Aquarium and Marine Science Centre have confirmed significant financial support for the project and we look forward to the benefits of the Centre’s extensive experience in delivering marine education programs as we move into subsequent phases of the project.

The Federal Millennium Partnership Bureau has made this project possible. We have been in extensive communication with Bureau staff in recent weeks and they have been of great assistance in developing our contract and accounting systems. Though detailed and precise the systems are efficiently expedited. The good news is that at this point we are exactly on budget.

On a personal note… it is a great experience to work on this project. I have never worked with a group of such eager problem solvers. Thank you to all those mentioned here and to the many others working on specific elements of racerocks.com who will I am sure be recognised as their particular component comes on line.

If you are interested in the Race Rocks Marine Protected Area plan you are welcome to attend a Department of Fisheries and Oceans and BC Parks open house on the plan at Royal Roads on Saturday February 12, 2000 from 9:00 to 15:00hrs or at the Olympic View Golf Club on Wednesday February 16, 2000 from 19:00 to 21:30hrs. Garry and some of our students will be there to discuss the issues and present information about Race Rocks from our existing web site at http://www.racerocks.com

please e-mail Marc Pakenham at DFO if you plan to attend.

Angus Matthews


RRAB Meeting # 3 January, 2000

12h00 — 16h00, JANUARY 26, 2000

Regrets: Duane Freeman — Department of National Defence

Observers: Judith Burke — South Islands Aquatic Stewardship Society


  • Nancy Holman DFO Communications and Judith Burke from South Islands Aquatic Society were introduced. Judith will be assisting 2WE Associates with the public meetings.


  • Roundtable discussion and revision of Terms of Reference.

ACTION ITEM: Marc Pakenham to circulate revised Terms of Reference.


  • Marc Pakenham described the results of various information sessions and outcomes to date including: Sports Fishing Advisory Board’s endorsement of the bathymetric model; the diving community’s support of the bathymetric model with an extension to the 50 metre depth contour. The greatest amount of support was for the angularized version (Option 2.)
  • Keith Symington inquired where would 50 metre contour be on the map. Marc Pakenham indicated that he would produce another map showing the 50-metre contour line.
  • Marc Pakenham discussed the option of cutting off the western fingers and extending northern boundaries of the ER.
  • Keith Symington suggested that we need to discuss what is important at the end of the day (e.g. the establishment of the first MPA in Canada).
  • Garry Fletcher suggested that northern point of Option 2 does not need to go further than northern boundary of the ER. Race Passage falls well below the “protection unit” and protection of that area would not provide any added value to the core area.
  • Angus Matthews indicated that the major users of Race Rocks from an operational perspective are one — the sports fishing community, two — the eco-tourism community and three – the dive community. We need to focus on those that are going to be using the area. The existing problems with Option 2 are: 1) the northern point in Race Passage, and 2) western fingers are prime halibut areas.
  • Sean Moore indicated that he needs to have information to hand out regarding boundaries. His experience indicates that the numbers of people that fish in area has been dropping since the inception of the ER and that many people know and recognize the existing footprint.
  • Sean Moore indicated that SFAB totally supports no-take of resident species but is still looking for fishing opportunities for transient species.
  • Howard Breen agreed with Angus Matthews’ remark that boundaries are a “maker or breaker” issue. What is important is getting task completed. He suggested that existing boundaries won’t reach conservation goal, but future network of MPAs will add to biomass for all users.
  • Kelly Francis re-iterated that during consultation or information sessions we are referring to Race Rocks and not all future MPAs. This process may be used as a template but the outcomes may not necessarily be the same.
  • Cheryl Borris felt that the College is the primary constituent at Race Rocks and not fish harvesters. The ER is the land and the seabed and the MPA is water column. There are separate goals for each, but we need to keep them joined. The issue of the MPA is whether it is going to be a no-take or not. First Nations have suggested that they would suspend harvesting for 5 years. Is SFAB willing to do that?
  • Tom Sampson expressed his concern that if this process was to establish a protected area than it should be protected in its entirety. He felt that a larger area would be better because there are other areas for all fishermen to go to. He suggested that First Nations would be looking to look at this project for 4 to 5 years to see if MPAs work. He indicated that the RRAB is too concerned with excluding people out of the area and out of the process, and the focus should be on the fact that we are already out of and not recognizing the natural process.
  • Keith Symington indicated that to facilitate completion of the process he would rather support going back to Option 1 with a no-take provision and that changing the ER boundaries would be viewed negatively by the conservation community.
  • Garry Fletcher indicated that the 20-fathom line boundary of the ER was not based on science but on limit of scuba diving. In 1990, fisheries regulations were put in place to address impact on the ecosystem from harvesting. The RRAB has to come to terms with the fact that this area is not a scientifically defensible in terms of conservation and protection but that there is an urgency to move forward. Future MPAs may need a 20-year study to determine where to put boundaries, but until that time use existing boundaries i.e.. the Ecological Reserve.
  • Jim Morris indicated that the problems lie with compliance, enforcement and education. He suggested a 5-year study plan to examine options of a larger area.
  • Howard Breen suggested that we need a mechanism to ensure that users know when they are in or out of the ER/MPA. The RRAB should not be hung up on boundaries – education /enforcement is the greater issue.
  • Angus Matthews suggested that the essence of problem is compliance and education and that it is very hard to inform people of fishing rules when the rules are not straightforward. He felt that it was critical to collect data as to why people are at Race Rocks and what they are doing.
  • Angus Matthews suggested that with the addition of a radar system they would be able to overlay boundaries on radar screen. He also indicated that they may be able to use strobe lights to signal people when they are in or out of the boundaries
  • Jenny Sparkes suggested that until the objectives of the MPA are defined it is not possible to make a decision on boundaries.
  • Anita Voss inquired when would the boundary questions be decided. Kelly Francis indicated that we have to finish public consultations before boundary decision can be made.
  • Cheryl Borris suggested that maybe step one is to accept the existing ER boundaries as the MPA for now and plan for an incremental approach to addressing changes.


  • Marc Pakenham distributed a copy of an example of a provincial management plan and asked for the RRAB to review it.
  • Marc Pakenham indicated that the current draft management plan does not discuss governance or fiscal/financial implications and discussed ideas of an annual report as a reporting tool.
  • Jim Morris described the province’s requirement for a certain format and management plan specifically for the ER.
  • Angus Matthews indicated that the governments have to work together in the development of a unified management plan. Keith Symington and Tom Sampson both agreed to this point.
  • Cheryl Borris inquired if the Province had a problem going forward with a joint plan.
  • Jim Morris indicated that the only problem is question of format. He indicated that he would go back to his managers to let them to know that the RRAB wants a joint plan.
  • Howard Breen indicated that the one of the reason he was here is to ensure that the governments work together on this pilot.


  • Marc Pakenham thanked Dr. Voss for her attendance and participation. He informed the board that Scott Wallace has been unable to participate to-date because of workload and remote location. Marc asked for suggestions for another Science representative.
  • Keith Symington suggested Bill Austin from the Cowichan Marine Centre.
  • Gary Fletcher suggested someone from the University of Victoria would be preferable, as they would be able to generate future interest for graduate students.
  • Anita Voss suggested that Bill Cosgrove or Phil Lambert from the Royal BC Museum might be good candidate.
  • Gary Fletcher suggested that Norm Healy from Royal Roads may be interested.


  • Gary Fletcher gave a progress report on the www.racerocks.com project.


  • Marc Pakenham discussed the DND site tour and thanked Bill Laing for hosting the event.
  • Marc Pakenham informed the board of the latest information sessions including the session with dive community who expressed interested in a volunteer warden program. The dive community may develop a code of conduct for divers in the ER/MPA as well as regulations regarding speed limits. Erin Bradley suggested that it was a very useful discussion about compliance and volunteer policing of the area by the people who are using the area.
  • Howard Breen inquired if there was any expression of interest from the divers about sinking a wreck in the MPA. Marc Pakenham indicated there was not.
  • Angus Matthews indicated that there were opportunities for local divers to participate in research at Race Rocks that require a relatively low science background (e.g. through Reefkeepers).
  • Jim Morris indicated he was enthusiastic with the meeting with local divers. He felt that divers do not want anchorage in MPA and may want to include an environmental component in their training.
  • Marc Pakenham discussed the presentation to the Metchosin Regional District and indicated that they will be sending a motion of support for the project.
  • Marc Pakenham discussed the upcoming public consultation sessions and the possible contracting of 2WE Consultants. The target date for these sessions is the second to third week of February.
  • Angus Matthews inquired as to what sort of forum would be used to inform the public of the sessions. Marc Pakenham and Nancy Holman suggested that it would be a combination of radio, and daily and weekly newspapers. Angus Matthews suggested using a Western Community site as well as in Victoria.
  • Angus Matthews suggested also advertising the information on the Internet and that the presentation could use an open house type format.
  • Howard Breen inquired what would be the end date for information sessions. Angus Matthews suggested that it should coincide with last public presentation.
  • After a roundtable discussion around time and location Marc Pakenham indicated that February the 12th from 0930-1530 in Victoria and the 16th in Metchosin from 1930-2130 would be planned for.


  • Marc Pakenham discussed the opportunity to use a video teleconference facility to communicate with New Zealand sports fishers and their experience with the establishment of MPAs. Rupert Gale suggested although that was an interesting idea he cautioned that the issues are different in New Zealand than here in terms of target species and the establishment of MPAs.

Next meeting date: Feb 23 2000 1200-1600

Location: 1st Floor Parks Board Room, 800 Johnson St. Victoria

Return to RRAB Index

Millenium Partners, LGS and Telus visit Race Rocks with Pearson College

Photos by Victor Rakou, PC student (Russia) —–Text by Peter Seem, PC student ( US)

On January 14th, 2000, Tom Bates, Paul Longley, and a Telus representative, along with Angus Macintosh and Scott Nichol, from LGS, came out to Pearson College. After a whirlwind tour of campus from Garry Fletcher, Biology and Marine Science teacher, and Angus Matthews, administration and finance director,  the group headed out to Race Rocks along with several Pearson Students.The group’s main goal for the day was to find sites for the radio or microwave transceivers that would transmit data between the college and Race Rocks.

The transmission of data will be Telus’ contribution to the project. Paul Longley, from pre-sales technical support, and Tom Bates, with microwave engineering, were there to lend their expertise.   LGS’ Aengus Macintosh was acting as project manager, and Scott Nichol was recording the work for the web page the IT firm would be helping to create.

Other options, the tops of local mountains, would require running a ground cable from the site to the college, which would be both time consuming and costly. Clearly, the best option present was to aim for a site just behind Pearson College’s observatory, which was relatively clear of trees and already connected to the internet by a high speed line.

While the group also needed to deal with finding sites and running power to all of the equipment on Race Rocks, their primary concern was the data transmission. In order to get undisturbed transmission they needed a clear line of sight between two stable sites. Any trees, foliage, or other obstructions, or small movements at either end, would break up the transmission. Indeed, even being too close to the water would generate refraction that could disturb data flow.The best solution found was to start from the highest point on Race Rocks, and aim up. From the top of the lighthouse, with the aid of a sighting scope, they took stock of the options: William Head, the closest point to the island, was deemed too low to the water to allow for a clean shot.


examining the tide pool on the west side

Garry took the group over to the tidepool that has been constructed on the West side of the island.
Plans were to install one small camera underwater in this pool to provide a window to view the emerging life and the frequent surge action .

This tidepool was rearranged and no longer functioning after the hurricane of 2006. Fortunately the underwater camera had not been installed!


The observatory could be seen from the top of the lighthouse through a gap in the trees. The next question that had to be dealt with was whether any of the taller trees in between would provide an obstruction, and need to be topped. The prospect of gaining permission from the DND to take the tops off of one or two old growth trees on their property was frowned on because of the delays that would undoubtedly ensue. To get an answer, the team decided to take a look at the situation from the other end. A boat ride later, things weren’t much clearer. From within the dome of the observatory, it was very difficult to catch site of Race Rocks, or more importantly, the lighthouse. Despite Garry’s excited, “I see red! ” the mood was skeptical. Stripped black and white, with a red cap, the lighthouse should have stood out, if it was visible. The difficulty catching sight of it suggested that they would either need to be higher up or that a clean shot wasn’t going to be possible.

No one was willing to go ahead with any other part of the project, trying to secure donors and expensive equipment, without being sure that this most fundamental requirement could be met. It was resolved that they would try a test the next day to find out just how high an observatory side tower would need to be, if indeed it was possible at all.

On January 15th, at noon at Pearson College there happened a strange sight. A giant red helium balloon flew high over the college, dancing in the breeze on a long tether tied to a banister at the observatory. While one part of the group headed out to Race Rocks, the other sent up the helium filled balloon.The helium filled balloon. Over radio from the lighthouse, they directed the balloon to be raised higher until they could see it, unmistakably and comfortably above any surrounding trees. The length of the tether, still well within the achievable height for a tower, was proof that a clear line for transmission had been found.

The project is ready to move into actually constructing the tower, setting up the transmission equipment, and obtaining the cameras and sensors. They hope to have transmission established and two cameras up and running by March 11, 2000.


LGS Project Management of the Millennium Project

This Project Management was a donation of the LGS group the following .PDF files represent the valuable contribution that this group contributed to ensuring the successful completion of the Project.



1. Project Definition Statement

2. January 6, 2000 Gantt Report

3. LGS Project Management Methodology

4.January 11 Gantt Report

Agenda for the RR MPA Advisory Board Meeting, January 5, 2000


Second meeting of the Race Rocks Advisory Board.


Doug Biffard – BC ParksCheryl Borris – Friends of Ecological Reserves

Erin Bradley — Dive Community

Howard Breen – Georgia Strait Alliance

Garry Fletcher – Lester B. Pearson College

Kelly Francis – Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Duane Freeman – Department of National Defence

Gordon Hanson – Coast Salish Sea Council

Dan Kukat — Sport Fish Advisory Board

Lieutenant Commander Bill Laing – Department of National Defence (DND)

Angus Matthews -Lester B. Pearson College

Sean Moore – Marina Operators

Jim Morris – BC Parks

Marc Pakenham – Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr. John Pringle – Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Tom Sampson – Coast Salish Sea Council

Keith Symington – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

Dr. Anita Voss

Kevin Walker?- Northwest Whale Watchers Association

Scott Wallace


Sean MacConnachie – Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Paul Preston – Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Jenny Sparkes – Parks Canada

Wendy Szanislow – Parks Canada



  1. Purpose of Meeting
  2. Draft Terms of Reference
  3. Consensus decision making
  4. MPA boundaries
  5. Draft Management Plans
  6. Updates from meetings/consultations
  7. Other business

STAKEHOLDER GROUPS to be consulted Fos MPA Advisory Board


The following list is subject to revision but identifies most stakeholder groups at this time (06.12.99).

Amalgamated Conservation Society

Aquarius Dive Club — DND

BC Shorekeepers/Reefkeepers Assoc.



Canadian Coast Guard – DFO

Canadian Wildlife Service

Capital Regional District – Roundtable on the Environment,- Environment Committee

Department of National Defence – CFB Esquimalt

District of Metchosin

Environmental Risk Management – CFB Esquimalt

Environmental Youth Alliance

First Nations – Beecher Bay, Esquimalt, Songhees, T’sartlip, T’souke

Frank White’s Scuba Shop

Friends of Ecological Reserves

Georgia Strait Alliance

Greater Victoria Natural History Society

Green/Blue Belt Conservancy Society

Habitat Acquisition Trust

Juan de Fuca Economic Development Commission

Lester B. Pearson College

Local marinas

Ogden Point Dive Centre

Ocean Centre

Parks Canada PMHL

Pedder Bay Marina

Royal BC Museum

Saanich Inlet Protection Committee

Sierra Club of British Columbia

Society for the Protection of Ayum Creek

South Island Aquatic Stewardship Society

Sports Fish Advisory Board – Race Rocks Sub-Committee

Tourism Victoria – Environment Committee

University of Victoria

Veins of Life Watershed Society

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels

Victoria Natural History Society

Victoria Marine Adventure Centre

Victoria Marine Advisory Council

Whale Watch Operators Association NW?

World Fisheries Trust

Return to RRAB Index
Racerocks.com Pearson College website Sitemap Contact
Garry Fletcher

Terms of Reference for the Race Rocks MPS Advisory Board

Race Rocks Advisory BoardTerms of Reference

1. Introduction:

The Oceans Act provides the authority for the nomination or recommendation and establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).The Race Rocks area has been recommended as a pilot Marine Protected Area for a number of reasons. As a transition zone between the Pacific Ocean and coastal waters, the area is renowned for its exceptional diversity of marine life.

From a First Nation’s perspective the area has cultural significance with respect to traditional use and management of the area’s resources. There is recognition that, should a Marine Protected Area be established, it will not infringe on First Nations’ existing Treaty rights, traditional, food, ceremonial interests or relationship with the area; and allow for cooperative management opportunities.

Race Rocks was designated as an Ecological Reserve in 1980 under the province of British Columbia’s authority and a cooperative management relationship has been developed with Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific. Fisheries and Oceans Canada and BC Parks, in collaboration with First Nations, stakeholders and the public, are aiming to develop further management strategies to support protection and conservation objectives for the area. The Race Rocks Advisory Board (RRAB) has been convened with representation from a number of stakeholder groups and levels of government.

2. Purpose:

The Race Rocks Advisory Board has been established to enable a Marine Protected Area designation under the Oceans Act at Race Rocks. The terms of reference have been developed to clarify the objectives, process, role and conduct of the Advisory Board.


  1. Objectives:

The Race Rocks Advisory Board will:

  • represent key constituent groups or stakeholders
  • provide advice to Fisheries and Oceans Canada and B.C. Parks on the consultation process
  • collate and analyze feedback from consultations
  • make interim management recommendations to Fisheries and Oceans Canada

and B.C. Parks for the establishment of a marine protected area at Race Rocks

  • ensure community involvement in the establishment and on-going management of Race Rocks MPA

4. Participation, Roles and Responsibilities:


The Race Rocks area is of interest to a wide range of constituents representing a broad spectrum of activities. The RRAB represents a reasonably comprehensive cross-section of interest groups and activities. The RRAB shall be comprised of, but not limited to, representatives from the following groups:

    • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    • BC Parks
    • First Nations Council of the Salish Sea
    • Lester B. Pearson College
    • Department of National Defense
    • Sports Fishery Advisory Board
    • Whale Watchers Operators Association – North West
    • Scientific Community
    • Dive Community
    • Georgia Strait Alliance
    • Friends of Ecological Reserves
    • Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
    • Local Marina Operators
  • Parks Canada (Advisor/Observer Status)
  • Underwater Harvesters of BC

If a member/participant is unable to attend a scheduled Board meeting, they may invite an alternate from their constituency. Participants are encouraged to invite other members of their groups to attend RRAB meetings, with prior notification of the Chair and subject to space limitations.


  1. The RRAB shall provide advice to BC Parks, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and First Nations regarding the development of a management plan for the MPA.
  2. The RRAB shall act solely as an advisory body to BC Parks and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Nothing in these terms of reference constitutes authority to perform operational or management functions, or to represent or make decisions on behalf of BC Parks and/or Fisheries and Oceans Canada and/or First Nations.
  3. The RRAB shall draw on the expertise of its members and other sources in order to provide advice to BC Parks and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
  4. The RRAB may serve as a forum for consultation and deliberation among its participants and as a source of consensus-based advice to BC Parks and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Such consensus advice shall fairly represent the collective and individual views of the RRAB members and the constituencies they represent.


Responsibility of Advisory Board Participants:

Participants on the Race Rocks Advisory Board are encouraged to:

  • provide advice and information on their activities within and surrounding Race Rocks
  • actively participate in discussions
  • share airtime with others
  • offer respect for different viewpoints and attention when others are speaking
  • ask questions for clarification and mutual understanding
  • verify assumptions
  • deal with differences as problems to be discussed, not battles to be won
  • refrain from distracting others through side conversations, cell phones off
  • make a best faith effort to work toward an agreement at the table
  • represent the perspectives, concerns and interest of respective agencies or constituencies wherever possible to ensure that agreements developed are acceptable to the organizations, agencies or constituents that you represent
  • maintain dialogue with your constituency regarding the activities and discussions of the Race Rocks Advisory Board
  • refer media contacts regarding the activities of the Board to the Chair/facilitator. Board members can speak on behalf of the Board not on the behalf of individual members.
  1. Process:

Recommendations by the RRAB will be made through a consensus-based process. The intent of this process is to provide the opportunity for all parties to participate in a manner which responds to their interests If issues arise, whenever possible, final decisions will be made on the basis of recommendations supported by consensus as opposed to being unilaterally imposed.

Consensus shall mean the “general agreement of all participants on a package of decisions or recommendations” and shall embody the following concepts:

  1. Consensus does not mean total concurrence on every aspect of a decision, but all participants must be willing to accept the overall decision package.
  2. If a participant withholds agreement on an issue(s), that participant is responsible for explaining how their interests are adversely affected or how the proposed agreement fails to meet its interests. The participant withholding agreement must propose alternatives and other participants must consider how all interests may be met.
  3. Once consensus is reached on the overall package, it is assumed to be binding (Cormick et al. 1996).

All participants to a recommendation on which consensus had been achieved agree to exercise their rights, mandates, and responsibilities consistent with that recommendation and to take such further steps as may be necessary to give it effect.

If consensus is not achieved through this process, each participant will exercise their rights, responsibilities, and mandates as they see fit — unfettered as to statutory decision-making responsibilities and without prejudice to their rights and obligations by reason of having participated in the process.

6. Meetings:

Meetings will be held periodically to assess and evaluate RRAB’s activities and input. The chair / facilitator will be responsible to call meetings as interest or issues develop. RRAB members are also able to call a meeting if a topic has to be addressed.

7. Deliverables:

The RRAB will deliver recommendations on levels of protection, goals and objectives to BC Parks, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and First Nations on the establishment of a MPA at Race Rocks. The Federal and Provincial Government in accordance with the joint MPA strategy for Canada’s Pacific Coast will determine the final recommendations for a MPA at Race Rocks.

8. Timeline:

It is expected that the Race Rocks Advisory Board, as outlined by these terms of reference, will complete the tasks described by 31 March, 2000.

9. Responsibilities of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and B.C. Parks:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada and B.C. Parks support the sharing of all information and dialogue from the consultative process. Representatives from the respective departments on the Race Rocks Advisory Board will endeavour to fairly represent the interim management recommendations developed by the Race Rocks Advisory Board. B.C. Parks and Fisheries and Oceans Canada will review the recommendations of the Advisory Board and consider those recommendations when developing criteria for the designation, management and regulation of Race Rocks Marine Protected Area and future MPA strategies.

Race Rocks Ecological Overview- Spreadsheet of References on Race Rocks

This spreadsheet was made by Garry Fletcher as part of the Race Rocks ecological overview done for DFO . The links have not been updated since the website   had to be moved from the Telus Server.  The references are also housed in the bookshelf in the Marine biology lab at Pearson College.   This  alternate link here may be preferable here also Most references should also be available in a google search. 

Race Rocks References
References ID Reference Type Author1, Author2, Author3 year Title Journal, report, book title editor Volume Number page URL Call Number Abstract Comments Links 
2 Refereed Journal Brinckmann-Voss – Anita 1996 Seasonality of Hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks, off Vancouver Island, Canada Scientia Marina . 60 1 89-97 rrrefer/Anita’s/seasonal.htm 593.55 Bri S None available– See Comments or Links Includes useful section on systematics, line maps of the Race Rocks Area, and species lists of hydroids from specific tidepools and subtidal areas. Complete text and diagrams included in link. http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/hydroid/pub/seasonal.htm
3 Refereed Journal Brinckmann-Voss- Anita,Lickey-D.M.,Mills-C.E. 1993 Rhysia fletcheri (Cnidaria, hydrozoa, Rhysiidae), a new species of colonial hydroid from Vancouver Island ( British Columbia, Canada) and the San Juan Archipelago ( Washington, U.S.A.) Can.Journal of Zool. . 71: 2 401-406 Rhysia/Rhysia.htm 593.55 Bri A new species of colonial athecate hydroid, Rhysia fletcheri , is described from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and from Friday Harbour, Washington, U.S.A. It’s relationship to Rhysia autumnalis Brinckmann from the Mediterranean and Rhysia halecii (Hickson and Gravely) from the Antarctic and Japan is discussed. Rhysia fletcheri differs from Rhysia autumnalis and Rhysia halecii in the gastrozooid having distinctive cnidocyst clusters on its hypostome and few, thick tentacles. Most of its female gonozooids have no tentacles. Colonies of R. fletcheri are without dactylozooids. The majority of R. fletcheri colonies are found growing on large barnacles or among the hydrorhiza of large thecate hydrozoans. Rhysia fletcheri occurs in relatively sheltered waters of the San Juan Islands and on the exposed coast of Southern Vancouver Island. Microphotographs of male and female specimens and Systematics discussion are included with the description of this new species found at Race Rocks. Color photographs by the author of male and female specimens are included in the link to the article. We wish to acknowledge the National Research Council of Canada who have kindly consented to the printing of this article. We also wish to thank the author, Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss for providing the color photographs of the specimens for the web site http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/hydroid/anitabv.htm
4 Refereed Journal Ford, John K.B. 1991 Vocal Traditions among resident killer whales(Orcinus orca) in coastal waters of British Columbia . . 69 . 1454-1481 . . Underwater vocalizations were recorded during repeated encounters with 16 pods, or stable kin groups, of killer whales (Orcinus orca) off the West Coast of British Columbia. Pods were identified from unique natural markings on individuals. Vocal exchanges within pods were dominated by repetitious discrete calls. Pods each produced 7-11 (mean 10.7) types of discrete calls. Individuals appear to acquire their pod’s call repertoire by learning, and repertoires can persist with little change for over 25 years. Call repertoires differed significantly among pods in the resident population. The 16 pods formed four distinct acoustic associations, or clans, each having a unique repertoire of discrete calls or vocal tradition. Pods within a clan shared several call types but no sharing took place among clans. Shared calls often contained structural variations specific to each pod or group of pods within the clan. These variants and other differences in acoustic behavior formed a system of related pod-specific dialects within the vocal tradition of each clan. Pods from different clans often traveled together, but observed patterns of social associations were often independent of acoustic relationships. It is proposed that each clan comprises related pods that have descended from a common ancestral group. New pods formed from this ancestral group through growth and matrilineal division of the lineage. The formation of new pods was accompanied by divergence of the call repertoire of the founding group. Such divergence resulted from the accumulation of errors in call learning across generations, call innovation , and call extinction. Pod-specific repertoires probably serve to enhance the efficiency of vocal communication within the group and act as behavioural indicators of pod affiliation. The striking differences among the vocal traditions of different clans suggest that each is an independent matriline. . .
Walker- Bruce 1987 Pearson College Transect Data – Methods. . . . . 9 . . None available– See Comments or Links Report on how to set up a transect and use transect data with reference to Race Rocks. .
Helm – Denise 1996 Light station Falls into College Hands Times- Colonist . Dec 12 . . . 577.7 Hel Ra None available– See Comments or Links . .
, Veiogo-Peniasi S. 1991 A study of the level of Parasitic Infection (in crabs) between two separate locations. . . . . 30 . 578.65 Vei Two locations were chosen to try to determine, and compare the level of parasitic infection between them. From each location, a total of forty crabs were observed for two species of parasites, and the test showed that there was, indeed, a difference in the level of parasitic infection between the two locations. I have purposely chosen in this study a few factors that could possibly be responsible for the observation stated above. In doing so, I picked factors that were most closely associated with the crabs and their natural habitats. Neither the sex nor the size of the crabs affects the level of infection in both the locations (i. e. there is no linear relationship between the level of infection and the size or sex of the crabs); the parasites infect all crabs with almost
the same frequency showing no preference to any particular sex or size. Therefore, this is a very simple and straightforward study with the prime objective of solving an ecological problem, basing much of the conclusions on preliminary observations. Furthermore, this study tries to stimulate and encourage wider and more extensive research of marine parasites and their role in the ecology of marine life.
Study to compare the level of parasitic infection between two different locations – Pedder Bay and Race Rocks. 40 crabs were observed for two parasites to observe if a relationship existed between the level of infection and the size of the hosts, as well as its sex. .
Odeh- Omar 1991 Microorganism association withHalosaccion glandiforme. . . . . 36 . . This study involves the microorganisms associated with Halosaccion glandiforme. The samples of Halosaccion glandiforme were taken from Race Rocks Island in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve.In this study the main purpose was to detect the effect of certain characteristics of the habitat (Halosaccion glandiforme) on the diversity and population of the species present inside Halosaccion glandiforme. The results of this study show that the diversity and population of the species present in Halosaccion glandiforme is sometimes affected by the factors studied. The factors that were studied include total surface area of the sample, the location of the species within Halosaccion glandiforme and the fact that some samples have their top part open and others closed. Study done in the Race Rocks ecological reserve to detect the effect of certain characteristics of the red algae habitat (H. glandiforme) on the diversity and population of the species present inside H. glandiforme. .
Obee-Bruce 1986 Race Rocks Beautiful British Columbia . . . . rrrefer/obee/obee.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Article about Race Rocks, off southern Vancouver Island. .
Hardie-D.,Mondor-C 1976 Race Rocks National Marine Park- A Preliminary Proposal . . . . 69 rrrefer/rrnatpark.htm . None available– See Comments or Links The federal- Provincial task force Working Group established in 1972 selected the marine and coastal area surrounding Race Rocks as one of several sites in the Strait of Georgia and Juan de Fuca Strait warranting further study as a potential marine park. In 1973 a second task force was given the responsibility of developing a proposal for establishing the same. Complete copy in this database. .
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 1998 Marine Protected Areas Program Policy . . . . 27 http://www.oceansconservation.com 577.7 Mar C None available– See Comments or Links
The Marine Protected Areas Program Policy provides the rationale for
the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ efforts with respect to the
identification, development, establishment and management of Marine
Protected Areas (MPAs) under the Oceans Act.
The purpose of this document was to give the public an opportunity to review and comment upon the elements of the Marine Protected Areas Program. .
Hagler- Bailly Consulting, DavidF.Dickens Associates,Robert Allan Ltd. 1995 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Establishing a Dedicated Rescue/Salvage Tug to Serve Canada’s Southern West Coast . . . . 92 . . This report provides a benefit-cost analysis for establishing one
dedicated rescue/salvage tug near the entrance to Juan de Fuca Strait on
the west coast of Canada. The primary role of the tug would be to rescue
a disabled oil tanker or major vessel. The tugs area of operation is
assumed to be a 78 nautical-mile radius from Bamfield, British Columbia,
which is located along the southern portion of Barkley Sound. This area
encompasses a wide portion of Pacific Rim National Park and extends as
far southeast as Port Angeles and as far north as Clayoquot Sound. These
areas contain physical, biological, and recreational resources that are
at risk from oil spills, and that have been injured by oil spills in the
recent past.
Comments on Juan de Fuca Wildlife Impacts of Oil Spill
Chapter 5 ” Benefits from establishing The rescue/Salvager Tugboat Program” is useful:
Figures C1-C3 show oil spill paths in Strait of Juan de Fuca
Anderson- David 1989 Report to the Premier On Oil Transportation and Spills . . . . 110 plus 25 pages in appendix . 363.7394 And This report is based on four month’s of public hearings in the coastal
communities of British Columbia during the summer of 1989. The diverse
proposals and recommendations coming from the public have been grouped,
assessed, and where necessary supplemented, in order to come up with a
coordinated and comprehensive series of recommendations to reduce marine
oil spill risks and to improve response capability. The document is not
focused on areas of provincial jurisdiction: the nature of the problems
faced in oil spill prevention and response, the presentations of the
public, and the approach of the Premier all suggest that the subject be
considered as a whole.
. .
Water Management Services 1971 The Environmental Consequences of The Proposed Oil Transport Between Valdez and Cherry Point Refinery . . . . . . 363.7382 Env The hazard to the marine and coastal environments associated with tanker
transport may be considered to occur in two related, but distinct, ways.
One is the continuing leak of oil to the environment resulting from the
myriad of routine operations associated with the oil industry, both
intentional and accidental, which contributes the major but less
spectacular contribution to marine oil pollution. The other is the spill
arising from mishap (grounding, collision, structural failure or fire)
in which all or a significant fraction of the cargo is released to the
environment over a short period.
. .
Rosso- Giovanni E. 1999 Patterns of Color Polymorphism in the Intertidal Snail, Littorina sitkana at the Race Rocks Marine Protected Area . . . . . rreoref/polymor/giovee.htm 594.3 Ros As most intertidal gastropods, the Littorina sitkana shows remarkable
variation in shell color. This occurs in both microhabitats that are
exposed or sheltered from wave action. There appeared to be a close link
between the shell coloration of the periwinkle and the color of the
background surface. Fieldwork was carried out at the Race Rocks Marine
Protected Area in order to investigate patterns of color polymorphism.
Evidence from previous studies was also taken into account to better
support interpretations and understand certain behaviors.
The results showed that in the study site there was a very strong
relation between the color of the shells and the color of the rocks.
Light colored shells lived on light shaded rocks and vice versa. An
interesting pattern was noticed on the white morphs. These were rare
along the coast (Only 2%), but were present in relatively high numbers
in tidepools set in white quartz. From previous experience (Ron J.
Etter, 1988), these morphs seem to have developed, as an evolutionary
response, a higher resistance to physiological stress from drastic
temperature changes between tides. Some results showed that the white
morph is present in an unexpectedly high percentage at the juvenile
stage, but then their number decreases dramatically with age. As in
Etter’s study, more research needs to be done on the role of visual
predators in this phenomenon.
This image shows both Black and white color variants of the Littorina sp. Here they are placed against the white quartz background in the shallow water of tidepool #4 .
Goddard- James, M. 1975 The Intertidal and Subtidal Macroflora and Macrofauna in the proposed Juan de Fuca National Marine Park near Victoria, B.C. . . . . 59 pages rreoref2/jdfmarpk/juanmarpark.htm . None available– See Comments or Links “Sites Investigated: The sites investigated in this survey were selected as representative of the rocky shore extending from Albert head to Beechy Head. —further effort in the description of the subtidal biota was directed to the unique areas within the proposed park—Race Rocks with the high velocity currents– Species identifications were established using keys and the reference collections of Dobrocky SEATECH Limited, the University of Victoria and the B.C. Provincial museum. Species List For Race Rocks is included in Appendix 8, page 78. Schematic Profile, page 47. RR Description page 45-48. .
Ashuvud -Johan , Fletcher -Garry L. 1980 Race Rocks Reserve Established Diver Magazine . September . 2 . 577.7 Rac R None available– See Comments or Links This is the first publication of notice to the Diving Community that the Ecological reserve had been established .
Sylvestre- Jean-Pierre 1999 Canada, les gardiens de Race Rock Cols Bleus marine et arsenaux . 2473 13/02/99 6 . . . None available– See Comments or Links “Au large de Victoria, au sud del’ile de vancouver, un recif supporte le phare canadien le plus meridional. Ce recif est devenu le gite de quelques milliers d’oiseaux marins du Pacifique et de quatre especes de mammiliferes marins. Les gardiens du phare, Carol et mike Slater, veillent jalousement sur cette reserve ecologique, veritable petit paradis terrestre. “ .
Ruckthum- Vorapot 1981 The Current Meter at Race Rocks . . . . 39 . . None available– See Comments or Links A description of the events surrounding the installation of the current meter in 1981 that lead to the creation of the Race Passage Current tables .
Olesiuk-Peter F., Bigg-Michael A. 1988 Seals and Sea Lions on the British Columbia Coast . . DFO/4104 . 12 rreoref/mmammals/sealsandsealions.htm . None available– See Comments or Links The complete pamphlet with color photos is scanned in at the reference linked here. This pamphlet provided the most recent scientific information on the status of seals and sea lion in B.C up to its publication. It describes general biology, and refers to the conflicts that arise with commercial and sports fisheries. Excellent color photographs of all 5 species. Graphs on Trends of Abundance of harbour seals in B.C.(p3), and Diet of sea Lions Wintering off Southern Vancouver Island (p10) are particularly useful. Some research for this document was obtained by scat samples at Race Rocks ( personal communication with P. Olesiuk) .
Anderson-Flo 1998 Race Rocks – July 28, 1966-March 2, 1982- Lighthouse Chronicles Twenty years on the B.C. Lights . . . 130-218 http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/history/rrkeeper/litchron.htm 387.155 And None available– See Comments or Links The best published account available to date on the life on the light station at Race Rocks. Reference is made to the role of Pearson College in creating the Ecological reserve, page 183-184.( with Photograph) .
Webster – I, Farmer,D.M. 1977 Analysis of Lighthouse Station Temperature and Salinity Data- Phase II . . . . 93 . . This report summarizes certain features of salinity and temperature time series obtained from lighthouse stations along the B.C. coast together with related rainfall data. The presentation is intended to facilitate analysis of temperature or salinity trends and fluctuations as well as the relationships between data from different stations. The data are presented as annual trends, monthly means, standard deviations and spectra cross-spectra. The analysis indicates relatively close correspondence between stations at periods greater than a year, but with significant differences at higher frequencies. Graphs relating temperature, salinity and rainfall at Race Rocks compared to other stations are shown on the following pages 29,33,45,53,63,65,69,71,75,83,87, and 91 .
Matthews-Angus 1999 Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Federal Government Levels 1994-1999 . . . . ————- . 577.7 Com I This series of documents presents the efforts of Angus Matthews, administrator of Lester B. Pearson College, to offer to the federal government a model of Community participation in creating a marine education center at Race Rocks. It begins with initiation of the proposal in order to provide for a continued presence of personnel at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, when the destaffing of the light station is looming on the horizon. The communications between Mr. Matthews and officials of the Canadian Coast Guard, and with the office of the Minister of Fisheries are represented in chronological order. This is the second of two records of communications, document #26 representing the Communications at the Provincial Parks Level. that were going on simultaneously.  This series of documents presents an excellent chronological account of the frustrated efforts of an organization in the community to facilitate a constructive solution to the destaffing of light stations and the simultaneous provision of on sight protection for a sensitive ecological area. .
Matthews-Angus 1999 Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Provincial Government 1994-1999 with Provincial Levels of government . .. . ————— . 577.7.Com This series of documents presents the efforts of Angus Matthews, administrator of Lester B. Pearson College, to offer to the federal government a model of Community participation in creating a marine education center at Race Rocks. It begins with initiation of the proposal in order to provide for a continued presence of personnel at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, when the destaffing of the light station is looming on the horizon. The communications between Mr. Matthews and officials of the Provincial Parks Department are represented in chronological order. This is the second of two records of communications, (document #25 representing the Communications at the Federal Fisheries and Oceans Department,) that were going on simultaneously during a 5 year period. 1994-1999. Government of British Columbia
June 20, 1994 Pearson College writes to The Hon. Moe Sihota, Minister of the Environment and Esquimalt – Metchosin MLA to request support for BC Parks involvement in an initiative to operate surplus facilities at Race Rocks as a marine education Centre.
June 29, 1994 Minister Sihota writes and expresses interest in the project.
Dec. 21, 1995 The Hon. Glen Clark, Minister of Employment and Investment writes to Federal Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin and request a delay in de-staffing light stations.
July 8, 1996 Newly appointed Environment Minister The Hon. Paul Ramsey writes to express interest in the plans for Race Rocks and to advise that a management plan is required before his Ministry can proceed. He expects the plan to take one year to be written.
July 25, 1996 Pearson College proposes fast tracking the management plan.
Sept. 20, 1996 The Ministry of Employment and Investment commissions a report to look into the potential of commercial uses for Race Rocks.
Oct. 11, 1996 Minister Ramsey writes to advise that the Province is considering a coast wide plan to operate light stations. Any decision on Race Rocks would wait for this review.
Oct. 29, 1996 Pearson College writes to BC Parks, District Manager, Mr. Dave Chater regarding the imminent closure of Race Rocks station, the need for rapid progress on the management plan and advises that the College will pursue Federal Marine Protected Area status for the Reserve. 
Oct. 31, 1996 Mr. Denis O’Gorman, Assistant Deputy Minister of Parks writes to Mr. Rick Bryant, at Coast Guard, to advise that BC Parks did not have a use for surplus buildings at Race Rocks under the current management plan. A new plan would review this and it would be finished in early 1977.
Jan. 30, 1997 Newly appointed Minister of the Environment The Hon. Cathy McGregor writes to confirm the target date for completion of the management plan as early 1997.
Feb. 12, 1997 Assistant Deputy Minister O’Gorman writes to advise that BC Parks would support Pearson College’s application for a Crown lease on Race Rocks.
Mar. 1, 1997 Pearson College takes over staffing Race Rocks under a temporary two year agreement with the Coast Guard.
April 11, 1997 Pearson College applies to BC Lands for a 30 year Crown lease for Race Rocks.
Dec. 19, 1997 Mr. Dave Chater writes that BC Parks is prepared to enter into an agreement in principle with Coast Guard. The draft management plan, which is still incomplete, is being amended.
April 14, 1998 Mr. Chris Kissinger, Resource Officer at BC Parks writes to Mr. Fred Stepchuk, Superintendent of Facilities, Coast Guard, to summarize repairs required to surplus facilities at Race Rocks prior to transfer to BC Parks.
Sept. 1, 1998 Minister Anderson announces Race Rocks will be a pilot Marine Protected Area.
Dec. 15, 1998 Mr. Dave Chater writes to Mr. Fred Stepchuk at Coast Guard regarding transfer of the surplus facilities.
Mar. 1, 1999 Pearson College staff remain at Race Rocks although BC Parks has not reached an agreement with Coast Guard regarding the transfer of facilities. The management plan is still not finished.
This series of documents presents an excellent chronological account of the often frustrating efforts of an organization in the community to facilitate a constructive solution to the destaffing of light stations and the simultaneous provision of on-site protection for a sensitive ecological area. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1998 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Management Plan the Process of Development . . . . . rrrefer/rrmanprocess.htm 577.7 Fle .CONTENTS:Part A: March 1996 : The first draft of the management plan was developed by Garry Fletcher and submitted to B.C. Parks.
Part B : November 1996 : Feedback from B.C. Parks head office staff offering criticisms of the draft.
Part C: February 1997: Students of the Environmental Systems class review the suggestions of B.C. Parks and propose changes and a Race Rocks permit application for research and collection activities.
Part D : May 1997 : Kris Kennet of B.C. parks reworks the draft- July 14 – her final version.Part E : October 1997: invitations from Parks to Stakeholders for a meeting to discuss the draft.
Part F : Written feedback of several invited people.
Part G : April 1998: Draft Management Plan discussed at stakeholders meeting.
Part H : June 1998 Final draft version of Management Plan produced by Jim Morris of B.C. Parks Malahat office.
I .
Fletcher-Garry L, Environmental Systems Students LBPC 1999 Development of a Permit Process for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. . Editor:Fletcher, Garry L. . . . rrrefer/permit.htm 577.7 Dev From 1980 to 1999, research and educational activities in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve have been done on a permit basis. Included in this document are samples of permits applied for through the ecological reserves office and a modified permit form presently in use by the ecological reserve- Marine Protected Area. This latter version was originally developed by two students of the Environmental systems Class at Lester B. Pearson College in 1997, Maja and Leah. Samples of Ecological reserve permits are presented. At the Internet site, the most recent version of the permit will be available. http://www.racerocks.com/pearson/racerock/admin/rroperat.htm
Fletcher- Garry L. 1998 The Underwater Safari- an Experiment in Distance Education from a Sensitive Ecosystem Using Technology . Editor:Garry Fletcher . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/safari/safari.htm . In 1994, Lester Pearson College was successful in convincing the Provincial Parks department to commit $10,000 toward the promotion of the Technology of distance education for bringing schools and the public into this sensitive marine ecological reserve. The proposal was made to the Royal B.C. Museum to use the facilities of the Jason Project to implement this plan. For one week in October, the combined resources of B.C.Tel, Shaw Cable, B.C. Systems Corp., the RBC Museum and Lester B. Pearson College were put to the test in the production of 24 1 hour live programs from Race Rocks. These programs were broadcast live by satellite and cable to schools and science centers across Canada and to the New England Science Center in the North Eastern United States. A degree of two way interaction was achieved in selected British Columbia locations. This compilation of information makes available information from the correspondence and preparatory phase as well as some of the media coverage. In October 1992, the diving students of Lester Pearson College were able to help Darryl Bainbridge with the filming of the Canadian Underwater Safari Production . This series of 24 one hour tv programs was broadcast live from Race Rocks to schools and museum audiences across Canada and the US on the Anik 2 satellite. This experiment was the first at Race Rocks to show that technology could be used to enhance education and research in sensitive areas without them being overly threatened by the presence of humans. .
Fletcher- Garry L., Biology and Environmental Systems Students 1999 Intertidal Transects at Race Rocks. . . . . . http://www.uwc.ca/pearson/ensy/racerock/trans98/tran15.htm . IntroductionThroughout the time since Lester Pearson College first took on a stewardship role at Race Rocks in the late 1970’s, we have been involved in doing a variety of Ecological studies. Tidepool monitoring, intertidal transects, invertebrate association studies , subtidal transects, and marine mammal studies. This paper will outline the Intertidal Transect-Quadrat Studies:
At least 50 Students of the Environmental Systems and Biology classes annually have done intertidal transect studies as a field lab exercise. These transect studies are usually done with a class of 10-16 in a 60 minute time slot when we can get out to Race Rocks. It is only possible to do them in the spring when the tidal levels are low enough. The objectives for these studies are indicated on the worksheet attached. For the most part , they are designed to show students basic methodology of studying intertidal zonation and recording ecological changes and relationships through an environmental gradient. They are also intended however to serve a practical purpose in documenting baseline information about the intertidal area as an indicator for checking on long term patterns of change or stability and serving as a baseline against which anthropogenic changes could be measured. It is important to recognize that students are learning organism identification as well as basic technique here so there is no attempt to treat this as a rigorous statistical investigation. 

Two other types of transect work have been done. One is a series of photographic transects , and these have been used once as a ground truthing exercise for comparison two years after the photos were taken . The other is a transect done frequently at station 13A) on the North East corner as part of an exam question on intertidal zonation on macroalgae.


PART A : Intertidal transects Station #15 . Student data and kite diagrams are attached as examples. 

Internet connection to pictures taken during this study can be found here. (http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/transect/trans98/tran15.htm) 

PART B : Intertidal Transects Station #13A. 
.This North East corner of the island has a constant slope of 45 degrees, is exposed to the winter storms and swells from the East and is shaded from hot afternoon exposure to sunlight. The zonation of the different species of algae is striking. A set of student data is attached. http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/transect/trans98/tran5.htm

PART C : Photographic transect in the peg #5 area. 
In the summer of 1995 an exercise was developed at the BioQuest workshop as an example of how photographic transects could be used in a computer simulation. These images are available at: the following location: http://www.racerocks.com/racerocks/transect/transect.htm

There are many slides in the Race Rocks slide set of Garry Fletcher, stored in the Pearson College Race Rocks Collection in the library. They document various classes from Pearson College involved in doing transects. See second link to internet files. ../transect/trans98/tran15.htm
Fletcher- Garry L., Marine Science Students, 1979 1979 Ecological Reserve Proposal for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve . Editor:Garry Fletcher . . . rrrefer/Apr79wkshop.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This is the proposal for the Ecological reserve at Race Rocks, done by faculty and students of Lester Pearson College, followed by a workshop held at the college in 1979. Slides of the participants may be found in the G.Fletcher slide set. .
Fletcher- Garry L., 1979 The Experience of Lester Pearson College in Establishing an Ecological Reserve at Race Rocks . . . . . rrrefer/rrer.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This set of papers documents some of the early experiences in working with the Parks ministry as Warden of the Ecological reserve at Race Rocks. Included are samples of correspondence, and the annual warden reports. .
Fletcher- Garry L., Diving Service Students 1999 Subtidal Transects at Race Rocks . . . . . rrrefer/subtidtransect.htm . Introduction
Throughout the time since Lester Pearson College first took on a stewardship role at Race Rocks in the late 1970’s, we have been involved in doing a variety of Ecological studies. Tidepool monitoring, intertidal transects, invertebrate association studies , abalone tagging, subtidal transects, and marine mammal studies. This introduction will outline the Subtidal Transect-Quadrat Studies:At least 30 Students are involved in the diving program at Lester Pearson College. One of the project we do when weather, tidal conditions and time permit is to record data on the distribution of organisms underwater at Race Rocks. Since our students are trained in diving here, they get to dive at Race Rocks after the fall training period in their first year. It is only in part of their second year that they have the necessary experience to be able to contribute to the underwater ecological recording at Race Rocks. Weather being what it is, the continuity of the work underwater is a problem and thus significant ontributions are made by a handful of students. Dives on the transect stations can only be done on a mild flood or slack tide, and since most use wetsuits, they are only able to stick with stationary activity underwater a short time until they get cold. It is important to recognize that students are learning organism identification as well as basic technique here so it cannot be treated as a rigorous statistical investigation. 

Various approaches have been made to standardize a workable procedure. Recently some
interest has been shown in an “adopt a quadrat approach”. This is possible since we now have permanent peg locations underwater. So far it has not produced significant results, but it is hoped that The early investigations were done from fixed pegs in the intertidal zone and compass bearings to position the lines. Two files have been produced documenting the procedures. One in the early years by Bruce Walker, (a student of year 13), and the other by Dr. Jane Watson of Malaspina College. Both methods are difficult to employ but remain as the best available so far for this difficult to work in area. 

In 1982, one set of students did a comprehensive survey of the distribution of one species Metridium senile. This was an easy to identify organism and large areas could be covered with minor difficulties. This report is included as entry #165 in the Race Rocks Ecological Overview.

The data sheets for the subtidal studies are included here. It is to be hoped that someone may be able to devote the time to working them up into a series of reports on the different stations. After our experience with various methods of underwater ecological work, certainly the population studies by tagging are the ones that have been most successful. In addition, now that we have specific reference pegs in several areas along the North side of the island underwater, the monitoring of specific areas by underwater video is


This is an on-going project. Raw data files are available of work done in the 1980’s.The second URL link is to the suggested procedure for any further transects that we will be doing in the future. There is a good potential here for a math studies projects using Excel database design. rreoref2/jane/watson.htm
Slater- Carol 1997 Ecological Reserve Manager’s Log- 1997 . . . . . . 577.7 Sla 1997 None available– See Comments or Links The complete text of the station log kept by Carol Slater is included in the library collection. Records of bird and mammal events, whale watching boats and fisheries infractions in the reserve are recorded .
Slater- Carol 1998 Ecological Reserve Manager’s Log- 1998 . . . . . . 577.7 Sla 1998 None available– See Comments or Links The complete text of the station log kept by Carol Slater is included in the library collection. Records of bird and mammal events, whale watching boats and fisheries infractions in the reserve are recorded .
Slater- Mike 1999 Meteorological Data for Race Rocks, 1997-1998 . . . . . . 551.632 Sle None available– See Comments or Links With the destaffing of the light station, meteorological records were about to be discontiniued. At the request of Pearson College , the records were re-established. Daily records of Max- min. temp and rainfall are included here in the library copy. An additional copy is kept at Race Rocks. .
Slater- Mike 1999 Salinity- Temperature Daily Records For Race Rocks, 1997-1999 . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/data/data.htm 551.4601 Sal None available– See Comments or Links Salinity records are in Density units. The raw tables submitted monthly are provided in the library in this reference. The above URL provides a link to the Institute of Ocean Sciences record made from these daily reports, dating back to the 1920’s. After automation of the light station, these records were maintained by Pearson College staff, Mike Slater. Records are taken manually one hour before high tide daily. The results are forwarded monthly to Ron Perkin of IOS. He has prepared the complete database. The link provided here also connects to an internal version of the database. frmTemp-Salinity
Fletcher-Garry L. 1999 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Warden’s Reports and correspondence 1980-1998 . . . . . . 577.7 Fle Rac Ro None available– See Comments or Links Most of the warden’s reports available have been included .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1999 Marine Birds of Pedder Bay to Race Rocks- Transect Data . . . . . . . None available Includes analysis of some of the data by LBPC student David Mesiha, March 1999. Good for exercises on Excel spreadsheets. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1999 The Management Plan for the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/manage1.htm . None available– See Comments This link is to the version of the management plan for the Ecological Reserve which was completed in the spring of 1998. Another reference #27 documents the stages in the development of the plan. Also available in Braille at LBPC library. .
Baird W.F. and Associates 1991 Pedder Bay British Columbia Wave Climate Study and Wave protection Considerations . . . . . rrrefer/pedbaywave.htm 551.4708 Bai None available– See Comments . .
Baird- Robin W., Dill-Lawrence M. 1995 Occurrence and Behavior of Transient killer whales: seasonal and pod-specific variability, foraging behavior and prey handling Can. J. Zool. . 73 . 1300-1311 . 599.536 Bai We studied the occurrence and behavior of so-called transient killer
whales (Orcinus orca) around southern Vancouver Island from 1986 to
1993. Occurrence and behavior varied seasonally and among pods ; some
pods foraged almost entirely in open water and were recorded in the
study area throughout the year, while others spent much of their time
foraging around pinniped haulouts and other nearshore sites, and used
the study area primarily during the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina)
weaning ? post-weaning period. Overall use of the area was greatest
during that period, and energy intake at that time was significantly
greater than at other times of the year, probably because of the high
encounter rates and ease of capture of harbour seal pups. Multipod
groups of transients were frequently observed, as has been reported for
residents, but associations were biased towards those between pods
that exhibited similar foraging tactics. Despite the occurrence of
transients and residents within several kilometers of each other on
nine occasions, mixed groups were never observed and transients appeared
to avoid residents. Combined with previous studies on behavioural,
ecological, and morphological differences, such avoidance behavior
supports the supposition that these populations are reproductively
. .
Baird- Robin W., Dill-Lawrence M. 1996 Ecological and social determinants of group size in transient killer whales . . . . . . 599.536 Bai E Most analyses of the relationship between group size and food intake of
social carnivores have shown a discrepancy between the group size that
maximizes energy intake and that which is most frequently observed.
Around southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, killer whales of the
so-called transient form forage in small groups, and appear to prey
exclusively on marine mammals. Between 1986 and 1993, in approximately
434 h of observations on transient killer whales, we observed 138
attacks on five species of marine mammals. Harbor seals were most
frequently attacked (130 occasions), and the observed average energy
intake rate was more than sufficient for the whales energetic needs.
Energy intake varied with group size, with groups of three having the
highest energy intake rate per individual. While groups of three were
most frequently encountered, the group size experienced by an average
individual in the population (i.e., typical group size) is larger than
three. However, comparisons between observed and expected group sizes
should utilize only groups engaged in the behavior of interest. The
typical size of groups consisting only of adult and subadult whales that
were engaged primarily in foraging activities confirms that these
individuals are found in groups that are consistent with the
maximization of energy intake hypothesis. Larger groups may form for (1)
the occasional hunting of prey other than harbor seals, for which the
optimal foraging group size is probably larger than three; and (2) the
protection of calves and other social functions. Key words: dispersal,
foraging, group hunting, harbor seals, killer whales, optimal group
size, social structure. [Behav Ecol. 7:408-416 (1996].
. .
Olesiuk,Peter 1993 Annual Prey Consumption by harbour seals Fish. Bull. US. . 91 . 491-515 . . . . .
Baird, Robin W., Hanson- M.Bradley 1996 Status of the Northern fur seal , Callorhinus ursinus , in Canada The Canadian Field Naturalist . . . . rreoref2/elepseal/statusfurseal.htm 599.79 Bai This report reviews the general biology, status, and management of the
Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus), with special reference to its
status in Canadian waters. While Northern Fur Seals do not breed within
Canadian waters, they can be found in large numbers in the waters
offshore of British Columbia year-round, and occasional stragglers are
found inshore. Generally found only in small groups during the pelagic
phase of their life, the largest numbers occur in British Columbia
waters from January through June. The eastern North Pacific population
has declined significantly over the last 30 years, but the cause in
The picture shown here is of the fur seal “Frosty” who Trev and Flo Anderson took note of for at least six years at Race Rocks- until they left in 1982. Photo by Flo Anderson .
Baird- Robin W. 1997 Birth of a Resident killer whale off Victoria , British Columbia ,Canada Marine Mammal Science . 13 3 504-508 . 599.523 Bir Observations of cetacean births are rare, as are reports of the behavior
of the mother and other group members immediately after a birth.
Scientists have observed births of at least five species in the wild:
the killer whale (Orcinus orca), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus),
beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), false killer whale (Pseudorca
crassidens), and gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) ( Balcomb 1974,
Leatherwood and Beach 1975, Mills and Mills 1979, Jacobsen 1981,
Weilgart and Whitehead 1986, Beland et al. 1990, Notarbartolo-di-Sciara
et al. 1997). There have also been a few published accounts of cetacean
births in captivity (e.g., Asper et al. 1988). This note describes the
birth of a wild killer whale in a well-documented “resident” pod and the
unusual behavior of the group.
. .
Baird-Robin W. 1998 Dall’s porpoise reactions to tagging attempts using a remotely- deployed suction -cup tag MTS Journal . 32 . 18-23 . 599.53 Han Remotely-deployable non-invasive (suction-cup attached) tags to record
underwater behavior of cetaceans have recently been developed. How
useful these tags are for applications on a broad range of species has
yet to be documented. However, we attempted to use such tags to study
the diving behavior of Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) in the
trans-boundary area of British Columbia and Washington state, and report
here on the feasibility of the technique, including the reactions of
Dall’s porpoise to tagging attempts. Tagging activities were undertaken
in August 1996, while porpoises were bow-riding on a small vessel. We
made 15 tagging attempts and 13 resulted in tag contact with a porpoise.
No reactions were observed for the 2 misses, nor for 2 of the 13 hits.
Of the 11 cases when tag reactions were observed, porpoises returned to
continue bow-riding almost immediately in 7 cases, suggesting no
long-term effect. Short-term reactions observed included a flinch (9 of
13 hits), tailslap (1 of 13 hits) and high speed swimming away from the
vessel (4 of 13 hits), with some hits resulting in more than one type of
reaction. Three of 13 hits resulted in successful tag attachment. One
tag remained attached for 41 minutes, providing the first diving
behavior data for this species. Rates of descent and ascent, as well as
swimming velocity, were relatively high only for the first 6-8 minutes
after tag attachment, suggesting a reaction to tagging that lasted
approximately 8 minutes.
. .
Baird-Robin W. 1998 An Intergenic hybrid in the family phococnidae Can Journal Zool . 76 . 198-204 . 599.539 Bai A 60 cm female fetus recovered from a Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides
dalli) found dead in southern British Columbia was fathered by a harbour
porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena). This is the first report of a hybrid
within the family Phocoenidae and one of the first well-documented cases
of cetacean hybridization in the wild. In several morphological
features, the hybrid was either intermediate between the parental
species (e.g., vertebral count) or more similar to the harbour porpoise
than to the Dall’s porpoise (e.g., colour pattern, relative position of
the flipper, dorsal fin height). The fetal colour pattern (with a clear
mouth-to-flipper stripe, as is found in the harbour porpoise) is similar
to that reported for a fetus recovered from a Dall’s porpoise to off
California. Hybrid status was confirmed through genetic analysis, with
species-specific repetitive DNA sequences of both the harbour and Dall’s
porpoise being found in the fetus. Atypically pigmented porpoises
(usually traveling with the behaving like Dall’s porpoises) are
regularly observed in the area around southern Vancouver Island. We
suggest that these abnormally pigmented animals, as well as the
previously noted fetus from California, may also represent hybridization
. .
Baird- Robin,W 1998 Studying Diving Behavior of Whales and Dolphins using suction cup attached tags Whalewatcher . Spring/Summer . 3-7 . 599.53 Bai S Tagging whales with radio transmitters (either VHF or satellite-linked)
or sensors which record depth, swimming speed, or other parameters can
provide details on the movement patterns and behavior of a species.
Methods for putting such tags on whales and dolphins have typically
involved capturing the animals and pinning the tags onto the dorsal fin
of dorsal ridge, or using tags which can be put on free-living animals
but which penetrate the skin to anchor into the blubber. While these
methods are necessary in many studies, especially for those in which
long-term or long-distance information is required, there is an
alternate method for short-term attachments which does not require
capturing the animals or penetrating the skin. This approach uses
remotely-attached suction-cup tags. Here I give information on the
history of this technique, some details about methods, and talk about
some of the limitations. Despite the potential situations where
suction-cup tags may be valuable or even the most “appropriate” method
for attaching instruments on cetaceans, many limitations to this method
. .
Bigg- Michael 1985 Status of the Steller Sea Lion ( Eumetopias jubatus) and California Sea Lion ( Zalophus californianus) in British Columbia Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences . . . 20 . 599.5 Big None available– See Comments or Links . .
Barr- Julie 1996 Interests of Stakeholders and options for Establishing a Marine Protected Area at William Head- A Discussion Paper Discussion paper . . . . rrrefer/wmhead.htm 577.7 Bar I None available– See Comments or Links Appendix contains two journal articles on Marine protected Areas .
MPA Strategy Steering Committee , B.C.Parks , Fisheries and Oceans Canada 1998 Marine Protected Areas A Strategy for Canada’s Pacific Coast– Discussion Paper . . . . . http://www.luco.gov.bc.ca/pas/mpa/dispap.htm 577.7 Pet None available– See Comments or Links Co-signed by Petrachenko-Donna, and Thompson-Derek -From the Foreword: “This Strategy has been developed jointly by federal and provincial agencies and clearly reflects the need for governments to work in unison to achieve common marine protection and conservation goals. The Strategy is not a new program, but an initiative to coordinate all existing federal and provincial marine protected areas under a single umbrella. This will allow for the development of a national system of marine protected areas on the Pacific Coast by the year 2010 which is interlinked with the marine components of the B.C. Protected Areas Strategy.” August, 1998 .
Stitt-Susan 1990 Lighthouse keepers essential to research Pacific Tidings . 3 3 4-6 . 387.155.Sti None available– See Comments or Links “We see clear evidence of a warming trend in the ocean,” says Dr. Freedland. “The trend line shows warming at Race Rocks to be about .26 degrees C. per century, that’s quite small but the water there is influenced by the Frazer River and the cold water coming down off the mountains,” .
Seven-Richard 1998 Keepers of the Light– After years of protecting people from these rocks, these lighthouse keepers now protect the rocks from the people Pacific Northwest magazine in The Seattle Times– January 25, 1998 . . . . . 387.155 Sev None available– See Comments or Links Has excellent color photos .
Hodgkins-D.O., Goodman-R.H., Fingas, M.F. 1993 Forecasting Surface Currents Measured with HF Radar Proceedings 16th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar . . . 12 . 551.4701 Hod Utilization of real-time surface current data with oil spill models
requires forecasting currents for lead times of 24 to 48 hours. A
forecasting method based on tidal decomposition and an ARMA analysis of
residuals has been derived and tested using the 1992 Juan de Fuca
SeaSonde database of hourly surface currents. Results show that, for
this particular region, most of the observed current can be accounted
for by the tide and the short-term residual mean. A portion,
representing about 15% of the variance, was found to be associated with
the turbulent eddy field. The radar current measurements provide spatial
estimates of the kinetic energy in this turbulent component, and of the
associated eddy diffusivity. Thus, the current forecasting algorithm
provides useful predictions of both the slowly-varying deterministic
flow field, and the spatial variations of the turbulent energy and
. .
Jaquette, Leslie 1995 In a league of their own Canadian . April . 35-37 rreoref/league/league.htm 577.7 Jac None available– See Comments or Links An article about this area as a diving destination. Translation into French in “La Reserve ecologique de Race Rocks” parallel article. .
Baird- Robin W. 1991 Harbour Seal Detection of Predators: Implications for the adaptive function of transient killer whale foraging tactics. Research Proposal . . . 19 . 595.5 Bai Ha Two forms of killer whale (Orcinus orca) are found in British Columbia,
Alaska and Washington; one, termed transient, feeds primarily on marine
mammals, and the other, termed resident, feeds primarily on fish. In the
study are around southern Vancouver Island, transient killer whales feed
primarily on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). The purpose of this
research is to examine each of the three sensory cues harbour seals
might use to detect killer whales. These cues are (1) visual, (2)
auditory above-water, and (3) auditory below-water. The relative
importance of each cue in harbour seal detection of killer whales will
be determined by comparing the magnitude of the reactions to each
stimulus. While hunting harbour seals, transient killer whales exhibit
characteristics of all of these components (visual and above- and
below-water sounds) that differ from those of (fish-eating) residents.
These are : an increased length of long dives (Morton 1990) ; decreased
amplitude of exhalations (blows) (Baird pers. obs.) ; and a lack of
underwater vocalizations (Ford and Hubbard-Morton 1990). These
behavioural differences may be adaptations which function to decrease
detection by seals, but this has not been tested.
This proposal includes the permit application. .
Fletcher-Garry L. , Marine Science Students LBPC 1979 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Proposal- Lester B. Pearson College Report . . . 67 pages rrrefer/Apr79wkshop.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This represents the original proposal for protected status at Race Rocks. It was done by Garry Fletcher and the Marine Science students of Lester Pearson College in preparation for a workshop held on the subject at Pearson College April 21 1979. Complete text of the proposal is included at linked site below. Includes Appendices and record of the workshop meeting at Lester Pearson College. Slides of this event are contained in the slide file referenced in this database. .
Fletcher-Garry L, Marine Science Students -LBP College 1980 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve : Application, Ministry Executive Committee Submission, Cabinet Submission and Correspondence 1979-1980 . . . . 60 rrrefer/Apr79wkshop.htm 577.7 Fle R None available– See Comments or Links In the picture, Dr. Derrick Ellis of U.Vic at the Race Rocks Workshop discussing with Garry Fletcher, students, and other invited guests the possibility of creating an ecological reserve for Race Rocks (April of 1979.) .
Van Dam- Frank, Bethel-Nico,Couchman Barbara, May-Fiona 1977 Historical Documentation on Race Rocks Student Reports . . . 12 . 387.155 Van None available– See Comments or Links . .
Wallace- S.Scott 1996 Initial Communications and Findings of Abalone Project – Race Rocks . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links This set of references includes the permit application and information sent back to Pearson College while Scott was working on his graduate work at UBC. .
Watson- Jane 1994 Race Rocks Sampling Program . . . . 14 rreoref2/jane/lngmonitor.htm 577.7 Wat None available– See Comments or Links This report was done by Jane Watson of Malaspina College in Nanaimo in order to help the students at Pearson College establish a sampling protocol for the stainless steel pegs established from 1994-1995. It is followed up with a survey done by Javier Blanco in 1997 that helps to define the exact location of the pegs. .
Cornerstone planning Group 1996 A Preliminary Assessment of Potential Alternative Uses for Light stations in B.C. . . . . . . 387.155 Pre The site is situated within an Ecological Reserve, which is a nesting
area for thousands of seagulls and other sea birds, including oyster
catchers and cormorants. The presence of a sea lion haul-out site and
elephant seals means that the site may be noisy during certain times of
the year. There is easy access from Victoria harbour. The site is
currently used by Pearson College for research and educational purposes,
and used by nine whale-watching companies for marine wildlife viewing.
There is good potential for local sea kayaking tours, and it is
currently used as a scuba diving site. The Royal B.C. Museum and other
local tour operators visit Race Rocks. The barren landscape with much
wind and lack of potable water are not conducive to the camping
Page 34 note; potential Alternative uses. This rather glib assessment of the potential shows a .
Crawford -John 1998 Race Rocks project-Phase II- An Examination of Technical Connectivity issues and Educational Options . . . . 12 . 374.26 Cra None available– See Comments or Links Phase I of the Pearson College / Open School collaboration on Race Rocks (completed March 31, 1998), established a strong link between the British Columbia science curriculum and the abundant marine resources of the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. The compatibility of educational need and a rich marine resource led to the issue of defining specifics for connectivity.The objective of Phase II (summer, 1998) was to identify technical connectivity needs and costs, and consider alternate education options.

Not infrequently, what appears to be a straight forward data gathering
project, quickly escalates into a major research effort. Defining,
pricing, and gaining a consensus on how to establish an interactive
electronic connection between Race Rocks, Lester B. Pearson College and
the Open Learning Agency was just such an undertaking.

However, significant progress was made. Detailed below is :

– a summary of the considered opinions of many experts on the
feasibility and educational value of connectivity
– detailed technical data on how to achieve connectivity


– recommendations for a two-pronged approach to achieve the long-term
Grand scheme while designing and implementing a more modest
educational package for the short-term.

Matthews -Angus 1997 Race Rocks Contemporary History . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Records events at Race Rocks, mostly as they related to the staff and students of Lester Pearson College. In the picture shown here. Trev and flo Anderson built the ship “Wawa” in the late 1970’s and launched it in 1982.– pictures included in this web site. .
Matthews- Angus 1997 Race Rocks History . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/history/rrkeeper/histcont.htm . None available– See Comments or Links On this site is an excellent set of black and white photographs taken of Race Rocks in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s . Courtesy of the British Columbia Archives. Victoria, B.C. .
Bibby- Allan 1997 Outpost Video -The Race Rocks Marine Education Centre . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/outpost/rreduc.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Two versions of this film exist, an 11 minute and a 6 minute version. It highlights Dr. Joe MacInnis on his dive at Race Rocks with students of Lester Pearson College. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1996 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve History . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/rrerhist.htm . None available– See Comments or Links A summary of the process of making the ecological reserve. In the photo, Jens Jensen and johan Ashuvud, students in the Diving Service of Pearson College are fixing a marker bouy on Rosedale reef. This was at a negative tidal level, the only time in some years this reef becomes visible for a few minutes. Also see slides in the slide collection. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 Race Rocks to be Managed by Pearson College . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/news/racenews.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Announcement on Internet .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1996 The Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Information Pamphlet . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/racrksre.htm . None available– See Comments or Links VISITING THE ECOLOGICAL RESERVE:
Hazards, Light Station, Marine Mammals and Sea Birds, Anchoring, Fishing, Collecting, Research, Diving, Kayaks , Canoes,and Small Boats, Weather, Tides and Currents, Research and Education, Permits– This internet site gives a complete summary of information on the reserve for visitors.
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 The Race Rocks Foghorn . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/sounds/foghorn.htm . None available– See Comments or Links You can download the sound of the old foghorn as it was before 1997. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1996 Underwater Safari Project at Race Rocks . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/safari/safari.htm . THE UNDERWATER SAFARI PROJECT
In October of 1992, the diving students of Pearson College were able to help with the underwater filming for the Canadian Underwater Safari production. This series of 24 one hour television programs was broadcast live to schools and museum audiences across Canada and the US on the Anik E2 Satellite. Since that time the programs have been broadcast across the world. We have made available at this location some of the unique unerwater footage which was taken by the photographer Darryl Bainbridge. The project was an experiment in using technology along with many volunteer hours to help to bring the fragile ecology of this unique area to the world. Our thanks to B.C.Parks for the intial funding to launch the production. The Royal B.C. Museum and its staff , Shaw Cable, BCSystems, BC Tel and many volunteers who provided assistance with this project.
Jason Reid, a Pearson College Diver stares down the wolf eel on live televised footage at the time of the Underwater Safari Project. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 Biology Class doing Intertidal Transects at Race Rocks- 1997 . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/tidepool/biotran/biotran.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Work on peg #15 .. Largely photographic, but it links to other quantitative data on the intertidal transects .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1995 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Transect File . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/transect/transrrk.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This is a web site devoted to recording photographic records of transect information so that it can be analyzed with a computer. Three photographic strips taken in 1995 in the intertidal zone near peg#5 at Race Rocks are the samples included. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 Research at Race Rocks . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/admin/erpropos.htm . None available– See Comments or Links An account of some of the recent projects at Race Rocks. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1998 Rare Observations at Race Rocks . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/pearson/racerock/rare/rare.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This is a file we keep on the internet of rare occurrences at Race Rocks. Examples are: Brown Pelicans, the gastropod mollusk “Opalia. sp.”, the Northern Fur Seal, and a rare land plant, Romanzoffia tracyi. .
CoastWatch Students and Garry Fletcher 1997 The Schools Project . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/cw/schools/school.htm . None available– See Comments or Links An account of the Schools project , which is conducted each spring by the Divers at Pearson College. Links to the schedule, whale exercise and description of the stations on the field trip. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss – The hydroid file . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/hydroid/anitabv.htm . Since 1986, Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss has assisted the students and faculty of Lester Pearson College with her understanding of marine invertebrate ecology and her expertise in the taxonomy of hydroids. These small colonial animals, the alternate stage of the life-cycle of jellyfish, occur in rich profusion underwater at the Race Rocks Marine Ecological Reserve.When the original species list was done for the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Proposal, in 1979, only 2 hydroids had been included on our species list. Now over 60 species have been identified by Anita and she continues to assist students with research projects while she furthers her research on specimens from the island. Anita has established long term research plots in a tidepool at the reserve and documents the distribution of hydroids underwater with the assistance of students and faculty in the Diving program at Lester B. Pearson College. A file containing references and photographs of some of the work of Anita Voss at Race Rocks. Also included are examples of biotic associations of hydroids with other invertebrates. .
Fletcher-Garry L., 1997 Ecological Niche , The Empirical Model . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/transect/econiche/econiche.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This web site is a suggestion for a field lab on ecological niches of organisms. Photos from Race Rocks intertidal zone are used as a sample of the process — level Grade 11-12 and up. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1998 The Race Rocks Physical Data File . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/data/data.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This file is for linking to a number of sites with current and past records and predictions of physical factors .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 Underwater 3D at Race Rocks . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/roxview/roxview.htm . None available– See Comments or Links The image of underwater topography of the Race Rocks MPA on this site was made by Terra Surveys of Sidney, B.C. .
Brinckmann-Voss – Anita 1990 Permit Reports and Correspondence for Hydroid research . . . . 22 . 593.55 Bri P None available– See Comments or Links Included are copies of some of the permit applications made by Anita Voss for her work in conjunction with the Pearson College Diving Students and Faculty at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Also included are the draft materials for her paper on the tidepool #6 .- Seasonality of hydroids— Species lists are included. Entries span 1986 to 1890 rreoref/manage1.htm
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 The Group Four Science Project at Race Rocks – 1997 . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/GRP4/gr4frameset.htm . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Ecological Reserves Branch. 1995 B.C. Ecological Reserves Brochure and map . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/brochur2.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Introduction to Ecological reserves in BC Listing of 131 reserves and a map as to the distribution in 1993. .
Ecological Reserves Branch 1995 Race Rocks Ecological Reserves #97 Publications List . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links The ecological reserves office of the Provincial Department of Lands and Parks have since the inception of the reserve in 1980 kept a copy of all reports done that relate to research done on the reserve. At present this is housed at the Parks Office at 700 Johnson Street in Victoria.. All the records from this site have been added to this database . Copies of the reports will be available also at both libraries. .
Hawkes -Michael W 1994 Conserving Marine Ecosystems: Are British Columbia’s Marine Protected Areas Adequate? (Chapter 28) Biodiversity in British Columbia Editor: Harding, Lee E. , McCullum, Emily . . 393-410 rrrefer/biodch28/biodiversitychapt28.htm 577.7 Haw None available– See Comments or Links (From page 399) Race Rocks ( Ecological Reserve # 97 ) in the Strait of Juan de Fuca has the most protected status of any marine protected area in the province. It is closed ( by the department of Fisheries and Oceans) to the commercial and recreational harvesting of all marine life except for recreational (sport) fishing of salmon and halibut. The reasoning behind this decision is that salmon and halibut are migratory finfish and therefore transient in the reserve, so closing these fisheries in the reserve will do nothing to conserve the species. However accidental catch of resident fish in the reserve , especially rockfish , is a matter of concern. rrrefer/biodch28/p232complete.htm
Dickins- David, British Columbia Env. Emergencies and Coastal Protection 1990 Oil Spill Atlas Oil spill response atlas for the southwest coast of Vancouver Island Editor: D. Dickens . . . . 628.1686 Oil None available– See Comments or Links NOTES: Includes bibliographical references.
SUBJECT: Environmental protection–British Columbia–Vancouver Island–Maps.
SUBJECT: Oil spills–Environmental aspects–British Columbia–Vancouver
SUBJECT: Oil pollution of the sea–Environmental aspects–British Columbia–Vancouver
Holbrook- J.R. et al 1980 Circulation in the Strait of Juan de Fuca : recent oceanographic observations in the eastern basin . . . . . . 551.47 Hol None available– See Comments or Links . .
Frisch- Shelby, Holbrook- James 1978 HF RADAR measurements in Eastern Juan de Fuca HF radar measurements of circulation in the eastern
Strait of Juan de Fuca (August, 1978)
. . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links The results of the harmonic analysis of data from 95 tide stations and 90 current stations in the Strait of Juan de Fuca Strait of Georgia system are presented in the form of tables, cotidal and corange charts, and charts illustrating the relationships between various tidal constituents. The implications of these results relative to the tidal hydrodynamics of the system are discussed generally. Methods of analysis are described. A physical description of the area is also given along with approximate values of transport through key cross sections.Since the fall of 1973 the National Ocean Survey (NOS) has been carrying
out detailed circulatory surveys in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the
Strait of Georgia, and connecting waterways. The object of these surveys (six of which have been completed at the writing of this report) has been the acquisition of tide, current, and salinity and temperature data at numerous locations and depths, along with weather data such as wind, sea level pressure, and air temperature. Analysis of these data is expected to provide an accurate and detailed description of water movement in this area, as well as further theoretical insight into the causes of this water movement. The need for increased understanding of
the Strait of Juan de Fuca Strait of Georgia system is due in part to the increased oil tanker traffic from the Trans-Alaskan pipeline to the several refineries in this area and in Puget Sound to the south (connected to the Strait of Juan de Fuca by Admiralty Inlet). Damage to the marine environment from oil spill could have serious detrimental effects on the large salmon and shellfish industries and on the even larger commercial fishing and recreation industries. A better understanding of the water movement in this area is expected to minimize the consequences of oil spillage and maximize the effectiveness of cleanup operations. It will also provide information relevant to
municipal pollution problems, coastal zone management, and navigation.

The data from these surveys (officially designated, OPR-509, Puget Sound Approaches) have come mainly from the eastern half of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, including Admiralty Inlet, the southern end of the Strait of Georgia, and the connecting waterways. This area is the most dynamically complicated portion of the system. These data have been supplemented
with historical NOS data from this same area and from the western half of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, along with Canadian data along Vancouver Island and in the northern Strait of Georgia.
This report presents the results of the harmonic analysis of 95 tide
stations and 90 current stations from the Strait of Georgia-Strait of
Juan de Fuca system. The results are presented in tables, cotidal and corange charts, and charts illustrating the relationships between various tidal constituents. The implications of these results relative to the tidal hydrodynamics of the system are discussed generally. Mathematical explanations and descriptions are included in a later report. Approximate transport values across key cross sections are also

Nyblade -Carl F. 1978 The intertidal and shallow subtidal benthos of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, spring 1976 -winter 1977 . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Vanderhorst-J.R., 1980 Recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca intertidal habitat following experimental contamination with oil : second annual report, fall 1979 – winter 1980 . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
British Columbia/Washington Marine Science Panel. 1994 The shared marine waters of British Columbia and Washington a scientific assessment of current status and future trends in resource abundance and environmental quality in the Strait of Juan De Fuca, . . . . . . 577.7 Sha The British Columbia/Washington Marine Science Panel was created in 1993
under the 1992 Environmental Cooperation Agreement between British
Columbia and Washington state. The panel was asked to evaluate the
condition of the marine environment in the Strait of Georgia, Strait of
Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound region on both sides of the international
boundary. For purposes of this report, this region is called the shave
waters, and the area in the immediate vicinity of the international
boundary is called the transboundary waters.The panel reports to the British Columbia/Washington Environmental
Cooperation Council, which was formed as part of the Environmental
Cooperation Agreement and which identified water quality on both sides
of the boundary as a high-priority issue requiring immediate and joint
attention. To guide its inquiries, the panel addressed several
questions about natural processes, resource population, contamination
and future trends in the area. In early 1994, the panel participated
(with a Work Group supporting the Environmental Cooperation Council) in
a scientific symposium featuring invited presentations by Canadian and
U.S. scientific experts on a broad range of topics. The scientific
review papers from this symposium have been published as a separate
technical volume and form an important basis for this report.

The panel based its recommendations about conditions in the shared
waters and proposed remedial actions on scientific evaluation of actual
harm done and on the risks that harm will be done, rather than on
popular perceptions or political considerations. Where insufficient
information is available to evaluate harm and risks, a precautionary
approach and additional research are recommended.

The shared marine waters of British Columbia and Washington a scientific assessment of current status and future
trends in resource abundance and environmental quality in the Strait of Juan De Fuca, Strait of Georgia, and Puget
Sound :British Columbia/Washington Marine Science Panel.
Chester – Alexander J 1978 Microzooplankton in the surface waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca . . . . 25 . 592.1776 Che None available– See Comments or Links
Microzooplankton organisms were enumerated from surface seawater samples
obtained at three stations in the Strait of Juan de Fuca during 13
cruises from 1976 to 1977 (tabulated data appear in Appendix). Ciliates
were the most abundant group; maximum concentrations exceeded 10,000
liter. The ciliate community was composed almost exclusively of
oligotrichs, tintinnids, and the gymnostome species, Mesodinium rubrum.
These groups made up an average of 60%, 10%, and 30%, respectively, of
the total ciliate numbers at each station. Twenty-six tintinnid species
and 15 oligotrich species were identified during the 2-year study. The
population peaks of most of these organisms coincided with periods of
high biological activity during spring and summer. Certain species,
however, such as the tintinnid Stenosemella ventricosa, were most
common during winter months. The ecological role of oligotrichs and
tintinnids as particle grazers is distinguished from that of M. rubrum,
a ciliate deriving its nutrition from photosynthetic endosymbionts.
NOAA technical report ERL-PMEL- .
Sutherland, I. R. 1989 Kelp inventory, 1988 : Juan de Fuca Strait Fisheries Development Report -No 35 . . . 18 . . None available– See Comments or Links (Fisheries development report. no. 35.) 
Six folded maps in pocket. 17 pages Includes bibliographical references.
1. Nereocystis luetkeana–Juan de Fuca Strait (B.C. and Wash.) 2. Macrocystis integrifolia–Juan
de Fuca Strait (B.C. and Wash.) 3. Nereocystis luetkeana–British Columbia.
4. Macrosystis integrifolia–British Columbia. I .British Columbia. Aquaculture and Commercial Fisheries Branch.
Parker- Bruce B 1977 Tidal hydrodynamics in the Strait of Juan de Fuca – Strait of Georgia (NOAA technical report ; NOS 69) Item 208-B-7. S/N 003-021-000165. . . . 56 . 551.4708 Par None available– See Comments or Links 1. Tides–Juan de Fuca (Strait). 2. Tides–Georgia, Strait of. I. National Ocean Survey. Office of Marine Surveys and Maps. II. United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. .
LeBlond – Paul H. 1987 A Review of the impact of Unmanning Western Region Lightstations
A review of the impact of unmanning western region light stations: final report
. . . . 30 . 387.155 Lab This report reviews the activities of lightkeepers at B.C.’s 41 manned
lightstations, with particular emphasis on safety-related services such
as weather reporting, search and rescue, and radio communications. The
impact of removing the keepers on the functioning of navigational aids
and on safety-related services has been assessed through a series of
interviews with Canadian Coast Guard officials as well as
representatives from other federal government departments and through
consultation with the coastal marine community in public meetings and
private interviews.Sufficient evidence has been found to conclude that a human presence is
not absolutely necessary to keep lights and foghorns functioning at a
satisfactory level of reliability; automatic lightstations are already
common in Canada and elsewhere. The most significant impact of removal
of a lightkeeper is thus to be found on the level of safety-related
services provided at a given lightstation. Digests of keepers logs,
plans of government departments, availability of alternate resources and
users views have been consulted for each type of service (weather, SAR
and radio) for each station. Stations have been grouped in four classes
according to the assessed impact of unmanning

Stations with Medium impact index should be kept manned for now, but
their status should be revised in the light of improved technology,
especially regarding aviation weather reports and radio communications.
These stations are : Ballenas Is., Carmanah Pt., Dryad Pt., Entrance
Is., Ivory Is., Merry Is., Race Rocks, Sand Heads, Saturna Is., Scarlett
Pt., Sisters Is., Triple Is., and Chatham Pt. É

. .
Collias – Eugene E. McGary v- Noel , Barnes – Clifford A. 1974 Atlas of Physical and Chemical Properties of Puget Sound and Its Approaches Washington Sea Grant Publication . . . . . 551.4601 Col Objective; Physical and Chemical oceanographic Data from Puget Sound and its approaches have been gathered by the university of Washington since 1932, these data have been published in tabular form and have been catalogued by Collias (1970) , but little of this information has been put into a graphic form that is readily available. This Atlas of Physical and chemical properties of Puget Sound and its Approaches makes such a graphic presentation and provides a convenient and usable reference for defining the major features of water properties in the Sound. Data and cross sectional charts measured from 1952- Oct 13-16 until Nov. 13 1961 RR no stations occupied until Feb. 16-19 1953 The following Vertical profile charts are made available: Temperature, Salinity, Density, Phosphate, and Oxygen. .
Canadian Council on Ecological Areas, Task Force on Marine Protected Areas 1990 Marine ecological areas in Canada : perspectives of the Canadian Council on Ecological Areas, Task Force on Marine Protected Areas (Occasional paper ; no. 9) Editor:Robert Graham . . 194 . 639.95 None available– See Comments or LinksThe Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA) established a task force
on marine protected areas in 1988 to : (1) review the Estate of the art
of marine and freshwater ecosystem conservation initiatives and possible
application of the concept of marine ecological areas to Canada, (2)
identify the steps Council could take in promoting the establishment of
such reserves and (3) suggest potential guidelines for selection and
management of these protected areas.

It was agreed at the outset that the efforts of this task force would
focus on marine systems and the Great Lakes, leaving the concept of
freshwater ecological areas to another study group. There is a growing
body of literature and experience in the Great Lakes Area with ‘cross
walking’ coastal and freshwater ecological classification systems. These
developments should be carefully monitored by Council.

The attached papers and contributions represent a review of the state of
the art of marine conservation initiatives. It was concluded by the Task
Force that marine ecological areas could be implemented in Canada.
However, park and protected area managers and planners will have to
adjust their models and methods of planning and management (e.g. natural
resource inventories) to work with the realities of the marine
environment (i.e. an open rather than closed or semi-closed system,
numerous patterns of energy exchange that are very large and alter
rapidly, a complicated regulatory environment, significant and
persistent downstream effects, and approaches to planning and management
that allow for controlled sustainable resource use, joint decision
making with customary and indigenous users and collaborative forms of
both planning and management).

Papers presented at a workshop held in Charlottetown, P.E.I., in August 1988.
Includes bibliographical references.
Holbrook, Muench – R.D., Kachel – D.G. , Wright – C., Bath- A. Douglas. 1980 Data record of current observations, volume XV, Juan de Fuca Strait, 1973 Noaa Tech Report . . . 42 . . In two field experiments conducted in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
during winter 1977-78 and summer 1978, 3-mo time series measurements of
currents, over-the-water winds, shore winds, and water properties were
obtained. From these data sets, the principal water motions are
identified and described. Over time scales of 4 to 25 h, tidal currents
dominate the current fluctuations and account for 58% to 99% of the
current variance. Mean flow is characterized by and estuarine
circulation that consists of a vigorous two-layer pattern with
near-surface velocities directed seaward at 20 to 40 cm/s and deep layer
velocities directed landward at 10 cm/s. Although local winds play a
minor role in modifying near-surface circulation, coastal storms
dramatically affect circulation in the eastern basin. During the winter
experiment seven current reversals (up-strait subtidal flow) were
observed for periods of 2 to 6 days and had eastward maximum velocities
of 20 cm/s. The extent to which coastal winds affect flow in the eastern
basin depends on their strength, duration, and direction. The reversals
that propagated up-strait at speeds of 20 to 30 cm/s were observed as
far as New Dungeness Spit, 135 km east of Cape Flattery. Coastal Ocean
Dynamics Applications Radar (CODAR) surface drifter and current
measurements during an intensive 4-day study period further delineate
the spatial characteristics of a single coastally generated reversal.
Although the long-term average near-surface flow is seaward, the effects
of tidal currents and coastal storms and the resultant complex pattern
of eddies, fronts, and shore-directed currents lead to a regime in which
surface pollutants could impact the shore as far east as Whidbey Island.
169 p. : map. 
1. Ocean currents–British Columbia–Juan de Fuca Strait. I. Bath, J. F.
II. Douglas A. GC281.J8 H8 
GC 281 J8 H8 circ c.1 
Hollister – H.J. 1965 Sea surface temperature and Salinity at Shore Stations along the British Columbia coast during 1965 Fisheries Research Board tech report no 32 . . . 50 . 551.4601 Hol 1965 None available– See Comments or Links All data for Race Rocks is included .
Stewart- Robert J. , Pease -Carol-H. 1978 A comparison of the MESA-Puget Sound oil spill model with wind and current observations from August 1978 U.S. EPA report . . . . . 551.4763 Ste This report compares the winds and currents observed in August 1978 in
the Strait of Juan de Fuca with simulated wind and current fields taken
from the MESA-Puget Sound oil spill model. This model is described in a
companion report, Pease (in press). A method is developed for relating
these errors in velocity to uncertainties in predicted position. The
tidal current subprogram of the oil spill model is shown to reduce the
uncertainty in trajectory position by an amount that is somewhere in the
range of 50% to 90% of the total uncertainty that can be caused by
ignorance of the tides. It is also shown that the uncertainty in
trajectory position is strongly affected by our inability to predict the
baroclinic motions in the region. Over time less than 10 hours, the
dispersion is mainly tidal, and the tidal current subprogram contributes
significantly to the prediction of position. After 10 hours, however,
the bulk of the dispersion is due to the low-frequently (periods longer
than a week) baroclinic motions. These baroclinic motions are poorly
understood, and a program of basic research directed at illuminating
their causes and statistical properties is called for, if predictions
are to be made over periods longer than 10 hours. The regional wind
model developed by Overland, Hitchman, and Han (1979) and used as a
subprogram in the model is compared with wind observations from a short
period of time. We conclude that the selection of a master station for
use in scaling the pattern strength cannot be done in an arbitrary
fashion. We also find that the repertoire of patterns presently
available in the program library is not sufficiently comprehensive to
allow reliable modeling of the surface wind.
prepared for Office of Energy, Minerals, and Industry, Office of Research and Development, U.S.Environmental
Protection Agency. Seattle, WA : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ; Washington, DC : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of
Environmental Engineering and Technology ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, [distributor], 1981.
vii, 54 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
(Interagency energy-environment R&D program report ; EPA-600/7-80-168)
October 1980;–Cover.
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Environmental Research Laboratories, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; August 1980.Bibliography: p. 32-33.1. MESA Puget Sound Project. 2. Tidal currents–Juan de Fuca Strait (B.C.
and Wash.) 3.<BR>
Winds–Observations. I.Pease, Carol H. II.Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
III.United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Environmental
Engineering and
Technology. IV.Mesa Puget Sound Project. V.A comparison of the M.E.S.A.-Puget
Sound oil
spill model with wind and current observations from August 1978. 
Holdings (See footnote for additional information)<BR>
Vancouver Public Library:<BR>
628.16833 S85c <BR>
Spalding D.J. 1964 Comparative feeding Habits of the Fur Seal, Sea Lion, and Harbour Seal on the British Columbia Coast Bulletin No. 146 . . . . . 599.5 Spa None available– See Comments or Links . .
U.S. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration 1968 Conference on the Matter of Pollution of the Navigable Waters of Puget Sound, The Strait of Juan de Fuca, and Their Tributaries and Estuaries Transcript of proceedings [second session] . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links 3 v. illus. 
Conference held Sept. 6-7, 1967 and Oct. 6, 1967. First session held Jan.16 and 17, 1962. Cover title: Proceedings, second session. 
1. Water–Pollution–Washington (State)–Puget Sound. 2. Water–Pollution–Washington
Brewer- William A. 1978 Evidence on Puget Sound and Straits of Juan de Fuca vessel traffic associated with crude and refined petroleum Regional Program report . 78 . 29 . 387.5448 Bre Existing patterns of Tanker Traffic in the Greater Puget Sound area are
described. The total volume of crude oil and products in transit on
greater Puget Sound waters is estimated at 650,000 barrels per day in
late 1977. The number of crude tanker arrivals is estimated to be 200
per year. The number of loaded product tanker transits of the Sound area
is estimated at 360 per year.Vessel characteristics of world trade tankers likely to be calling at
Puget Sound ports are reviewed. Although there has never been a major
spill in the area the expected composite oil spill rate is .004% of oil
carried by the fleet, projected to occur on or within 50 miles of Puget
Sound. The Alaskan fleet characteristics are compared with the above
fleet and a somewhat lower composite spill rate is forecast.

The most significant growth potential, other than transshipment of crude
oil, is in the export of refined products to California, Alaska or

The effect on tanker traffic patterns from proposed transshipment of
crude oil through oil ports at Cherry Point, Port Angeles and Kitimat is
projected. Under various assumptions projected traffic ranges from 308
to 360 arrivals per year at Kitimat with a throughput of 700,000 barrels
per day.

The results of the harmonic analysis of data from 95 tide stations and 90 current stations in the Strait of Juan de Fuca Strait of Georgia system are presented in the form of tables, cotidal and corange charts, and charts illustrating the relationships between various tidal constituents. The implications of these results relative to the tidal hydrodynamics of the system are discussed generally. Methods of analysis are described. A physical description of the area is also given along with approximate values of transport through key cross sections.
Since the fall of 1973 the National Ocean Survey (NOS) has been carrying out detailed circulatory surveys in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the
Strait of Georgia, and connecting waterways. The object of these surveys
(six of which have been completed at the writing of this report) has
been the acquisition of tide, current, and salinity and temperature data
at numerous locations and depths, along with weather data such as wind,
sea level pressure, and air temperature. Analysis of these data is
expected to provide an accurate and detailed description of water
movement in this area, as well as further theoretical insight into the
causes of this water movement. The need for increased understanding of
the Strait of Juan de Fuca Strait of Georgia system is due in part to
the increased oil tanker traffic from the Trans-Alaskan pipeline to the
several refineries in this area and in Puget Sound to the south
(connected to the Strait of Juan de Fuca by Admiralty Inlet). Damage to
the marine environment from oil spill could have serious detrimental
effects on the large salmon and shellfish industries and on the even
larger commercial fishing and recreation industries. A better
understanding of the water movement in this area is expected to minimize
the consequences of oil spillage and maximize the effectiveness of
cleanup operations. It will also provide information relevant to
municipal pollution problems, coastal zone management, and navigation.The data from these surveys (officially designated, OPR-509, Puget Sound
Approaches) have come mainly from the eastern half of the Strait of Juan
de Fuca, including Admiralty Inlet, the southern end of the Strait of
Georgia, and the connecting waterways. This area is the most dynamically
complicated portion of the system. These data have been supplemented
with historical NOS data from this same area and from the western half
of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, along with Canadian data along Vancouver
Island and in the northern Strait of Georgia.

This report presents the results of the harmonic analysis of 95 tide
stations and 90 current stations from the Strait of Georgia-Strait of
Juan de Fuca system. The results are presented in tables, cotidal and
corange charts, and charts illustrating the relationships between
various tidal constituents. The implications of these results relative
to the tidal hydrodynamics of the system are discussed generally.
Mathematical explanations and descriptions are included in a later
report. Approximate transport values across key cross sections are also

1. Tankers–Washington (State)–Puget Sound. 2. Tankers–Juan de Fuca Strait
(B.C. and
Wash.) 3. Petroleum–Transportation–Washington (State)–Puget Sound. 4.
Petroleum–Transportation–Juan de Fuca Strait (B.C. and Wash.)

Fiddy – Kent 1974 The Juan de Fuca oil spill contingency study . . . . 91 . 363.7382 Fid The Strait of Juan de Fuca Oil Spill Contingency Study was initiated
with the following in mind. First, that any oil spill in the waters
adjacent could best be combated with specific information on the
affected area. Second, that such information be immediately available to
both the Environmental Protection Service, and the on-the-scene
coordinator of the Department of Transport.Consequently, this study established two areas of priority. First to
assemble a detailed physical resource inventory of the numerous
recreational beaches in the area between Otter Point (west of Sooke) and
Port San Juan at the western most entrance of Jean de Fuca Strait. This
physical inventory was to establish the principal characteristics of
each beach, i.e. ; exposed width at high and low tides, beach type and
composition, detailed land and air photography, moorage possibilities,
land and water access, shore-line features, marine and wildlife features
and the ‘use’ patterns of each beach. Secondly, to assemble a detailed
human and countermeasures resource inventory. This inventory would
establish the availability and extent of manpower and equipment within
each area. In the event that an oil spill should occur, the Department
of Transport would then have specific information regarding the
equipment locally available as well as the manpower to operate it. As
time is often the essential factor in the fight against oil spills, the
value of such information is obvious.
. .
Walmsley – Dee 1998 Oil Spill, What have We got To Lose? Part 3 of The Oil Spill Trilogy Boundary Bay Oil Spill Trilogy Editor:Dee Walmsley . . . . Video 363.7382.Wal None available– See Comments or Links An interview with Stafford Reid B.C. Environment ministry and Garry Fletcher of Lester Pearson College on the effects of Oil on intertidal and pelagic organisms. The interveiw takes place at Witty’s lagoon,, Taylor beach and Race Rocks ecological Reserve on Southern Vancouver island. Parts of the intertidal zone, including patches of goose neck barnacles and tidepools are shown. .
Copping- Andrea Elizabeth 1994 British Columbia/Washington Marine Science Panel 
Shared waters : the vulnerable inland sea of British Columbia and Washington
. . . . 24 . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Cannings – Syd 1997 Race Rocks Ecological reserve The log- Friends of Ecological reserves) . fall . 4-5 . 577.7 Can None available– See Comments or Links The annual Friends of Ecological reserves field trip to Race Rocks. .
Grant – Peter 1996 Race Rocks B & B The Log — Friends of ecological reserve newsletter . fall 1966 . 8 . 577.7 Eco R None available– See Comments or Links A report of a field trip of Friends of Ecological Reserves .
Graham – Donald 1996 Twilight of the Island Gods The Georgia Strait . 30 1499 5 pages . 387.155 Gra None available– See Comments or Links . .
Hewett – Shirley 1996 The Race – A proposal for government and Community co–operation could save Race Rocks from poachers and pollution Monday Magazine . 22 48 8-10 . 577.7 Rac P None available– See Comments or Links A summary of several years of attempt by Lester Pearson College to secure a protected future for Race Rocks with the onset of coastguard destaffing of the island .
Hewett – Shirley 1996 Province plays Tortoise at “the Race” Monday magazine . Dec 19 . . . 577.7 Hew None available– See Comments or Links . .
B.C.Government Survey 1997 Survey Plan of District Lot 151 , Metchosin District . . . . . rrmaps/geospat.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This is a survey done for the Coast Guard when the area around the tower that was to be retained in a lease from provincial Lands Dept was being defined B.C.G.S.92B023 scale 1:500 .
Zacharias – Mark A., Howes – Don E. 1998 An Analysis of Marine Protected Areas In British Columbia, Canada Using a Marine Ecological Classification Natural Areas Journal . 18 1 4-13 . 577.7 Zac This paper presents an analysis of marine protected areas in British
Columbia using the recently created British Columbia Marine Ecological
Classification. The classification is hierarchical in nature and
delineates provincial marine areas into 12 “ecosections” based on
biophysical characteristics, and 619 “ecounits” based on current, depth,
exposure, relief, and substrate. Protected areas were assessed as a
percentage of total marine area and shoreline length for each ecosection
and ecounit. Results indicate that 1.25% of British Columbia’s marine
areas have some degree of protection. If the abyssal (> 1,000 m )
regions are excluded, this number rises to 4.22%. For British Columbia’s
29,489 km of shoreline, 14.36% is protected is some way. Results also
indicate that high exposure, high current, and hard substrate
environments have greater representation than other areas. The British
Columbia Marine Ecological Classification is also being used as a tool
in the establishment of marine reserves based on a representative
ecosystems approach, and it is being used in the development of a GAP
analysis methodology for marine environments.
Complete article included in collection .
BC Parks 1997 Marine System Management BC PARKS Conservation Management Part1 Conservation Program Policies . Sept. . mm3- mm9 . . None available– See Comments or Links BC Parks manages a system of parks and ecological areas with a marine component. According to the World Centre for marine Conservation , ” marine protected areas are a crucial tool in almost any overall strategy for saving, studying and sustainably using marine biological diversity.” BC Parks ‘challenge is increased by the numerous provincial and federal jurisdictions that manage the marine environment. This section outlines the policies under which BC Parks will manage the marine Environment within British Columbia’s park and ecological reserve system. The direction has come from several sources, including work undertaken by the Coastal Resource3 Strategy Study Team, the Marine Protected Areas Working group and the federal government’s National Marine Conservation Areas Policy . .
Race Rocks Lightkeepers 1999 Archival Entries about Race Rocks in the 1870’s . Editor:Garry Fletcher . . . . 577.7 Fle As None available– See Comments or Links This represents copies of papers from the B.C. provincial Archives in Victoria containing references to the early years Contents: Letters of 21st of Jan and the 22nd of Jan 1873 Letters form Dept of Fisheries to the Police and a letter from Police Superintendent to the Attorney General requesting whether convicts would be allowed to work as labor at Race Rocks. Receipt of the 4th of Jan 1872 from Thomas Argyle , lightkeeper stating the receiving of a list of food supplies. Meteorological report in detail for the month of December, 1871 . .
Baird-Robin W., Stacey- Pam 1991 Transient Killer Whale Predation The Friends of Ecological Reserves Newsletter . August . 8 . 595.5 Bai Tr Most analyses of the relationship between group size and food intake of
social carnivores have shown a discrepancy between the group size that
maximizes energy intake and that which is most frequently observed.
Around southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, killer whales of the
so-called transient form forage in small groups, and appear to prey
exclusively on marine mammals. Between 1986 and 1993, in approximately
434 h of observations on transient killer whales, we observed 138
attacks on five species of marine mammals. Harbor seals were most
frequently attacked (130 occasions), and the observed average energy
intake rate was more than sufficient for the whales energetic needs.
Energy intake varied with group size, with groups of three having the
highest energy intake rate per individual. While groups of three were
most frequently encountered, the group size experienced by an average
individual in the population (i.e., typical group size) is larger than
three. However, comparisons between observed and expected group sizes
should utilize only groups engaged in the behavior of interest. The
typical size of groups consisting only of adult and subadult whales that
were engaged primarily in foraging activities confirms that these
individuals are found in groups that are consistent with the
maximization of energy intake hypothesis. Larger groups may form for (1)
the occasional hunting of prey other than harbor seals, for which the
optimal foraging group size is probably larger than three; and (2) the
protection of calves and other social functions. Key words: dispersal,
foraging, group hunting, harbor seals, killer whales, optimal group
size, social structure. [Behav Ecol 7:408-416 (1996].
This report is on “Research on the abundance and behavior of transient killer whales around southern Vancouver island which has been ongoing since 1987 .
Olesiuk -Peter , Bigg- Michael A. , Ellis -Graeme M. 1990 Recent trends in the Abundance of Harbour Seals, Phoca vitulina , in British Columbia Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. . 47 . 992-1003 . 595.4 Ole None available– See Comments or Links . .
Baird-Robin W. – Stacey, Pam J. 1988 Foraging and feeding behavior of transient killer Whales Whalewatcher . Spring . 11-15 . . None available– See Comments or Links “The area around Victoria , an area which transients frequent , has many year-round harbour seal colonies and a seasonal sea lion haulout at Race Rocks Ecological reserve .” Table 1 shows the Summary of Transients observed during the study 1984 to 1988. .
Baird-Robin W.- Stacey – Pam J. 1988 Variation in saddle patch pigmentation in populations of killer Whales from British Columbia, Alaska, Washington State. Can . J. Zool . 66 . 2582-2585 . 599.536 Bai V Patterns of pigmentation of the post dorsal fin patch, or saddle patch,
were analyzed from photographs of 372 resident and 99 transient killer
whales (Orcinus orca) from British Columbia, Alaska, and Washington
State. Of the five types of saddle patch analyzed, all were observed on
residents, but only two occurred on transients. Differences in saddle
patch shapes were independent of age and sex. Saddle patch pigmentation
patterns were similar among clans within a community. Pigmentation
patterns differed significantly between the resident and transient
forms, between northern and southern residents, between northern and
Alaskan residents, and between southern and Alaskan residents. As the
saddle patch shape may be heritable to a large degree, these differences
suggest genetic isolation of the populations. If so, this technique may
be used to delineate stocks of killer whales from other areas.
. .
Baird-Robin W. 1987 Can Sea lions “See” Killer Whales? Victoria Naturalist . 144 4 9 . . None available– See Comments or Links “On October 12, 1987 while on a Sea Coast expedition’s Trip to view Sea Lions and other marine life at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, we witnessed an event which led us to pose many questions concerning the way predators see their prey and vice-versa. A single lone Killer Whale X10 was foraging in the Race Rocks area . This individual is a transient Killer whale , and transients feed primarily no marine mammals – especially harbour seals. ——– However X10 is a slightly abnormal looking individual. The dorsal fin is collapsed over the left side of the body ———As we soon found out, others that day also thought he did not look like a killer whale..” .
Maslovat – Carrina 1993 Metchosin Environmental Inventory November 1993 . . . . . . 577 Mas The purpose of producing the inventory was to identify Metchosin’s
natural and cultural heritage and to centralize the data at the
Metchosin Council office. Data was collected on features of land, fresh
water and ocean that are rare, attractive, scientifically interesting or
are unique to the environment of Metchosin. Information was collected by
interviewing key individuals from within and outside of the community
and by assembling published and unpublished sources. The information was
manually mapped on 1:5000 municipal maps using colour coded dots and the
pertinent data was entered into a data base at the Council Hall. The
data base is compatible with the QUIKMAP system used by Doug Mackeroff
and therefore can be used to produce an environmental map to accompany
the Official Community Plan.The inventory was produced under the guidance of the Environmental
Advisory Commission of the Metchosin Council. Stuart Guy acted as the
primary supervisor for the production of the inventory.

Garry Fletcher, from the Metchosin Environmental Advisory Commission,
had collected a large number of sites with ecological features. This
foundation was supplemented by interviews with knowledgeable people and
by finding sources of information already produced for the Metchosin
area. A list of the people who were contacted for this inventory is
given in Appendix A. The interviews were conducted with 1:5000 maps to
ensure that sites were located accurately. All sources that had
information that contributed to the data base are listed in the
annotated bibliography. Limited time prevented complete synthesis of
less pertinent sources and these are listed under the title of Other
Sources in Appendix B. Almost 400 sites were identified in the

Carrina was hired by the MEAC to bring the inventory up to date. The appendix includes a number of other possible source of information, and further information on the bird observations on Rocky point. .
Gates – Brian , Taylor – Keith 1989 Checklist of Birds—Victoria and Southern Vancouver island . . . . . . 598 Gat None available– See Comments or Links Lists all seabirds found in the Juan de Fuca Eastern Entrance Area .
Hewlitt – Stephanie 1995 Steller’s Sea Lion . . . . . . Video 599.5 Hew None available– See Comments or Links May 24, Footage taken at Race Rocks and aboard the Duen – Sea Lions on the rocks and being observed by school children in the Pearson College Schools program, May 1995 Also interview with UBC Researcher Dr. Andrew Trice, working on Sea Lions at Vancouver Aquarium — also shows sea lions swimming in underwater viewing gallery at the aquarium. Footage at Race Rocks of sea lion stampede into the water– researcher explaining nutrition experiments, Energy consumption experiments — food need in the wild .. Fisheries fleet suggested to be in competition – hake and Pollock take. In North Pacific, the decline of sea lions from 300,000 to 100,000 — Claims that some areas with large fisheries still have good sea lion populations. Feeding experiments with different fish species to see whether one species source is better than another. Study being funded by sea food industry. ” How many of these students realize they are looking at a species that is not only threatened and endangered but symptomatic of a marine imbalance which science is trying to correct.? “ .
Simonsen – Bjorn , Peacock – Sandra, Haggerty -James, Secter – Jonathan, Duerden – Frank 1997 First Nations Land and Resource Use : Marine Resources Report of the First Nations Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment and Consultation . . . . rrrefer/bamber/3.htm 333.72 Bri 3.4.4 Marine Resources
Marine resources, as noted above, formed a fundamental component of traditional lifeways, and remain important to contemporary First Nations people. They are discussed in this study of the Bamberton project because, as mentioned in the introductory section, the peoples of the Saanich Inlet recognize the close relationship between the land and the sea. They, perhaps more than any other group, have witnessed first-hand the impacts of development on the marine resources of the Saanich Inlet, impacts which have directly and drastically altered their traditional lifeways.Information obtained during community interviews reveals a wide variety of fish, shellfish and other invertebrates, waterfowl and marine mammals were utilized throughout the seasons. Those collected from the Saanich Inlet are identified in Table 8. Aside from their obvious use as food, marine resources also served as medicines and as ritual foods associated with ceremonial activities. The cultural significance of these resources is reflected in the places names associated with the procurement of marine resources throughout the Saanich Inlet (see discussion in Section 3).
Scroll down to part 3.4.4 and table 8 . This is one part of the chapter on the First Nations Cultural Heritage Study done on the Bamberton Project. This lengthy document with attached appendices, contains an up- to date survey of the First Nations use of Coastal Marine Resources. The complete resource is also available on the Home page of the Environmental Assessment Office of the B.C.Environment Ministry. See the internet link for comlete version. http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/wat/wq/saanich/sisrofnc.html/a>
Fletcher-Garry L. 1996 Midday: Race Rocks . . . . 5 minutes . . None available– See Comments or Links VHS Footage taken at Race Rocks in 1996 which was put together for the program Hometown Video. Footage of Dr. Anita Brinckmann- Voss is included . .
Goldberg, Betsy 1996 Race Rocks Lighthouse . . . . 3 minutes . Video 387.155 Rac R None available– See Comments or Links Pearson College students and Garry Fletcher at Race Rocks — details the problems of Pearson College in getting protection for the area. Shows Mike Slater taking water samples. Views from tower. Students speaking about what the area means to them. .
Kirkpatrick , Bruce 1998 Race Rocks on Nanaimo Report . . . . approx. 20 minutes . . None available– See Comments or Links Trev and Flo Anderson with Bruce Kirkpatrick at Race Rocks. They talk about life on the island from 1966-1982 over 2000 visitors a year — Flo is interviewed about her book Lighthouse chronicles. Comments about the dangers of Race Passage. Sea lions footage — noted few in 1966 most would come in January. Interview with Trev at the top of the tower. Talked of building the Wawa a seven year project on the island. Now retired and living in Sidney, Vancouver Island. Concludes with interview with Garry Fletcher — refers to the new status of Pilot Marine Protected Area. .
Royal B. C. Museum 1992 The Canadian Underwater Safari . . . . 58 minutes . Video 577.7 Can None available– See Comments or Links This is one of the 24 programs in the underwater safari program. Footage of octopus in a tank with Jim Cosgrove answering questions, Gordon Green, Phil Lambert, Garry Fletcher and Jim Darling also give commentary. Live underwater footage of harbour seal , and wolf eel with LBPC student Jason Reid , kelp greenling, sea stars. Also included is a disabled diver sequence. This set of programs were made possible by the volunteer contribution of many organizations. Darryl Bainbridge was the underwater photographer. .
Hydrographic and Survey agencies 1999 Charts and maps of the Race Rocks Area– A link to a separate Geo-Spatial table . . . . . frmGeoSpatial References . None available– See Comments or Links A linked form containing the available Geo-Spatial references of the Race Rocks Area .
Hagler- Bailly Consulting Inc.David F. Dickens Associates, 1995 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Expediting the Schedule for Double-Hulling Oil Tankers and barges operating in and near British Columbia Waters. . . . . 114 . 387.5448 This report provides a benefit-cost analysis of accelerating the current
schedules for double-hulling oil tankers and barges operating in three
transport sectors on the west coast of British Columbia. These three
transport sectors comprise approximately 84% of the annual regional
petroleum shipments by volume and 72% of the annual trips posing risk to
British Columbia’s west coast, and include :
– Canadian barges carrying bunker oil and refined petroleum product
– Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) crude oil tankers
– crude oil tankers operating on foreign routes.
Spill Scenarios for the Strait of Juan de Fuca referred to in section 2-3 .
Radcliffe – Gillian , Porter – Glen , Teversham – Jan 1994 Ecological Assessment of Department of National Defense Properties (C.F.B. Esquimalt ) Vancouver Island . . . . 57 pages . . None available– See Comments or Links Contains the best ecological overview of the adjacent DND lands on the Southern end on Vancouver Island. Both Mary Hill in Pedder Bay (178 ha) and CFAD Rocky Point (1078 ha) are represented. Ecosystems of the sites were classified and maps –( maps included in appendix) The appendix lists a set of Contacts and Appendix II has a detailed listing of the vegetation Analysis for the areas. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1989 Fisheries Closure in Race Rocks Ecological Reserve . . . . 6 . . None available– See Comments or Links This includes the correspondence leading up to the decision of Fisheries and the action of Ron Kehl, Fisheries officer in Victoria in 1990 to declare a closure in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. This closure was the first such closure for any Marine Ecological Reserve in British Columbia. .
Grant – Peter 1986 The Friend’s Annual General meeting and Trip to Race Rocks Friends of Ecological reserves Newsletter Editor:Peter Grant 7 1 2 . . None available– See Comments or Links The cover photo and article comment on the annual field trip to Race Rocks. .
Cooke – Brent 1978 Exploring Below the Waves Beautiful British Columbia . Winter 20 3 9 pages rrphotos/exploring.jpg . None available– See Comments or Links About Diving — good color photographs of underwater life . Basket star. Link is to the first page of the article. .
Lamont – Colin 1996 Keepers of the Light This Country Canada . Summer 11 11 rrrefer/137.jpg . None available– See Comments or Links Large colored pictures and good historical information .
McDaniel, Neil 1989 Great Race Diver magazine . June . 21-23 rrrefer/138.jpg . None available– See Comments or Links Great Race Diving in the strong tidal waters off Race Rocks, rugged outpost in Jaun de Fuca Strait Diving. 3 p.
Article on diving off Race Rocks ecological reserve, B.C. Good color pictures and clear descriptions of do’s and donít’s for divers in ecological reserves.
Obee – Bruce . These are Special Places; You Can Only Love them Beautiful British Columbia . Spring . 34-39 . . None available– See Comments or Links On page 38 mention of Pearson College’s role in the reserve. Also a photo of Jane Watson. .
Cribb – James M. 1981 Race Rocks Westworld . 7 4 61-62 rrrefer/140.jpg . None available– See Comments or Links An early publication dealing with the designation of the Ecological reserve. “Race Rocks: ecological reserve status now
protects some of the most diverse and spectacular marine organisms on our coast.”
Fletcher-Garry L. 1980 The Beginnings of the Race Passage Current Tables . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Letters describing the initial proposal and design of the current meter that was deployed in 1981. From the , the Race Passage tables are now published annually in The Canadian Tides and Currents booklet. .
Ecological Reserves Program 1992 Race Rocks Guide To Ecological Reserves in British Columbia . . . 2- 97a – 2- 97b . 577.7 Rac None available– See Comments or Links A map and a description of each ecological reserve is given. Biotic feature are summarized . Exact coordinates are given .
Simenstad – C.A., Kinney – W.J., Miller, s.m. 1980 Epibenthic zooplankton assemblages at select sites along the Strait of Juan de Fuca NOAA technical Mem-ERL-MESA-46 . . . . . . Since 1974 the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) and
NOAA-MESA Puget Sound Project Office have been conducting biological
baseline studies in north Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca on
the potential effects of increased petroleum transport and refining
activities in the region. These studies have focused principally on
littoral and shallow sublittoral benthos, nearshore fish and
macroinvertebrate assemblages, offshore phytoplankton and zooplankton
assemblages, and nearshore food web structure (Gardner 1978; Mar.
Ecosystem. Analysis. Prog. 1978). One of the main objectives was to provide
information on the trophic relationships and food web structure of the
biotic communities most vulnerable to pollution or which could be
involved in transfer or bioaccumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons.The nearshore fish and food web investigations by Fisheries Research
Institute (FRI) have indicated that epibenthic zooplankton are
significant prey resources for the majority of nearshore fishes (Miller
et al. 1977, in press; Simenstad et al. 1977; Cross et al. 1978) and
also for many seabirds and shorebirds (Simenstad et al. 1979). The
community structure and abundance of epibenthic zooplankton were not
well documented in these studies, however, due to the initial emphasis
of sampling infaunal and sessile organism (Nyblade 1977, 1978; Smith and
Webber 1978; Smith 1979; Webber 1979). The importance of epibenthic
zooplankton as principal components of the region’s food webs,
responsible for the important transfer of detrital carbon to higher
trophic levels, requires that this critical data gap be
addressed-especially if we are to understand how trophic relationships
between economically or ecologically important fish and their prey
resources are effected by pollution.
. .
Pashinski-DJ.,Charnell- R.L. 1979 Recovery Record for the surface drift cards released in the Puget Sound- Strait of Juan de Fuca System during Calendar Years 1976-1977 NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL -14 . . . 25 . 551.4763 Pas The Puget Sound Drift Program released 5000 polypropylene drift cards in
the Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca system between April 1976 and
July 1977. By November 1977, 1,470 replies had been processed. These
replies were analyzed statistically as well as descriptively. Winds with
time scales varying from hours to weeks, as a function of system spatial
constraints, have been found to be the dominant factor influencing the
grounding of drifters. The migration of the drifters was consistent with
a mean estuarine flow of 6 km per day with a superimposed dispersive
component of 7 km per day. The average time a drifter was waterborne,
likewise a function of system spatial constraints, ranged from less than
1 day in Puget Sound to greater than 3 days in the Strait of Juan de
Included are most of the pages pertaining to the Eastern entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Several pages with the trajectories of drift card are included. .
Hollister- H.J. 1966 Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity at Shore Stations along the British Columbia coast during 1966 Fisheries research Board of Canada Technical report #82 . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links See also database by Ron Perkin .
Zeh – Judith, Houghton – Jonathan P. 1981 Evaluation of Existing Marine Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Biologic Data Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program Report . . . . . . In the past decade, a remarkable number of “baseline” or “benchmark”
surveys of littoral communities have been conducted in the marine waters
of northwest Washington and elsewhere. This activity has been spurred by
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and an increasing awareness
of potential environmental consequences of man’s activities in the
coastal zone. In general, this type of survey has attempted to obtain
replicated quantitative data on species abundance and distribution as
well as total animal and/or plant density and weight (biomass),
richness, and diversity.The two primary objectives of these surveys typically have been (1) to
characterize to nature and perhaps the resource value of communities
observed and (2) to provide data that will allow testing of hypotheses
regarding factors affecting patterns in space (e.g., habitat, elevation,
location effects) or time (e.g., predisturbance/postdisturbance,
seasonal, annual effects).

The first objective has been accomplished quite adequately by a variety
of researchers (Houghton 1973; Houghton and Kite 1978; Nyblade 1977,
1978, 1979a and b; Smith and Webber 1978; Smith 1979; Thom 1978;
Wisseman et al. 1978; Webber 1979 and 1980). However, only infrequent
attempts have been made at statistical testing of the significance of
observed patterns and the suitability of the data obtained for detection
of real differences in space or time or for prediction of biological
characteristics of assemblages in like habitats at other locations.

The work presented in this report represents such an effort using
intertidal and shallow subtidal data obtained in two large-scale and
long-term sampling programs. The first was founded by the State of
Washington Department of Ecology (WCOE), the second by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Puget Sound Project
Office of the Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) program of the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA also administered
the study reported in this document.

This report provides a useful model of similar areas where extensive baseline studies have been done in similar adjacent areas .
Everitt -Robert D. , Fiscus – Cliffors H.,DeLong -Robert L. 1979 Marine Mammals Of Northern Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca NOAA technical Memorandum ERL MESA-41 . . . . . 599.5 Eve None available– See Comments or Links All references to the Race Rocks populations including aerial survey counts are included. Map of haul out site locations included. .
Simenstad – Charles A. , Miler – Bruce S, Nyblade -Carl F.,Thornburgh – Kathleen, Bledsoe -Lewis . 1979 Food Web Relationships of Northern Puget Sound and The Strait of Juan de Fuca –A Synthesis of Available Knowledge NOAA EPA report . . . 260 . 577.16 Sim None available– See Comments or Links . .
Vanderhorst-J.R., Blaylock – J.W., Wilkinson- p, Wilkinson -M.,Fellingham -G. 1981 Effects of Experimental Oiling on Recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca intertidal habitat following experimental contamination with oil : second annual report, fall 1979 – winter 1980 NOAA EPA . . . . . 363.7382 Van Experimental studies of the effects of Prudhoe Bay crude oil on the
recovery of intertidal infauna and epifauna were conducted in the Strait
of Juan de Fuca region of Washington State. The studies experimentally
evaluated the effect of oil treatment, site, substrate type, season, and
tide level on the composition, density, and species richness of
organisms colonizing substrates, which were initially free of organisms.
Significant differences for some biological parameters were demonstrated
for each of the types of treatment contrasted (site, substrate type,
season, tide level, and oil). Significant biological effects were
demonstrated to be due to oil treatments for 70% of 56 biological
parameters evaluated in detail.Full recovery following contamination with oil was predicted for
sediment-borne infauna based on oil retention time and recovery of
infauna in unoiled sediments. Full recovery for epifauna on concrete
substrates could not be predicted from these studies because of the
longer-lived nature of dominant species and differing assumptions about
what constitutes full recovery. Predicted full recovery for sand
habitats at Sequim Bay and Protection Island was 31 months following an
initial oil treatment of 1,800 ppm. Predicted full recovery for a
commercial clam bed habitat was 46 months following an initial oil
treatment of 2,500 ppm. Density of the principal species of interest on
this clam bed (Protothaca staminea) was significantly altered by the oil
treatment during the first recruitment season. Because of the
longer-lived (compared to the general infauna community) nature of this
species, it was predicted that effects on recovery of the species may
extend somewhat beyond that for the general infauna community. Best
and worst cases for chemical recovery of oiled concrete substrates
were three and 13 months.

Effects from oiling on recovery is strongly related to feeding types of
infauna and epifauna but the influence is different depending on
habitat. For the sand habitats, detritivorous and herbivorous species
were almost universally influenced by the oiling. Carnivorous species
were about evenly divided in their response to the oiling and, with one
exception, no significant effect was seen on the recovery of a
suspension feeder. For the commercial clam bed, herbivores and
suspension feeders were at least as sensitive to the oil treatment as
detritivores. For the concrete habitat, detritivores were not sensitive
to the effect of oil treatment but herbivores and suspension-feeders
were highly sensitive. Based on adjunct MESA studies of trophic
relationships, it appears that the severity of the influence on recovery
of species in this study could be expected to have a deleterious effect
on important fish populations, and that the effect would extend somewhat
beyond the 15-month period studied in individual experiments in this program.

Retention of oil differed depending on substrate type, tidal height, and
initial concentration. Concrete substrates lost oil much more quickly
than sediments. Oil was retained longer at higher tide levels than at
lower tide levels. Proportionally more oil was retained in sediments
initially treated with higher concentrations of oil.

Useful reference about the experimental protocol for predicting recovery times.. Bricks with oiled surface are used placed in different habitats . .
Pease -Carol 1980 An Empirical Model For Tidal Currents in Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and Southern Strait of Georgia NOAA EPA report . . . 30? . 551.4708 Pea None available– See Comments or Links
A computer model of tidal currents in Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de
Fuca, southern Strait of Georgia, and connecting channels was developed
in response to a need for tidal current input to pollutant trajectory
models and surface drifter analyses. These applications required tidal
current information on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, and
over a region of complex topography. Since the purpose of the algorithm
was to provide estimates of tidal currents for assessment problems and
not the study of tidal physics, an empirically based modeling method was
chosen over a theoretically based method. The model described herein was
the result of a multiyear effort, with much of its design and functional
characteristics resulting from its historical association with other
studies (Pease et al., 1979). Cannon et al., 1978 ; Smyth, 1978 ; and
Overland, Hitchman, and Han, 1979). This report documents the model
derivation and some associated analysis products.The tidal currents in the Puget basin are strongly influenced by the
geography. The region is dominated by a mixed semidiurnal tide, which
intricately weaves its way among the channels. The tide in the Strait of
Juan de Fuca is characterized as a progressive wave, converting smoothly
in the region of the San Juan Islands to nearly a standing wave in the
Strait of Georgia (Parker, 1977 ; Thomson, 1975a-d). The tide in Puget
Sound also exhibits standing wave properties, although they are not as
pronounced as in the Strait of Georgia (NOS, 1977). Eddies formed in the
lee of spits and headlands are a common, time-varying feature of the
tidal currents in the region. The largest of these occurs on flood in
the embayment formed between Race Rocks and Victoria. No major eddy is
seen to form on ebb in this area so the tidal current is rectified
toward the southwest along the coast. Another major rectification occurs
around Vashon Island. On flood the current is directed south along the
east side of the island while the west side has weak flow. On ebb the
current is directed north along the west side of the island while the
east side has weak flow. The net effect is a clockwise, tidally induced
circulation about Vashon Island (McGary and Lincoln, 1977). Although the
eddy by Victoria and the circulation about Vashon Island are among the
largest asymmetries in the region, there are other smaller
eccentricities exhibiting horizontal scales equivalent to the size of
geographic features forming them.
. .
Everitt – Robert D., Fiscus – Clifford H, DeLong Robert L.. 1980 Northern Puget Sound Marine Mammals . . . . 124 . 599.5 Eve The Strait of Juan de Fuca, the San Juan Islands vicinity, and Puget
Sound are unique waterways ideal for commercial and recreational use
(Fig. 1). Growth of the human population in this area and continued
development, however, have caused increasing concern over potential
environmental degradation. Recent concern has been focused on the effect
of increasing petroleum transport and associated refining operations on
Puget Sound. The development of Alaska’s oil reserves and consideration
of Washington as a point of departure for transshipment of petroleum
products to other areas of the country have also increased the
possibility of environmental degradation.In response to these threats, research has begun to document the effects
of certain types of development on the biological resources of Puget
Sound and provide some baseline information. This research, which has
been funded partly by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and administered through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
administrations (NOAA) Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Puget Sound
Project Office, is designed to develop an understanding of the ecosystem
of Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, to compile baseline data
for these waters, and to identify the potential consequences of
petroleum transport and transfer operation.

As part of this larger effort, a MESA funded study of the distribution
and abundance of marine mammals in northern Puget Sound and the Strait
of Juan de Fuca was conducted through Noah National Marine Mammal
Laboratory (NMML) located at the Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center
(NWAFC), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Seattle, Washington.
The objectives of this study were to : (1) determine the relative
seasonal abundance of each species of marine mammal in the study area,
(2) describe specific locations used regularly by these populations, and
(3) characterize the various populations and their habits which may
increase their vulnerability to petroleum-related activities.

. .
Benedict – Alice B., Everitt – Robert D., Miller – Bruce S. , Nyblade – Carl F., Simenstad – Charles A. Et al 1983 A Synthesis of Biological Data from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Northern Puget Sound NOAA EPA . . . 251 . . None available– See Comments or Links
I. Introduction
II. Characteristics of the Study Area
III. Biological Community Organization and Major Ecological Processes : an introduction
IV. Biological Characterization of Major Habitat Types of Northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca
V. Identification of Areas of Biological Importance
VI. Potential Interactions of Habitat Types and Known or Proposed Types of Perturbations
VII. Data Evaluation, Data Gaps, Recommendations
Excellent flow diagrams of food webs–from a number of habitats .
Lindroth -Mattias 1991 Symbiotic Relationships of Two populations of Balanus nubilus at Race Rocks . . . . 24 . 595.35 Lin In April of 1991, 15 specimens of Balanus nubilus where collected at two
different locations at Race Rocks. The idea of this preliminary study
was to find out if the two populations of barnacles Balanus nubilus are
part of the same system or if they in fact make up two different
systems. Statistical methods have been used to compare the individual
Balanus nubilus, with the organisms on them, to make a platform for
discussion. A result was achieved, indicating two different systems and
the reasons for this has been discussed. The limiting factors on the
project have only allowed a speculation on the factors that affect the
distribution of organisms on the Balanus nubilus. This is an interesting
opening for a wider research project, which can be carried out in the
Help with the taxonomy of this group was provided by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss .
Graham – Brian K. 1994 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Metchosin Muse . June . 2 . . None available– See Comments or Links “The first thing that strikes me as I board SECOND NATURE is the camaraderie and teamwork of the students. Most of them have wet suits on and are loading their scuba gear aboard the aluminum craft; the rest are readying the lines for our departure. The exercise on this sunny day is to dive off the shores of Race Rocks, and to document some of the sealife that abounds in the ecological reserve there.” .
Wolferstan – W.A. 1994 Marine Oil Spill Risk As a Factor in Potential Transboundary Pollution . . . . . . 363.7382 Wol None available– See Comments or Links
This brief responds to Symposium questions #1, #4, #5, and #6, primarily
with regard to the risks of a major marine oil spill, and generally with
regard to the relative significance of oil spill risks compared to risks
from other pollution sources for the BC/Washington marine environment.Although it is possible for RPP (refined petroleum product) spills to
occur virtually anywhere on the west coast, it is the existing patterns
of crude oil movement by tanker in the symposium focus area that is the
single type of human activity which needs the most management attention,
because of the very high consequence costs should a major oil spill
occur in this area.
There are two critical components that must be considered before
deciding where to focus our efforts to reduce risk or prevent spills.
The first is our level of knowledge about where spills are most likely
to happen (including the expected size, location, frequency, and type of
oil or product that could be spilled). The second is our level of
knowledge about the most likely shorelines to be impacted and the
relative amount of environmental damage, which is most likely to occur
from different sizes and types of oil spill. The probability of an
accident or vessel casualty leading to a spill is often referred to as
the navigation risk. The probability of a spill resulting in significant
environmental impacts can be described as the environmental risk. Both
of these components have been analyzed extensively for the transboundary
waters discussed in this symposium. This brief will summarize our
current understanding.
Jan 13 1994 Vancouver, B.C. .
Matthews- Angus, Fletcher- Garry L. 1996 A Future for The Race Rocks Light Station . . . . 10 . . None available– See Comments or Links RACE ROCKS EDUCATION CENTRE “Race Rocks is an ecological treasure located at the pacific Gateway to British Columbia’s Gulf Islands. A significant environmental and scientific legacy have been generated through 65 years of data collection and 16 years of environmental protection at Race Rocks. This has been made possible by the efforts of the Canadian Coastguard and British Columbia Parks. This legacy is threatened by the abandonment of the Race Rocks Light Station Today the opportunity exists to create the Race Rocks Centre, a unique public education and research centre” With this beginning, a proposal which was presented to the Coastguard and BC Parks was started. In it is detailed plans for the protection and management of the area by Lester Pearson College in the face of withdrawal by the coastguard . The setting up of a Trust Fund with the assistance of government is outlined. Included in the appendix is an account of the Ecological Values as spelled out by Garry Fletcher, Appendix2 a Listing of Equipment at the Station and a Proposed Opperating budget by the Race Rocks Education Center. .
British Columbia 1997 Ecological Reserve Act The Revised Statutes of British Columbia 1996 . 3 . RS Chap 103 http://www.qp.gov.bc.ca/bcstats/96103_01.htm 348.711022 Rev None available– See Comments or Links Available on internet. .
Fredericks – Christina 1988 A Laboratory Study on Tidepool Protists -( from Race Rocks) . . . . 72 . . The protists studied are of a species yet unclear to me. They are small,
green, unicellular flagellates that occupy freshwater upper-level spray
tidepools. These experiments were carried out to discover some of their
basic physical characteristics, that is, if they displayed and
phototactic behaviour and to determine their upper-most salinity
tolerance level.The two questions I wanted to answer concerning the protists were :
whether they displayed any phototactic behaviour, and if so, which
particular wavelength of light they preferred to orient to, be it the
blue or red regions of the spectrum or the green region of the spectrum.
The second problem was that I wanted to know their salinity tolerance
level in the upper ranges within a given range of seawater immersions,
of which the range they were tested on was from 10% seawater to 90% Seawater. I also
wanted to know the effect of an influx of distilled water to protists
already immersed in seawater.
A laboratory study examining the phototactic behavior and upper-most salinity tolerance of unicellular flagellates .
Kronholm – Kalle 1991 A study of a biological system on an Introduced Substrate in the high current zone of the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve substrate in the high current zone of the Race Rocks ecological reserve . . . . 40 . 578.77 Kro An almost 1 m3 submersed concrete block in a high current area was
studied in 5 dives. The frequencies of 8 indicator species on the four
vertical faces of the block were recorded. The number of individuals of
each species on each face were then compared to see if any conclusions
about correlations could be drawn.To explain the correlations and differences in the number of individuals
of each indicator species, various factors such as current and sunlight,
were studied closer.

In 1980, a concrete block was lowered the 10m down to the bottom of
Inner Race Passage, Race Rocks, Vancouver Island, Canada. The purpose
was to install a current meter on a line between a float and the block.
This was done over one year, and the results were analyzed in a
computer, which then made current-table predictions for the future.
(Woodward, M. J., 1980)

This concrete block has undergone ecological succession over the past 10
years. The block forms the substrate of an ecological system that is
investigated in this study.

Report investigating the ecological system of a concrete block submersed to a depth of 10m in the Inner Race Passage in 1980. The block forms the substrate that is investigated to compare the number of individual species on each face and to draw conclusions and correlations as related to various
environmental factors
MacIntosh – Rosemary 1991 Imposex in carnivorous marine snails of British Columbia of British Columbia. . . . . 22 . . The phenomenon of imposex, the growth of male sex organs in female
snails, has been observed only in the past twenty years. The cause of
the growth of a penis and a vas deferens has been determined to be
continued exposure to tributyltin in the water in which the snails live.
The neogastropods used in this research are whelks of the type Searlesia
dira and Nucella lamellosa. This paper examined imposex in and around
Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and of the thirty-four sites
tested, only three locations showed no evidence of imposex. All sites
tested in high boat traffic areas (within one kilometer of a harbor or
marina) or sites near centers of human population showed a one hundred
percent incidence of imposex. Even the high current area of the Race
Rocks Ecological Reserve was contaminated by TBT since 100% of the
snails were affected there as well. It can be seen from this evidence
that all of the intercoastal water of the Strait of Georgia, Strait of
Juan de Fuca, and Puget Sound are affected by TBT and that actions must
be taken to halt the spread of this contamination.
Report on possible contamination by TBT (Tribuyltin, used in antifouling paints on boats), causing imposex in carnivorous snails at thirty-four sites in and around Vancouver Island and at Race Rocks Ecological reserve .
Brinckmann-Voss – Anita 1996 Seasonal Variation of Hydroids in a Tidal Pool on the Ecological Reserve of Race Rocks, British Columbia, Canada . . . . 11 . 593.55 Bri INTRODUCTION
During research on a census of hydrozoans of the intertidal and
subtidal ecological systems on the ecological reserve of Race Rocks
(Brinckmann-Voss and Garry Fletcher in preparation) it was found that
one of the tidal pools on the West side of the island does not only
represent an unusual large number of species on a very small space, but
also seemed to fluctuate in the occurrence and reproductive state of the
species during the seasons. Therefore a detailed survey of the tidal
pool area was started in 1984 to be followed more in detail by mapping
the different species in different months of the year in 1988/89.
Unfortunately work on the site cannot be done from November to February
because low tides are at night and the area becomes inaccessible.After numerous observations in the pool from 84 to 87 for the general
survey, detailed work on the Seasonality of the species in the pool was
done on following date: July 8-12, August 28, September 22, October 11,
1988; March 23, April 10, June 2-5, 21, August 15, 24, 1989.

In order to understand the ecology of the tidal pool a short statement
of its geography is necessary (fig. 1 a, b) : Great Race Rocks is the
largest in a group of very small islands or mere rocks, some only
exposed fully at low tide, in the Juan de Fuca Straight about 3 km(?)
south of the South coast of Vancouver Island. The area of the tidal pool
studied is on the South West side of the Island. This side consist of
steep rocks often near vertical cliffs which are however often broken up
into small platforms or ledges with channels in between running more or
less parallel to the outer coast of the island. Some of these channels
are blocked by rocks at either end and are therefore only partly emptied
at low tide, thus forming separate ecological entities of tidal pools.
The depth of the tidal pool remains the same during a medium and low
tide, because the water cannot drain. However once the water gets in
over the outer ledge at incoming tide the high water level varies with
different dates of the month or year depending on the maximum high water
mark as explained in diagram (fig. 1c). As the open sea on the Southwest
side of the Island is typical of often rough or violent strong swells
from the West plus very fast moving tidal currents (max. miles/hour) the
water which gets over the ledge into the tidal pool with incoming tide
is more or less foaming probably with a very high oxygen content
although measurements were not taken. Therefore, although protected
through the outer ledge the water in the pool will never get stagnant.
These physical conditions combined with an extremely rich plankton in
the Race Rocks area (observations by author) are probably the cause for
the large number of species in the tidal pool reported in this study.

Report to ecological Reserve as part of permit requirement, prior to publishing the article In Scientia Maritima .
Baird-Robin W., Stacey -Pam J. 1988 Observations on the Reactions of Sea Lions to Killer Whales – Evidence of “Prey” having a “Search image” . . . . 5 . 599.5 Bai O Observations on the reactions of California Sea Lions (Zalophus
californianus) and Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus) to the
presence of foraging transient Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) were made on
three occasions. Alert and avoidance responses by sea lions were made in
the presence of Killer Whales of typical appearance. In the presence of
a single, foraging Killer Whale of atypical appearance, no alert or
avoidance response was observed. It is possible that the sea lions did
not recognize the atypical whale as a Killer “search” image” for the
detection of predators, based on visual cues.The ability of a predator to perceive cryptic prey using a perceptual
“Search image” has been previously reported (e.g. Dawkins 1971).
However, the concept of “prey” using a similar perceptual “Search image”
to detect potential predators does not appear to have been previously
documented. During an ongoing study of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca)
behaviour and ecology being undertaken around southern Vancouver Island,
British Columbia, certain interaction s between “transient” Killer
Whales (after Bigg et al. 1987), California Sea Lions (Zalophus
californianus), and Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were noted on
three occasions. These interactions suggest that sea lions may use a
search image for the detection of potential predators.

Observations of interactions between transient Killer Whales and sea
lions were made during 1987 at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve (48
18ÕN, 123 32ÕW), a group of nine small islands approximately one mile
off the southernmost tip of Vancouver Island, in the Strait of Juan de
Fuca. Race Rocks is a year-round Harbour Seal (Phoca vitulina) colony,
with seasonally abundant California Sea Lions and Steller Sea Lions
(Bigg et al. 1987). Transient Killer Whales vocalize much less than
resident whales (Ford and Fisher 1982), possibly to avoid detection by
mammalian prey (Morton 1987; Felleman et al. 1989). Thus the reaction of
sea lions to the presence of Killer Whales might be mediated by visual

Report to Ecological Reserves as part of the permit process. .
Zahid -Maliha 1987 Distribution of “Anthopleura elegantissima” . . . . 51 . . The following research essay deals with the distribution pattern of the
sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. The research essay was carried
out at the intertidal levels of Race Rock Islands in the Juan de Fuca
straits. The aim of the research was foremost to find out the
distribution pattern of the Anthopleura in a mathematically
comprehensive way and using that information, to identify the
Anthopleura elegantissima sub-species level. The distribution pattern
and zonation will give us insight into the environmental, biotic as well
as abiotic, factors influencing the pattern.In determining the pattern both Poisson and Plotless methods were
involved. Poisson methods give results very much dependant on the size
of the sampling units. On the other hand Plotless methods are
independent of unit sizes and at least one source of error is
eliminated. We employ both methods and the accuracy of one against the
other is judged by formal statistical tests.
Report on the distribution pattern of the intertidal sea anemone, “Anthopleura elegantissima “at Race Rocks ecological reserve to gain insight into the environmental, biotic as well as abiotic, factors influencing the pattern. .
Vermeer – Kees, Rankin – Leo 1984 Population trends in nesting double-crested and pelagic cormorants in Canada The Murrelet . . . 9 . . None available– See Comments or Links Survey of the breeding populations of double-crested Phalacrocoraxauritus and pelagic cormorants (P. pelagicus) in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia to assess population trends and compare with those elsewhere in North America. .C.1-2 .
Guttman – Hans 1982 Metridium senile Study At Race Rocks Ecological Reserve
. . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Transect sheets from a Metridium study at Race Rocks ecological reserve showing information concerning species, position, depth, date, divers, etc. .
Berg – Jason 1987 A Comparative Study of the Escape Responses of Limpets . . . . 17 . . The Limpets Diodora aspera, Acmaea mitra, Collisella digitalis, Notoacmeaea scutum and Notoacmaea pelta that live on Great Race Rock are examined in this report. Limpets range from the high water levels to the lower limits of the intertidal zone depending on the species. The habitable range of some species can extend below the intertidal zone as well. There is little interspecific competition between various species of limpet because each species occupies a distinct niche in the series of vertical zones on the shoreline. Limpets can survive on rocky , exposed shorelines because of their specialized foot which allows them to anchor themselves firmly to solid rock. The review of literature is restricted to the families Fissuellidae and Acmaeidae. Observational records of the distribution at Race Rocks are presented in this essay. Study comparing the escape responses of limpets. Conducted at Race Rocks ecological reserve, B.C .
Woodward – Mike 1981 Current Tables for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve . . . . 14 . . None available– See Comments or Links Prediction of tidal extremes from the initial current meter readings at Race Rocks — before Race Passage tables were produced by IOS .
Woodward – Mike , Fletcher – Garry 1981 Current Tables For Race Rocks Ecological Reserve . . . . 4 . . None available– See Comments or Links Prediction of tidal extremes from the initial readings of the Race Rocks Current Meter These tables have been calculated by the Institute of Ocean Sciences at Pat Bay. In 1980 we arranged to have a current meter provided for Race Rocks. We installed it in September of that year and removed it in October of 1981. Every three months, the meter was changed and these tables are the result of the current data accumulated. The meter was
located in the center of the heavy current channel immediately to the North-West side of the flag pole on the island. The 1983 issue of the Tides and Currents Tables will contain the predictions under the title of “Race Passage”. We hope that these tables will make it safer for
divers and boaters in the area. Please respect the guidelines of the Ecological Reserve, that all forms of life in the reserve should not be disturbed. This means subtidal life to a depth of 35 meters and bird and animal life on the islands.Note that the tables are in rates of meters per second and that the direction (DIR) of 230 means an ebb tide, and the DIR 48 means a flood tide. Any rates starting with .0 can be assumed to be slack water.
LBPC students , Fletcher- Garry L. 1982 Race Rocks Marine Ecological Reserve- Handout . . . . 2 . . The following is the remainder of the complete text of this brochure: PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES :1. VIEW THE SEALIONS , SEALS AND SEABIRDS QUIETLY FROM A DISTANCE THAT
DOES NOT DISTURB THEM. Continued disruption by boaters will interfere with their normal daily life.

REMOVE OR DISTURB ANY FORM OF SEA LIFE. That way it will continue to exist for all.

3. ANCHOR IN THE RESERVE ONLY IN EMERGENCIES. Delicate sea-life is easily ripped apart by an anchor.

4. FISH FOR SALMON ONLY. Rock fish and bottom fish are an important part of the marine system in the area and should be preserved.



7. ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO RESPECT THE DESIGNATION OF THIS ECOLOGICAL RESERVE. Divers wishing for further information about underwater life in the Reserve are welcome to contact us.

Note in Abstract: .
B.C. Parks , Fletcher – Garry L. 1988 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve (Brochure) . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links The first brochure published by Parks on the Ecological reserve at RR. .
Ashuvud -Johan , Fletcher -Garry L. 1980 The Race Rocks Marine Ecological Reserve . . . . 2 . . None available– See Comments or Links This article was submitted as an announcement of the ecological reserve to Diver Magazine .
LBPC students , Fletcher – Garry L. 1980 Race Rocks Marine Ecological Reserve . . . . 1 . . None available– See Comments or Links This was the first version of the handout prepared for the public on the RR.ecological reserve. .
Bisgrove – Brent 1982 Ecological reserves, and some other locations in southern Vancouver Island as sites for marine research. . . . . 57 . . None available– See Comments or Links 97-84 his report has compiled relevant literature, personal observations, intertidal surveys, and information from consultation with members of the U.Vic Dept. of Biology in an effort to document suitable sites for marine field research on southern Vancouver Island. It includes site descriptions and species lists for six ecological reserves and three areas proposed as reserves. c.1-2.. This report has still not been acquired as of Aug/99 version 1.5. Further attempts will be made to track it down. .
DND Environmental Science Advisory Committee 1996 DND Environmental Science Advisory Committee Annual Report 1996 . Editor:Arthur Robinson and J.A. Trofymow . . 93 . . None available– See Comments or Links The Annual report of the research carried out in the adjacent area of Rocky Point .
Thomson Richard E. 1981 Strait of Juan de Fuca (Chapter 11 ) Can. Spec.Publ.Fish. Aquat.Sci.———Oceanography of the British Columbia Coast . 56 . 291 . . This book deals with the biophysical aspects of the sea as exemplified by the Pacific ocean and the contiguous waters of the British Columbia Coast. Although principally devoted to waves currents and tides, the book spans a broad spectrum of topics ranging from meteorology and marine biology to past and present marine geology. It attempts to elucidate the nature of oceanic motions and relate them to everyday experience for the general interest of the casual reader and for the practical benefit of the professional mariner, scientist , or engineer. References to Race Rocks are located on the following pages: 10, 78, 192 ,11.11 currents: 194, 11.1 , 196, 198-199, 11.16 winds : 190 , Race passage: Juan de Fuca Strait – 10.15 , 196, 198. .
Wallace – Scott S. 1999 Evaluating Three Forms of Marine Reserves on Northern Abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) Populations in British Columbia, Canada. Conservation Biology Conservation Biology ( In press) . . . . rrrefer/scottabalone.htm . None available– See Comments or Links
Abstract: Marine reserves have been suggested as tools for assisting the management of fisheries by protecting vulnerable marine species from over-exploitation. Increases in size and abundance after restricting fishing pressure would lead to greater egg reproduction which through pelagic dispersal would replenish exploited areas. Although there is theoretical basis to believe that marine reserves may show promise as management tools, there are few marine reserves in the world to test their effectiveness. This research evaluates three forms of marine reserve on the south coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Northern abalone, a severely depleted shellfish in this region, is used as an indicator to test the effectiveness of the reserves. Abalone populations in eight sites receiving varying degrees of spatial protection were counted and measured in situ during the spring of 1996 and 1997. In all sites with enforced harvest closures, populations of abalone were greater and one site, with nearly 40 years of protection, had on average much larger (older) abalone. Reproductive output, as a function of abundance and size, was also greater in the enforced reserve areas. Larval dispersal from reserves, and hence the benefit to exploited areas, was not formally surveyed. However, the results of my study combined with knowledge of present abalone populations, life history, and regional hydrodynamics suggest that establishment of reserves are justified in absence of perfect knowledge of larval dispersal.
In Press : March 1999 ( CONSERVATION BIOLOGY) S.S. Wallace, Resource Management and Environmental Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver .
Doubilet – David , Kohl- Larry 1986 British Columbia’s Cold Emerald Sea National Geographic Magazine . . . 626-549 . . None available– See Comments or Links This article contains several quality pictures of fish and invertebrates some taken by David Doubilet on his trip to Race Rocks in the early 1980’s. .
Grant – Peter 1997 Field Trip Race Rocks Ecological Reserve The Log — Friends of Ecological reserves Newsletter Editor:Peter Grant Spring . 5 . . None available– See Comments or Links A report of the Saturday Sept 21 1996 field trip by Friends of Ecological reserves to Race Rocks . .
Castle Geoffrey 1984 Lighthouse never completely tamed Race Rocks Times- Colonist . Sept 29 /84 . A-4 . . None available– See Comments or Links Historical Account – Shipwrecks on the islands lead to change of technology .
Stonebanks – Roger 1995 College offer to help pay staff at Race Rocks jolts hearing Victoria Times Colonist . January 28, 95 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links ” A proposal by the college to raise an endowment fund to continue staffing Race Rocks startled a Coast guard Hearings into destaffing 35 lighthouses on the West Coast.” .
Down – Susan 1994 Staffed light stations could be valuable ecological posts Times -Colonist . Dec. 1, 1994 . D11 . . None available– See Comments or Links Quotes of Dr. Howard Freeland , research scientist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences and Angus Matthews about the need to ,maintain a human presence on Race Rocks — Report on the second round of hearings on lighthouse destaffing. .
Danard – Susan 1997 Injured sea lion left to battle for survival Times Colonist . Tuesday, July 15/ 97 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links The concerns of some tour-boat operators versus the need to leave animals alone in the ecological reserve .
Lavoie, Judith 1997 Camera hounds are killers , too — Guardians of Race Rocks wildlife dreads growth of animal watching tours The Victoria Times Colonist . Sunday , Jan.26 1997 . A3 . . None available– See Comments or Links “Trophy hunting with a camera can be as deadly as using a gun, said Carol Slater gloomily, as she watched two sea lions—-” this article deals with the controversial criticism of boat operators who go too close to resting marine mammals in the Race Rocks Ecological reserve. .
Paterson – Jody 1991 Race Rocks whodunit turns students into ‘tecs The Victoria Times Colonist . Wed , Nov,. 27/1991 . B1 . . None available– See Comments or Links Documents an NFB shooting of a second video trilogy for its perspectives in Science series.. Highlights of the Institute of Ocean Sciences water sampling program. .
Ryan – Jim 1980 Race Rocks Light keepers live close to nature The Islander section of the Times Colonist . Dec. 1980 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Documents the life of Trev and Flo Anderson at Race Rocks and mentions the building of their boat Wawa on the island. Mentions the new ecological reserve. .
Helm – Denise 1996 Save Race Rocks Station Times- Colonist . Saturday, March 2/96 . D1 . . None available– See Comments or Links “Race Rocks is an extraordinary community resource and it’s going to slip through our fingers,” said Matthews .
Cleverly – Bill 1998 Light keepers want a review of destaffing Times- Colonist . Tueday Mar. 31/98 . A2 . . None available– See Comments or Links Fisheries Minister David Anderson has bowed to public pressure and backed off the program that would have automated a further 12 lighthouses this year on top of the 14 already destaffed.———The lighthouse at Race Rocks off Metchosin remains operating even though it was technically destaffed a year ago. .
Manore – Jack 1991 Divers see Race Rock’s hidden face — Race Rocks one of 132 reserves The Islander Magazine of the Victoria Times Colonist . Sun. Oct 20/91 . M1 and M4 . . None available– See Comments or Links Underwater pictures and lengthy commentary on the Educational program run by Lester Pearson College .
Shane – June 1997 Ecological treasure just off our shore Metchosin Muse . July 1997 . 10 . . None available– See Comments or Links As a member of friends of Ecological reserves, the author participates in one of the annual visits by that group to the reserve with students. .
Brodeur , Micheline 1997 Light station Automation Pacific Currents Editor:Kelly Francis 1 4 1-3 . . None available– See Comments or Links Budget reduction and modernization — the two main reasons for automation. .
Westad – Kim 1990 Thought of shooting at sea lions brings roar of disapproval from judge Victoria Times Colonist . Tues. May 1 /90 . B8 . . None available– See Comments or Links Judge William Diebolt told John Bears and other commercial fishermen that shooting at sea lions especially those in an ecological reserve – will be penalized heavily by the court. Fishermen shooting at sea lions in the reserve were apprehended on the report of divers form U.Vic. relayed to fisheries by Ray Smith assistant light keeper and a Pearson college student operating the radio in the shoremasters office in Sept. 1988. A $750 fine was handed out by the court. .
Grant – Peter 1984 Subtidal researchers Monday Magazine . March 16-22 1984 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links A report of a field trip of the Friends of Ecological Reserves to Race Rocks with Garry Fletcher and the diving students at Pearson College. See also the skides in the AV Database. Under the search “FER” .
Leyne – Les 1980 Race Rocks now Ecological Reserve The Goldstream Gazette . Wed. April 9/80 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links “The designation of ecological reserve was announced formally last week by Prince Charles during his visit to Pearson College. It was the culmination of a year-long project by staff and students at the college to have the environmental value of the nine small islet , and surrounding subtidal land recognized.” ——- This was the first media report of the ecological reserve. .
McInnes – Craig 1997 A college that’s determined to shine The Globe and Mail . ?? . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Lightstation Automation with reference to the role of Pearson College to keep the lightkeepers on the island .
Brinckmann-Voss -Anita , Arai – Mary -Needler 1980 Hydromedusae of British Columbia and Puget Sound Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences . 204 . 192 pages . . Fifty-nine species of hydromedusae are described from British Columbia and adjacent waters. A pictorial key of these species is included. In addition to two new species whose descriptions have already been published, four more new species are described, six are recorded from the area for the first time, and a number of taxonomic revisions are made. The family Pandeidae is discussed and the new family Halimedusae separated from it . Detailed distributions in the Pacific area and brief notes on the general zoology are included. This manual is valuable as a taxonomic guide to the hydroids of the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the broader Race Rocks area. .
Fletcher-Garry L , Healey – Norm. 1999 The Metchosin Environmental Inventory Database . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links This inventory of over 450 records has been done by the Metchosin Environmental Advisory Commission. There are several records entered for Race Rocks and many for the adjacent Coastal Area. https://racerocks.ca/metchosinmarine/marineecosystems.htm
Vermeer – Kees 1987 The Ecology and status of marine and shoreline birds in the Strait of Georgia, BC . . . . 5 . 598.3 Eco None available– See Comments or Links Table of Contents of the proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Pacific N.W. Bird and mammal Society and the CWS .
Baird-Robin W. 1990 Elephant Seals Around Vancouver Island The Victoria Naturalist . 47 2 6-7 rreoref2/elepseal/elephantseal.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Photo of female Elephant Seal from middle rock with tower in background. Photo of male elephant seal head. .
Lambert, Philip 1978 New geographic and bathymetric records for some northeast Pacific asteroids (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) Syesis . 11 . 61-64 . . Study of several Asteroid collections made with the aid of SCUBA and bottom trawls in the waters off British Columbia has resulted in new information about the geographic and bathymetric ranges of 20 species. Specimens of 10 species extend the known distribution northward into British Columbia waters. Specimens of three species document southward extensions. The known minimum depth is extended for 11 species, whereas the known maximum depth for four species is extended. This is a record for the Southern distribution of Cermaster arcticus (Verrill 1909) (Goniasteridae) It was discovered at Race Rocks, at a depth of 9 meters. The specimen from Race Rocks (48 degrees 18 minutes N., 123 degrees 36 minutes W. ) extends the known range 2180 km southward. .
Fletcher-Garry L., Ashuvud – Johan 1980 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Slides 1979-85 . . . . . frmAV . None available– See Comments or Links The underwater shots in this set of slides were taken by Johan Ashuvud (PC student from Sweden) and Garry Fletcher in 1979 and 1980. Other slides are of marine science and biology class activities, doing intertidal transect and tidepool studies in the early 1980’s . The slide set has been donated to the Race Rocks Collection in the Library. Copyright release must be obtained from Lester B.Pearson College for use outside the library. .
Cooke – Brent 1981 Underwater Race Rocks – Royal B.C Museum Collection . . . . . frmAV . None available– See Comments or Links This set of slides was selected as representative of the collection in 1999 from several file cabinets of slides in the archives of the provincial museum. One copy of the sides is on file in the Race Rocks Collection of the Lester Pearson College. Copyright release must be obtained from the Royal B.C. museum for use outside the library. In this database , not all the pictures are entered yet. You may access them from the folder entitled “BCslides.” .
Prentice – Duane 1998 Race Rocks Marine Education Center . . . . . frmAV . None available– See Comments or Links This set of slides was selected as representative of the collection made by Duane Prentice in 1998-99. More slides in the series are maintained by Duane Prentice. One copy of the sides has been donated to the library at Lester B. Pearson College and is on file there in the Race Rocks Reference Area. Copyright release must be obtained from Duane Prentice of Nomadic Visions, for use outside the library. Copyright1999 Duane Prentice/Tom Keller Photo LLC . Copy (250) 385-6518 .
B.C. Parks Ecological Reserves Office 1999 Race Rocks ER #97 Slide Set . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links The above URL links to the table of photographs for the ecological reserve . Slides in this set labelled ER#– are contained in this collection. The slides in this set have been taken by various photographers, including Trudy Chatwin and Garry Fletcher, and contributed to the Ecological Reserves Office in Victoria (presently at 700 Johnson Street, Victoria). Copyright release must be obtained from BC Parks . .
Bainbridge- Darryl 1992 Selected underwater footage, from Underwater Safari . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/safari/safari.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This video contains sequences selected from the “Underwater Safari” master tapes at the RBC museum. The following sequences are highlighted: Wolf Eel and Divers —Harbour Seal and Divers—- Sea Stars underwater at RR.— Diving with disabled at RR. Complete versions of the programs are available through the RBC museum. Copyright is freely released for education purposes according to the agreement originally made with the volunteer workers on the program including the photographer Darryl Bainbridge, Shaw Cable, B.C Tel , the Ministry of Small Business and Culture, Lester Pearson College and the RBC museum.. See internet link for more of the videos .
BCTV 1993 Elephant seal capture and return to Race Rocks . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Sequences of the capture of an elephant seal that had a broken jaw at Race Rocks in May, 1993— transportation to Vancouver Aquarium where it was rehabilitated and the subsequent release back at Race Rocks in August of 1993. Pearson College assists in the capture and transport. .
BCTV 1995 Visit to Race Rocks of Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links This video is the news clips documenting a visit to Race Rocks by the minister of Fisheries, Brian Tobin, accompanied by Victoria – Oak Bay MLA David Anderson (in 1998- Minister of Fisheries) in the fall of 1995. On this trip Mr. Tobin gives his assurance to the light keepers that their job are secure!!. .
CHEK 6 TV 1992 The Canadian Underwater Safari . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Footage of a Chek TV crew who are taken diving by Lester Pearson College so they can document the underwater work of cameraman Darryl Bainbridge of the “Underwater Safari” series. Good shots of Fish — greenlings and Sea Bass– Rock Cod .
Reyes – Paola 1995 Light keepers Concerns at Race Rocks (Spanish) . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Commentary in Spanish – interview with Mike Slater, prior to destaffing of the light station by the Coast Guard. Good views from tower — multiple light version still in use. .
Fletcher – Garry 1995 Anita Voss and intertidal hydroids . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Documents Dr. Anita Brinckmann -Voss on a low tide hydroid sampling trip to Race Rocks. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1996 Whale Watchers at Race Rocks . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Starts with footage of the tower when it is pure white as it is being painted in the fall of 1996. Later on, a sequence of several whale watching boats near the rocks as they look at the sea lions. This sequence aired on BCTV in 1997 .
Dept. of Nat Defence Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) 1997 DND Environmental Science Advisory Committee Annual Report 1997 ESAC . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links 24 reports of Projects worked on in the adjacent DND lands , including Rocky Point. Most are forest related research projects. .
Dept. of Nat Defence Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) 1998 Conservation Management Planning DND CFB Esquimalt properties — results of workshop held at Royal Roads University , Victoria, B.C. March 17, 1998 . Editor:Robinson, Arthur – Trofymow -A. . . 41 . . Over the last four years, staff from the DND, Canadian Forest Service and CWS , and other agencies have collaborated extensively through the Environmental Science Advisory Committee in the delivery of environmental programs on DND properties, particularly on Southern Vancouver Island. During that same period, much new information has been gathered to assess the ecological character of these lands. Under a project completed in 1997, these new data sets were merged with existing data in a common GIS to allow for easier review of management plans for these properties. A report by ESRI Canada Ltd. Outlines the Arc/Info coverages. In order for CWS t fulfill it’s forest management objectives and to jointly assist DND in fulfilling its obligations for environmental assessments, wetland conservation, and protection of species at risk, it was time to begin a process of analysis to review and further develop conservation plans for these very significant properties. In 1994 and 1995 Madrone Consultants Ltd. were contracted to carry out ecological assessments of a number of DND properties on Vancouver island. Guidelines used by Madrone are outlined in Appendix 1c. ETC. A Reports of a workshop including Rocky Point. Conservation management recommendations for the properties are made. .
Gibbs – Donna 1997 Race Rocks Species List- 1997 . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/INVERTS/dgibbs.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Inventory compiled by Donna Gibbs of the Vancouver Aquarium on dives made at Rosedale Rock, West Race Rocks and William Head in the summer of 1997. Grouped by phylums and divisions. In the photo are several of the intertidal gastropods observed near peg#15 at Race Rocks, spring 1998. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1998 Profile: Trev and Flo Anderson: their connection with Pearson College 1976-1982 . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/history/rrkeeper/rr66-82/anderson.htm . None available– See Comments or Links When Trev and Flo arrived at Race Rocks with their family in 1966, the old generator building was painted red and had a tall tower attached for the foghorn. By the mid-1970’s when we started coming out from Pearson College, the buildings were painted white with red roofs. .
Ellis – D.V. , Steele – D.J. 1974 Application For Ecological Reserve — Rocky Point – 1974 . . . 167 14 . . None available– See Comments or Links This is the application submitted for Rocky Point as part of the areas proposed as a result of the International Biological Program (IBP) which set about to recommend Ecological reserves. The coastal area was to be considered as an Ecological Reserve. This report was consulted when LB Pearson College was working on the equivalent proposal for Race Rocks. .
Giovando – L.F. 1978 Observations of Seawater Temperature and Salinity at British Columbia Shore Stations 1976 Pacific Marine Science Report 78-12 . . . 111 . . Estuarine exchanges between the waters of then inlets and coastal basins between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast and the north pacific Ocean must occur through the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the south and the Johnstone Strait to the North In the early part of 1973, current meter arrays were moored over a cross section in each of these two Straits for the purpose of obtaining information on the nature of these exchanges (Huggett et al. 1976) The hydrographic data reported here were obtained during the period of March – May 1973, when these arrays were in position. These additional observations are required to assist in evaluating the tides within the region, and further , to provide boundary conditions for an extension of these studies to include features of the estuarine circulation. For Race Rocks daily data see the reference by Ron Perkin of IOS .
Giovando – L.F. 1978 Observations of Seawater Temperature and Salinity at British Columbia Shore Stations – 1974 Pacific Marine Science Report 78-2 . . . 111 . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Giovando – L.F. 1978 Observations of Seawater Temperature and Salinity at British Columbia Shore Stations -1975 Pacific Marine Science Report 78-8 . . . 112 . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Crean – P.B. , Huggett – W.S. , Miyake – . 1979 Data Report of STD observations Volume 1: Strait of Juan de Fuca 1973 Pacific Marine Science Report 78-8 . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Simonsen -Bjorn, O., Peacock – Sandra, Haggerty -J.,Secter – J., Duerden -F. 1997 Report of the First Nations Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment and Consultation — component ; Bamberton Town Development Project . . . . . rrrefer/bamber/toc1.htm . An exerpt from the report : 3.4.4 Marine Resources
Marine resources, as noted above, formed a fundamental component of traditional lifeways, and remain important to contemporary First Nations people. They are discussed in this study of the Bamberton project because, as mentioned in the introductory section, the peoples of the Saanich Inlet recognize the close relationship between the land and the sea. They, perhaps more than any other group, have witnessed first-hand the impacts of development on the marine resources of the Saanich Inlet, impacts which have directly and drastically altered their traditional lifeways.Information obtained during community interviews reveals a wide variety of fish, shellfish and other invertebrates, waterfowl and marine mammals were utilized throughout the seasons. Those collected from the Saanich Inlet are identified in Table 8. Aside from their obvious use as food, marine resources also served as medicines and as ritual foods associated with ceremonial activities. The cultural significance of these resources is reflected in the places names associated with the procurement of marine resources throughout the Saanich Inlet (see discussion in Section 3).
See the internet link for the complete version.Section 3.4 results PartII: first Nations Land and Resource Use 3.4.1 Spiritual Resources 3.4.2 –Plant Resources — 3.4.3 Terrestrial Mammals and 3.4.4 Marine Resources —- these sections provide a good insight into the importance to the first Salish First Nations people of the natural resources. Table 8 provides a list of the marine resources used by the Saanich Inlet peoples.. See the external web link for the complete reference below http://a100.gov.bc.ca/appsdata/epic/html/deploy/epic_document_129_15398.html
Canadian Underwater Safari team 1992 The Planning Process for the Canadian Underwater Safari . Editor:Garry Fletcher . . 49 pages . . None available– See Comments or Links The communication and correspondence leading up to the Underwater safari programs in 1992 is presented here in order to give some idea of the magnitude of the planning and support from sponsors that went into this application of technology for environmental education in the Ecological Reserve. .
Down – Susan 1992 Underwater Safari puts technology to work for education Times- Colonist . Monday, Oct 19, 1992 . B2 . . None available– See Comments or Links “This week the pristine ocean environment of the Race Rocks ecological Reserve will be shown off to the world as the Friends of the British Columbia Museum present the Canadian Underwater Safari, an ambitious educational program for grades 8- 12. It is easy to be awed by a program that includes the Anik E2 satellite, Seamore the underwater robot , microwave commu nication from a remote lighthouse , two- way fibre optic technology and a sonar communication system that allows children from here to Ontario to talk with the diver..” .
Mullens – Anne 1992 Children get Underwater Safari The Vancouver Sun . Sunday, Oct 14 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Best -Andrew 1992 Underwater Safari brings Race Rocks marine environment to the world via TV The Times Colonist . October 14 , . B14 . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Murphy – Patrick 1992 Don’t use ocean as a toilet, Cousteau pleads Times Colonist . Saturday Oct 10 . D1 . . None available– See Comments or Links Interview with Jean- Michelle Cousteau promoting the underwater safari series and arguing for stopping of the dumping of sewage in the ocean in Victoria. .
Murphy -Patrick 1992 Students to dive undersea via satellite Times Colonist . Wed Oct 14 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Swanson – Robyn 1992 Race for knowledge takes kids to rocks The Goldstream Gazette . Wednesday, April 29 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links A significant article noting the presentation of a cheque for $10,000 from the B.C.Parks Ministry to the Canadian Underwater Safari by Esquimalt-Metchosin MLA Moe Sihota. .
Monday magazine staff 1992 Victoria’s underwater world flashed around the continent Monday Magazine . October 15-21 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Interview with Angus Matthews talking about the role of the college in the production of the series of programs. .
Murphy -Patrick 1992 Race Rocks surprise for Island pupils Times Colonist . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Field trip of students as part of the Underwater Safari .
Inglis – George 1977 Tomas Argyle The Daily Colonist . February 20, . 7 . . None available– See Comments or Links An Interesting account of Thomas Argyle , an early lightkeeper in the 1870’s at Race Rocks. It shows a picture of he and Ellen Argyle with their six children born in the Race Rocks lighthouse. Much of the article is devoted to following up on the second generation descendants of Argyle. .
B.C.Parks 1995 Ecological Reserve Warden Handbook . . . . 10 . . None available– See Comments or Links An outline of the ecological reserve warden program , Purpose of Wardens and guidelines and responsibilities of wardens and B.C. Parks Staff. .
Matthews – Angus 1995 Presentation to the Department of Transport Hearing on the Future of West Coast Light Stations . . . . 12 . . Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific proposes an innovative partnership agreement between Pearson College and the Governments of Canada and British Columbia, relating to the Race Rocks Light Station and the surrounding ecological reserve. The objectives of this agreement are to:– -Reduce expenditures by DOT through private sector financial support ,–retain qualified staffing of the light station —continue weather and sea condition reporting –Provide enhanced , marine safety and search and rescue capabilities. —Continue environmental monitoring which has been conducted without interruption since 1921. –Improved supervision of the Ecological reserve. — The addition of Great Race Island to the existing 280 hectare reserve. — Expanded environmental research and educational opportunities, –Enhanced pollution monitoring and control capacity . —protection of a public marine heritage site. January 26, 1995 — Proposal complete with Draft budget showing the role of Pearson College, the province and the Department of Transport .
Anderson – David 1998 Statement by David Anderson, Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans on Marine Protected Areas . . . . . http://www-comm.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/english/release/statement/st9805e.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This link to the internet provides the content of Fisheries and Oceans Minister David Anderson’s speech of September 1, 1998 when he announced, in Victoria, B.C. the creation of the first two pilot MPAs. .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1990 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Summary Report 1990 . . . . 18 . . None available– See Comments or Links This report outlines the activities coordinated by the volunteer Wardens of the Race Rock Ecological Reserve. .
Ecological Reserves Program 1991 List of Reports and Publications for Ecological Reserves in British Columbia . . . . 146 . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Helm – Denise 1996 Province Months away from decision on Race Rocks Times- Colonist . Sat. Dec 14, 1996 . . . . None available– See Comments or Links The B.C. Government is still months away from a decision about management of Race Rocks , despite urgent pleas for timely action . Regional Manager Dave Chater said Friday a long term management plan for the ecological reserve surrounding the islets off Metchosin first has to be developed –Pearson College, which is fed up with delays about Race Rocks fate, submitted a draft management plan for the reserve in march. The college Laos has a two year proposal to run the light station as an educational and research center. The Environment ministry expects to have a management plan ready in early 1997, said Chater. Matthews said the college can’t start raising funds to look after Race Rocks with only a two year. Commitment from the federal government to not demolish the buildings. Chater said the Ecological Reserve plan has to come first. And the prime issue is whether to add the land and, if so, the buildings. Ö .
Mesiha -David, Fletcher -Garry 1999 Pedder Bay to Race Rocks Transect- Marine Birds . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links This database is not complete at the time of publication of this version. Raw data records are available however through the library at Lester Pearson College. March 1998 to present– ongoing. Analysis of this data will also be available on the racerocks.com Webster .
DND Environmental Science Advisory Committee 1995 DND Environmental Science Advisory Committee Annual Report 1995 . Editor:Arthur Robinson and J.A. Trofymow . . 103 . . None available– See Comments or Links The annual report of the research carried out in the adjacent area of Rocky Point .
Billman – David 1998 BC Moments – Race Rocks (Aerials) bt#1012 (To burn in) . . bt 1012 . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Billman – David 1998 BC Moments – Race Rocks bt#8076 3309-( to burn in) . . bt . . . . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Billman – David 1998 BC Moments – Race Rocks bt# 8074-6999-6269 ( To burn in) . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Raw footage from late summer 1998 .
Billman – David 1998 BC Moments – Race Rocks bt# 1475-1476- 1367 (To burn in) . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Raw Footage from late summer 1998 .
Fisheries and Oceans Canada 1999 Pacific Region Marine Protected Areas Home Page . . . . . http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceans/mpa/pilots.htm . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Marc – Jacques 1996 The Idaho Shipwreck at Race Rocks . . . . . nautarch/idaho.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Some historical research done on the shipwreck Idaho. This wreck lies within the Marine protected Area at Race Rocks . A video and slide reference set is found in this database also. .
Marc – Jacques 1998 The Nanette shipwreck at Race Rocks . . . . . nautarch/nanette.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This is some historical research done on the shipwreck Nanette, by the Underwater Archaeology Society of BC. .
Marc -Jacques 1998 Video – The Shipwreck Idaho at Race Rocks . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links A short video section on some of the artifacts underwater of the wreck of the Idaho .
Marc -Jacques 1998 Nautical Archaeology slide set . . . . . frmAV . None available– See Comments or Links 9 slides taken by Jacques Marc with the Underwater Archeological Society of BC. The wreck of the Idaho on Rosedale Reef and the surrounding sealife is shown. Includes map of the wreck. .
Galloway – James 1999 CHS Managed Surveys — Presentation at Race Rocks pilot MPA workshop. April 1999 . . . . . powpoint/Galloway.ppt . None available– See Comments or Links This research was done at Race Rocks by the Canadian Hydrographic Service in the spring of 1999. Hi- res bathymetric survey, Sea bed Classification using multi- beam sonar scanning, towed video survey, visual simulation. http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/roxview/roxview.htm
Conservation Data Centre 1999 Field Definitions for Conservation Data Centre Element Occurrence Records . . . . 2 rrefer/cdc26apr.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This letter explains the coding for the Conservation Data Centre records. Note these records are only up to date as of March, 1999. Further updates will be added yearly to this database at Pearson College. These records are individual, verified occurrences for species and plant communities which have been ranked as rare by the B.C. Conservation Data Centre. The following fields have been exported with each record.FIELD DESCRIPTIONS
Canadian Conservation Data Center :

EOCODE: The unique identifier for each record. A one-to-one relationship with the records. The first 12 characters identify a particular species or plant community, the next 3 digits identify the occurrence number for that species or community. These alphanumeric codes are information rich and can be used to sort the records, as follows: etc

Weinstein – Martin S. 1998 Pieces of the Puzzle — getting to the solution for community-based coastal zone management in Canada . . . . 22 . . None available– See Comments or Links Prepared for Coastal Zone Canada 98 conference in Victoria, B.C. 30 Aug.- 3 Sept. 1998 .
Bauer – Wolf 1977 Marine Shore Resource Inventory–Western Community marine coastline, Wolf Island to Fort Rodd hill . . . . 46 . 577.51 Bau The marine shoreline of the Western Community within the Capital
Regional District of British Columbia stretches southwesterly from
Victoria and Esquimalt Harbor to Beecher Bay along the Strait of Juan De
Fuca. The shore-study area with which this report is concerned extends
from Greyke Pt. near Wolf Island to the northern boundary of Fort Rodd
Hill Park. While these boundaries are only eleven miles apart, the
intervening high-tide shoreline actually total forty-eight miles
including all coves, lagoons, and islands within that reach. (Caliper
“walked” at 100ft. intervals).
This preliminary study has concerned itself primarily with an inventory
and evaluation of the beach resources in view of the fact that these
represent not only the more changeable and least stable component of the
coast, but are also of high recreational and esthetic resource value.
Especially is this true of the two major drift – sector beach areas,
where the integrated geohydraulic system of erosion –
transport-accretion has created barrier spits with their fringe habitat
and benthic ? aquatic bio-process environments.
A good account of the coastal resources,- classifies beaches I-III. .
Fletcher-Garry L., B.C. Parks 1999 Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Draft Management Plan –IN BRAILLE . . . . . rreoref/manage1.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Braille Grade II . This was done for a student in year 24 who was studying the MPA while in the Environmental Systems class at Lester B. Pearson College. .
Matthews, Angus 1998 The Race Rocks Light station — In Braille . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links In Braille Grade II — a duplicate of another reference in this collection. Also available in English on internet from the Race rocks site. .
Roach – Sylvia 1999 The Race Rocks Herbarium Database . . . . . Race_Rocks_Herbarium.mdb . None available– See Comments or Links The samples for this herbarium maintained in the Marine Biology lab at Lester Pearson College have been collected at Race Rocks in the intertidal and subtidal areas since by students in Diving service and in Environmental Systems classes since the early 1980’s. The original assembling of samples was done by Nozomi with help from Sylvia Roach. .
Conservation Data Centre 1999 Conservation Data Center Records of the Race Rocks Area Elements . . . . . CDCDatabase_SVanIsland.mdb . None available– See Comments or Links . .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1996 The Metchosin Environmental Inventory . . . . . https://racerocks.ca/metchosinmarine/marineecosystems.htm . None available– See Comments or Links A description of the database and a link to a copy of the Inventory Form. .
Baird -William F 1991 Wave Climate Study and Wave Protection Considerations IN BRAILLE . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Braille Grade II .
Matthews – Angus 1997 Race Rocks Light station — In Braille . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links A web page document from the Pearson College Race Rocks site done in Braille- Grade II for the student Jose-Maria Viera from Argentina (PC 1997-99). .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1997 The Race Rocks Marine Ecological Reserve Background Information– In Braille . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Grade II Braille. .
Sampson -Tom 1999 Interview with Thomas Charles – Beecher Bay . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links This Audio tape was recorded by Tom Sampson in March of 1999. In it Thomas Charles gives the pronunciation of the words for Race Rocks , Pedder Bay, Church Island and Beecher Bay in the Clallum language. s c .
Zacharias- M.A., Morris- M. , Howes- Don 1999 Large Scale characterization of Intertidal communities using a predictive model Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (in Press) . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Southern Gulf Islands including Race Rocks Pilot Study Area .
Zacharias – Mark A., Howes – Don E., Harper-J.R. , Wainwright- P. 1998 The Development and Verification of a Marine ecological Classification : a case study in the Pacific marine region of Canada Coastal Management . 26 2 105-124 . . None available– See Comments or Links just received- no copy available yet .
Howes- Don 1997 BC Physical Shore-zone Mapping System . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links detailed mapping 1:10,000 scale of shoreline geomorphology and wave energy– Contact Don Howes — LUCO 356-7721 .
Howes – Don 1997 BC Biological Shore-zone Mapping System — (1997- intertidal surveys at Race Rocks included) . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links detailed mapping 1:10,000 scale of intertidal communities– Contact Don Howes — LUCO 356-7721 Intertidal surveys at Race Rocks are included in this system. .
Howes- Don, Zacharias, Mark 1997 Shoreline video mapping for the CRD. . . . . . . . None available– See Comments or Links Contact Don Howes at 387-3803 .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1999 Race Rocks Ecological Overview Workshop April 7 1999 . . . . 20 rreocont/rreocontent.htm . None available– See Comments or Links This is a reference on this database that links through a contents page to the report on the workshop. .
British Columbia Air Photo Service 1975 Air photo of Race Rocks . . BC7765 160 . . . None available– See Comments or Links See Reference # 15 of Geo-Spatial database .
Fairfield-Carter-P.J., Fletcher- Garry L. , Mathews- Angus 1999 Race Rocks.Com — A Virtual Exploration of Underwater Canada — A Proposal to the Millennium Bureau of Canada . Editor:P.J. Fairfield Carter . . 75 http://www.racerocks.com/pearson/racerock/admin/millenium.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Introduction by Dr. Joe MacInnis – An Island in Time. This proposal was sent to the Canadian Millenium Bureau in May of 1999 in an attempt to secure financing to a proposal to introduce internet technology for live transmission from Race Rocks. .
Freedland- Howard 1994 excerpt from a chapter on Climate Biodiversity In British Columbia Editor:Harding-Lee E. , McCullum, . . . rrrefer/biodch28/p232complete.htm . None available– See Comments or Links Figure 24-11. Comparison of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies at Race Rocks on the British Columbia Coast (upper Panel) with Northern Hemisphere Air Temperature Anomalies (lower panel). Source: Howard Freeland, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, B.C. .
Odim- Edward 1998 BBC Interview at Race Rocks – Garry Fletcher – Technology – for ” The Natural History Program” The Natural History Programme – BBC Editor:Edward Odim . . 7 minutes 11 sec. . . None available– See Comments or Links This interview by the BBC was recorded at Race Rocks in the summer of 1997. In it Garry Fletcher outlines what he believes to be a sustainable future scenario for Race Rocks involving Alternate energy and the use of remotely operated video and data transmission devices. . .
Wilson- Cam 1998 West Race Rock, Video of Sealions Underwater . . . . . . . None available –See Comments Taken October 4, 1998–This video provides an excellent account of underwater sea lion behavior. Both Northern and Californian Sealions are shown. Copyright Cam Wilson .
Fletcher-Garry L. 1999 Intertidal Race Rocks- Hydroid Habitat . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/hydroid/intpho99/hydhabitat.htm . None Available– see Internet Link This internet site provides pictures taken on the West side of Great Race Rocks by Garry Fletcher at an extreme low tide on June 12, 1999. Many of the pictures are also available in the AV section in this database. .
Dombowski, Greg 1999 Diver’s Guide –Vancouver Island South . . . . page67-74 http://dive.bc.ca . . A recent guide book with several pages of information and maps on Race Rocks and the surrounding area dive sites. mailto:update@dive.bc.ca
Dept. of Nat Defence Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) 1999 1998 Annual Report, DND Environmental Science Advisory Committee . Editors:Arthur Robinson and J.A. Trofymow . . . . . . . .
Slater – Carol 1999 Race Rocks Manager’s Log- 1999 . . . . . . 577.7 Sla 1999 None Available . .
Billman-David 1999 BC Moments “Race Rocks” and ” Under Race Rocks” . David Billman . . . . . . David Billman is the Senior Producer/Director in the Knowledge Network, Open Learning Agency, who has submitted this copy made for “B.C. Moments” . May , 1999 .
Perkin – Ron 1999 Database of the Race Rocks Water Temperature( since 1921)- and Salinity(since 1935) . Ron Perkin . . . RRTemp-Salinity.mdb . . We are grateful for the effort made by Ron Perkin of the Institute of Ocean Sciences in supplying the temperature and salinity database. This database has been made by the compilation of Light house reports of Sea Water temperature and Salinity. At Race Rocks, a significant scientific contribution has been made by many generations of Light Keepers who have made daily manual recordings of these physical factors by taking water samples from the end of the docks, an hour before high tide. .
Fletcher-Garry 1999 Thor Miller — Fishing in the Early Years in the Race Rocks Area . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/history/fishery/thor.htm . . This is a set of notes made in an Interview with Thor Miller of Victoria in July of 1999 about his experiences in the early fishery along the waterfront of Victoria and as far West in the Strait of Juan de Fuca as Beechey Head. .
Fletcher – Garry 1996 www.racerocks.com . . . . . http://www.racerocks.com . Website URL designated in May 1999 This website is the alias to http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/pcserv7.htm started in 1995, with the new alias registered in 1999. .
Murgatroyd – Louise V. 1999 Managing Tourism and Recreational Activities in Canada’s Marine Protected Areas: the Pilot Project at Race Rocks, British Columbia . . . . . . . Marine tourism is a major component of massive global tourism industry. Extensive visitation to coastal and marine areas has lead to marine environmental degradation, compromising the very values that make these environments attractive to tourists. Marine protected areas (MPAs) strive to conserve biodiversity and ecological processes, many of which coincide with the above-mentioned values. Tourism and MPAs provide venues for tourism and tourism. Through education and awareness-raising, can create support for marine conservation, MPAs and other integrated coastal management strategies. Race Rocks, a group of tiny islands near Victoria, British Columbia, is one of five national pilot MPA project sites currently being examined by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The site hosts abundant and diverse wildlife and is heavily viseted tourists and recreational users from the grreater Victoria area. These include whale watching operators, scuba divers and recreational fishers. While already protected as a provincial ecological reserve, the pilot MPA project will pursue additional strategies involving government. Industry and other stakeholders to ensure that negative impacts from mounting visitor use are minimised. Examples of effective mangement strategies for tourism and recreation in existing MPAs around the world are provided. Such as the Great Barrier Reef and Bonaire Marine Parks recommendations are made for the pilot MPA at Race Rocks and include a combiantion of government and industry regulation. Comprehensive education and interpreatationprograms, and extensive consutation with relevant stakeholders to ensure effective management strategies which encourage compliance among users and require minimal enforcement. Louise visited lester Pearson College and Race Rocks in the summer of 1999. This is a report was submittted as a partial requirement for her master’s degree, University of Guelph. .
B.C. Government, Air Photos Branch 1975 Air Photos – Race Rocks . . . . . rrmaps/geospat.htm . none available Two photo’s–BC7765 No. 159 and No. 160 taken in 1975— The link above provides large versions of the photos. .

Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Federal Government Levels 1994-1999

Matthews-Angus 1999 Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Federal Government Levels 1994-1999 . . . . ————- . 577.7 Com I
This series of documents presents the efforts of Angus Matthews, administrator of Lester B. Pearson College, to offer to the federal government a model of Community participation in creating a marine education center at Race Rocks. It begins with initiation of the proposal in order to provide for a continued presence of personnel at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, when the destaffing of the light station is looming on the horizon. The communications between Mr. Matthews and officials of the Canadian Coast Guard, and with the office of the Minister of Fisheries are represented in chronological order. This is the second of two records of communications, document #26 representing the Communications at the Provincial Parks Level. that were going on simultaneously. This series of documents presents an excellent chronological account of the frustrated efforts of an organization in the community to facilitate a constructive solution to the destaffing of light stations and the simultaneous provision of on sight protection for a sensitive ecological area.
Matthews-Angus 1999 Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Provincial Government 1994-1999 with Provincial Levels of government . .. … . ————— . 577.7.Com This series of documents presents the efforts of Angus Matthews, administrator of Lester B. Pearson College, to offer to the federal government a model of Community participation in creating a marine education center at Race Rocks. It begins with initiation of the proposal in order to provide for a continued presence of personnel at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, when the destaffing of the light station is looming on the horizon. The communications between Mr. Matthews and officials of the Provincial Parks Department are represented in chronological order. This is the second of two records of communications, (document #25 representing the Communications at the Federal Fisheries and Oceans Department,) that were going on simultaneously during a 5 year period. 1994-1999. Government of British Columbia This series of documents presents an excellent chronological account of the often frustrating efforts of an organization in the community to facilitate a constructive solution to the destaffing of light stations and the simultaneous provision of on-site protection for a sensitive ecological area. .
June 20, 1994 Pearson College writes to The Hon. Moe Sihota, Minister of the Environment and Esquimalt – Metchosin MLA to request support for BC Parks involvement in an initiative to operate surplus facilities at Race Rocks as a marine education Centre.
June 29, 1994
Minister Sihota writes and expresses interest in the project.
Dec. 21, 1995 The Hon. Glen Clark, Minister of Employment and Investment writes to Federal Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin and request a delay in de-staffing light stations.
July 8, 1996
Newly appointed Environment Minister The Hon. Paul Ramsey writes to express interest in the plans for Race Rocks and to advise that a management plan is required before his Ministry can proceed. He expects the plan to take one year to be written.
July 25, 1996 Pearson College proposes fast tracking the management plan.
Sept. 20, 1996 The Ministry of Employment and Investment commissions a report to look into the potential of commercial uses for Race Rocks.
Oct. 11, 1996 Minister Ramsey writes to advise that the Province is considering a coast wide plan to operate light stations. Any decision on Race Rocks would wait for this review.
Oct. 29, 1996
Pearson College writes to BC Parks, District Manager, Mr. Dave Chater regarding the imminent closure of Race Rocks station, the need for rapid progress on the management plan and advises that the College will pursue Federal Marine Protected Area status for the Reserve.
Oct. 31, 1996 Mr. Denis O’Gorman, Assistant Deputy Minister of Parks writes to Mr. Rick Bryant, at Coast Guard, to advise that BC Parks did not have a use for surplus buildings at Race Rocks under the current management plan. A new plan would review this and it would be finished in early 1977.
Jan. 30, 1997 Newly appointed Minister of the Environment The Hon. Cathy McGregor writes to confirm the target date for completion of the management plan as early 1997.
Feb. 12, 1997
Assistant Deputy Minister O’Gorman writes to advise that BC Parks would support Pearson College’s application for a Crown lease on Race Rocks.
Mar. 1, 1997Pearson College takes over staffing Race Rocks under a temporary two year agreement with the Coast Guard.
April 11, 1997 Pearson College applies to BC Lands for a 30 year Crown lease for Race Rocks.
Dec. 19, 1997
Mr. Dave Chater writes that BC Parks is prepared to enter into an agreement in principle with Coast Guard. The draft management plan, which is still incomplete, is being amended.
April 14, 1998 Mr. Chris Kissinger, Resource Officer at BC Parks writes to Mr. Fred Stepchuk, Superintendent of Facilities, Coast Guard, to summarize repairs required to surplus facilities at Race Rocks prior to transfer to BC Parks.
Sept. 1, 1998
Minister Anderson announces Race Rocks will be a pilot Marine Protected Area.
Dec. 15, 1998 Mr. Dave Chater writes to Mr. Fred Stepchuk at Coast Guard regarding transfer of the surplus facilities.
Mar. 1, 1999 Pearson College staff remain at Race Rocks although BC Parks has not reached an agreement with Coast Guard regarding the transfer of facilities. The management plan is still not finished.

A Bold Initiative : racerocks.com


A Bold Initiative

racerocks.com utilizes 21st century technology to maximum advantage to create a dynamic educational web experience utilizing the extraordinary marine eco-system at Race Rocks, Canada’s most southerly point in the Pacific.

Real time streaming video will webcast digital images of marine life from above and below the sea at Race Rocks. In addition, a complete environmental scan will be continually transmitted from the site using an array of data sensors.

The knowledge of the First Nations will be explored and explained as the Salish people share generations of experience in living in harmony with the abundance that once dominated this region and is now threatened.

Creative educators will develop internet-based curriculum to stimulate students and teachers to engage fully in the racerocks.com educational program. Researchers will share their studies and discoveries as we gain a new and deeper understanding of the ecosystem.

The Place

mapFor centuries, deep ocean currents and the great rivers of the Georgia Basin have converged in the Strait of Juan de Fuca between southern Vancouver Island and Washington State. Race Rocks reveals itself as nine rocky outcrops thrust from the ocean floor in the middle of the strait.

For generations the people of the Salish Nation prospered in this region at the entrance to the Salish Sea. The extraordinary richness of this diverse eco-system represented by Race Rocks is valued today as it was then. Race Rocks has been an ecological reserve since 1980 and is likely to become Canada’s first internationally recognized Marine Protected Area.

3dbathThe small, rocky outcrops are home to seals, sea lions, elephant seals and birds, as well as the buildings and equipment of the Race Rocks Lighthouse. These outcrops are literally the tip of the ecosystem. New leading-edge bathymetry reveals Race Rocks as a giant underwater mountain. The diversity of marine life is breathtaking and still not fully explored. The teachings of Salish elders merge with more recent science to explain the mysteries of nature at Race Rocks. 

The Technology

sealionvideoRecent developments have made a complex real time streaming video site possible. As many as seven digital cameras and an array of data sensors above and below the ocean at Race Rocks will collect information. Connected by fire wire to computers on Great Race Island, the signal will be compressed and transmitted by broad band radio from the top of the Race Rocks light tower direct to nearby Pearson College. From Pearson College, through high speed fiber links to the racerocks.com server, the pictures and data will be available throughout the internet. Two-way interactive capability is being incorporated into the design to allow for specific educational programming.

The Partners

Pearson College is one of ten United World Colleges located around the world. Two  hundred students from over 80 countries study the International Baccalaureate curriculum during their two years at Pearson College. Garry Fletcher, a faculty member teaching Environmental Systems and Biology at Pearson College, is the educational director of racerocks.com. Garry and his students will guide the educational content of the site. Pearson College operates the former Race Rocks light station facilities as a education centre under an agreement with BC Parks. Pearson College is the lead proponent and partner directing the racerocks.com project.

wolfur1LGS Group Inc. – is Canada’s largest full service IT consulting firm with 2100 employees in 20 offices in Canada, Europe and the US. LGS is donating the time and resources to provide project management and web design services in the creation of racerocks.com. Along with their ability to capitalize on emerging internet technologies to promote the project, LGS brings essential knowledge, skills, and expertise. 

Telus– a leading Canadian telecommunications company, is providing the bandwidth and server capability  to host racerocks.com. Skilled technical staff at Telus have assisted in the development and implementation of the project assuring high-speed delivery to the internet and accessibility to a large audience. Telus is donating this component to racerocks.com.

Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre-a leading organization in marine research and public education on the West Coast of Canada. The Marine Science Centre has committed a significant contribution of funds and expertise to the project. In return it will gain a new window for aquarium visitors into an ecologically sensitive marine world at the South tip of Vancouver Island.

Government Agencies- racerocks.com has received assistance from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in many aspects of the project development. BC Parks has provided the use of buildings and facilities at Race Rocks. Both levels of government are working cooperatively to create the Race Rocks Marine Protected Area.

melpartMillennium Partnership Fund racerocks.com would not have been possible without funding from the Canadian Millennium Partnership Fund of the Government of Canada. We are very grateful to the Federal Government and all those who assisted us in our application.


Affiliated Organizations

  • Apple Computers 

  • Sony

  • Nuytco

  • Royal BC Museum

  • Open Learning Agency

  • Glentel

(now https://www.racerocks.ca)