- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 5-15 knots NE
- Sky: overcast
- Water: calm

- Noted two branded California Sea Lions.
- U503 and U400.
- Saw many others with brands but unable to view complete brand.
- Fixed the electric fence near the energy building which had been ripped apart again.
- Reorganized some diesel barrels.
- Cleaned the solar panels.
- The usual chores.
- It was neat to watch more than fifteen fishing boats head through Race Passage at 7:15 in the partial darkness of sunrise.
- Two boats were fishing in the Rockfish Conservation Area, mostly between the Rosedale Rock and the South Islands for several hours today.
- I identified them as best I could, and reported them to the DFO.
- At times there were other boats nearby, but they seemed to be making a conscious effort to anchor outside the boundary.
- The two offending boats made no such effort, drifting about all over the southern part of the reserve.
- Several ecotours came by today.
- In the evening one small aluminium boat ripped through the reserve well above the speed limit. Presumably he was late for supper?
- From about 11:50 until 13:00 I felt a series of unidentifiable booming shakes.
- I can only assume it was DND blasting, although I saw no smoke, and it was Sunday.

Levitating boat optical illusion.