Sorry about my last 10 days being absent but I am back now and here is an updated census.
- Visibility: Pretty clear 15 Miles throughout today
- Wind: 0-5 SW with small range all day
- Sky: Sunny all day
- Water: pretty flat but the current is very visible and moving
- I came in today and so did a few students to have a look around, we also had an engineer to come look at the new generator
- quite a bit of sea lions, I don’t see the elephant seal sticking around anymore and I have not seen any oyster catchers today. Also the sea otter in the north kelp patch is back
- Stellar Sea Lions: 142
- California Sea Lions: 186
- Elephant Seals: 0
- Harbour Seals: 28
- Unspecified Gulls: 153
- Pigeon Guillemots: 0
- Cormorants: 18
- Canada Geese: 12
- Oystercatchers: 0
- Black Turnstones: 48