Windy Day


  • Visibility:15 Miles
  • Wind:  20-30 NW today
  • Sky: cloudy today with bits of sunshine
  • Water: choppy at least a metre at one point


  • Some ecotours braved the ind and came around today


  • plenty of sea lions around and a bird I have not identified yet but included photos


  • Very windy today and even a little bit rain but not as much as we would’ve liked

Census Day


  • Visibility: 15 Miles throughout the day
  • Wind:  0-10 NW throughout the day
  • Sky: clear all day
  • Water: calm


  • Mostly just whale watchers and other boats cruising by on this beautiful sunny day


  • plenty of sea lions around but not as many as I thought there would be


  • DnD was blasting again today
  • I finally have a full fresh water tank so hopefully it rains soon so I can start pressure washing and cleaning the pathways and buildings off
  • Significantly less sea lions I expected I suspect many of them went for swim while I was doing the census because it was a rather hot day today but here are the numbers are I have right now


  • Stellar Sea Lions – 68
  • California Sea Lions – 97
  • Harbour Seals – 72
  • Gulls – 153
  • Cormorants – 73
  • Black Turnstones – 21
  • Sparrows – 24ish, hard to see and fast to fly off

Beautiful Sunsets


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  0-15 SE
  • Sky: cloudy this morning, cleared up in the afternoon
  • Water: calm


  • Had some visitors come out for a sunset cruise, my coworkers had to drop off another spot checker for me


  • plenty of sea lions around and it almost seems like there is more birds too, census tomorrow


  • DnD was blasting again today
  • Having some issues with spot checker, hopefully this other one works well
  • Here are some pictures of the beautiful sunset tonight and lastnight
  • and a photo of a sea lion who looked like there was something wrong with his hind flipper

Wishing for Rain


  • Visibility: 10 Miles this morning cleared up to 15 in the afternoon
  • Wind:  0-5 SE throughout the day
  • Sky: overcast this morning, clear skies in the afternoon
  • Water: calm all day


  • quite a few ecotours


  • plenty of sea lions around


  • having a hard time with the fence between the generator room and the guest house, the sea lions tear it down every couple hours
  • Also I have not seen the sea lion around that recently had the garbage removed from around its neck, I’ve been looking around for him
  • We could use some rain though, it would be easier to pressure wash around here if it rained first



  • Visibility: 0-15 Miles throughout the day
  • Wind:  0-10 SW throughout the day
  • Sky: foggy morning only until about 9ish then it cleared up but still overcast
  • Water: calm


  • Had Garry Fletcher come for a visit along with a year 4 Pearson alumni and another friend.
  • some ecotours came by today too


  • plenty of sea lions around


  • Guy showed me how to use the pressure washer so hopefully get a few of this buildings looking nicer on the outside

Caught in the Fog


  • Visibility: from 0-15 throughout the day, mostly 0
  • Wind:  10-15 SW
  • Sky: overcast in the morning caught in the fog most of the day and overcast again around 5:30pm
  • Water: choppy less than a metre


  • Some ecotours today


  • plenty of sea lions around


  • My fog horn was going off for hours today
  • ran the desalinator a bit, trying to get back up to a full tank
  • the electric fence was pretty tangled today but I got it back up

Sunny Days


  • Visibility: 15 Miles throughout the day
  • Wind:  10-15 SW throughout the day
  • Sky: cloudy this morning and cleared up in the afternoon
  • Water: calmish, fast current


  • quite a few ecotours throughout the day


  • plenty of sea lions around


  • wind was blowing a bit harder today but it was still sunny, no visitors or anything out of the ordinary

Sea Lion Rescue


  • Visibility: 15 Miles throughout the day
  • Wind:  0-5 SW throughout the day
  • Sky: clear this morning, clouds rolled in around 3
  • Water: calm


  • Fisheries along with a vet and people from the aquarium came by to help a sea lion who had a piece of rope or something like it wrapped around its neck


  • plenty of sea lions around


  • DnD was blasting again today
  • It was nice to have those people come around to help the sea lion out, they first sedated it via dart gun and once it was safe to approach they removed the garbage that was wrapped around the sea lions neck and monitored it until woke up and swam away

I am Back and the Census

Sorry about my last 10 days being absent but I am back now and here is an updated census.


  • Visibility: Pretty clear 15 Miles throughout today
  • Wind:  0-5 SW with small range all day
  • Sky: Sunny all day
  • Water: pretty flat but the current is very visible and moving


  • I came in today and so did a few students to have a look around, we also had an engineer to come look at the new generator


  • quite a bit of sea lions, I don’t see the elephant seal sticking around anymore and I have not seen any oyster catchers today. Also the sea otter in the north kelp patch is back


  • Stellar Sea Lions: 142
  • California Sea Lions: 186
  • Elephant Seals: 0
  • Harbour Seals: 28
  • Unspecified Gulls: 153
  • Pigeon Guillemots: 0
  • Cormorants: 18
  • Canada Geese: 12
  • Oystercatchers: 0
  • Black Turnstones: 48


Sun and Fog


  • Visibility: 0 Miles this morning, the fog horn was going off for a good portion of the morning but I am getting a very clear and beautiful sunset now
  • Wind:  10-15 SW which went up and down slightly throughout the day but around 10ish knots
  • Sky: thick fog for a bit and then it cleared right up in the afternoon
  • Water: pretty flat


  • Quite a few ecotours came by today


  • The unspecified birds are still around and I have determined them to be black turnstones, however it is weird to see such a high number of them at once so it is possible there are some other species of surfbird mixed in there too


  • Had some power issues today, hopefully get everything fixed tomorrow and the dryer won’t die on me halfway through drying my laundry