New Ecoguardian at Race Rocks Ecological reserve

Good day from Race Rocks I am new. My name is Rod just getting things going after crew change. Please be patient with me.
Ecological Notes: 12 eagles working around the island.
Animal Tracking and Injuries: and Elephant seal pups:
Elephant seals are keeping me entertained and up all night. Beach master is back. The other male tucked in around the east side back of the house last night. He has a nasty wound on his nose. One pup on the west side has bad wound on his hind. Two teeth marks and one gash. One other female has returned is sitting on boat ramp. Hoping she will call her pup to the ocean.
Disturbances: Yesterday Rocky Point was live lots of loud bangs. Seven Orca in Race pass stopped them from blasting till they safely passed. Thanks Anna for spotting them. The wind has been all over the compass west this morning. 
Weekend front moving in:)
Other notes: