Race Rocks Permit Application

For research, collection activities or commercial use of the ecological reserve.


The ecological reserve of Race Rocks is a transition zone between the inner coastal waters of Pedder Bay and the open Pacific Ocean. Due to this unique geographical location, it is home to an exceptional variety of marine life. This provides many unique opportunities for research or filming to be carried out on the reserve. However, it also means that the environmental impact of such activities on the ecosystem of Race Rocks must be carefully considered to ensure the sustainability of the biodiversity that is present here.

Therefore, the questions in this application form have been designed to find out the precise objectives and procedures of the proposed project and the anticipated environmental impact on Race Rocks. In addition to this, the opportunity to live on Race Rocks whilst carrying out research means that details are required by Lester B. Pearson College in order to arrange this for you.

Preservation of ecological values is the ultimate management priority and in the event of conflict, these values take precedence over the provision of research facilities. This permit must be returned to the Race Rocks Operating Committee for preliminary approval. A copy will forwarded to the Ecological Reserve Branch for final approval. 

See the Regulations for Using the Race Rocks Marine Research Centre

and the Operational Guidelines

If you require the use of the Light Tower, arrangements must be made directly with the Canadian Coast Guard Office in Victoria.

BASIC INFORMATION: (Type directly in the spaces provided)

(1) Individual(s) surname(s) First names

(2) Company/Society name

(3) Major shareholders or principals. Attach names and addresses.

(4) Company inc.no/Society no.

(5) Company/Society mailing address

(6) Business phone 

Home phone 



URL of your Web Site if available

(7) BC parks requires minimum public liability insurance coverage of $ 1,000,000. Will you be able to obtain this?

Yes No

(8) If paid employees are employed on site as part of your project please
provide proof of BC Worker’s Compensation coverage or suitable
substitute insurance.
Worker’s Comp # 


(9) Area of research

Please fax a map detailing the area(s) where you will be carrying out the research.

(10) Detailed plan of research:

A) Study Overview and Rationale. ( briefly describe the project and what you are trying to achieve).

B) Objectives ( briefly state the objectives of the project)

C) Methodology:

D) End Products: What are the end products of the research? Please be aware that final copies of reports must be made available in electronic form to the Race Rocks Operating Committee. Copies of slides, pictures, raw footage, videos produced etc.. must be made available to the Race Rocks Archive in the Lester Pearson College Library.

(11) Please detail your experience and involvement in the Race Rocks area.

(12) Please indicate the dates that you wish to carry out the research.

(13) Do you plan to stay at Race Rocks for this time? (See description of accommodation, and book the facility with the operating committee well in advance of the intended visit.)

(14) We require a component of Lester Pearson College student involvement for projects done on the reserve. Please indicate below how you aim to do this?
Will staff or students require specialized training or certification for this research? If so, describe.

(15) Will the proposed project require construction of any temporary or permanent structures on Race Rocks? Describe including proposed location.

(16) Do you propose to use any existing facilities at Race Rocks?
(e.g. docks, tanks etc..)

(17) What assistance for transportation ( include times and dates) will be needed.

(18) Will the proposed research project affect or restrict other visitors coming to Race Rocks? Describe.


(19) What do you anticipate to be the environmental impact of the research under the following categories? Indicate how you intend to mitigate this impact.

A. Physical/Chemical

land, water, noise,

B. Ecological

habitat, species and populations

(20) Additional Comments


YOU MAY IT FAX TO : 250-391-2412

or e-mail as an attachment to: The Race Rocks Operating Committee

A copy will be forwarded by us to the Ecological Reserves Office. Receipt of the application will be acknowledged by e-mail.

The Original version of this permit was created by members of the Pearson College Environmental Systems class, March, 1997 Leah Gray, Kata Meszaros, Iro Tikkanen