Light cloud cover this morning and mostly sunny in the afternoon. Wind was variable – light in the early morning picking up towards the afternoon to as high as 16kts @ 17:00. Barometer was up a little to ~1012hPA. Forecast is for winds steadying between 10-15kts, and a chance of showers this evening and Sunday.
Boats in the reserve
15 Pleasure vessels, one of which was fishing in the reserve. After failed attempts to make contact on VHF16, DFO will be notified. There were also 3 tour boats and trawler activity around the reserve.
Ecological happenings
- New Californian Sea Lion tag sighted (C733) – no photo yet
- Two gulls spotted with broken wings
- Harbour seal hanging out close to RR docks
No visitors today.
- 6-spot the Harbour Seal
- Harbour seal close to dock
- Canada goose
- Californian catching the afternoon sun
- Fishing in the reserve