- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots NE, later West
- Sky: clear
- Water: calm
- Saw two branded California sea lions.
- U400 and U714.
- Discovered a couple of recently deceased juvenile sea gulls.
- Cause of death unknown.
- U 400
- U 714
- The usual chores.
- Lots of ecotours today.
- One appeared to be going over the speed limit within the edge of the reserve.
- Several times there were at least 3 in the Middle Channel.
- Kyle brought two loads of students out in Second Nature.
- One small boat was observed fishing illegally within the Rockfish Conservation area.
- They were reported to the DFO.
- Kyle, Laura, 14 Pearson students, and 3 filmmakers came out.
- The students were supposed to be doing wind and wave measurements, but Race Rocks was providing very little in that department today.
- Six pair of small DND blastings today.
- They took place early in the hour, every hour, from the 10th until the 15th.