Today’s Weather Conditions:
- Sky clear, a few fluffy white clouds on the horizon
- Visibility 10 NM
- Wind 20-25 knots W
- Sea state: fast moving ripples, occasional white caps
Special Feature! Daniel who visited last Thursday has allowed us to share the information that he collected while he was here: Click Here to view his photos and recordings. There are some great shots of the oystercatcher chicks!
Visitors/ Marine Traffic:
- On Monday Greg delivered water and fuel
- Yesterday afternoon a large coastguard ship and smaller rib passed through. They looked like they were having a blast taking photos in front of Race Rocks.
- A handful of whale watching boats in the reserve over the weekend. Interesting to note that they have altered their path and seem to be more interested in the farther outcroppings this season.
- On Monday a large coastguard helicopter flew overhead
Ecological Observations:
- The last remaining goose nest under camera five hatched over the weekend and there are now 4 goslings. While we are hopeful that they will be able to survive, reflecting on the fate of the previous 5 we are doubtful that they will be able to compete and/or evade predators this late into the season.
- There are now two large elephant seals! Another huge male appeared overnight yesterday. He is enjoying relaxing in the shade next to the guest house.
- The seagulls have become much more aggressive towards us. Although we are careful to stay on the footpaths and not disturb the nesting birds, they take swooping passes at our heads and drop excrement from above.
- The seagull behavior towards each other has also become much more territorial. They fight over nesting materials, food, and to maintain their nesting locations. The female seagulls stay near the nesting site, while the male seagulls fish or scavenge for food. The male seagulls regurgitate food for the female seagulls, much like the adults regurgitate food for their chicks.
Other Notes: There has been ammunition detonation on the department of defense land across the water today and yesterday. The location they are using is very close, and with every blast the geese and other birds startle and scramble for a few seconds before settling down again.
- Coastguard helicopter over Race Rocks
- The new goslings on their first adventure out of the nest
- The smaller elephant seal is starting his molt. Ouch!
- Our new arrival