Several boating violations and Orcas (far away)!


  • Visibility: 10 Miles
  • Wind: 20-25 knts NW
  • Sky: Clear
  • Water: 1-2 meter waves with white caps
  • Slight fog south and west of the island


  • A small pleasure craft with 3 occupants was fishing in the north end of the reserve. After several attempts to radio them and using the air horn to get their attention, they remained for 20 mins or so. They left after catching a couple of large fish. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch the vessel’s number. Photographed below.
  • A Pedder Bay Marina boat with 4 occupants was fishing in the east end of the reserve. I called the marina immediately but they couldn’t get in touch with the people in the vessel. They left the reserve area when the tide pushed them east about 10 mins later, but they still remained on the boundaries of the reserve. Photographed below.

Marine Mammals

  • The Sea Lions seem to have disappeared today – no sign of them anywhere on the main lighthouse island.
  • Saw some orcas about 2 km south – surprisingly they stayed there for over 2 hours! The orcas out-waited several whale watching boats.