We got some Killer Whales cruising by the lighthouse today. Some light tail slapping S of the lighthouse, overall a quick visit with no escape responses from the Sea Lions in the water. We counted 4 Orca, they looked more like Residents than Biggs’, but we haven’t ID’d which pod they are. 15 around Race Rocks before heading W out the Juan de Fuca.
Visitors: Some pleasure craft over the past days. There have been some supply deliveries as well as a few visitors for various reasons. Today we saw what looked to be a private vessel enter the reserve and put a diver in the water. The dive lasted less than ten minutes and when the diver was back in the boat, they left quickly.
Ecological Notes:
Weather Today:
Visitors and traffic:
Ecological Notes:
Some photos from the last couple of days:
65 Harbour Seals
457 California Sea Lions
737 Cormorants
4 Eagles
17 Geese
4 Oyster Catchers
13 Black Turnstone
3 Humpback Whales
221 Seagulls
184 Stellar Sea Lions
Weather Today:
Ecological Notes:
Additional Notes:
Ecological Observations:
Other notes:
Weather today:
Ecological Observations:
Wind: W at the beginning and end of day, NE mid morning to early afternoon, 4-18 knots
Sea State: calm
Visibility: 0-10 NM
Sky: fog in morning, clear in the middle of the day, overcast in afternoon, rain in evening
Temperature: 12-17 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 412.15 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
There was a lot marine mammal activity today. At 11:00, two pods of Bigg’s transient killer whales were in the ecological reserve. One pod appeared to have about six whales. The other pod appeared to have three. Both pods spent a lot of time around the South Islands. A nearby whale watching boat captain mentioned on the VHF radio that the orcas were two families most likely having some social time. They were probably having a good meal too. I didn’t see any hunting happening on the surface. Transients eat marine mammals like seals. I did see a lot of harbour seals not taking any chances, huddled together on nearby rocks and around the east bay beach, looking towards the areas where the orcas were swimming. The transients stayed around until at least 3:30.
See the photos below for views of the orcas and other sights from today:
Marine Traffic/Visitors:
Ecological Observations: