
I have not seen any humpbacks in a couple weeks but there was a lot of humpbacks of this year between late September and most of October. I would see usually between 5-10 a day, and sometimes more, it also depends if I am looking up at the same time they are coming up for air. I would say there was even more humpback activity this year than last year. Last year there was also a lot of humpbacks around in October but I also remember there being more killer whales around, I didn’t see as many of those this year. I would see most acitivity around sunrise and sunset, I could count on them everyday to be coming up on the west side of the island and then during the day I wold often see them just south of the island. Once in a while they would get pretty close on the north side of the island but that didn’t happen very often.




The effects of Vessel Underwater Noise on whales

Currently Mike Fenger and I are representing the Board of the Friends of Ecological Reserves as Intervenors in the New round of Reconsideration Hearings  of the National Energy Board on the Trans Mountain Pipeline Proposal . You can follow this process with its daily updates from participants at

Since one of the aspects ordered by the Review Panel is the state of the Southern resident Killer whales one of the most disturbing piece of evidence of their plight comes  I have come across is contained in this audio clip:

This audio clip comes from the following image posted in the NEB records:



Busy Week


  • Visibility: 0-15 Miles
  • Wind: 0-15 NE
  • Sky: Partly cloudy
  • Water: Calm to choppy, under a metre


  • the past week was CAS week at the college so I had two groups of students drop by, the first group were marine scientists that came for 5 days and helped out with cleaning up garbage, collecting driftwood, doing a daily census and stuff like that
  • the second group were divers that unfortunately did not get to dive while they were here but have been diving around race rocks before, they stayed for two nights


  • What a week, the fence had to be repaired quite a bit, the students helped me with it one day, and I did not properly show them how to repair the fence so the wire ended up being grounded which the sea lions took full advantage of and completely messed up the fence
  • The electric pump in the crane house is working but is kind of slow going, it also takes a lot of priming
  • the fire pump is out of commission at the moment, there were a lot fo issues with it probably due to the fact it is not a saltwater pump and has been sitting by the ocean for 3 years
  • the desalinator is not cooperating either, it will work for maybe an hour before it shuts itself off, I can restart it but again it will only run for another hour and only desalinates half the water it used to in the same amount of time


  • I personally have seen about 8 humpback whales a day for the past week
  • there was also a pod of about 6 killerhwhales that one of the students saw from the lighthouse which we found out later were transients and were actually hunting sea lions
  • There have also been some interesting birds around, there was a robin here, which I don’t typically see and there was also a snow goose, which I personally have never seen here before, its been hanging out with the Canada geese other birds include oyster catchers, killdeer, ravens, and eagles
  • the neck banded sea lions seem to come and go, they are very difficult to keep track of, I believe there are two at the moment and I see them about once a week, since there are over 1000 sea lions at the moment they easily get lost in the crowd, even the group of students I had here only saw them once

Water pumps and whales


  • Visibility: 0-15 Miles
  • Wind: 0-15 NE
  • Sky: Dense fog to partly cloudy
  • Water: Calm to choppy, under a metre


  • A few ecotours and fishing boats going by
  • Greg dropped by to help us sort out our water situation


  • Fence maintenance with the help of the students
  • The electric water pump in the crane shed is working to an extent, the issue is the hose doesn’t go out far enough, so I can’t pump water at low tide
  • The fire pump also needs some maintenance


  • The students have been doing a daily census
  • Today they have spotted about 7 or 8 humpbacks and a pod of about 6 killer whales

A lot of Whales


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 5-20 NW
  • Sky: Partly Cloudy
  • Water: Waves under a metre


  • Plenty of ecotours around today
  • Guy also came by, we moved more of the old batteries out today


  • Ran the desalinator and the generator when the clouds came in, late afternoon
  • moved out some of the old batteries


  • saw a small pod of killer whales around north rock, about 7 of them late morning, early afternoon
  • saw another pod around sunset, south of the island but not too far out
  • also saw humpbacks, one or two near both pods
  • there have been killdeer hanging around and the geese came back today

Census, rain and whales


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 5-15 NW
  • Sky: Overcast
  • Water: Flat calm


  • Quite a bit of boat traffic, most of it being whale watching tours
  • Guy came by with a couple more boat loads of students to give them a tour around the island


  •  Didn’t have to do any pressure washing today thanks to the rain although I did have to run the generator a bit to make up for not getting any solar energy today


  • An elephant seal showed up yesterday and she is still around today, so thats exciting
  • also there have been a few humpback whale sightings and Guy said he saw some killer whales on the way over here but I missed them unfortunately
  • plenty of sea lions, seems like there is more everyday
  • not as many gulls as last week and I haven’t seen any cormorants on the outer rocks today


  • stellar sea lions – 132
  • california sea lions – 314
  • harbour seals – 94
  • gulls – 261
  • elephant seals – 1 female
  • black turnstones – 12
  • fox sparrows – 2

New Students


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 0-10 NW
  • Sky: Clear
  • Water: Flat Calm


  • Quite a bit of boat traffic, many ecotours, fishing boats and sailboats
  • Guy brought by a couple boat loads of the new first year students, as he did yesterday so we could give them a little tour of Race Rocks, its great when the students get to come out here and see another aspect of Pearson College, they don’t come out here that often and you can’t see it from the college


  • having some camera issues lately, will need to order a new SD card for the Race Rocks camera and the one in personal camera is not cooperating either, but hopefully we will be able to get more photos up soon


  • still around 300 sea lion, mostly californias around the island.
  • plenty of harbour seals on the outer rocks, a few on the main island
  • also a few whale sightings, I saw two humpbacks by north rock yesterday morning and Guy said he also saw killer whales near there when he came he around 9:30am yesterday.
  • Also one of the younger seagulls I posted a photo of last week is dead, not quite sure what happened, just its body by the pathway
  • there are still about 4 of the younger ones all together

Its been an eventful week and hopefully I can start taking pictures again soon :)

Several eagles come to feed on island


  • Visibility: 15 miles
  • Wind: 25-30 knts W
  • Sky: partle cloudy
  • Water: Ripply


  • Just a few ecotour boats in the area today
  • Not many private boats either


  • Spotted several juvenile eagles just by the jetty today. This is quite unusual, but I suspect the newborn babies attracted them. However, when I got close, I saw one eagle feeding on an adult oystercatcher (I think, it was hard to tell because it was deformed, could have been a pigeon guillemot).

Marine mammals

  • Looks like there were some resident whales swimming past Pedder Bay yesterday, but I couldn’t get a glimpse because it was too far. There were a whole bunch of whale watching boats, and the marina mentioned it was resident whales when I called them about one of their boats.

First Oystercatcher chicks, an orca and a harlequin duck


  • Visibility: 15 miles
  • Wind: 20-25 knts W
  • Sky: Clear
  • Water: small white caps


  • Quite a few ecotour boats today, with a couple of private boats as well
  • A weirdly shaped plane flew over this morning


  • I spotted two Oystercatcher chicks near the crane as I was standing on the jetty. I grabbed a photo from far but they were gone by the time I got close. I have walked around the entire shore and haven’t seen any other chicks yet – looks like we had some literal early birds.
  • Saw a harlequin duck near the east shore of the island. Photographed below.

Marine mammals

  • Caught a lone orca swimming past Pedder Bay, but by the time I went to get a photograph it was gone.

Several boating violations and Orcas (far away)!


  • Visibility: 10 Miles
  • Wind: 20-25 knts NW
  • Sky: Clear
  • Water: 1-2 meter waves with white caps
  • Slight fog south and west of the island


  • A small pleasure craft with 3 occupants was fishing in the north end of the reserve. After several attempts to radio them and using the air horn to get their attention, they remained for 20 mins or so. They left after catching a couple of large fish. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch the vessel’s number. Photographed below.
  • A Pedder Bay Marina boat with 4 occupants was fishing in the east end of the reserve. I called the marina immediately but they couldn’t get in touch with the people in the vessel. They left the reserve area when the tide pushed them east about 10 mins later, but they still remained on the boundaries of the reserve. Photographed below.

Marine Mammals

  • The Sea Lions seem to have disappeared today – no sign of them anywhere on the main lighthouse island.
  • Saw some orcas about 2 km south – surprisingly they stayed there for over 2 hours! The orcas out-waited several whale watching boats.