Seawater Data: February, 2016

Feb 23:  No YSI data taken at 16:05 due to battery failure.

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month: February Year: 2016
Observer : Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 7:30 32.0 8.6
2 8:00 32.0 8.6
3 8:00 31.9 8.5
4 8:30 31.9 8.6
5 9:15 31.7 8.6
6 10:00 22.0 8.5
7 10:50 31.9 8.5
8 11:50 31.9 8.7
9 13:00 31.9 8.9
10 14:00 32.1 8.8
11 15:05 32.4 8.8
12 16:20 32.2 8.9
13 17:30 32.4 8.7
14 6:05 32.5 8.8
15 6:50 8.9 9 10,802 230 31.5 8.7
16 7:35 31.9 8.7
17 8:30 31.7 8.7
18 9:00 31.7 9.6
19 10:05 30.2 8.7
20 11:25 31.9 8.8
21 12:05 32.0 8.6
22 12:50 31.9 8.8
23 14:30 8.9 8.7 232 31.8 9.0
24 14:30 32.0 9.0
25 15:10 32.1 9.0
26 15:55 32.0 8.9
27 17:30 32.1 9.0
28 18:10 32.0 8.8
29 6:05 31.9 8.6
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College


Two Branded Sea Lions


  • Visibility: 15 miles
  • Wind: 15-25 knots NE
  • Water: 2′ chop
  • Sky: clear


  • Spotted two northern sea lions with brands on them. The bigger one seemed to have 76Y branded on it, although the “7” was a bit undefined. The smaller one had three circles branded on its side. I assumed this was a brand, although in one of Anne Stewart’s log posts she mentions “cookie cutter shark scars” so perhaps this sea lion has three of those in a row?
  • Chunk and Chuckles spent the day in the same positions as yesterday.
  • Sadly, the weaner elephant seal on Middle Rock seems to be deceased. When I looked over there this morning I saw 8 bald eagles and blood stains all over the rock. I assume that one of the males killed it in the night. The body must have washed into the water.
  • With that death, we are now 0/4 at Race Rocks with elephant seal pups for 2016; 1 pup killed accidentally and 3 weaners killed on purpose. Killed for what purpose we do not know.


  • Stacked more firewood today.
  • Hauled some very large logs off the ramp. They seemed like small boats.
  • Had some troubles getting the YSI to turn on, so I took the sea water samples the old fashioned way first, before finally getting the YSI to work.


  • No boats in the reserve today.

Seawater Salinity and Temperature Dec 2015

Station Race Rock Lightstation
Month: December Year: 2015
Observer: Lester Pearson College UWC
 See other Salinity and Temperature Monthly Records
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro- meter     No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
2 8:40 32.8 9.4
3 9:35 32.5 9.8
4 10:07 32.5 9.0
5 10:25 32.6 9.0
6 10:43 32.3 9.1
7 11:00 32.3 9.4
8 11:17 31.6 10.0
9 11:35 32.5 9.1
11 12:07 32.5 9.2
12 12:26 32.3 9.1
13 12:57 32.0 9.2
14 13:35 32.5 9.3
15 14:17 10,802 32.4 9.2
16 8:57 32.5 8.9
17 8:35 32.6 9.1
18 8:51 32.5 8.9
19 8:55 32.6 8.9
20 8:12 32.4 8.9
22 10:55 32.3 8.9
23 10:50 32.3 8.9
24 15:05 32.3 8.9
25 14:00 32.3 8.7
26 13:05 32.2 8.7
27 14:10 32.3 8.7
28 16:50 32.5 8.7
29 8:30 32.2 8.7
30 8:22 32.2 8.4
31 8:15 32.1 8.3
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College



Seawater Temperature and Salinity Nov 2015

Station Race Rocks Lightstation
Month: November  Year: 2015
Observer: Race Rocks Ecoguardians-Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific

Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 14:08 32.7 10.0
2 10:45 32.9 10.0
3 10:05 32.9 9.9
4 10:35 32.9 9.9
5 11:25 32.9 10.2
6 10:40 32.8 10.0
7 10:55 32.6 10.1
8 11:20 32.6 10.1
9 11:35 32.4 10.0
10 14:12 32.5 10.0
11 12:00 32.6 9.9
12 12:10 32.7 9.7
13 12:00 32.8 9.9
14 12:05 32.5 9.7
15 12:45 9.7 10 10,802 242 32.4 9.6
16 13:30 32.7 9.7
17 9:00 32.6 9.6
18 9:25 32.6 9.6
19 9:20 32.6 9.6
20 9:35 32.6 9.5
21 9:50 32.6 9.4
22 10:23 32.7 9.4
23 10:45 32.7 9.5
24 11:17 32.3 9.3
25 11:30 32.5 9.0
26 12:15 32.6 9.2
27 12:07 32.5 9.2
28 12:30 32.5 9.2
29 13:36 32.5 9.0
30 11:00 32.5 8.0
means 32.6 9.6

Note: This table will copy and paste to a spreadsheet.

Seawater Temperature and Salinity September 2015

Station Race Rocks Lightstation
Month: September Year: 2015
Observer: Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 16:45 31.7 10.4
2 17:35 33.1 10.2
3 17:31 32.7 10.7
4 18:46 32.2 11.2
5 19:33 32.6 11.0
6 13:06 32.6 10.9
7 19:15 32.3 11.2
8 14:45 32.6 11.6
9 15:30 32.5 11.9
10 14:52 32.6 12.0
11 14:36 32.6 11.7
12 14:52 32.6 11.7
13 15:15 32.5 11.5
14 15:38 32.6 11.4
15 16:02 11.4 12 10,802 240 32.5 11.2
16 16:26 32.4 11.1
17 16:52 32.3 11.4
18 17:00 32.2 11.4
19 16:47 31.9 12.0
20 17:36 31.9 11.6
21 18:07 31.9 11.8
22 19:06 32.0 11.7
23 13:44 32.1 11.9
24 13:17 32.3 11.6
25 13:16 32.4 11.4
26 13:37 32.5 11.2
27 14:07 32.5 11.2
28 14:14 32.5 11.2
29 15:15 33.3 10.3
30 15:51 33.0 10.5
means 32.4 11.3

Seawater Data : Salinity and Temperature July 2015

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month :July
Observer Lester B. Pearson College UWC

Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 20:40 30.5 12.3
2 21:10 30.6 12.2
3 21:00 30.4 11.9
4 21:45 30.5 11.7
5 20:40 31.5 11.1
6 20:35 31.4 11.2
7 20:55 30.1 11.4
8 19:55 31.2 11.3
9 20:50 31.3 11.5
10 21:05 30.5 12.0
11 20:50 31.1 11.8
12 21:15 30.2 11.2
13 21:15 31.3 11.6
14 21:00 31.7 11.7
15 20:45 11.5 11.2 10,802 22.5 32.1 11.1
16 21:00 31.7 11.7
17 20:50 31.6 11.3
18 21:15 31.6 12.2
19 20:55 31.4 11.9
20 20:20 31.6 12.3
21 19:55 31.5 12.2
22 20:15 31.4 12.2
23 19:30 31.1 12.5
24 20:20 30.8 12.4
25 20:15 30.7 12.8
26 20:00 30.7 12.9
27 20:45 30.6 12.9
28 20:45 30.8 12.8
29 21:00 31.2 12.4
30 20:50 31.6 12.2
31 20:50 31.6 12.5
Mean 31.1 12.0
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

Seawater Data : Salinity and Temperature June 2015

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month: June Year: 2015
Observer Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 17:15 30.8 10.8
2 17:00 30.2 11.1
3 18:05 31.0 11.0
4 18:10 30.8 10.9
5 17:50 31.3 11.3
6 18:15 31.5 11.0
7 missed na na
8 6:07 31.1 9.8
9 21:07 31.1 10.3
10 21:27 30.8 10.3
11 21:07 30.8 10.5
12 20:47 29.6 11.0
13 16:03 30.2 11.2
14 17:00 11.8 12.2 10,802 23 30.4 11.3
15 18:14 30.2 11.3
16 18:00 31.0 11.5
17 18:00 31.1 11.4
18 17:30 31.3 11.1
19 20:32 31.6 10.2
20 21:47 31.5 10.5
21 21:42 31.3 10.7
22 21:40 30.3 11.0
23 21:57 30.6 11.1
24 20:05 30.8 12.4
25 20:00 30.8 11.8
26 20:10 30.6 12.0
27 20:30 30.1 12.2
28 20:45 30.2 12.4
29 21:00 30.4 12.3
30 21:00 30.4 12.2
Means 30.8 11.2

Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

Seawater Temperature and Salinity May 2015

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month: May Year: 2015
Observer Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 14:07 30.3 10.8
2 15:10 30.5 9.8
3 17:02 30.7 9.8
4 18:00 30.9 9.4
5 18:00 31.0 9.5
6 18:00 30.5 9.5
7 18:49 30.7 9.7
8 18:00 30.9 9.8
9 19:10 30.3 10.0
10 18:30 30.9 10.1
11 19:00 31.0 9.6
12 5:40 30.8 9.3
13 9:47 9.7 10 10,802 23.7 30.6 9.7
14 11:42 30.9 9.6
15 11:45 30.7 9.7
16 14:32 31.1 9.4
17 17:27 31.0 9.7
18 18:45 31.4 9.4
19 19:27 31.6 9.6
20 19:27 31.6 9.5
21 19:53 31.6 9.2
22 20:45 31.6 9.3
23 19:21 31.3 10.1
24 20:44 31.1 10.1
25 21:07 31.0 10.1
26 21:15 30.9 10.1
27 10:14 31.0 9.9
28 12:27 30.6 11.0
29 14:00 30.4 10.7
30 16:30 30.3 10.8
31 17:00 30.6 11.1
Monthly means 30.9 9.9
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

Seawater Salinity and Temperature March 2015

Year: 2015
 Date Time Sea Jar Hydro- meter No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
 Mar 1 9:30 30.2 8.9
 Mar 2
 Mar 3 12:41 30.6 8.8
 Mar 4 12:31 30.1 8.8
 Mar 5 13:16 30.1 8.9
 Mar 6 14:19 30.4 8.9
 Mar `7 20:20 30.1 9.0
 Mar 8 17:30 30.4 8.9
 Mar 9 18:00 30.2 9.0
 Mar 10 18:41 30.6 8.9
Mar 11 17:45 30.3 9.0
 Mar 12 15:45 30.1 9.0
 Mar 13 12:37 30.2 9.0
 Mar 14 6:28 29.9 9.2
 Mar 15 7:33 29.9 9.0
 Mar 16 8:53 30.2 8.9
 Mar 17 10:35 30.3 8.9
 Mar 18 12:16 9.1 9.1 10802 240 30.8 8.8
 Mar 19 13:28 30.7 8.9
 Mar 20 14:31 31.0 8.8
 Mar 21 15:38 31.2 8.9
 Mar 22 16:34 30.8 8.8
 Mar 23 17:49 31.2 8.8
 Mar 24 21:30 31.0 8.9
 Mar 25 22:49 30.7 8.9
 Mar 26 7:30 30.7 9.0
 Mar 27 6:17 30.3 8.9
 Mar 28 8:36 30.6 9.0
 Mar 29 7:20 30.5 9.1
 Mar 30 10:30 30.4 9.5
 Mar 31 11:49 30.6 9.4
MEAN: 30.5 9.0

Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

March 21 – Scaffolding and a Turkey Vulture

Light rain and partially cloudy in the early morning; sunny for the rest of the day
Wind: W 6-27 knots
Air Temperature: Low 8.4°C, High 11.4°C
Ocean Temperature: 8.8°C

The visiting group of students toured the island and helped run the desalinator. In the afternoon they did a leadership initiative of setting up two levels of scaffolding and scrubbing the algae from the west wall of the Marine Science Centre. They did an amazing job of looking out for everyone’s safety and cleaning the walls.

A turkey vulture was seen in the early afternoon hovering by the Eco-Guardian’s house. It flew north towards Bentinck Island. They are rarely seen here at this time of year. Occasionally they pass through in the fall, on their southern migration routes.

There were two eco tour boat seen in the reserve today.