Exciting Sightings

Wind: yesterday 0-31 knots from W to E to N, today 10-17 knots from N-NE
Sea State: yesterday rippled, today rippled with chop up to 1 m in morning
Visibility: both days 10-15 NM
Sky: both days clear
Temperature: yesterday 5-7 °C, today 4-6 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 413.85 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)

There were some exciting sightings over the past two days. Just before sunset this evening, a pod of orcas was swimming in the current to the west of the island. There were at least five or six orcas of various ages.

This morning, between 20 to 30 pigeon guillemots were paddling through the Middle Channel, to the north of the main island. Some still have grey-ish heads of their winter plumage.

Yesterday one tour boat, two sailboats and three pleasure crafts passed through the ecological reserve. Today three tour boats travelled by the islands. No visitors were on the island.

The military was doing demolition training for the past two days on Bentinck Island.

See the photos below for sights from the past two days:

Three Weaner Elephant Seal Pups

Wind: yesterday 2-15 knots from E to N, today 3-10 knots from S to N to E
Sea State: yesterday and today rippled
Visibility: yesterday and today 15 NM
Sky: yesterday and today clear
Temperature: yesterday 5-7 °C, today 5-8 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 414.73 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)

The past two days have been sunny, which means the animals and scenery are very photogenic.

There was lots of activity with the elephant seal harem today. Overnight, the third mother left the island, after nursing her pup for 24 days. Her pup is now a weaner, no longer getting milk from her mother. The three mothers whose pups survived all stayed for 24 days. The last female, who’s pup died 17 days ago, left late this morning. After the male mated with her, she was either trying to get away from him or was chased down the path and out into the water by the boat ramp. The alpha male left for about an hour, perhaps to get some food. He’s been on the island the longest of any of the elephant seals. He hasn’t eaten or left the island since before the first pup was born on December 29. That’s almost as long as I’ve been here without leaving, except I eat three meals a day. The female elephant seals will most likely return to Race Rocks exactly eleven months after they left, to give birth to another pup. Stay tuned to the Log next December and January for more pupping season drama.

Now that there are no adult female elephant seals left on Race Rocks, the alpha male’s role has changed from mating with the females, to protecting the three pups that remain. The alpha male is most likely father to all of them, as he was the alpha male last year as well.

Three beta male elephant seals are still on the island. One left for about 24 hours and returned this afternoon. When he slid up the ramp onto the island, he appeared to look around to see if any females were around. Then, he headed for the oldest pup and put his mouth around it. He didn’t appear to be trying to hurt it because no blood was drawn. The pup was screaming. The alpha male came over and scared away the beta male. For the afternoon and evening, the three pups were lying in the grass about 10 m away from each other. It will be interesting to see if the pups interact with each other, as they have in previous years.

Some other interesting sights were a sea otter, two black brant geese, and a very bright Venus visible in the western sky for a few hours after sunset for each of the past three nights.

There were no visitors to the island in the past two days. Four pleasure boats and three tour boats were seen in the ecological reserve.

See below for photos from the past two days:

Weekly Census

Wind: yesterday 3-32 knots from NE to S to W, today 3-45 knots from W to S
Sea State: yesterday rippled with chop up to 1 m in evening, today chop up to 1 m, then rippled in afternoon
Visibility: yesterday 5-10 NM, today 10-15NM
Sky: yesterday overcast and rain, today clear
Temperature: yesterday 5-9 °C, today 7-9 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 414.11 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)

Results of weekly megafauna and bird census from Saturday, February 8:
9 elephant seals (2 female adults, 4 male adults, 2 female pups, 1 male pup)
169 steller sea lions
202 california sea lions
29 harbour seals
41 bald eagles (37 adults, 4 juveniles)
1 raven
19 brandt’s cormorants
138 pelagic cormorants
65 double-crested cormorants
4 canada geese
412 gulls (most are thayer’s gulls)
20 black oystercatchers
2 surf scoters
20 harlequin ducks
35 surfbirds
26 black turnstones
1 snow bunting
1 fox sparrow

Yesterday in the morning, three members of the Coast Guard came in a helicopter to do a routine check on some equipment on the island. The pilot phoned ahead to confirm the best place to land to try to avoid disturbing the animals. They landed on the helicopter pad. Sometimes they land on the grass at the base of the lighthouse. The Coast Guard guys were excited to see the elephant seals, which they hadn’t seen before. Usually when they fly into the lightstations up the coast, they see a lot of sea lions.

In the afternoon yesterday, three visitors from Pearson College came to the island to have a tour.

The only other boats that were seen in the ecological reserve were two tour boats this afternoon.

See the photos below for some views from the last two days.

All Kinds of Weather

Wind: yesterday 0-10 knots from N to SE, today 0-20 knots from S to E to N
Sea State: yesterday rippled with swells up to 1 m in afternoon, today calm, then rippled with swells up to 1 m in afternoon
Visibility: yesterday 10-15 NM, today 3-10 NM
Sky: yesterday hail then clear, today overcast, snow and rain
Temperature: yesterday 3-5 °C, today 1-4 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 414.32 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)

There has been a variety of weather over the past two days. Yesterday began with hail at sunrise, quickly becoming clear skies for the rest of the day. Today was foggy with a light snowfall in the morning, turning into rain for the rest of the day.

This evening, one of the female elephant seals left the island. She had been here since January 3, for a total of 32 days without eating. She gave birth to the second pup of the season on January 11 and nursed that pup for 24 days. That pup is still hanging out with the harem, which now consists of the alpha male, second pup, female that lost her pup, third pup and her mother. The first pup has been nearby the harem since his mother left the island two weeks ago, but he doesn’t sleep in the same spot as the rest of the group. Lately, the first pup has been spending a lot of time around the rock ledges by the water shed and desalinator building.

There was one visitor to the island in the past two days. Greg stopped by the jetty briefly to drop off fuel: gas for the generator and groceries for the ecoguardian. No other boats were seen in the ecological reserve.

A Nice Sunset


  • 10mi visibility
  • 25kn wind
  • partially overcast sky
  • lightly rippled water


We have not had any visitors or boats at the rock. The college vessels are still in for service, and should be up and running mid-week. Things have been pretty quiet out here, except the whale watching boats, which were frequent today.


The four large elephant seals are progressing in their moult. The seagulls continue to escalate their aggression.

We had a beautiful sunset tonight!

Sunset towards middle rock from the jetty

Sunset on the main house and lighthouse

Beautiful Day


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 0-10 SE
  • Sky: Sunny all day
  • Water: calm


  • A few ecotours, fishing boats and divers today


  • a bit of movement today, one of the younger males was chasing the older pup and the bug guy stepped in and chased and the younger male off
  • the geese are seem to be starting to nest so they are getting louder and more aggressive

More Elephant Seals


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  10-15 SW
  • Sky: cloudy this morning, cleared up in the afternoon
  • Water: calm


  • Quite a few ecotours


  • plenty of sea lions around and we now have 2 female elephant seals


  • Sunny again today, was hoping for more rain but maybe sometime soon

Beautiful Sunsets


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind:  0-15 SE
  • Sky: cloudy this morning, cleared up in the afternoon
  • Water: calm


  • Had some visitors come out for a sunset cruise, my coworkers had to drop off another spot checker for me


  • plenty of sea lions around and it almost seems like there is more birds too, census tomorrow


  • DnD was blasting again today
  • Having some issues with spot checker, hopefully this other one works well
  • Here are some pictures of the beautiful sunset tonight and lastnight
  • and a photo of a sea lion who looked like there was something wrong with his hind flipper

Sea Lion Rescue


  • Visibility: 15 Miles throughout the day
  • Wind:  0-5 SW throughout the day
  • Sky: clear this morning, clouds rolled in around 3
  • Water: calm


  • Fisheries along with a vet and people from the aquarium came by to help a sea lion who had a piece of rope or something like it wrapped around its neck


  • plenty of sea lions around


  • DnD was blasting again today
  • It was nice to have those people come around to help the sea lion out, they first sedated it via dart gun and once it was safe to approach they removed the garbage that was wrapped around the sea lions neck and monitored it until woke up and swam away

Foggy Day


  • Visibility: 10 Miles sometimes less throughout the day
  • Wind:  10-15 SW sometimes a bit lighter sometimes a bit stronger
  • Sky: Cloudy this morning for a bit and then foggy for awhile, cleared up in the afternoon now you can see some blue sky and sunshine
  • Water: mostly flat a little choppy


  • Had a special visit at 6:30 this morning, the Parliament Secretary to the Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Youth dropped by for a quick visit


  • Have to update my census, I saw an elephant seal this morning, a young female
  • the unspecified birds in the photo from yesterday are a type of gull that I still have not identified
  • There appears to be more sea lions everyday