Seawater Data, May 2016

Station Race Rocks Lightstation
Month: MAY Year: 2016
Observer Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 6:53 31.3 9.8
2 9:23 31.3 10.4
3 12:10 31.1 10.7
4 15:00 31.2 10.4
5 16:00 31.5 10.5
6 20:10 31.7 10.3
7 16:24 32.2 10.1
8 19:33 32.4 9.8
9 20:33 32.2 9.8
10 21:20 32.0 9.9
11 21:05 32.2 10.1
12 21:05 32.0 10.1
13 21:05 31.7 10.6
14 21:05 31.9 10.3
15 21:05 10.4 10,802 1.0232 31.9 10.1
16 21:05 31.8 10.2
17 21:05 31.7 10.3
18 15:30 32.0 10.4
19 16:35 31.9 10.5
20 19:00 31.9 10.6
21 19:55 32.0 10.5
22 19:55 32.1 10.4
23 20:40 31.8 10.4
24 20:50 32.1 10.2
25 21:25 10.1 10.4 10,802 1.0234 YSI didn’t turn on
26 21:50 32.7 9.6
27 22:05 32.4 9.7
28 22:10 32.4 10.1
29 22:07 32.4 10.0
30 7:17 32.2 10.1
31 10:18 32.1 10.5
Submitted monthly to: Inst. Ocean Science, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

Seawater Data April 30, 2016

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month: April Year: 2016
Observer:  Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 6:00 31.2 9.4
2 7:00 31.3 9.3
3 9:06 31.4 9.4
4 11:20 29.3 9.4
5 12:42 31.7 9.4
6 13:43 32.0 9.6
7 14:48 32.0 9.8
8 15:48 32.3 9.5
9 16:53 32.4 9.6
10 18:00 32.3 9.6
11 19:00 32.3 9.5
12 20:00 31.8 9.4
13 6:00 32.1 9.3
14 6:20 32.1 9.2
15 5:55 9.4 9 10,802 1.036 32.1 9.2
16 9:35 31.9 9.6
17 11:20 31.9 10.1
18 12:45 31.8 10.2
19 13:55 31.9 10.4
20 14:23 31.9 10.7
21 17:30 31.9 10.2
22 16:25 31.9 10.2
23 18:50 31.9 10.2
24 19:55 32.1 9.6
25 20:45 32.1 9.5
26 21:45 32.1 9.6
27 20:15 31.8 10.0
28 20:15 31.6 10.0
29 21:35 31.8 9.7
30 6:15 31.6 9.7
 Submitted monthly to: Inst. Ocean Science, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C. V8L 4B2
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

Seawater Temperature and Salinity at Race Rocks 2011-July 30, 2015

The Seawater Salinity and temperature data has been taken by the Ecoguardians at Race Rocks. It is submitted monthly to the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, BC Canada,  The complete set of data can be accessed here: Continue reading

Wild Easterlies

The ferocity of 40-knot easterly winds and heavy seas made for a spectacular storm day. The barometer, deflected by a big low-pressure system (965 hPa) passing by offshore, started to drop at about 08:00 this morning from the overnight high of 1008. As this piece was posted at 17:00, the pressure is 994 hPa and still falling.

A gale warning is in effect and the Environment Canada marine forecast calls for winds to veer to the south 25 to 35 tonight. The wind is supposed to drop to southwest 15 to 25 knots by Thursday morning and to light by evening. Although there was a brief period without rain in the morning, sea spray and rain mixed in the afternoon. Rain is forecast on and off for the rest of the week.

Not surprising, there were no vessels seen in or around the Ecological Reserve today. The neighbourhood explosions continued mid-day and I did not envy those standing by in the two little boats, on watch, as the winds and sea rose.

Ecologically, it almost feels like a step back into winter except for warm temperatures and longer days. The flowers are taking a beating and facing west away from the wind. Even the sea lions retreated to the sea and the young ones spent the day surfing and catching airtime. Some gulls seemed to savour the chance interact with high winds, doing skilled flying with high speed turns and tucks, while others hunkered down, facing into the wind and occasionally blown off their roosts. Geese were easily persuaded to flock off early.

Ocean surface temperature dropped from the last few days’ readings, by 0.1 degrees to 8.9o C. The mixing caused by the storm was palpable as large breakers’ tops blew off and the circular motion of the waves was exaggerated by opposing tidal currents.

There were no visitors and chores were routine. Photos were only taken through the window to save the camera from salt spray.

This photo doesn't really capture the mighty waves, but it gives you an idea.

This photo doesn’t really capture the mighty waves, but it gives you an idea.


Seawater Data: February, 2016

Feb 23:  No YSI data taken at 16:05 due to battery failure.

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month: February Year: 2016
Observer : Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 7:30 32.0 8.6
2 8:00 32.0 8.6
3 8:00 31.9 8.5
4 8:30 31.9 8.6
5 9:15 31.7 8.6
6 10:00 22.0 8.5
7 10:50 31.9 8.5
8 11:50 31.9 8.7
9 13:00 31.9 8.9
10 14:00 32.1 8.8
11 15:05 32.4 8.8
12 16:20 32.2 8.9
13 17:30 32.4 8.7
14 6:05 32.5 8.8
15 6:50 8.9 9 10,802 230 31.5 8.7
16 7:35 31.9 8.7
17 8:30 31.7 8.7
18 9:00 31.7 9.6
19 10:05 30.2 8.7
20 11:25 31.9 8.8
21 12:05 32.0 8.6
22 12:50 31.9 8.8
23 14:30 8.9 8.7 232 31.8 9.0
24 14:30 32.0 9.0
25 15:10 32.1 9.0
26 15:55 32.0 8.9
27 17:30 32.1 9.0
28 18:10 32.0 8.8
29 6:05 31.9 8.6
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College


Seawater Salinity and Temperature Dec 2015

Station Race Rock Lightstation
Month: December Year: 2015
Observer: Lester Pearson College UWC
 See other Salinity and Temperature Monthly Records
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro- meter     No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
2 8:40 32.8 9.4
3 9:35 32.5 9.8
4 10:07 32.5 9.0
5 10:25 32.6 9.0
6 10:43 32.3 9.1
7 11:00 32.3 9.4
8 11:17 31.6 10.0
9 11:35 32.5 9.1
11 12:07 32.5 9.2
12 12:26 32.3 9.1
13 12:57 32.0 9.2
14 13:35 32.5 9.3
15 14:17 10,802 32.4 9.2
16 8:57 32.5 8.9
17 8:35 32.6 9.1
18 8:51 32.5 8.9
19 8:55 32.6 8.9
20 8:12 32.4 8.9
22 10:55 32.3 8.9
23 10:50 32.3 8.9
24 15:05 32.3 8.9
25 14:00 32.3 8.7
26 13:05 32.2 8.7
27 14:10 32.3 8.7
28 16:50 32.5 8.7
29 8:30 32.2 8.7
30 8:22 32.2 8.4
31 8:15 32.1 8.3
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College



Seawater Temperature and Salinity Nov 2015

Station Race Rocks Lightstation
Month: November  Year: 2015
Observer: Race Rocks Ecoguardians-Lester B. Pearson College   of the Pacific

Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 14:08 32.7 10.0
2 10:45 32.9 10.0
3 10:05 32.9 9.9
4 10:35 32.9 9.9
5 11:25 32.9 10.2
6 10:40 32.8 10.0
7 10:55 32.6 10.1
8 11:20 32.6 10.1
9 11:35 32.4 10.0
10 14:12 32.5 10.0
11 12:00 32.6 9.9
12 12:10 32.7 9.7
13 12:00 32.8 9.9
14 12:05 32.5 9.7
15 12:45 9.7 10 10,802 242 32.4 9.6
16 13:30 32.7 9.7
17 9:00 32.6 9.6
18 9:25 32.6 9.6
19 9:20 32.6 9.6
20 9:35 32.6 9.5
21 9:50 32.6 9.4
22 10:23 32.7 9.4
23 10:45 32.7 9.5
24 11:17 32.3 9.3
25 11:30 32.5 9.0
26 12:15 32.6 9.2
27 12:07 32.5 9.2
28 12:30 32.5 9.2
29 13:36 32.5 9.0
30 11:00 32.5 8.0
means 32.6 9.6

Note: This table will copy and paste to a spreadsheet.

Seawater Temperature and Salinity September 2015

Station Race Rocks Lightstation
Month: September Year: 2015
Observer: Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific
Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 16:45 31.7 10.4
2 17:35 33.1 10.2
3 17:31 32.7 10.7
4 18:46 32.2 11.2
5 19:33 32.6 11.0
6 13:06 32.6 10.9
7 19:15 32.3 11.2
8 14:45 32.6 11.6
9 15:30 32.5 11.9
10 14:52 32.6 12.0
11 14:36 32.6 11.7
12 14:52 32.6 11.7
13 15:15 32.5 11.5
14 15:38 32.6 11.4
15 16:02 11.4 12 10,802 240 32.5 11.2
16 16:26 32.4 11.1
17 16:52 32.3 11.4
18 17:00 32.2 11.4
19 16:47 31.9 12.0
20 17:36 31.9 11.6
21 18:07 31.9 11.8
22 19:06 32.0 11.7
23 13:44 32.1 11.9
24 13:17 32.3 11.6
25 13:16 32.4 11.4
26 13:37 32.5 11.2
27 14:07 32.5 11.2
28 14:14 32.5 11.2
29 15:15 33.3 10.3
30 15:51 33.0 10.5
means 32.4 11.3

Friday-Saturday Combo Log Blog

Friday, a northeast wind blew 5 – 10 knots, most of the day. It turned to west in the evening and was stalled several times. It was first (for us), seeing the light tower wind gauge read 0.00 knots. By Saturday morning it was coming in from the north at 5 – 10 knots. Saturday afternoon, the direction swung through southwest to south and by evening it was back to west. The barometric pressure started falling in the wee hours of Friday morning, a drop that continued on the same trajectory Friday and Saturday, going from a little above 1016 hPA to 1010 hPA. Although the forecasts change considerably from time to time during the period of a couple of days, a gale warning continues to be in effect and it is expected to turn to west and blow 30 – 40 knots Sunday afternoon. The rain continues to threaten and is supposed to end Sunday evening, that is, if it really gets started.

Friday there were only two commercial visits observed in the Ecological Reserve. Saturday morning, 30 – 40 Southern Resident Killer Whales were sighted by whale watching operators, off Beechey Head to the west of Race Rocks. There was also a Humpback Whale diving between there and Race Rocks. Once the sightings were reported by VHF radio, the fleet was alerted and commercial whale watching vessels started heading to the locations. Commercial traffic became fairly heavy with 28 tour boat visits inside the Ecological Reserve, observed Saturday.

Observing vessels that operate in the reserve daily, and making reports to BC Parks and Fisheries and Oceans Canada are routine Eco-guardian tasks. This gives me some insight into how sustainable different commercial operators are, in their use of Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Distributing a sustainability rubric based on the agreement with the whale watching industry, Fisheries Act, Marine Mammal Regulations and BC Parks regulations might be a good way for vessel operators to grade themselves and their colleagues. Of course the same vessels don’t always have the same operator, but one gets a sense of company culture, as reflected in the way the vessels are run.

Most of the operators work carefully, respectfully and sustainably; they slow right down on entering the reserve and go even slower when there are seals and sea lions in the water. If there are whales in the Protected Area they do not enter into the Ecological Reserve and if a whale enters while they are inside they carefully and slowly leave using extreme caution to avoid interacting with the animals. They stay in the centre of Middle Channel going with the current and never try to wedge themselves between Great Race and South Islands (their insurance companies probably like this too). They are respectful, keeping their distance to the animals and acting as role models for other companies and vessels on the water. In the long run, this is good for business and good for the animals. It means that this kind of commercial activity might sustainably continue to use the Ecological Reserve.

If you are reading this and don’t know what an Ecological Reserve is – it is a protected area that offers the highest protection available within the BC Parks system. There is a lot of good information on the BC Parks Ecological Reserves website, on this website and in general on the Friends of Ecological Reserves website.

The sea lions were very well behaved Saturday after wreaking a bit of havoc yesterday. The two elephant seals had a good 36 hour sleep before going for a swim. As night fell, they were waiting for a chance to get back up the ramp amidst a crowd of California Sea Lions.

Alex and I accomplished a lot today, finishing some of the bigger, monthly chores and fighting entropy at every turn. There were no visitors.

Seawater Data : Salinity and Temperature July 2015

Station Race Rocks   Lightstation
Month :July
Observer Lester B. Pearson College UWC

Date Time Sea Jar Hydro-   meter   No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 20:40 30.5 12.3
2 21:10 30.6 12.2
3 21:00 30.4 11.9
4 21:45 30.5 11.7
5 20:40 31.5 11.1
6 20:35 31.4 11.2
7 20:55 30.1 11.4
8 19:55 31.2 11.3
9 20:50 31.3 11.5
10 21:05 30.5 12.0
11 20:50 31.1 11.8
12 21:15 30.2 11.2
13 21:15 31.3 11.6
14 21:00 31.7 11.7
15 20:45 11.5 11.2 10,802 22.5 32.1 11.1
16 21:00 31.7 11.7
17 20:50 31.6 11.3
18 21:15 31.6 12.2
19 20:55 31.4 11.9
20 20:20 31.6 12.3
21 19:55 31.5 12.2
22 20:15 31.4 12.2
23 19:30 31.1 12.5
24 20:20 30.8 12.4
25 20:15 30.7 12.8
26 20:00 30.7 12.9
27 20:45 30.6 12.9
28 20:45 30.8 12.8
29 21:00 31.2 12.4
30 20:50 31.6 12.2
31 20:50 31.6 12.5
Mean 31.1 12.0
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College