Tidepool # 3 at Race Rocks

This file has been started to present some of the information we have acumulated on the pool in order to stimulate students to raise further questions and devise problems that can be investigated at the pool. It is also intended to be part of a cumulative digital legacy that those examining the pool can pass on to future students.

Some ideas to consider:

  • This pool is very shallow and has a very low biodiversity. Diatoms, amphipods and a few barnacles live here. Since it is only a few centimeters higher up the shore than pool 4, note how elevation makes a significant impact on the abiotic factors of Temperature and salinity.

Tidepool Lab on a Windy Day at Race Rocks

In April of each year we begin to get tides that are low enough for intertidal research. This video starts with students measuring temperature and salinity in tidepool #4 , then collecting “harpacticoids ” in tidepool #10, then doing further measurements in the new artificial pool #13. The wind was blowing at West 25 kn., but it didn’t deter our class!

Tidepool # 8 at Race Rocks

Pool # 8 is the small pool just visible at the bottom of this picture.

This pool is one of the most highly elevated pools in the peg six area of Race Rocks. It has a south-westerly aspect, is relatively shallow (its maximum depth being nine cms). It is also fairly small, having an area of just 0.36 square metres, and a perimeter of 0.39 metres.

At certain times of the year, pool # eight is literally packed with life! Within its confines we were able to locate filamentous diatoms (a brown-gold, highly productive microscopic organism), small barnacles, and red harpacticoids..

On the day of our observations (in late April 2000) we found that the surface temperature was 13.5 degrees Celsius and a temperature at the deepest point 11.0 degrees Celsius. At 5cm, we recorded a temperature of 12.0cm. This is what we would have expected, because the temperature is affected by the heating effect of the sun, and the water forms stratified layers of temperature. These temperatures will vary with the season and time of day. In this relatively small pool, one would expect a large temperature range which will create a large variation in the life-cycles within the pool, changing as the seasons change. For organisms with a longer life-cycle, it will be necessary to have the ability to adapt to a high temperature range.

As temperature decreased as the pool became deeper, we observed the opposite effect with regard to salininty. At the surface, for example, a salinity of 13.5 parts per thousand was recorded, and at the depths, a salinity of 16.5 parts per thousand was found. This is fairly typical of a small, brackish pool in the inter-tidal zone. This is another example of stratification and this variation creates differences in productivity and affect. So we could day that this small pool on this particular day had both a halocline and a thermocline.

(Adapted from a student’s lab write up, 2000)

Some ideas to consider:

Tidepools 7and 8 are very close together, varying only a few cm in elevation. The salinity and temperatures of the pools may vary however. It might be worthwhile to document these variations and propose some explanations for the variation.

Tidepool work -Environmental Systems 1999

Tidepool # 5

Pool 5 viewed from Pool 6

This file has been started to present some of the information we have accumulated on the pool in order to stimulate students to raise further questions and devise problems that can be investigated at the pool. It is also intended to be part of a cumulative digital legacy that those examining the pool can pass on to future students.


Tidepool 5 when the surge is filling it.

Pool 5 with a compass bearing of 210 degrees from Peg 6 is only cut off from the open ocean at a very low tide so it has a number of invertebrates that need cooler water to survive. Some anemone and purple urchins and several snail species inhabit this pool.

The following is a student lab done on an analysis of this pool:




THE INTERTIDALZone: It is an area occupied by a great number of individuals and species. It is sufficiently inundated by tides and waves that provide plant nutrients, Oxygen and plankton. It is the zone where tide pools form.The intertidal zone of Race Rocks is very rich of tide pools. They are conventionally numbered for the purpose of identification. The tide pool that was studied for this lab is pool #5.

POOL NUMBER 5: It is a very low pool but very high in biodiversity. It is located in an area very open to the swells of the sea.


BIOTIC FACTORS: measurement of horizontal and vertical distribution.

ABIOTIC FACTORS: temperature and salinity.



In the middle of the tide pool and at point#1.1 temperature and salinity were measured. The table shows the data collected.


  salinity-parts per thousand  temperature °Celsius
 middle-surface  27.5 parts  9°
 middle-8 centimetres  28.5  9°

middle- 48 centimetres 9° 30

point 1- 8 centimetres 9° 28.5

point 1- 28.5 centimetres 9° 29

The above results were obtained in the morning and comparing with the results given by other groups at 4:00 pm, we can see that the temperature increased one degree.

The data collection process has caused some problems, as big swells came regularly every three minutes from 9:22 to 9:28, a smaller swell came at 9:31 and an even smaller one came at 9:36. At these times we had to clear a pool, this slowed down the process quite a bit.

The following species were found in the following points.

In point 2 Balanus was found at 20 cm. of depth to the surface. It was found also in point 3 at 23 cm. of depth to the surface.Two Anthopleura elegantissima were found at 25 cm. of deph. Two Purple Sea Urchins were found at the point of 1 metre of length, covered by rocks. Two cabezons were present as well as mussels. Fucus distichus algae were covering the left part of the pool.

Some of the species were weighed the same day that were collected.Then they were dried and weighed again, with the aim of obtaining the biomass. The next table shows the results obtained

Species Weight before dry Weight after dry Biomass

Corallina 14.1 g 4.8 g 34 %

Fucus 20.1 g 1.3 g 6.5 %

Green algae 8.7 g 0.6 g 0.6 %

Phylospadix (surf grass)  -10.5 g 2.3 g 21.9 %


To get the Biomass results we multiplied the dry weight for 100 and divided by normal weight.

To get more data about pool 5, we measured the amount of plankton of each sample of water. The results were that there was less plankton in the surface than in the bottom due to the constant exchange of oxygen produced by the waves

Measurements of the pool 5.

1.Aea: 34546.95 cm2

2.Length: 1449.65 cm.

To obtain these measurements, refer to this file on using NIH IMAGE

Obviously, the level of oxygen in pool 5 must be really high due to the huge diversity of animals and plants found. As we know, the plants produce oxygen and the animals consume it while producing carbon dioxide, which provokes an interaction increasing and decreasing the level of ph and oxygen  depending on whether sunlight is present for photosynthesis or not.


From the beginning of the lab, we had some problems to take the samples due to the high tide that made the collecting of samples a lot more difficult. A more accurate study of the pool, could have been done by measuring the levels of ph and oxygen. Team work was effective, the effort came from everyone in the group and we succeeded in computer work by obtaining  excellent pictures and measurements of the pool.

Tidepools around peg #6: Student lab

BACKGROUND :It is intended that,students can access this file as a resource for an assignment in high school biology or college ecology coursers. For several years now, students of biology and environmental systems classes of Pearson College have been doing informal studies on the tidepools of Race Rocks. In April of 1996 we started to make some systematic records of some of the pools and establish a data base to which we could add in the future. The following represents the beginning of our tidepool work.

Pool 2= 50 degrees(compass bearing) Pool 2= 50 degrees(compass bearing) This is covered only at high tide. The predominant life form here are swarms of a small, 0.5mm reddish brown crustacean called Harpacticoids (see video)

Pool 1= 75 degrees (compass bearing). This is a high level pool. It would be flooded only by surge and ocean swells, especially during storms. Tiana and Melina are shown here taking measurements.

PURPOSE:by Michal Kozak

Tide pools are completely separate systems from that of the rocky shore. They form a sort of intermediate situation between the coastal sea and the well-drained intertidal zone, and thus give insights into factors controlling the structure and function of these two bordering systems.

Tide pools are suitable for various student projects, similar to the one that we did. It is because of the amazing diversity of life and the wealth of physical, biological, and chemical processes in them. For instance, they show the importance of the desiccation factor on the open shore and they are also ideal observing pH and buffering phenomena. Their generally manageable proportion and simple ecosystems mean that thorough projects in tide pools can be undertaken in a short period.


On Friday, 12th of April/96 during our block of environmental systems we went by boat to Race Rocks. We moored at the docks and then we went through across the island to the rocky shore. Besides numerous seagulls we saw there several tidepools. The tide level at that time was quite high (1.8 m), so at a lower tide we could have seen more tide pools. There we observed 3 different tide pools that were found close to the red peg, number 6. At each tidepool we measured the following :

  • distance and bearing of the tide pool from the peg ,
  • salinity and temperature of the water,
  • maximum depth and surface dimensions of the water .
  • Organisms within the pool

We recorded our results and processed them ,thus trying to find general trends in the physical factors observed.

The next Wednesday, we went to Race Rocks again. However, this time the tide was lower (0.9 m) which enabled us to observe tide pools at lower levels. We again followed the same procedure as described above.


This map presents the horizontal distribution of the tide pools around a permanently installed reference peg on the Western side of Great Race Rock. We have over 15 of these reference pegs around the island. Many are used for subtidal transect work and surveys. Peg #6 is particularly well suited for intertidal work on this Western side of the island. Intertidal transect photos from the peg#5 location may be found at the Race Rocks Section of The Transect File. The magnetic compass bearings of the pools from the reference peg are listed below:

In May 2004 the biology class measured features of several pools. They are here at pool 3.

Pool 3= 0 degrees. (compass bearing)







Pool 4= 350 degrees (compass bearing). This is a unique pool in that it supports a small colony of Bay Mussels, and white littorine snails. and in much of the interior of the pool , the substrate is a white quartz intrusion.


Pool 5 = 210 degrees(compass bearing)


bleached sea grass, as this is early spring. Students of the biology class, 2005 beside Pool #6

Pool 6= 205 degrees (compass bearing).
This is called “Anita’s Tidepool”

. See the reference below to research work done on this pool by Dr. Anita Brinckmann Voss.






Temperature of tide pools was measured for overall differences between pools and for stratification within pools


A species list was made of the pools and graphs were made to compare the numbers of plant and animal species in each pool.



A profile of the vertical distribution of the pools was done by Tamas in the spring of 1998. From this we can make hypothesis about correlations with vertical levels and differences in the pools.

pH of tide pools should vary as the amount of activity, either photosynthesis or respiration varies in the poo



Salinity of tide pools was measured for overall differences between pools and for stratification within pools … In this profile of pool 2, stratification of salinity and temperature is shown

PUBLICATIONS ON TIDEPOOLS:Brinckmann-Voss, A. 1996. Seasonality of Hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks, off Vancouver Island, Canada. Scientia Marina, 60 (1): 109-117This work done recently by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss was in a tidepool (#6) adjacent to the ones we have been studying at Race Rocks. The purpose of her paper was “to provide information on the hydroids of a cold temperate tide pool with regard to seasonal occurrence, growth and regression, and reproductive periodicities.” She has reported an assemblage of 27 hydroid species and tracked their seasonal occurrence, growth, sexual maturity and systematics. Possible causes of hydroid species diversity are considered, including location of tide pool in an area of rapid tidal rapids, and shading by surfgrass and rock cliffs during low tide.Thomas, M.L.H.-1983. Marine and Coastal Systems of the Quoddy region, New Brunswick, Canada. Can. Spec.Publ.Fish.Aqua.Sci. 64: 1-306 This reference has been of use to us because it provides a classification scheme for tide pools and a series of charts and graphs which have provided useful models for our studies. Thomas notes that “Although there is a wealth of information on seashores, there is a paucity of information on tidal pools, particularly their functional aspects. There are no texts on pools and those on shores in general (Amos 1966; Carefoot 1977; Clayton 1974 ; Lewis 1964; Southward 1966; Stephenson and Stephenson 1972; Yonge 1949) provide little critical information about tidal pools. This undoubtedly results from the scarcity of scientific papers on tidal pools.”This file was prepared by the students of the Environmental Systems Classes and their teacher G.Fletcher.

Seasonality of hydroids from an intertidal pool at Race Rocks

SCI. MAR., 60 (1): 89-97


Seasonality of hydroids (Hydrozoa, Cnidaria) from an intertidal pool and adjacent subtidal habitats at Race Rocks, off Vancouver Island, Canada*


Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada.

(Mailing address: P. 0. Box 653, Sooke, British Columbia VOS 1NO, Canada)
( now deceased) .

*Received November 29, 1994, Accepted October 20, 1995

SUMMARY: An assemblage of 27 hydroid species was reported from a tide pool in the lower rocky intertidal zone, and compared with 42 hydroids of the adjacent subtidal region. Location of hydroids within the pool, seasonal occurrence, growth and sexual maturity were tabulated, and some systematic aspects discussed . Possible causes of hydroid species diversity were considered, including location of the tide pool in an area of tidal rapids, and shading by surfgrass and rock cliffs during low tide.

Key words: tide pools, hydroids, seasonality, Pacific coast.


Invertebrate species diversity is high around Race Rocks (48′ 18′ N, 123′ 32′ E), an archipelago in the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Vancouver Island, Canada, and Washington state, USA. (Fig.1,2). Although publications of marine invertebrates are available for the areas to the east and west of Race Rocks (Henkel, 1906; Fraser, 1913; Kozloff, 1983), information about invertebrates from Race Rocks is mostly limited to personal observations or unpublished reports: P. Breen, Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, Dpt.Fisheries and Oceans; P. Lambert, curator of invertebrates, Royal British Columbia Museum; Garry Fletcher and student essays from Lester Pearson College of the Pacific: in Race Rocks Ecological reserves #97 publications list 1988-1994). Because of its rich biota, the area is now protected as an ecological reserve. Research on hydroids there, started in 1984, continues today by permit.

Taxonomic investigations have been published previously to characterize some of the hydroid species mainly from a tide pool on the west side of Great” (great is ommitted trom here on) Race Rocks (Brinck-mann-Voss 1988; Brinckmann-Voss et al., 1993) . However, information about the cornpositon and distribution of hydroid species in the pool is lacking, as is a comparison of its hydroid fauna with that of the surrounding intertidal and adjacent subtidal shelf.

The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to provide information on the hydroids of a cold temperate tide pool with regard to seasonal occurrence, growth and regression, and reproductive periodicities. This research is intended as essentially a faunal study rather than a dedicated ecological work employing methods and analysis such as described for rocky shores by Paine (1994).



FIG. 1. Map of southwestern British Columbia,with location of the Race Rocks archipelago,





The study area may be classified as protected outer coast, the main island of Race Rocks being protected by surrounding rocks and reefs . The west and north sides of the island are swept by very swift tidal rapids with a maximum velocity of 3 m /s (Fig.2). The average maximum velocity for the first half of June 1995 , which included a neap and leap tide, was calculated at 2.7 m/s (Canadian Tide and Current Tables, 1995).

The tide pool studied here is located on the west side of the island in the low intertidal zone in the middle of the Pseudobalanus cariosus – Mytilus californianus – Pollicipes polymerus belt (Lewis, 1964; Ricketts and Calvin, 1968; Carefoot, 1977). It may be classified as “Ic” after the pool classification summarized by Thomas (1983). The pool surface emerges at 1.5 m above 0 tide level (0 represents the chart datum in Canadian Tide and Current Tables) (Figs.3,5).


FiG. 2. – Island of (Great) Race Rocks, with location of the tide pool

As: A .Opposing arrows: area of very strong tidal currents, changing

direction in ebb and flood tide.



FIG. 3. – December tidal curve of Race Rocks (Victoria) area…… emersion period of tide pool (modified from Canadian Tide and Current Tables 1992).

Emersion of the pool surface is most obvious at leap tides. Although the pool may be exposed even at neap tides, waves and swells keep it awash, especially in stormy winter weather. During the emersion periods at leap tides, the pool does not drain and its water level changes are minimal. It is situated between a high cliff on the island side and a lower cliff toward the open sea. These two cliffs join at the north and south sides of the pool, thus forming a deep trough . Once emersed the pool is about 8m by 1.5m, slightly less wide in its northern part, with a maximum depth of 0.8m (Fig.4). It narrows in the middle with an exposed rock creating a small island (Fig.5). During incoming tide this is the first area to be flooded.

The surface temperature of the sea around Race Rocks varies during the year between 7 degrees C and 12 degrees C. Contrary to conditions in a shallow pool (without hydroids) 2m higher in the same area, surface and bottom temperatures in the lower and deeper pool, abundant with hydroids, scarcely differ from the sea temperature. Only during summer low tides, when the sun reaches the pool during the second third of the emersion period, are surface temperatures higher (2’C, rarely 42C )than the bottom temperatures or in the surrounding sea. Water temperatures were checked only February to October, because of the pool’s relative inaccessability in winter.

Unlike in the higher pool, salinities in the pool correspond with that of the adjacent sea (29-30%o, measurements provided partly by Garry Fletcher) from February to October.

No measurements of salinity and temperature were taken from November to January. However, the state of the surfgrass (Phyllospadix scouleri) lining the upper rim of the pool indicated that heavy winter rains in combination with low temperatures (Tokioka, 1963) impact the intertidal environment, including the rock pool. Lewis (1964), Carefoot (1977), and Thomas (1983) report on similar destructive effects of winter rains. The study area also encompassed the rocky infralittoral and subtidal, extending from 0-18m depth, to a distance of about 50 m from the shore around Race Rocks.

page 91


Flci. 4. – Diagram of central area of tide pool, with locations of hydroids. NumL)ers represent the hydroict species listed in Table 1. Affow pointing fmm open water to tide pool: first water or spray during flooding. The rock in the center forms a small islet during emersion. The ledge is an underwater shelf about 10 cm below surface during emersion.


Collections of hydroids from the tide pool were made from March to October, over a period from 1984 to 1994.

Hydroid specimens were returned live to the laboratory, where they were examined and some photographed. Many were cultured to establish their identity, especially when specimens were collected in the hydrorhiza stage only. Species, depth and location of the hydroids were mapped on a diagram on the site.

Samples from the sublittoral shelf were taken by divers. The samples that were collected included both hydroids and a variety of bottom material, such as kelp holdfasts, barnacles, and mussels. These substrates were examined for small hydroids in the laboratory.


Approximately 27 hydroid species were found in a tide pool in the intertidal zone, and 42 on the subtidal rocky shelf including the infralittoral fringe west and north of the island. Of these, 18 species are common in both their tide pool and subtidal area. The distribution of hydroids and seasonal occurrence in the tide pool are summarized in Fig.4 and tables 1-2. Hydroids from subtidal habitats including the infralittoral fringe are listed in Table 3.



FiG. 5. – Cross-section of tide pool at area of rock in center of pool.

A: High water of high spring tide. B: Emersion level of tide PWI.

C: Lower low water of spring tide. A to C represent the intertidalregion. S: Surface of tide pool at 1.5 m tide level and lower tides.

P: phyllospadix scouleir belt, located 1.5 m higher in the pool than on the open shore, where it can be found at the border between the intertidal and subtidal, marked as C

Except for one hydroid species (Rhizogeton nudus) among the stalks of Pollicipes polymerus, no hydroids were found in the intertidal outside the pool between pool and infralitioral fringe.

Species composition of the pool and of adjacent subtidal regions was similar, with a few notable exceptions: luxurious colonies of Sarsia eximia and Phialella sp. occurred on the rhizomes of Phyllospadix sculeri (Zosteraceae, Angiospermeae) lining the rim of the rock pool, but these species were less abundant in the Phyllospadix scouleri belt of the infralittoral of the open coast, (for location of Phyllospadix scouleri see Fig.5). Conversely, larger species of the Sertulariidae were more diverse and abundant subtidally than in the pool. Plumularia setacea was common in the pool but less so subtidally, whereas Plumulara lagenifera was not found in the pool, but was abundant subtidally.

Hydroids of the tide pool were referrable to three groups. Group A showed marked seasonal cycles of activity and regression, with hydroid colonies represented during a dormant phase by hydrorhizae only. Species of group B were present periodically as small colonies, typically in early spring, and then enlarged during late spring and summer. Group C included species in which the activity patterns and colony sizes remained relatively unchanged throughout the year.

Included in group A was Hybocodon prolifer, abundant and fertile in late winter and spring, but reduced only to stolons in summer and fall. Sarsia eximia and Phialelia sp. (described by Boero 1987, but not named), living among the rhizomes of Phyllospadix scouleri plants (Zosteraceae), were reduced to hydrorhiza or to small colonies with a few sterile hydranths in late winter and spring. Both species occurred as large and fertile colonies in summer spreading occasionally onto the outer dead leaf sheadi of Phyllospadix or onto the surrounding rocks.

Peak reproduction was in June and July for Sarsia eximia and in September for Phialella sp.

Species of group B (e.g. Orthopyxis integral Obelia dichotoma, Garveia annulata, and Clavactinia sp.) were present as small patches in early spring. By late summer their colonies had enlarged and stolonal species covered wide areas on the rock walls of the pool. In Clavactinia sp., reduction and expansion of the same colony was observed over a period of two years.

Species assigned to group C changed little in colony size during the year. These included representatives of the families Stylasteridae, Plumulariidae, and Sertulariidae. This may be related to their morphology, as their hydranths are more protected through the extensive perisarc of the colony, than species of group A and B.


Systematics: The taxonomy of hydroids from the northeastern Pacific, and especially of the Leptothecatae (terminology after Cornelius, 1992), is inadequately known. A large number of species has been reported from the area by Fraser (1913,1937), and before him by authors including Nutting (190015), Torrey (1902), and Clark (1876, 1877). However, many specimens collected from Race Rocks and adjacent areas do not correspond with descriptions of such species, a problem discussed by Brinckmann-Voss (1983) and Mills and Miller (1987). Detailed monographic revision is therefore needed from hydroids of the northeast Pacific. Comparisons are warranted with the hydroid fauna of the northwest Pacific (Yamada, 1959; Naumov, 1960; Antsulevich, 1992; Antsulevich and Vervoort, 1993), and with that of the circumpolar Arctic (Broch, 1909), as done by Kramp (1959, 1965, 1968) for the hydromedusae.

Accordingly, several species in this paper were identified only to the genus level (Tables 1-3). Work is currently underway on the Plumulariidae from Race Rocks and elsewhere on the British Columbia coast (Brinckmann-Voss and Calder, unpublish data). Changes of family and genus were made of two species of Anthoathecatac. Hataia parva Hirai and Yamada 1965, previously assigned to the Clavidae, is assigned here to the Acaulidae. Features described in the original (Hirai and Yamada, 1965) and in recent (Yamada and Kubota, 1989) work on the species as to its solitary nature, mode of asexual reproduction, and presence of stenoteles, justified placing Hataia near the genus Acaulis Stimpson, family Acaulidae. A species identified as Hydractinia milleri Torrey 1902 in Morris et al. (1980) is tentatively referred to the genus Clavactinia Thomely as Clavactinia sp. because its gastrozooids have several whorls of tentacles (Millard, 1975). The species listed in Morris, Abbott and Haderlie and found in the Race Rocks area is distinguished from H. milleri Torrey in


TABLE 1. Distribution of hydroids in the Race Rocks tide pool. Numbers refer to locations in the pool (as in Fig. 4).




Rhizogeton ezoense Yamada,1964


Eudendrium sp.


Bougainvillia ramosa (van Beneden , I 844)

Garveia annulata Nutting, 1901

Rhizorhagium roseum M.Sars, 1874


Rhysia fletcheri Brinckmann-Voss, Lickey, Mills, 1993


Hydractinia armatata Fraser, 1940
Clavactinia sp.


Stylantheca petrograpta (Fisher, 1938)


Hataia parva Hirai and Yamada, 1 965


Tubularia marina Toney, 1902

Hybocodon prolifer L.Agassiz, 1 862


Sarsia eximia (Allman,1859) (on rhizomes of Phyllospadix)



Calycella syringa (Linnaeus, 1767)


Aequorea victoriae (Murbach and Shearer, 1902)


Phialella sp. (on rhizomes of Phyllospadix)


Hydrodendron sp .

Halecium pygmaeum Fraser, 1911


Obelia dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758)

Campanularia ritteri Nutting, 1901

Canpanularia volubilis (Linnaeus,1758)

Laomedea exiguae M.Sars,1857

Orthopyxis integra (Mugillivray,1942)

Clytia sp. (on Mytilus)


Symplectoscyphus turgidus (Trask,1857)

Abietinaria amphora Nutting, 1904


Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758)



having several purple eggs per gonophore, in lacking spines on the colony, and in having two types of gastrozooids. Torrey (1902) originally described H. milleri from Monterey Bay, California, and reported only one orange egg per gonophore. Mills and Miller (1978) also reported Hydractinia milleri with one egg. Clavactinia sp. is common on rock walls in the tide pool, and on rockwalls and overhangs in sheltered spots exposed during tides below the 0 level or chart datum (in Canadian tide and current tables 1984-1995). A description of this species is in preparation, together with a revision of the Hydractiniidae of the British Columbia coast (Brinckmann-Voss, unpublished data).

. Ecological remarks: Although tide pools have


been studied frequently in different parts Of the world, little research has been published about them. Most work on tide pools has involved studies of algae and their reaction to changing salinity, temperature, desiccation, sometimes in comparison to open waters (Doty, 1957; Lewis, 1964; Carefoot, 1977; Newell, 1979; Thomas, 1983). More detailed investigation on fauna and flora of tidepools was reported by Stephenson et al. (1934), Pyefinch (1943), and Emson (1986), but there is very little information on hydroids in such pools. This is probably because the hydroid fauna of the intertidat zones – except for the infralittoral fringe (Stephenson and Stephenson, 1972; Carefoot, 1977; Kozloff, 1983; Calder, 1991 a,b) – is rather limited, as papers on intertidal zonation show (e.g. Southward, 1958; Ricketts and Calvin, 1968). Cornelius (1988) listed the hydroid fauna of tide pools at Holme next the Sea (U.K.), but in that case the hydroids were swept in from offshore areas, and were not autochthonous to the pool.

Some of the references cited above may help explain the diversity and abundance of hydroids in the Race Rocks tide pool:

1. Doty (1957) mentioned the abundance of organisms at the rim of tide pools, probably related to the “edge effect” reported by other ecologists (Carefoot, 1977). It may be assumed that the luxurious colonies of Phialella sp. and Sarsia eximia in the root system of the surfgrass immediately below the water surface of the pool could be related tothis edge effect, although its cause may be difficult to pinpoint.

2. Wedler (1975), studying comparable sites, reported of a greater abundance of hydroids in shaded than in sunny areas , where algae tend to dominate. (The same was observed by the author on the shaded and sunny side of floating docks). The qualitative and quantitative abundance of hydroids and relatively few algae in the pool may be influenced by this “shade ” effect, because the pool is shaded during emersion by the leaves of the surfgrass which form a canopy on its surface.

3. Lewis (1964) reported the influence of different velocities of tidal rapids on the intertidal fauna. From that work it may be inferred that the tidal rapids sweeping the tide pool area of Race Rocks

TABLE 2. – Seasonality of hydroids in the Race Rocks tide pool, March to October. Smaller and less abundant hydroid species, difficult to detect without taking material out of the pool, are marked (?); species with living hydranths absent were marked (-); those with hydranths present (+); those with gonads < colonies augmenting in size, > diminishing in size. For authors see table I play an important role in the establishment of the hydroid fauna there.

Species M A M J J A S O



Rhizogeton ezoe se – – + – ++ ++ + +


Eudendrium sp. + + + + + + + +


Bougainvillia ramosa + + + + + + + +

Garveia annulata + +< ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Rhizorhagium roseum + + ++ ++ + ? ? ?


Rhysia fletcheri + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++


Hydractinia armata – + < ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Clavactinia sp. + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++


Stylantheca petrograpta + + + + + + + +


Hataia parva ? ? ? + ? ? ? ?


Tubularia marina – – ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Hybocodon prolifer ++ ++ + – – – – –


Sarsia eximia + ++ ++ ++ >+ + + +



Calycella syringe ? ? ++ ++ ++ ++ + +

Aequorea victoriae Phialellidae? ? ? ? + ? ? ?

Phiatella sp. < ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ >


Halecium pymaeum + + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Hydrodendron sp. + + + + + + + +


Obelia dichotoma + <++ <++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Campanularia ritteri + + ++ ++ ++ + + +

Campanularia volubilis + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Orthopyxis integra + <+ <++ <++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Laomedea exigua ? ? ? ? ? ++ ? ?

Clytia sp. ? ? ? + ++ ++ ++ ++


Symplectoscyphus turgidu s + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Abietinaria amphora ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++


Plumularia setacea + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++



TABLE 3. – Hydroids identified from the infralittoral fringe and subtidal areas of Race Rocks, to a depth of 18 m, mostly west and north of the tide pool. Asterisks indicate species which were also found in the tide pool.



Rhizogeton nematophorum Antsulevich, 1986

Rhizogeton ezoense* Yamada, 1964

Rhizogeton nudus Broch, 1910


Eudendrium sp. (probably not same species as in tide pool) Bougainvilliidae

Bougainvillia sp. (not ramosa)

Garveia annulata* Nutting, 1901

Rhizorhagium roseum* M.Sars, 1864


Rhysia fletcheri* Brinckmann-Voss, Lickey and Mills, 1993 Hydractiniidae

Hydractinia armata* Fraser, 1940

Hydractinia laevispina Fraser, 1922

Clavactinia sp. *


Stylantheca petrograpta* (Fisher, 1938)

Stylaster venustus (Verrill, 1870)


Tubularia marina* Torrey, 1902

Tubularia sp. (less than 12 aboral tentacles)


Coryne crassa Fraser, 1914

Sarsia eximia* (Allman, 1859)

Sarsiaproducta (Wright, 1858)

Sarsia tubulosa (M.Sars, 1835)



Calycella syringa* (Linnaeus, 1767)

Filellum sp. (?parasiticum Antsulevich 1987)


Hydrodendron gracile (Fraser, 1914)

Halecium pygmaeum* Fraser, 191 1


Hebella sp.


Campanularia ritteri* Nutting, 1901

Campanularia volubilis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Campanularia sp.

Clytia sp.

Obelia dichotoma* (Linnaeus, 1758)

Orthopyxis Integra


Abietinaria abietina (Linnaeus, 1758)

Abietinaria amphora* Nutting, 1904

Abietinaria greenei (Murray, 1860)

Abietinaria anguina (Trask, 1857)

Hydrallmania distans Nutting, 1899

Symplectoscyphus turgidus* (Trask, 1857)

Symplectoscyphus sp. tricuspidatus? (Alder, 1856)

Thuiaria sp.


Aglaophenia inconspicua Torrey, 1904

Aglaophenia latirostris Nutting, 1900


Plumularia setacea*(Linnaeus, 1758)

Plumularia lagenifera Allman, 1885


Kirchenpaueria plumularoides (Clark, 1876)

Work on seasonality of hydroids has been done in different marine environments and climates (Riedl, 1959; Bouillon, 1975; Wedler, 1975; Boero and Fresi, 1986; Brinckmann-Voss, 1987; Calder, 1990; Garcia-Rubies, 1987,1992). Seasonal changes in the Race Rocks tide pool are most evident from late fall to spring – mainly on the species near the surface, when a marked regression occurs in numerous species. This regression is most likely caused by dilution of surface salinities during rain storms in the low winter tides (Carefoot, 1977; Thomas, 1983).


Research for this paper would not have been possible without the help of Garry Fletcher (senior biologist), Theo Dombrowsky and students of the Lester Pearson College of the Pacific (Metchosin, B.C., Canada). I thank them and the administration of the College for their help. Garry Fletcher introduced me to the tide pool on Race Rocks, instructed his students in searches for hydroids by diving, and made numerous collections by diving himself. Joan and Charles Redhead, former lighthouse keepers at Race Rocks, allowed me to stay at their lighthouse residence for several days during low tide periods, which allowed me to go back to the tide pool and check details during the same low tide period. I acknowledge their hospitality and help. Dale Calder (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada) helped with this paper from its early stages through numerous discussions, advice and reviews, for which I am very thankful. I thank Paul Cornelius ( Natural History Museum, London, U.K.) for all help, especially with search for ecological literature, and I thank Stephen Cairns (National Museum of Natural History, Washington, U.S.A.) for identifying the Stylasteridae.




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A Laboratory Study on Tidepool Protists from Race Rocks

Biology Student Christina Fredericks did this preliminary research paper for her biology extended essay in 1988. She collected the protists ( Pyramimonas sp. ) from the high intertidal green tidepools at Race Rocks. Her research questions related to whether they displayed any phototactic response and how they reacted to different salinities.

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