With the days getting longer and (in theory…) warmer, nesting activity is picking up – more and more seagulls continue to arrive to stake out their territory, collecting grass bedding and defending their budding nesting sites.
The Geese are well ahead, with three pairs already nesting – one right by the Keeper’s cottage, one just outside the generator room, and one at the back of the tank shed. Constant vigilance is required, however, lest a greedy seagull comes for the freshly laid eggs…
- A moment’s distraction…
- … and the seagull strikes.
Ecological Notes:
- The male elephant seal set off for his morning splash as usual, but didn’t return throughout the day. The more junior female has returned, resting all day on the rocks above the jetty.
- Cedrick’s planned visit postponed until tomorrow due to inclement weather conditions.
Facility Work:
- Work on perimeter fence where posts had been knocked over by wind / elephant seals
- Fixed doorframe to desalinator bunker which had snapped off
- Moved empty Diesel barrels to Tank Shed in preparation for tomorrow’s fuel transfers
- Begun mapping of load factors / electricity consumption of different appliances across the island
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- Quite a few ecotourism vessels all around the resort
- After SAR exercise north of Race Rocks
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: