The Schools Project Archive 1997-98

SCHOOLS FIELD LAB PROJECT: In the late 1990’s the Pearson College Diving Service ran a series of field trips involving students of grade seven classes in the Sooke School District.The field trips were to the Pilot Study Marine Protected Area of Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. The students of the Diving Service took responsibility for designing the curriculum, organizing the trips and conducting the field trips. The files below came from an earlier version of the Pearson College website. This page will show some of the images from those trips and the exercises the Diving Service members designed for the grade 7 students.

A special thanks to Duane Prentice (PC year4), now a professional photographer working out of Victoria, who has contributed his time and energy to help us build up a set of pictures on Race Rocks. Most of the schools program pictures above have been supplied by him.

Link to the Diving Service Schools Project 1999