RACE ROCKS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING # 9Minutes of Race Rocks Advisory Board Meeting
December 11, 2002 13:00hrs
Oak Bay Beach Hotel (thanks to Kevin Walker)
• Jim Morris from BC Parks provided an outline of the agreements, permits and Management Plan that BC Parks has approved and implemented for the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve and MPA. Jim also outlined the streamlined BC Parks regional management structure. It was acknowledged that BC Parks have fulfilled their commitments to the MPA project and a good operating relationship exists. BC Parks has contributed modestly to infrastructure maintenance costs as their budget permits.
• Kelly Francis and Al Gould from DFO outlined the ongoing discussions that are being held between DFO and local First Nations to reach an appropriate understanding and management structure for establishment of the Race Rocks MPA. It was pointed out by various RRAB members that DFO had made the task unnecessarily difficult by not following the Board’s original recommendations in this area. Concern was expressed that an inflexible approach by DFO would be inconsistent with the innovative vision of the MPA Strategy and the community consensus with First Nations. Ongoing meetings between DFO and First Nations are planned.
• Angus Matthews from Pearson College expressed the College’s concern that the ongoing protection and operation of Race Rocks is not financially sustainable. The RRAB agreed that long term DFO funding for protection of the area was a key recommendation and DFO should implement it as soon as an agreement could be reached with First Nations that would allow designation to proceed.
• It was agreed that a strong community commitment to the Race Rocks MPA has been the hallmark of the effectiveness of the RRAB and this energy must be sustained. A committee, including Jennie Sparkes, Dwayne Freeman and Angus Matthews will draft a Terms of Reference document that will reflect the appropriate current role for the RRAB. This draft will be circulated and discussed at a future RRAB meeting.
• It was agreed that a committee including Garry Fletcher, Marc Pakenham, Peter Arnold and Natalie Ban would be formed to examine interim and alternate measures that the RRAB could recommend that would offer protection for Race Rocks until such time as the future of the MPA designation is determined. A report will be circulated to the RRAB in advance of the next RRAB meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 14:20