Millenium Partners, LGS and Telus visit Race Rocks with Pearson College

Photos by Victor Rakou, PC student (Russia) —–Text by Peter Seem, PC student ( US)

On January 14th, 2000, Tom Bates, Paul Longley, and a Telus representative, along with Angus Macintosh and Scott Nichol, from LGS, came out to Pearson College. After a whirlwind tour of campus from Garry Fletcher, Biology and Marine Science teacher, and Angus Matthews, administration and finance director,  the group headed out to Race Rocks along with several Pearson Students.The group’s main goal for the day was to find sites for the radio or microwave transceivers that would transmit data between the college and Race Rocks.

The transmission of data will be Telus’ contribution to the project. Paul Longley, from pre-sales technical support, and Tom Bates, with microwave engineering, were there to lend their expertise.   LGS’ Aengus Macintosh was acting as project manager, and Scott Nichol was recording the work for the web page the IT firm would be helping to create.

Other options, the tops of local mountains, would require running a ground cable from the site to the college, which would be both time consuming and costly. Clearly, the best option present was to aim for a site just behind Pearson College’s observatory, which was relatively clear of trees and already connected to the internet by a high speed line.

While the group also needed to deal with finding sites and running power to all of the equipment on Race Rocks, their primary concern was the data transmission. In order to get undisturbed transmission they needed a clear line of sight between two stable sites. Any trees, foliage, or other obstructions, or small movements at either end, would break up the transmission. Indeed, even being too close to the water would generate refraction that could disturb data flow.The best solution found was to start from the highest point on Race Rocks, and aim up. From the top of the lighthouse, with the aid of a sighting scope, they took stock of the options: William Head, the closest point to the island, was deemed too low to the water to allow for a clean shot.


examining the tide pool on the west side

Garry took the group over to the tidepool that has been constructed on the West side of the island.
Plans were to install one small camera underwater in this pool to provide a window to view the emerging life and the frequent surge action .

This tidepool was rearranged and no longer functioning after the hurricane of 2006. Fortunately the underwater camera had not been installed!


The observatory could be seen from the top of the lighthouse through a gap in the trees. The next question that had to be dealt with was whether any of the taller trees in between would provide an obstruction, and need to be topped. The prospect of gaining permission from the DND to take the tops off of one or two old growth trees on their property was frowned on because of the delays that would undoubtedly ensue. To get an answer, the team decided to take a look at the situation from the other end. A boat ride later, things weren’t much clearer. From within the dome of the observatory, it was very difficult to catch site of Race Rocks, or more importantly, the lighthouse. Despite Garry’s excited, “I see red! ” the mood was skeptical. Stripped black and white, with a red cap, the lighthouse should have stood out, if it was visible. The difficulty catching sight of it suggested that they would either need to be higher up or that a clean shot wasn’t going to be possible.

No one was willing to go ahead with any other part of the project, trying to secure donors and expensive equipment, without being sure that this most fundamental requirement could be met. It was resolved that they would try a test the next day to find out just how high an observatory side tower would need to be, if indeed it was possible at all.

On January 15th, at noon at Pearson College there happened a strange sight. A giant red helium balloon flew high over the college, dancing in the breeze on a long tether tied to a banister at the observatory. While one part of the group headed out to Race Rocks, the other sent up the helium filled balloon.The helium filled balloon. Over radio from the lighthouse, they directed the balloon to be raised higher until they could see it, unmistakably and comfortably above any surrounding trees. The length of the tether, still well within the achievable height for a tower, was proof that a clear line for transmission had been found.

The project is ready to move into actually constructing the tower, setting up the transmission equipment, and obtaining the cameras and sensors. They hope to have transmission established and two cameras up and running by March 11, 2000.


Race Rocks MPA Advisory Board meeting 2



11h00 – 15h30, JANUARY 5, 2000


Participants: Howard Breen – Georgia Strait Alliance

Regrets:Doug Biffard – BC Parks

Observers:Sean MacConnachie – Fisheries and Oceans Canada



  • The meeting began with a roundtable introduction of the participants.


  • Marc Pakenham read the draft Terms of Reference and indicated that it is a rough draft and still requires the input from the RRAB and TOR sub-committee. Comments from Jenny Sparkes and Gord Hansen have been received. Jenny Sparkes wasn’t clear what the RRAB outcomes were supposed to be from the TOR and has suggestions for each point.
  • Angus Matthews suggests that the TOR are quite adequate and don’t need revision. He is keen to move on with rest of process.
  • Jenny Sparkes indicated that it is important in this process that people are clear of the game rules from the outset.
  • Howard Breen agreed that the TOR is good and need to move forward with this process.
  • Roundtable review of the TOR.
  • Anita Voss inquired if there was a time frame for the goals set out in the TOR. Marc Pakenham replied that the goal was to have the recommendations completed by March 10. Kelly Francis indicated that the future evolution of the RRAB was not entirely clear.
  • Angus Matthews re-iterated the importance of moving forward with this process. Pearson College is currently funding the caretaker and bearing responsibility for the operating costs at Race Rocks. They are unable to raise further funds until this site is designated. He suggested that governments have to understand that private funds are driving this process.
  • Howard Breen suggested that in regards to the First Nations paragraph it is important to identify which First Nations are being affected by this process (i.e. T’souke, Esquimalt, Beecher Bay, and Songhees First Nations).
  • Tom Sampson indicated that it is important to have First Nations mentioned in this process being that it may be a template for future processes. He suggested that First Nations do not need to be identified directly because the First Nations will know which ones are directly involved.
  • Jim Morris would like to see it spelled out in the TOR that Race Rocks is an Ecological Reserve and that the establishment of a MPA will enhance and/ or preserve the current status.
  • Angus Matthews believes consensus is where everybody is reasonably content and walks away from the table satisfied. Being that this is a pilot process the consensus “bar” should be set higher than is stated in the draft TOR. Marc Pakenham suggested that recommendations will probably not please everyone 100%, but this process will respect and provide the opportunity to indicate their views.
  • Howard Breen suggested that if the RRAB could endorse the recommendations 100% they would be accepted much more broadly throughout the community.
  • Keith Symmington asked to have these comments read into the minutes: “CPAWS supports the establishment of a ‘protocol agreement’ between the Province and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, as well as the recognition of the Constitutional and treaty rights of First Nations and their interest in a cooperative management regime, within the Terms of Reference“.
  • Marc Pakenham asked the RRAB members to send comments to him by Friday January 7, 2000. He will synthesize the comments and have a conference call on Tuesday Jan 11 with the TOR sub-committee and will have a revision out to RRAB board members by Tuesday afternoon.


  • Brian Smiley introduced himself and the purpose of the presentation including:
    • The background of ecosystem overview;
    • the MS Access database created by the College; and
    • Cindy Wright’s contract to synthesize the ecosystem overview into a written report format which outlines major gaps in our current knowledge and provides general recommendations on future research. The report does not address socio-economic information, nor does it provide strategies or actions for implementing research recommendations.
  • Cindy Wright described the report and it was based on a similar report prepared for Sable Gully. It is oriented for aquatic issues.
  • Outstanding physical features at Race Rocks:
    • High velocity currents up to 6 knots. High velocity currents create turbulence which mixes water column, prevents stratification, delivers high nutrients, and high oxygen content to support benthic community;
    • High nutrients and rocky substrate attract lots of animals and high larval recruitment;
    • Algal biomass: 110ha X 67 metric tonnes/ ha = 7370 metric tonnes of algae/year;
    • 130 known species/genera of phytoplankton and 100 zooplankton;
    • Over 200 species/genera of invertebrates. High abundance and high diversity including a strong population of threatened abalone;
    • Critical habitat for species of rockfish, lingcod, and kelp greenling. Not knowledgeable of fish distribution through lifecycle. About 95 known species of near-shore fish;
    • Marine mammals: Haul-out site/ rafting for pinnipeds. Predominantly used by harbour seals for all lifestages. 2nd largest seal haul-out in Canadian waters of Georgia Basin. At times can represent 20% of seal population in area. Reports of up to 1000 seals reported at Race Rocks. Reported as a high use area for transient Orca;
    • Birds: 4-5 species use Race Rocks as a nesting site. 23% of pelagic cormorants in eastern Juan de Fuca are at Race Rocks; and
    • Traditional Ecological knowledge. Pearson college working with First Nations and fisherman to acquire knowledge.
  • Marc Pakenham asked if we could have this presentation to circulate. Brian Smiley indicated that he would make it available, but that it is a high-grade of the draft report. Hopes to keep this document and databases as a living document to be updated in future.
  • Howard Breen inquired if the Ecosystem Overview supported an extension of the boundaries of the ecological reserve. Brian Smiley suggested that we now have a baseline to go from; therefore depending on which objective is focused upon will determine the requirements of the boundaries (e.g. If the objective is to protect a nesting area, the boundaries are probably sufficient. If the objective is to protect foraging sights the boundaries may be too small).
  • Garry Fletcher suggested that the existing boundary would work very well if everybody abided by it. He expressed concerns that the annual changes of animal’s behaviour may put them outside the boundaries. He indicated that he would hate at this stage for boundary discussions to prevent decisions being made. He suggested that flexibility needs to be maintained as information is acquired.



  • Marc Pakenham reviewed the boundary options that have been presented to stakeholders. He described enforcement problems with existing boundaries in regards to depth in meters. Feedback to date supports mostly option 2, the angularized boundaries of the ER. This option does not reduce the size of the ecological reserve, but does make it easier to describe by legal terms and is easier for mariners. The boundaries could possibly use buoys or sight markers. Option 2 is approximately 10% larger than existing ER boundaries. Option three has a 100 metre buffer zone around angularized option 2.
  • Howard Breen suggested that the Georgia Strait Alliance generally support the concept of buffer zones. With this particular case it may be feasible to increase seabed protection, but not reduce pelagic fishing opportunities outside existing boundaries.
  • Brian Smiley inquired if it was possible to extend the boundary along the bottom to protect the important habitat that some threatened species use during part of the year.
  • Sean Moore indicated that the SFAB fully endorses the protection of rockfish within the existing area, but is looking for the continuation of fishing opportunities for transient species (e.g. halibut and salmon) within the existing reserve.
  • Angus Matthews reminded the group that the objective for a MPA in general is not only to protect species and habitat but to increase research and public education. Overlaying existing boundaries of MPA with ER would be easier politically. Problems with the option 2 lie on south west corner of ecological reserve where there are two halibut fishing spots. Angus Matthews suggested that the SFAB might agree to a no-take in the existing area if the boundaries did not increase. Other issues to take into consideration include flying tourism. He suggests that a small footprint would be a more effective to designate and further rockfish closures are a separate fisheries issues.
  • Jim Morris indicated that this MPA cannot solve all problems today. The management plan could make a recommendation for a future increase in the size of the MPA or possibly a creation of another ER or increase in the size of the ER.
  • Tom Sampson indicated that we should be aware that there are existing Supreme Court decisions that grant First Nations absolute rights to the fishery resources as well as treaty rights that supersede any new rules. It is important to recognize that if you only protect / manage the shoreline you’re ignoring the natural spawning process and interaction between the shallow and deepwater. Nature has provided existing patterns that we are ignoring, the pattern or options that we are promoting do not comply to these existing patterns.
  • Anton Roberts inquired if this area is going to be an absolute “no-go zone”. Kelly Francis described minimum levels of protection under Pacific MPA strategy and that this process will define the levels of protection for Race Rocks. It is anticipated that Race Rocks MPA marine components will continue to offer public access under some guidelines or regulatory authority.
  • Howard Breen indicated that although the Georgia Strait Alliance supports a larger area, they would not block consensus if the RRAB recommends maintaining the existing boundaries with an angularized version. Their larger concern is that the energy and resources that have gone into the pilots will not be carried on to future candidates.
  • Marc Pakenham indicated that enforcement is a major issue. He felt that stakeholders would support a relatively small MPAs if they were properly enforced.
  • Cindy Wright asked what level of protection the buffer zone would offer. Marc Pakenham responded that the buffer zone would offer a different level of protection.
  • Rupert Gale suggested that the angularized areas of option 2 could be the buffer zone.
  • Angus Matthews suggested that angularized version isn’t critical for habitat. For managing the area radar would be effective in managing boaters that enter into the area.
  • Anita Voss suggested that invertebrates contribute significant amounts of biomass via their larvae into the environment.
  • Jim Morris suggested that the important part of this process is to inform the people of what they can and cannot do in the area. Suggests that during the ER consultation consensus was essentially reached, and changes in the area would not be effective.
  • Garry Fletcher felt that there were large safety concerns with using anchors and buoys in the area.
  • Brian Smiley indicated that any MPA will have to be Gazetted and described legally. Therefore a bathymetric definition of the area would not be an effective method to enforce. He suggests that using a GPS enforceable definition would be a lot more effective in monitoring and compliance.
  • Howard Breen suggested that the bathymetry for this area may be the best defined for the whole coast, but as a precedent, it is not an effective system because future MPAs will not be have this level of bathymetric observation.
  • Tom Sampson suggests that the MPA could be in place for a certain amount of time and then re-evaluated. He described the process of restoration of Goldstream river and the resolution of the fisheries conflict between First Nations and the commercial fishery. By having everyone agree to stop fishing over four years (one life cycle) 60, 000 salmon returned, up from 4,000. After 8 years (2 cycles) there were over 100, 000 fish returning to spawn. Today a sustainable harvest of 60, 000 Chum adults are taken annually.
  • Angus Matthews suggests that the boundaries need to be better defined.
  • Jenny Sparkes suggested that these MPAs will not manage the resource but peoples’ activities. In other parts of the world straight lines have been shown to be more effective and easier to understand.
  • Sean Moore requires a better-defined map with bathymetric lines and boundaries by Jan 20, 2000 for his presentation to the SFAB.


Marc Pakenham to provide an image of Race Rocks with existing ecological boundaries in relation to navigational bathymetric contour lines.

  • Keith Symmington asked to have these comments read into the minutes: “CPAWS believes that a “angularized” or even “rectangular” scenario would be the most logical boundary, for practicality reasons previously discussed at the inaugural meeting.


  • Marc Pakenham described the evolution of current Race Rocks ER/MPA management plan draft.
  • Marc Pakenham asked the group to review the draft management plan and comment within the next two weeks.
  • Cheryl Borris inquired who had prepared this plan. Marc Pakenham responded that he had taken former drafts and modified them to be in line with the format of the Pacific MPA Strategy Discussion Paper.
  • Angus Matthews indicated that he has been urging Marc Pakenham and Kelly Francis to get this document out for discussion and review. He indicated that it is not a pre-defined, pre-determined idea from Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The College originally wrote this document for the ecological reserve. He hopes that it ends up as a document that government can use.
  • Kelly Francis re-iterated the importance to have input from the RRAB to determine what is missing and to contribute to the management plan.

Marc Pakenham suggested a number of key issues that were missing include: 1) governance—who will manage the ER/MPA. 2) Finances –how do we pay for this? 3) Developing a list of priority issues and strategies.


Marc Pakenham to send this draft electronically to the RRAB members.

  • Jim Morris suggested that previous consultation indicated that the water column and management of the fisheries are probably the utmost concern.
  • Jenny Sparkes suggests posting the socio-economic and scientific reports on the Internet so that people can access them when they review the management plan.


Garry Fletcher to post reports on the Race Rocks Internet site and distribute address.

  • After briefly reviewing the draft ER/MPA Draft Management plan Bill Laing indicated that DND does not have a weapons test site. They have two explosive disposal sites and one training site.
  • Angus Matthews indicated that the information regarding First Nations is outdated and needs to be changed.
  • Jenny Sparkes suggested changing the name to Interim Management Recommendations from draft management plan. Fisheries and Oceans Canada/BC Parks will be responsible for final management plan.
  • Keith Symmington asked to have these comments read into the minutes: “CPAWS believes that the new round of MPA consultations should be with a view to advance the designation of a full no-take MPA at Race Rocks (without prejudice to Constitutional and treaty rights of First Nations). We believe that the closures on groundfish and shellfish in the existing ER are not insufficient in realizing one of the main conservation objectives for the site, namely the restoration of commercial groundfish species, particularly rockfish and lingcod. By allowing salmon and halibut sportfishing to continue (given the documented bycatch of these species in non-targeted scenarios, and the low expectation for survival once caught), this particular (and essential) MPA management goal will not be realized. Judging from consultations initiated to date, and direct feedback from stakeholders, there is considerable support for such a designation.


  • Marc Pakenham has given presentations to the following groups:
    • December 61999 with Sea to Sea Blue/Green Belt Conservancy, Rural East Sooke Assoc., Society for the Protection of Ayum Creek, Saanich Inlet Protection Society and Land Conservancy Trust
    • December 9, 1999 Department of National Defence
    • December 13 presentation to the CRD Roundtable on the Environment..
    • December 14, 1999 BC Parks, LUCO and Ministry of Fisheries
    • December 14, 1999 Sports Fishery Advisory Board ,another to follow soon.
  • December 22, 13 moons First Nations’ presentation to the RRAB.
  • Marc Pakenham is scheduling presentations with Tourism Victoria, Royal Roads University, University of Victoria, Royal BC Museum, Rotary Club Victoria and District of Metchosin in the next few weeks.
  • If RRAB members’ constituents are interested in a presentation please inform Marc Pakenham.
  • Kelly Francis hoping to schedule two large public meetings/consultations near the end of January.
  • Tom Sampson indicated that he has been talking with local tribes and suggests that they all are interested in the process but don’t want to be involved in if it interferes with Treaty process. They would like to meet separately.


  • Marc Pakenham to send information package to Tom Sampson for local area First Nations.


  • Bill Laing discussed the idea of a tour at DND facilities and will pass out information to Marc Pakenham when he has a determined time.
  • Angus Matthews talked about the “” project information session at Telus tomorrow and invited those in attendance if they wished to come.

Next proposed meeting date:

26 January, 2000 – 12h00 to 16h00

at Pearson College (lunch will be provided @ 12h00)


STAKEHOLDER GROUPS to be consulted Fos MPA Advisory Board


The following list is subject to revision but identifies most stakeholder groups at this time (06.12.99).

Amalgamated Conservation Society

Aquarius Dive Club — DND

BC Shorekeepers/Reefkeepers Assoc.



Canadian Coast Guard – DFO

Canadian Wildlife Service

Capital Regional District – Roundtable on the Environment,- Environment Committee

Department of National Defence – CFB Esquimalt

District of Metchosin

Environmental Risk Management – CFB Esquimalt

Environmental Youth Alliance

First Nations – Beecher Bay, Esquimalt, Songhees, T’sartlip, T’souke

Frank White’s Scuba Shop

Friends of Ecological Reserves

Georgia Strait Alliance

Greater Victoria Natural History Society

Green/Blue Belt Conservancy Society

Habitat Acquisition Trust

Juan de Fuca Economic Development Commission

Lester B. Pearson College

Local marinas

Ogden Point Dive Centre

Ocean Centre

Parks Canada PMHL

Pedder Bay Marina

Royal BC Museum

Saanich Inlet Protection Committee

Sierra Club of British Columbia

Society for the Protection of Ayum Creek

South Island Aquatic Stewardship Society

Sports Fish Advisory Board – Race Rocks Sub-Committee

Tourism Victoria – Environment Committee

University of Victoria

Veins of Life Watershed Society

Victoria Golden Rods and Reels

Victoria Natural History Society

Victoria Marine Adventure Centre

Victoria Marine Advisory Council

Whale Watch Operators Association NW?

World Fisheries Trust

Return to RRAB Index Pearson College website Sitemap Contact
Garry Fletcher

Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Federal Government Levels 1994-1999

Matthews-Angus 1999 Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Federal Government Levels 1994-1999 . . . . ————- . 577.7 Com I
This series of documents presents the efforts of Angus Matthews, administrator of Lester B. Pearson College, to offer to the federal government a model of Community participation in creating a marine education center at Race Rocks. It begins with initiation of the proposal in order to provide for a continued presence of personnel at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, when the destaffing of the light station is looming on the horizon. The communications between Mr. Matthews and officials of the Canadian Coast Guard, and with the office of the Minister of Fisheries are represented in chronological order. This is the second of two records of communications, document #26 representing the Communications at the Provincial Parks Level. that were going on simultaneously. This series of documents presents an excellent chronological account of the frustrated efforts of an organization in the community to facilitate a constructive solution to the destaffing of light stations and the simultaneous provision of on sight protection for a sensitive ecological area.
Matthews-Angus 1999 Community Involvement in Marine Protected Areas- Pearson College Communications with Provincial Government 1994-1999 with Provincial Levels of government . .. … . ————— . 577.7.Com This series of documents presents the efforts of Angus Matthews, administrator of Lester B. Pearson College, to offer to the federal government a model of Community participation in creating a marine education center at Race Rocks. It begins with initiation of the proposal in order to provide for a continued presence of personnel at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, when the destaffing of the light station is looming on the horizon. The communications between Mr. Matthews and officials of the Provincial Parks Department are represented in chronological order. This is the second of two records of communications, (document #25 representing the Communications at the Federal Fisheries and Oceans Department,) that were going on simultaneously during a 5 year period. 1994-1999. Government of British Columbia This series of documents presents an excellent chronological account of the often frustrating efforts of an organization in the community to facilitate a constructive solution to the destaffing of light stations and the simultaneous provision of on-site protection for a sensitive ecological area. .
June 20, 1994 Pearson College writes to The Hon. Moe Sihota, Minister of the Environment and Esquimalt – Metchosin MLA to request support for BC Parks involvement in an initiative to operate surplus facilities at Race Rocks as a marine education Centre.
June 29, 1994
Minister Sihota writes and expresses interest in the project.
Dec. 21, 1995 The Hon. Glen Clark, Minister of Employment and Investment writes to Federal Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin and request a delay in de-staffing light stations.
July 8, 1996
Newly appointed Environment Minister The Hon. Paul Ramsey writes to express interest in the plans for Race Rocks and to advise that a management plan is required before his Ministry can proceed. He expects the plan to take one year to be written.
July 25, 1996 Pearson College proposes fast tracking the management plan.
Sept. 20, 1996 The Ministry of Employment and Investment commissions a report to look into the potential of commercial uses for Race Rocks.
Oct. 11, 1996 Minister Ramsey writes to advise that the Province is considering a coast wide plan to operate light stations. Any decision on Race Rocks would wait for this review.
Oct. 29, 1996
Pearson College writes to BC Parks, District Manager, Mr. Dave Chater regarding the imminent closure of Race Rocks station, the need for rapid progress on the management plan and advises that the College will pursue Federal Marine Protected Area status for the Reserve.
Oct. 31, 1996 Mr. Denis O’Gorman, Assistant Deputy Minister of Parks writes to Mr. Rick Bryant, at Coast Guard, to advise that BC Parks did not have a use for surplus buildings at Race Rocks under the current management plan. A new plan would review this and it would be finished in early 1977.
Jan. 30, 1997 Newly appointed Minister of the Environment The Hon. Cathy McGregor writes to confirm the target date for completion of the management plan as early 1997.
Feb. 12, 1997
Assistant Deputy Minister O’Gorman writes to advise that BC Parks would support Pearson College’s application for a Crown lease on Race Rocks.
Mar. 1, 1997Pearson College takes over staffing Race Rocks under a temporary two year agreement with the Coast Guard.
April 11, 1997 Pearson College applies to BC Lands for a 30 year Crown lease for Race Rocks.
Dec. 19, 1997
Mr. Dave Chater writes that BC Parks is prepared to enter into an agreement in principle with Coast Guard. The draft management plan, which is still incomplete, is being amended.
April 14, 1998 Mr. Chris Kissinger, Resource Officer at BC Parks writes to Mr. Fred Stepchuk, Superintendent of Facilities, Coast Guard, to summarize repairs required to surplus facilities at Race Rocks prior to transfer to BC Parks.
Sept. 1, 1998
Minister Anderson announces Race Rocks will be a pilot Marine Protected Area.
Dec. 15, 1998 Mr. Dave Chater writes to Mr. Fred Stepchuk at Coast Guard regarding transfer of the surplus facilities.
Mar. 1, 1999 Pearson College staff remain at Race Rocks although BC Parks has not reached an agreement with Coast Guard regarding the transfer of facilities. The management plan is still not finished.

Environmental Restoration at Race Rocks

coberlandtowIn 1999, Lester Pearson College was fortunate to obtain the advice of the respected Canadian Environmental Architect Cornelia Oberlander. In a trip to Race Rocks, Cornelia gave us many ideas to help in planning the environmental restoration of Race Rocks. Chris, Garry and Angus accompanied Cornelia to the island.




Cornelia Oberlander with Mike and Carol Slater, the Marine Protected Area Guardians at Race Rocks since 1997. (photos by Angus Matthews)



Old tank farm used to store diesel fuel

One of the areas we were having to plan for was the concrete base and cradle which held the seven oil tanks in the old tank farm on the island. Cornelia was adamant that if the concrete could be removed, then it definitely should be taken away in order to restore the site by exposing the underlying rock and allowing for the return of vegetation as much as possible.
Link to the page on the old Tank Farm Restoration Project.

Cornelia agreed with us that we should allow the grass to return to native species wherever possible. Years of cutting with a grass whip had left invasive species such as brome grass thriving, but the native fescues were not being allowed to go to seed.

wheel2Areas with old artifacts were to be preserved in as natural a setting as possible. She saw that old bricks that we could dig out of debris piles were excellent for keeping grass suppressed in areas around artifacts, while still allowing good drainage of the area. The base of the old flywheel was one such area.


histdisplgroupAnother area to be set up was against the rock wall above the original concrete foundation of the old engine room. Hannah and Giovanni on one Project week did the digging out of soil, and replacement with crushed rock to create a natural looking corner for the old historic engine room equipment . See this file for the results:

msalmostdoneDuring the construction of the Tidal Current Project, attention is being given to the mitigation of environmental impact. These files detail some of the methods used.



Demolition at Race Rocks

In 1971  The former lightkeeper, Trevor Anderson documented on 8mm film, the demolition of several of the old historic features of the Race Rocks light station. The Canadian Coast guard decided that demolition was necessary for purposes of “modernization”. In this file we have converted those 8mm films to Quicktime video and now to .mp4 to show these structures and their demise.

In the picture gallery below, are stills taken from the video. Click on them for larger images.The stone house connected to the base of the tower as it was in 1967. This was taken before 1975 a view from the South side of the islands. The slate roof had been removed before demolition. A Caterpillar tractor pushes over the last of the walls. The fog tower, made of wood was demolished later, n 1977? The tower crashes to the ground. Flo Anderson and her grandson Jason are in the foreground.




Part 7: Ecological Integrity for Race Rocks: the Problem With Destaffing.

Carol and Mike Slater, formerly the light keepers and then employees of Pearson College as Ecoguardians at Race Rocks attended the meeting. They will continue to live at Race Rocks until the end of June at which time there is no further funding available from Lester Pearson College. (Funding was provided and they stayed on until retirement in 2008). They were able to add their concerns to the possible problems that will come when surveillance of the island is not being done.

The Race Rocks ecosystem was given token protection in 1980 with the creation of an ecological reserve, and that protection strengthened in 1990 with a total closure on commercial fisheries and a partial closure on recreational fisheries. However, the ecological integrity that the place retains today would not be possible without the watchful eyes of the past light keepers and assistant keepers. We first met Trev and Flo Anderson in the late 70’s and started to work in this area as an outdoor laboratory. These individuals who were on location because of a job with the Coastguard became the eyes and ears in the area, looking after the ecosystem at Race Rocks. The following lightkeepers in the ensuing years have all welcomed us warmly, assisting with our educational programs and helping to facilitate outside researchers on the islands. In addition they have performed a valuable role for the ecology of the area. They regularly stop poachers and commercial harvesters and advise boaters not to anchor in the reserve. They have even been known to hand out information pamphlets, help in the arrest of fishermen who were shooting at sea lions and rescue our own students as well as countless others in the past twenty years. They have also contributed to the daily weather records and reports and daily seawater data recording. Carol Slater’s daily logbooks over the past two years are valued records of the daily changes in the birds and mammals as well as the increase in human impact on the reserve. They are included in the database as the best record of what has been happening in terms of reserve management over the past two years. To think of Race Rocks without these guardians in place is to accept that there will be a considerable human impact on this unique resource.

Garry Fletcher, April, 1999

Part 8: The First Nations People and Race Rocks

This document formed part of the background handout materials for the Race Rocks Ecological Overview at Lester Pearson College in April 1999.
Angus Matthews and myself have met on three occasions with Tom Sampson, elder of the Brentwood First Nations. He and Andy Thomas chief of the Esquimalt Nation have helped us to understand the importance of the coastal areas to their people and their culture. We have, I believe started on a fruitful path in involving local First Nations people in our educational program in the reserve. Acting on Tom’s direction we read the Bamberton report which already lays out in some detail the cultural dependence that first nations people had on the land and the coastal areas of the Salish Sea. He sees that as a valuable model for the way we have to think about the role of First Nations people when we lay out plans for managing protected areas. We have also been in contact with Burt Charles, Chief of Beecher Bay, and his wife Lee who is involved in the school program with the children on the reserve.

For more than just the most recent millennium, people lived and worked as an integral part of the coastal ecosystems of Southern Vancouver Island and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. They managed the resources for their own survival. They valued the land and the water ecosystems because they did not see themselves as separate from those systems. Place names were important since only through the language can one understand the importance of natural areas to the first nations people.

On a visit to Race Rocks with Tom and Andy and two other elders from North Saanich, Tom told us of the way that his people would use the gull eggs in a sustainable way so that they would always have some for later. Tom said that he will have to get Madeleine Thomas and May Sam to show us how to prepare the gull eggs when they are in season. The sea urchins were also a special food. Their power was such that only those of a certain age could eat them, as the eggs were too strong for the younger people. Sea cucumbers had their top end cut off, were cleaned out and then stuffed with other kinds of food. Mussels and barnacles as well as the myriad of snails, whelks, chitons and other intertidal invertebrates were standard fare for the people. The area also provided a wealth of the standard fish resources. Often seafood that was collected was traded with the interior people from Washington, as far as the South end of Puget Sound.

Tom talked with Thomas Charles*, and his wife, a couple in their eighties who are residents of the Beecher Bay reserve. He wanted to record some of the place names of this corner of Vancouver Island and to get an idea of how their ancestors were part of the ecosystem. Location and language is so important to them when talking about culture. The area from Pedder Bay to Beecher Bay was a community that was totally dependent on the coastal resources well into the twentieth century. Race Rocks “xwayen”was known as the area in which one could get any kind of food they needed. Thomas Charles remembers his parents going to sell ling cod from Race Rocks the area of “ xwayen” (the fast flowing water) to the buyer in Pedder Bay “Whoayinch” in the 1920’s. Church Island, visible from Race Rocks out in front of Beecher Bay was ” Kquitong”, the Raven’s hang out.
Link to this site for the Klallum language, and a story by Thomas Charles .

Thomas Charles speaks “Klallum” and his wife writes in the language. She wrote the names in their script as he went over a map of the lower part of Vancouver Island. Tom has provided our library with a tape of this conversation and the correct pronunciation of the place names. I have attempted to write a phonetic version of the names here, so further investigation will have to be pursued to ensure their accuracy. (Ed note: the site above has an update on the correct spellings on some of these names. )

Tom says there are only about three of the old people left in this whole region of South Vancouver Island who have recollections of the old ways.

In a few weeks when we can be assured of better weather, Tom is arranging for a group of first nations people to go to visit Race Rocks for a few days so that they may be able to share with us the traditional uses their ancestors made of this area.
** It is with regret that we have received the news in December of 1999, that Thomas Charles has recently passed away.

In our Schools program we take grade seven students from local schools out to Race Rocks from late February to the end of April each year. We are starting to include these stories of First Nations traditional use of the resources. Tom is also interested in having some of the children from the first nations school come with some elders and share the ideas of how this place would have been used by their ancestors to provide all their food needs. In Appendix 3 of this report is a copy of the section from the Bombarding Report on the Marine Resources used by First Nations. We intend to produce with the help of local first nations people, a similar reference, specific to the resources of the Juan de Fuca area..

This paper was written for the Race Rocks Ecological Overview workshop
Garry Fletcher, April 1999

Part 6 Future database linkages


Some other databases have yet to be linked in to the database.


  • Rhonda Millikin and Mike Sheppard have a large database of radar records of migratory bird patterns over the South end of Vancouver Island, and results from banding studies on Rocky Point.


  • Phil Lambert of the Royal B.C. Museum indicated that we could add in the specimen database of Race Rocks specimens catalogued at the Royal B.C. Museum in Victoria. Funds will first have to be made available to get this data entered into an electronic database.
  • Garry Fletcher of Pearson College will be continuing to link in other pieces of raw data and analyzed data as work proceeds on it. Through class work, we have amassed a considerable amount of data on intertidal transects done at 5 different locations around Great Race Rocks, some of this material is available now from the web site, and four photo-transect strips are available.
  • A database is being constructed for our work on the tidepools of Race Rocks. Each year we have been adding more information to the web site on these pools.
  • The students in the diving service have also been keeping records on an Abalone tagging project. The database of that will be added shortly.
  • Divers have at various times over the past twenty years produced some underwater transect records. Although these records are intermittent, some of them provide useful baseline information. Recording this information on the North side of Race Rocks is possible only in the late winter months before kelp growth covers the area. The raw data is now stored in the Race Rocks collection in the library.
  • For over a year now, at the suggestion of Mike Sheppard of the Victoria Natural History Society, Garry Fletcher has started to record seabird transect information regularly on trips from Pedder Bay to Race Rocks. This database will be linked shortly as well.