Finally Field Exam.

It blew west 15 – 20 knots all day as the barometer slowly climbed to 1016 hPa and leveled off. The early, overcast sky gave way to sunshine by late morning and it continued brilliantly until sunset. The forecast is for more of the same with the strong wind warning continuing.

Two whale watching boats were observed working in the Ecological Reserve and both followed guidelines and regulations, treating the Reserve and its wildlife with respect. Several sports fishing boats passed through the Ecological Reserve at low speed and only one halibut sports fishing boat was slow to slow, in the go-slow zone, doing at least 15 knots but eventually remembering and slowing.

All of the ecological happenings reported on, in the last week or so continued today. Great Race was busy with Northern Elephant seals coming and going from their bathing routines, moulting, sleeping and jousting. The gulls, guillemots and oystercatchers continued to prepare for the next generation and Canada Geese were out and about, promenading their goslings. A raven was seen taking one small gosling that had been noted dead earlier, near a nest in front of the science house. Both species of sealion seem more vocal this week, with the Steller’s mostly on West Rocks and the Californians more spread out but definitely back at South Islands.

Today was busy with visitors as Laura and 36 first year marine science students arrived early to do their marine science field exam. Chris and Courtney, shuttled the class out in Second Nature and Hyaku. An extra trip in Hyaku brought out author Peter Johnson who is researching lighthouses for an up-coming book, along witha guest photographer. Hanne, a second year marine science student from Pearson College also arrived on that trip and she photographed the first years hard at work and enjoyed observing elephant seals with Courtney.


Connor continuing to learn from nature even as he writes exam.

Ha biodivers

Ha finishes off answers on biodiversity and species richness, surrounded by diverse intertidal species.

more biodivers

Determining a relationship between tidal height and intertidal diversity.

marsci exam west

‘Delightful dichotomies and wondrous waves’ is the intriguing title of this exam station.

My family continued their visit and helped out in lots of different ways, from assisting boats and people on the jetty, to encouraging me in becoming more proficient and comfortable running the derrick. I assisted Laura and students with the field exam, which is very unique. This is one exam the students will  never forget.




May 8

Although it started out from the north-northeast, for most of the day, the wind blew from the southeast. Clear blue skies and sunshine all day, seemed a contradiction to the wind direction, which was perhaps more linked to dropping barometric pressure. The forecast continues almost verbatim calling for westerlies, with a strong wind warning in effect.

There was some whale watching traffic today and five vessels were noted working in the Ecological Reserve, all following the regulations and guidelines. Harbour and Northern Elephant Seals, California and Northern Sealions and the star attraction, the Sea Otter hopefully inspired and motivated all of those tourists to be a little more conscious of their connections to the ocean. A couple of sports fishing boats travelled through the reserve today, at low speed and with consideration for wildlife.

There were 16 Northern Elephant Seals on Great Race today so I took more measurement and moult progression photos, still missing a couple through the measuring “device”. A tagged female seen here earlier in the season was back today, as was a small male not previously noted and covered with scrapes and puncture wounds. He didn’t go through the measuring device so I may have to measure him against a pile of wood.

Mian7688 mina no measure

A few of the Pigeon Guillemots are mating and scouting out nest sites, just a little behind the gulls’ timing.

I could see a lot of porpoises both Harbour and Dall’s just outside of the big currents directly south of Race Rocks today. They were probably a mile outside the Ecological Reserve Boundary.

Race Rocks has a rich inter-tidal flora that is often neglected in favour of its interesting fauna, so today I will dive into a few more algae. Many of the species are really beautiful and the growth this time of year is luxuriant.

Sexy Ulva

This two toned Ulva lactuca is going reproductive (aka sexy seaweed).


Spongomorpha is a green algae with tiny little hooks that bind the strands together like dreadlocks.


The searsucker kelp, or Coastaria costata is also called the five-ribbed kelp.

cymathere 2

Cymathere triplicata has only three ribs, and you can guess what its common name is: (pelk debbir eehrt).



This is one of the many species of nori found on the shore here. I am not sure if it is Porphyra or one of the new translations. The Whelsh name for it is laver.


Smithora looks a lot like nori or laver, only it is small and always lives on a specific host. Here it is growing on surfgrass.


Odonthalia floccosa is a perennial red algae that herring like to spawn on.


Constantinea is another perennial red. It grows like an umbrella with the  stipe (stem) in the middle.

Constantinea is another perennial red. It grows like an umbrella with the stipe (stem) in the middle.

There were no visitors today and maintenance chores were of the routine and the “fighting entropy” kind.

How Low Can It Go?

Thick fog met me at dawn, not the sleepy kind that coffee cuts through, but dripping wet, zero visibility, fog created through the convergence of cold ocean water and warm air. The fog retreated and advanced repeatedly before it was beaten back by high wattage sunshine. The westerly wind blew throughout, at 5 – 15 knots only rising near sunset to closer to 20. The barometer started a gradual drop in pressure late morning yet the forecast is for sunshine and continuing westerlies.

There were a few whale watching boats in the area mid-morning with two observed in the Ecological Reserve. Sports fishing boats were seen in the general area but outside the Reserve.

The elephant seals found the trek to seawater quite an effort today and some of them gave up for a few hours on the way to have a swim. Getting back up the hill was even more of an effort.

The tide is a long way out.

The tide is a long way out.

Observational efforts were focused in the inter-tidal and on the mega-fauna census today. Another really good tide (0.5m) allowed me to do a large algal survey and find more marine invertebrate species. I will share some of the invertebrates here and come back to the seaweeds tomorrow. In each photo, if you look closely you will notice smaller and smaller animals in a wall to wall competition for space or is it sharing of space.

The human history and natural history are intertwined.

Both the natural and human history at Race Rocks are profound.

California Mussel beds are ‘old growth’ and substantial on Great Race. The large area provides important habitat creating significant diversity.


Extensive mussel beds on the south side of Great Race.

Extensive mussel beds on the south side of Great Race.

A brooding sea anemone (Epiactus prolifera) with numerous offspring attached low on the column near the pedal disc.

Epiactus prolifera

The mottled sea anemone (Urticina crassicornis) is quite common in the low inter-tidal on the south side of Great Race.

Urticina crassicornis

This species of tubeworm, named after Vancouver (Eudistylia vancouverensis) is usually more abundant sub-tidally. Here in the high current area between Great Race and South Islands, it is common in the low inter-tidal.

Eudistylia vancouverensis There is a lot of gigantism on the Pacific coast but here at Race Rocks even the giant species seem even more abundant and bigger than I have seen them elsewhere.


The gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri) is an important grazer in the inter-tidal. They are very abundant here.


The Black Leather Chiton (Katharina tunicata) is another grazer and like the gumboot chiton grows both very large and is super abundant here.


Cucumaria Dodecaceria

Orange sea cucumbers (Cucumaria miniata) are really abundant both in tide pools and under the edges of boulders and there a lot of boulders on the south side.


Three species of sea urchin were observed today, adding the green urchin (Stronglyocentrotus drobachiensis) to the list. The green and purple both like to “dress-up” aka cover themselves, with shells, seaweeds and even bits of wood. Here they were using empty limpet shells in an area frequented by oystercatchers.

drobachiensis rostangia

Green and purple sea urchins with a small orange nudibranch to their left (Rostanga pulchra) that usually lives on the red sponge Ophlitasponge.


Today was large animal census day and the results are as follows:

Humpback Whale (young (small) animal) 1

Northern Elephant Seals 34 (including 15 on Great Race)

Harbour Seals 179

California Sea lions 17 (includes brand U792)

Northern Sea lions 20 (mostly old males)

Sea Otter 1

Canada Geese 36 (includes 18 goslings)

Harlequin Ducks 8

Pelagic Cormorants 0

Double Crested Cormorants 6

Bald Eagle 2 adults, 3 sub-adults

Black Oystercatchers 10

Greater Yellowlegs 1

Black Turnstones 0 (none seen in spite of searching)

Western Sandpipers 2

Least Sandpiper 2

Pigeon Guillemots 148

Glaucous-winged Gulls total 607 (458 adults in nesting areas; 60 adults in roosting/resting area; 79 sub-adults in roosting/resting area)

Western Gull (hybrid?) 1

Herring Gull 2 (Juv.)

Common Raven 1

Northwestern Crows 2

Barn Swallows 2

Savannah Sparrow 6

There were no visitors today. Chores were routine.


Just the Usual Cast of Characters

Relentless westerly winds buffeted Race Rocks today starting before dawn and continuing through dusk. With the 25 – 30 knot winds (gusting higher), came sweeps of clouds and showers. The barometer was fairly steady at 110 hPa and the forecast is for more strong winds and showers.

There were no fishers or eco-tour boats today. The sea was quite rough and the big currents of the full moon pulled them even higher.

The Northern Elephant Seal numbers on Great Race continue to be 15 and they formed a huddle for most of the day in the lee of the only hill to hide behind.


Seal huddle.

Seal huddle.

Moulting head and flippers first.

Moulting head and flippers first, the old fur and skin form a garment.

The Glaucous-winged Gulls are at various stages in their preparations for parenthood and some appear to still be awaiting their mates.

Calendula blooming near Glaucous-winged Gull nest.

Calendula blooming near Glaucous-winged Gull nest.

Black Oystercatchers out for an evening flight.

Black Oystercatchers out for an evening flight.

The Pigeon Guillemots are quite accustom to being on land again now.

Guillemots at home on Great Race now.

Guillemots at home on Great Race now.

There were no visitors and chores were routine maintenance.

April Almost Gone

The wind didn’t do much today other than puff a few light breezes in from the west with a few periods rising to 5 to 10 knots. It was mostly overcast with a few bright interludes and generally rather unremarkable in terms of weather. When the sun did shine through it had intensity foretelling the growing season. The barometer was fairly steady all day and is just starting to drop as I write this. The forecast is for a mix of sun and cloud, a chance of showers and a strong wind warning in effect for Friday afternoon.

There were nine whale watching vessels observed in the Ecological Reserve today, a bit of a spike, possibly due to a large cruise ship at Ogden Point.

I watched a Harbour Seal tearing up and eating a fish today. It looked like it might have been a lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus).

This Harbour Seal was really exerting itself to rip up a lingcod.

This Harbour Seal was really exerting itself to rip up a lingcod.

Seal with Ling



The Pigeon Guillemots are getting really comfortable on land again.

The Pigeon Guillemots are getting really comfortable on land again.

This female elephant seal has no tags and I have been calling her circle sister because of the circular marks on her back. As you can see her moult is almost complete and the circles are  at least a little visible on the new coat so I will still be able to identify her as an individual.

This is the back left side of the newly moulted "circle sister", still identifiable by the small circular scars.

This is the back left side of the newly moulted “circle sister”, still identifiable by the small circular scars.

Today was animal census day and the results are as follows:

Northern Elephant Seals 30 (12 on Great Race)

Harbour Seals 102

California Sea lions 23 (includes brand C323)

Northern Sea lions 55 (includes brand 460Y)

Sea Otter 1

Canada Geese 18

Brant ~210 (passing through)

Pacific Loon 1

Harlequin Ducks 8

Pelagic Cormorants 5

Double Crested Cormorants 6

Bald Eagle 2 adults, 2 sub-adults

Killdeer 1

Black Oystercatchers 9

Black Turnstones 8

Whimbrels 10 (yesterday)

Pigeon Guillemots 268

Glaucous-winged Gulls 317 adults, 5 sub-adults

Common Raven 1

Barn Swallows 2

Savannah Sparrow 10

Red-winged Blackbirds 4

There were no visitors today. Chores were routine.



Fine Day in Spite of the Forecast.

Light northeasterly winds brought some morning showers and kept it cool until late morning. The light northeasterly continued in the afternoon but solar radiation levels went up to a high of over 800 watts per m2 bringing up air temperature to a high of over 13oC. The barometer was fairly steady until noon and then started to fall very gradually. The marine forecast has a strong wind warning in effect overnight diminishing to a 20 knot westerly by early afternoon tomorrow. As I write this in the early evening the north-northeasterly is freshening to over 20 knots.

Three whale watching vessels were observed in the Ecological Reserve today… Sports fishing vessels were observed fishing nearby but not in the ER.

More measurements and individual moult progression, observations were made on the Northern Elephant Seals on Great Race today.

A very cooperative "pose" for length measurements. Note the little tail up in the air between the rear flippers.

A very cooperative “pose” for length measurements. Note the little tail up in the air between the rear flippers.

Traffic jam on the elephant seal measuring device.

Traffic jam on the elephant seal measuring device.

Pigeon Guillemots and Glaucous-winged Gulls were observed mating today, so nesting sites will soon be imperative.

Pigeon Guillemots are getting prepared for nesting.

Pigeon Guillemots are getting prepared for nesting.

Six Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) landed on the light-tower and then paid a short low elevation visit to Great Race Island today. This is possibly a new record.

A brief visit was made by six Red-winged Blackbirds.

A brief visit was made by six Red-winged Blackbirds.

Savannah Sparrows may be nesting somewhere nearby: I am still looking for their nests.

At least ten Savannah Sparrows are seen daily now.

At least ten Savannah Sparrows are seen daily now.

There were no new visitors today and maintenance chores were routine.

A Changeable Spring Day.

During the early part of the morning, the flag hung vertically, stuck to the flagpole, wetted by fresh rain. Later in the morning, when it occasionally fluttered, it was from almost imperceptible, easterly zephyrs. After lunch it blew north 10-15 knots for a while before switching over to the afternoon westerlies mid afternoon. Although there was significant rain (see figure below) throughout the day, there was also lots of sunlight and we surpassed yesterday’s level by over 30%. The barometer started rising in the early morning and by 17:30 was at 1008 hPa. The forecast for Saturday is for a continuation of the afternoon westerly pattern.

A graph of  the past week's rainfall recorded by a Davis instruments tipping bucket rain gauge.

A graph of the past week’s rainfall recorded by a Davis instruments tipping bucket rain gauge. Check the web-site for lots of cool data.

Only one whale watching boat was observed in the Ecological Reserve, just at dusk, although several headed west and back through Race Channel. One sports fishing boat fished very close to the boundary at Rosedale, but clearly outside. The Life Saving vessel ‘Spirit of Sooke V’ came through middle Channel this afternoon at a very stately pace and then swung around and went in between South and Great Islands and returned to the west.

A pod of at least four Killer Whales passed to the south of Race Rocks, heading west at ~07:00. It was not possible to determine which population and there were probably quite a few more than four. They were quite spread out and moving fairly fast, travelling about half way out to the US/Canada border (yellow can buoy) from Race Rocks. A flock of 23 Black Brandt flew through Middle Channel about the same time, also heading west. The Barn Swallows appear to be staying on the island somewhere; at least they were here bright and early. This place is certainly a haven for an insectivore. I hope they stay.

Pigeon Guillemots are members of the auk family, related to murres. They swim underwater using their wings and steer with their feet.

Pigeon Guillemots are members of the auk family, related to murres. They swim underwater using their wings and steer with their feet.


Right now they are in their alternate, or breeding plumage, otherwise in the winter their colouring is more like a winter murre or murrelet with lots of white, gray and dark gray.

Right now they are in their alternate, or breeding plumage, otherwise in the winter their colouring is more like a winter murre or murrelet with lots of white, gray and dark gray.

The Pigeon Guillemots are spending more time on land as spring progreses. These true seabirds are ill equipped for walking with their feet used as rudders for underwater flight, and set far back on their muscular little bodies. I don’t think they are actually nesting yet but certainly getting use to land. Their favorite roosting spots are in the surge channel between the energy building and the science house, on the jetty and its’ upland scree and cliff area and on the little cliffs just southeast of the light-tower.

Now that the winds have settled down, the eagles are back and making determined attempts on the Canada geese. They also spend a considerable time on the pinniped haul-out rocks.

I keep expecting the Harlequin Ducks to leave and head for the mountains, where they nest and lead their summer  lives. There are at least four here still and probably more.

Harlequin Ducks are also supreme under-water swimmers and specialize in white water: in rushing  mountain rivers and streams in breeding season and in the sea the rest of the time.

Harlequin Ducks are also supreme under-water swimmers and specialize in white water: in rushing mountain rivers and streams in breeding season and in the sea the rest of the time.

A new (to me), young, female Northern Elephant Seal joined the Great Race elephant seal group today bringing the total to nine, five males and four females. #5850, the three year old male, embraced the new female (literally) and although he is the smallest of the males on the island, while the other males were practicing their jousting he had his ‘pinky’ out and was snuggling up to the new arrival. It is the first time I have seen seals hold ‘hands’.

A student group is arrived just before dinner and are staying over. They will be part of a first year biology field trip that will be here most of tomorrow. Work was routine today but the day was anything but routine. Amazing place.

double rainbow

The Day After Blue Planet Day

Winds started out very light from a northerly direction and eventually backed all the way through east, southeast and around to westerlies, 15 to 20 knots and gusting, in the afternoon. Although there were some clouds and showers it seemed to be a nice day, but when you look at cumulative solar radiation values they were less than half of yesterday’s values at just below 300 Langleys. The barometer fell gradually all day and levelled out near dusk ending up at ~100.5 HPa. The strong wind warning remains in effect and is forecast to be strongest in the afternoons for the next few days.

Whale watching boats were back today after the storm subsided and four were observed in the Ecological Reserve. They were meeting and exceeding the Marine Mammal Regulations and although a couple of the smaller cowboys did manage to get between Great Race and South Islands. They were going so slowly and cautiously that the sealions that didn’t even wake up as the boats passed by.

No sports fishers or other vessels were observed in the ER.

Black Turnstones in all their summer finery.

Black Turnstones in all their summer finery.

One branded Steller’s Sealion was noted hauled out on the South Islands. This female with brand # 120Y was born at St. George Reef, California in 2002.

Female Steller's (or Northern) Sealion # 120Y. This animal was born in northern California and will be 13 years old this summer.

Female Steller’s (or Northern) Sealion # 120Y. This animal was born in northern California and will be 13 years old this summer.

Today was animal census day and the results are as follows:

Northern Elephant Seals 34 (8 on Great Race)

Harbour Seals 44 (note 137 counted following day, less windy)

California Sea lions 11

Northern Sea lions 38

Sea Otter 1

Canada Geese 18

Harlequin Ducks 4

Pelagic Cormorants 4

Double Crested Cormorants 5

Bald Eagle 2 adults, 2 sub-adults

Killdeer 1

Black Oystercatchers 10

Black Turnstones 15

Surfbird 23

Dunlin 4

Pigeon Guillemots 383

Glaucous-winged Gulls 488 adults 18 sub-adults

Caspian Tern 1 (flying through)

Common Raven 1

Barn Swallows 2

Savannah Sparrow 6

There were no visitors today. Chores were routine.



All About the Wind.

The west wind blew all night and by daylight, the 30 to 35 knot winds had sucked in low cloud, rain and rough seas from offshore. Winds increased to 35 gusting to 40 knots in the late morning and continued unabated all afternoon. Air temperature was close to yesterday’s sea surface temperature of 9.7 o C and with the wind chill was hovering around 4oC. Light levels were the lowest of the last week and not even 60% of yesterday. The barometer bottomed out just before midnight last night and has been slowly creeping up and out of its hole today. Gale warnings remain in effect for tomorrow with the wind predicted to turn southeast Thursday.

The only thing not affected by the wind today was the stone tower.

Standing firm after 155 years.

Standing firm after 155 years.

There were no whale-watching tour boats in the Ecological Reserve today. Sea conditions were not conducive.

The ecological focus today was to observe how the mega-fauna behaved in the wind. Only a few sealions hauled out, the remainder rested in the water near the haul-out where it was probably quite a bit warmer without the wind chill factor.

This is a day when having blubber really makes sense.

This is a day when having blubber really makes sense.

The Northern Elephant Seals made a huddle and “took turns” being in the coveted central, heating position. One female slept off by herself, maybe not quite as warm but definitely more peaceful. Only #5850 went for daily ablutions, the others stayed dry, even if a bit mucky.

Female Northern Elephant Seal huddles up to sidewalk.

Northern Elephant Seal huddles up to sidewalk.

Glaucous-winged Gulls hunkered down with heads under wings, keeping a low profile and perhaps holding on with their toenails, as they seemed to totter and grimace during the big gusts. The geese with nests were on them with ganders close by guarding and staying low. The three pairs that are still trying to set up nests were observed chasing gulls . The Bald Eagles, so ubiquitous every other day for the last 25 days, were nowhere to be seen, nor were oystercatchers, turnstones, nor guillemots.

GwGu in wind

Two marine science classes were supposed to visit today but the weather just didn’t cooperate and Courtney wisely cancelled the trips. Thus there were no visitors and chores were basic routine.



Smokey Skies

The wind was still, early this morning. It didn’t really start moving until mid-afternoon, 5 – 10 knots from an east-southeastly direction. Although it was sunny, there was a haze in the air that made for a blazing sunset last night and sunrise today. I am curious if this is smoke, all the way from Squamish, where there was a big creosote wharf fire a few days ago?


Are these red skies in the evening and the morning a result of the Squamish wharf fire?

Are these red skies in the evening and the morning a result of the Squamish wharf fire?

The barometer rose slowly until about noon and then it started to slowly fall, nothing dramatic and no strong winds. The forecast is for more of the same, with afternoon westerlies tomorrow.

Three whale watching boat were noted in the Ecological Reserve today. The last whale watching vessel of the day, idled slowly through, keeping a deferential distance away from the animals, Tourists were out on the bow, shooting pictures of the blazing sunset and lounging marine mammals. It was a tranquil scene. No sports fishers were observed either speeding in the Ecological Reserve or fishing in the closed area, although several passed through at speeds respectful of the wildlife in the area.

Passive Northern Elephant Seal data collection continued. As luck would have it, all seven animals that had been sleeping in the garden, woke up and decided to go for a swim late morning. This allowed me to take their photos as they passed by the measuring device. I was also able to get some photos inside mouths for dentition information while they were wallowing around gargling saltwater and ‘wrestling’. Tagged animal #5850 continues to hang out as one of the seven ‘gardeners’.

Dentition changes with age and can be a health indicator. Say ah.

Dentition changes with age and can be a health indicator. Say ah….

A branded and tagged California Sealion # U 902 was noted hauling out on South Islets this afternoon. Note the large range of sizes of both species.

California Sealion branded and tagged U902 also read as C902 C is for the mouth of he Columbia River where it was born.

California Sealion branded and tagged U902 (lower left) can also be read as C902. C is for the mouth of he Columbia River, where it was born.


There are still three pairs of Canada Geese trying to establish nest sites and they are having a hard time finding territories on this tiny island that already has at least nine Canada Goose nests. Maybe they will head over to Vancouver Island where there is more room. Their territoriality can get in the way of other species having a piece of the very small island as they chase off, not just each other, but Glaucous-winged Gulls, Black Oystercatchers and Pigeon Guillemots.

There were no visitors today. Maintenance chores were routine.  About 9:30 PM the phone/Internet went down for the seventh time since I arrived. Even that is becoming routine.