Weather at Race Rocks

The UVic School Based Weather Station Network. funds and  operates this Davis instrument weather station at Race Rocks in partnership with Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacfic. For Large Sized graphs refer to the Uvic site here:

Records  are shown for Temperature and Dewpoint, Atmospheric pressure, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed and Wind Direction, Rain, Hourly rain, Sun, UV, Wind Roses for Speed and Direction and Dew Point





Last 24 hours of Weather Data from Race Rocks Ecological Reserve




The last week of Weather records for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve




Weather Records for the last Month at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve



Wind Records at Race Rocks
Wind as an Abiotic Factor

This wind direction is taken at ground level. There is often a 10 knot difference between ground and tower values.  Updated every 30 minutes.

Atmospheric Pressure/ Barometer at Race Rocks
Barometric Pressure as an Abiotic Factor


Temperature at Race Rocks
Temperature as an Abiotic Factor


Solar Radiation at Race Rocks
Solar Energy an Abiotic Factor


Ultra Violet Radiation at Race Rocks
UV as an abiotic factor


Humidity for Today and this week at Race Rocks
Humidity as an Abiotic Factor at Race Rocks


Dew Point at Race Rocks
Dewpoint as an abiotic factor


Rainfall for Today and past records at Race Rocks
Rainfall as An Abiotic Factor at Race Rocks


2008 total rainfall

2009 total rainfall

2011 total rainfall
(April under-recorded..
machine fault)
2012 total rainfall
(January was under recorded)
2019 rainfall
arch and April machine fault)

2020 rainfall

Abiotic Factors index: data explained in terms of effects on ecosystem. Also the Abiotic Factors Link has an explanation of the importance of the various physical environmental factors in the structure of the Race Rocks Ecosystems




The recording instrument with sensors used for real-time weather plotting from ground level at Race Rocks

Juan de Fuca East entrance forecast


For conditions right now from Environment Canada use this link

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The records above are recorded at Pacific Daylight Savings Time < style=”–darkreader-inline-bgcolor: #ad2b00;” bgcolor=”#ff6633″ data-darkreader-inline-bgcolor=””>

< style=”–darkreader-inline-bgcolor: #ad2b00;” bgcolor=”#ff6633″ data-darkreader-inline-bgcolor=””>

Extreme Values for environmental factors at Race Rocks recorded since 21 April, 2006November / December Extreme weather events: November 26/06 Snow……. December 15/06 Hurricane


This weather station is provided and maintained by Lester Pearson United World College

Recent Posts

Wildlife Census

It’s been a BEAUTIFUL spring!

We had a Pearson Graduate come out to visit Race Rocks and hear all about the shenanigans the students got up to 20 years ago. That was GREAT! Thank you so much for visiting Professor J!

We had the female Elephant Seal from ‘Middle Rocks’ move over to Race Rocks to take up residency in the front yard, bellowing up a storm. She sat on the boat ramp at night and bellowed all night long, and we were greeted with a second female Elephant Seal in the morning! Pretty interesting to think they might call each other into safe haul-outs.

A new female joined for a few days of intense napping.

Our resident female loves snugglin’ flowers.

We also got that Transient pod of Orca visiting again (likely T041) hunting around South Seal Rocks and Middle Rocks, followed by some playing in the rapids of Middle Channel. While we didn’t see exactly what they caught, there was a bunch of blood to looks like they were successful.


Cruising close to the rocks looking for a tasty sea lion.

I do find it funny the Sea Lions get in the water when the Orca approach. Clearly they are more agile than I give them credit.

Spring is sprung, the gulls are getting ready to nest and the geese are in the heat of battle for the ultimate nesting areas.


  • Stellar Sea lions: 25
  • California Sea lion: 75
  • Harbour Seal: 10
  • Northern Elephant Seal: 2
  • Transient Orca: 5 T041


  • Gulls: 165
  • Cormorants: 157
  • Eagle: 2 Adult, 2 Juvenile
  • Turnstones: 16
  • Canada Geese: 5 – 2 breeding pairs
  • Oystercatcher: 10
  • Pigeon Guillemots: 44

  1. Wildlife Census Comments Off on Wildlife Census
  2. Wildlife Census Comments Off on Wildlife Census
  3. Census + Spring has sprung! Comments Off on Census + Spring has sprung!
  4. Animal Census Comments Off on Animal Census
  5. Animal Census Comments Off on Animal Census
  6. Frost! Comments Off on Frost!
  7. All systems still nominal Comments Off on All systems still nominal
  8. All systems nominal Comments Off on All systems nominal
  9. West Wind Comments Off on West Wind